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(TS) My favorite place is Kona Village, Hawaii. (SD1) The smell of coconut is
sitting in the room, the tan bedding makes me want to sink into the pillows and
the room is sitting on an ancient lava bed. (SD2) Outside, the gravel crunches
on my feet, and I hear the waves crashing onto the beach. I hear laughter and
voices coming from the pool and dining area. The bar is mixing some kind of
exotic drink. As I walk down to the beach, I smell the wonderful food being lifted
up onto the buffet tables. The beach is wide, and has many small tide pools
towards the end of the beach. The sandy bottom of the ocean softens my feet
as I jump right back up on the boogie board. As I get out, my feet have sand
between the toes, and my hair is wet and salty. The air is salty and full of
fragrant scents like sunscreen and drinks, and food waving through the air.
(SD3) As I grab a plate at the start of the buffet line, I smell food being cooked,
and people chatting. I smell the different scents of food as I pass by them. I
smell the hamburgers being cooked, and the ketchup and fresh French fries
under the beating light. As I sit down at the wood chairs at your table, I eye the
checkered tablecloth and napkin and start eating. The heat is perfect. It is a mix
between warm and a cool breeze. (CS) Seriously, these are the reasons why
Kona Village, Hawaii became my most favorite place.

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