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1. Seorang pasien diberikan transfusi darah. Darah mengalir dari botol

melalui pipa dan jarum yang dimasukkan ke dalam pembuluh darah.
Diameter bagian dalam jarum 0,30 mm, panjang jarum 5 cm. Laju aliran
darah yang diperlukan adalah 3 cm 3 per menit. Dengan asumsi tekanan
darah 18 torr di atas tekanan atmosfir berapakah tinggi botol harus
diletakkan di atas jarum ?
Diketahui : densitas darah ρ = 1,06 g/cm 3 dan viskositas darah  = 4
2. A liquid (viscosity 0.002 Ns/m2; density 1000 kg/m3) is pumped
through the circular tube, as shown in figure. A differential manometer
is connected to the tube to measure the pressure drop along the tube.
When the differential reading h is 6 mm, what is the pressure difference
between the points 1 and 2?
Solution :

Assume that the pressure at point 1 is P1. See Fig. 1.19. The pressure at
point a is increased by the column of water between the points 1 and a. The
specific gravity water of the water is 9810 N/m3. If the vertical distance
between 1 and a is da, then the pressure at a is

The pressure at b can now be calculated from the pressure at a. Point b is

at a higher position than point a. Therefore, the pressure at b is less than
the pressure at a. The pressure at b is

where gauge is the specific weight of the gauge fluid and h is the height of
point b with respect to point a. The pressure at 2 is also lower than the
pressure at b and is calculated from
Finally, the pressure difference between 1 and 2 is written as



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