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Meredith Bugg

When asked if a virus has changed my view on current education, my answer is yes. I
never imagined virtual learning would take up the majority of my junior year of high school. My
perception of education has shifted for the better due to complications caused by the virus. I
always viewed school as waking up early, going through the bell schedule, taking tests, and
doing homework every night. I am the type of student who obsesses over grades; they are my
motivation to study and complete my work. After the first week of virtual learning, I realized that
I must be motivated to learn - not just for the satisfaction of an A.
Motivation is defined in the dictionary as, “​The general desire or willingness of someone
to do something”. Before the countless days of virtual learning, I was determined to learn in
order to succeed on tests, quizzes, exams, and other forms of cumulative assessments. However,
this is not the mentality I want to maintain moving forward. I now know that I should be
motivated to learn new material in order to prepare myself for my future education, not just for a
test I needed to pass. My motivation to learn has changed into a willingness to be responsible for
my own education.
Accountability has also played a big role in my new perception of education. I have been
held more accountable throughout my virtual learning experience than I ever have regarding my
education. Teachers usually oversee our actions in the classroom with respect to tests, classwork,
and general assignments. Without the presence of my teachers as an effect of COVID-19, I have
been deemed more accountable concerning my at home education. I am studying because I want
to learn the material, not just to get an A.
As a result of COVID-19, my take on accountability and motivation has altered. Now, I
have realized how to be responsible and motivated in order to grow my education without the
comfortable school day routine or grade reward.

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