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Draft a matrix on the different literary genres vis-a vis the way to oral interpretation

Leriza Rose L. Averilla.

DRAMA. FICTION. Non-fiction. Poetry

⬇️. ⬇️. ⬇️. ⬇️

COMEDY. Fantasy. Biography. Lyric

TRAGEDY. Romance. Autobiography. Dramatic

⬇️. Thriller. Narrative. ⬇️

Can be. ⬇️. ⬇️. Can be

Done. Can. Can be done. Done on
Through. Be. through a. A theatre
Show or. Done. show, movie. Or via
a play. Via musical. documentary. Live show
⬇️. Play or. ⬇️. Or monologue
Example: theatrical. For example. ⬇️
The. Play. The movie of. For example
Comedy. ⬇️. “Manny Pacquiao” Robert Browning's
Show. The play. That shows how. “My last Duchess” .
The. “Romeo. He become famous.
Simpsons. And

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