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> Bloody Marionette (healer)

Bloody Marionettes look almost normal, being based on a female frame. Their "spinal
cord" and "ribcage," however, are outside their body, and are composed of glass
tubing, inside which blood can be seen flowing. Similarly, the distal phalanges of
their hands are extended into sharp hypodermic claws, through which they can inject
their blood into any target. Their blood is composed of a viscous oily crimson
liquid that, when injected into an ally, allows for rapid and extended

> Blade Dancer (melee)

Blade Dancers have had their abdomens removed and replaced with a cone of black
metal spikes pointing at a single crystal. Their upper arms and thighs have also
been replaced with slender spikes of black metal, and their calves/feet and
forearms/hands have been replaced by long, razor-sharp blades. Similarly, their
hair is no longer hair, but is instead made up of hundreds of strands of flexible
razor-whips or barbed wire. Blade Dancers attack with their hair and their limb-
blades, and the fact that they don't have many joints (the upper arm/thigh
spikes don't actually touch the blades, the blades are just floating in place. Same
with the abdominal spikes and crystal, there is no actall physical contact) gives
them ridiculous mobility which they abuse the hell out of.

> Iron Maiden (ranged)

Iron Maidens were designed for long-range combat, their right forearms having been
replaced with giant weaponry of black iron, that fires emerald energy in several
distinct fire-modes (automatic fire unleashes a hail of small discrete bolts at a
rate of several thousand per second, "burst" fire emits a single beam for several
seconds, and single-shot fires a tiny sphere of energy that unleashes a massive
explosion upon impact). Their left forearm is covered by a gauntlet of the same
metal, with three pneumatic cylinders extending from the elbow. These cylinders can
be activated to generate additional kinetic impact power in much the same way as a
man-portable biomechanical piledriver. Finally, their skin apears to have been
removed entirely, and their exposed insides appear to be machinery composed of
black iron and green glass.

> Chained Doll (support)

Chained Dolls are much more humanoid, looking just like the girl they were, albeit
with a featureless "face" made of white porcelain, with a single crystal in the
forehead acting as an eye. They tend to wear ragged cloaks, the ends of which meld
into chains that drag along the ground as they float, and they have similar chains
wrapped around their cloak such that they can't actually move their limbs. That
having been said, they attack with chains, and can basically force chains into the
ground in order to spawn thousands more chains in a manner similar to Millenium
Castle Brunestud (from Type-Moon) or, more accurately, similar to Dead Master from
the Black Rock Shooter anime.

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