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BRUCELLOSIS PREVALENCE IN DOGS AND DONKEYS COMMINGLED WITH LARGE AND SMALL RUMINANTS Ceres AR Roce eae No 4 Centre of Studies in Animal and Veterinary Science (CECAV). Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 6001-801, Vila Real, Portugal 2 North Division of the Food and Veterinary National Authority. Division of Intervention of Douro Sul and Vila Real cote Brucellosis is an important conta: failure, with profound public health significance due to its zoonotic character. us disease responsible for reproductive INTRODUCTION In Portugal, brucellosis control is mandatory. All cattle older than 12 months and small ruminants older than 3-months are subjected to annual serological testing. Po: Bengal and complement fixation tests are positive. Farms with pos ive animals are culled when both the Rose ive animals are subjected to an epidemiological survey to clarify the origin of the outbreak. Since Brucella spp. can infect other species, animals commingli maintenance of brucellosis at farm and a potential zoonotic source for farmers. The objective of this study 19 with ruminants such as dogs and donkeys could represent risk factor for the dogs and donkeys commingled with cattle, sheep and Presence at farm, abortions, health issues) and data about farms (sp. brucellosis status) were recorded. RESULTS The results showed that neither donkeys nor dogs screened were p In addition, owners informed that dogs and donkeys commingled None of them reported abortions these animals or musculoskelel DISCUSSION prevalence of brucellosis. Brucellosi these animals commingled with large and small ¥ in dogs is caused by B. canis how meliitensis and Brucella abortus have been described in dogs commingled wi role of dogs in the epidemiology of large and small ruminant brucellosis contamination of the environment by aborted material and infected vagi goats abortions in the environment. inants. Thei discharges from bitch by mechanical dissemination of infected material from cattle, shi Research about donkey brucellosi role in the epidemiology of ruminants brucellosis is not well unt probably associated to equine is scarce and limited in arc th high prevalence in ru brucellosis, acting as reservoir of brucellosis. “Corresponding author: Juan Garcia-Diez. DVM, MSc, PhD.

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