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Chapter 1P - Sound synthesis with Max/MSP 1p

The Object List is a pop-up menu that allows you to choose easily between the
hund reds of objects available in Max/MSP. Each of the visible words, if hovered
over with the mouse, wi ll reveal a sub-menu that conta ins a list of objects for
that part icular category. For example, the Math sub-menu conta ins mathemati-
cal operators, wh ile the MIDI sub-menu contains objects for use when com-
mun icating w ith MIDI interfaces.4 An object box takes on the funct ion of any
object's name; if we we re to type, for example, '+' into the int erior of t he box
(or select ·+' from the Math sub-menu in th e Object List), the object would
become the "p lus object" capable of summi ng numbers received from con-
nected objects; alternative ly, if we were to type "m idiout", t he object would
become capable of communicating with your M IDI int erface.

The f irst object that w e w ill create is an audio oscillator. Use t he mouse to select
MSP Synthesis in the Object List,5 which w ill open a menu fro m which you can
select the word cycle- . The word cycle- w ill then appear inside the object
box. Wit h the curso r still in the box, type a space character (an important step!)
fo llowed by t he number 440. Finally, click on any empty spot in the Patcher
W indow in order to deselect the object box.6 The object box has now become
a cycle- object, and should look like f igure 1.4.

Fig.1.4 The cycle- object
cycle~ 440

The short, darker, lines that appear on the upper and lower edges of the object
are the inlets and outlet for cycle-, respectively, wh ich we wi ll examine
short ly. (NB: If the object doesn't display t hese, then you have a problem. Look
for debugg ing tips in the FAQ at the end of th is sect ion.) If you are having trou-
ble using the Object List, try th is instead: type t he name direct ly into t he interior
of th e object box. As you begin to type, a menu wi ll appear that is based on th e
letters you have typed. This menu (an auto-completion menu) w ill show you
all of the objects contained in the Object List that begin w ith letters matching
t he ones you have typed. From the auto -completion menu, you can now select
the word cycle- (but don't select t he word cycle without t he ti lde t hat is
also available!).7

Now w e wi ll create another object, gain- , whose icon in the object palette,
as you can see in figure 1.5, looks a bit like a mixing fader. Create this object

4 For mor e on MI DI, see Chapt er 9.

5 The Object List will on ly appear if the o bject box is empty and the cursor is fl ashing inside it.
6 Or alternat ively, press <Enter> on the Mac or <Shift-En ter > on W indows .
7 Note the character'~ ', w hich is called a tilde , that fo llows t he word cyc le. The tilde character
is almost always t he last character in t he name of o bj ects used to p rocess streams of dig ital audio;
it is an impo rt ant naming convention in Max/MSP. Since some external objects do not app ear in t he
Object List, you w ill somet imes need to typ e (or want to , because it is quicker!) obj ect names directly
into the obj ect box. It will be impo rtant that you know where to f ind th e t ilde on your keyboard ,
especially if you have a non -English one t

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