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common cold is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by a virus

common cold is different from influenza

Common cold has symptoms that are milder than influenza and the time is shorter

2. cause

- several types of viruses that can transmit through saliva splashes

- there are around 200 types, but the most common are rhinovirus, coronavirus, and RSV (respiratory
syncytial virus)

3. symptoms

1. runny nose, 2. stuffy nose, 3. itchy or painful throat, 4. coughing, 5. sneezing, 6. cold starts initially
but can be colored when the disease is getting worse, 7. fever

4. how to transmit,

splash saliva when sneezing,

direct contact

5. prevention

washing hands with soap,

closing the mouth when sneezing,

cleaning the surrounding environment,

opening windows every day

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