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Sarah Faucune Rangkuman Materi Keganasan on isiocs : i Re Mulut ve Otolar: ngotogy airspace leading ultimately into the (ung and all the Structures In these Space -+ nasopharynx, aropharyny, Laringopharyny .ecophagur * Cause of disease + congemear and acquired *Aluc runiut ® logis tentang penyakit dan Sifat khas penyakie Inaden ~ Eeoiog’ + Parogenesis + Gambaran patotagi + Komplikasi dan Kecacatan “Prognosis (sembuh, baik. buruk , cenderung sembuh ,atau cenderung memburuk ) TUMOURS OF tHe NASAL CRUITY_ MO OpanAREAL swUES. ") Squamous cen carcinoma (6¢c) 2) Lymphoep thenal carcinoma 3) Sinonasar Undifrerntiaied cA 4) Adenocarcinoma intestinal - type adenocarcinomas /{CTAS) S.) Salivary Gland - type CR 6) Matignant soft ecsue adenomas 1) Sativany gtand ~type adenomas 8) Malignant soft tiscue tumours 3) Angiosarcoma. 10.) Haematowymphord Tumours- KNF wHO (2005) Martinoma asa mukosa nasoFaning dengan bukti adanya digerenciasi ckuamosa metipues » ")equamous cen carcinoma (wHO-1) 1keeabmang cquamous cell carcinoma 7) Non -Keratinzing carcinoma (WHO -2 /WHO-3) ~>differentrated /undirreren tiated 3.) Baralord squamous cen carcinoma Etiowog: dan Faktor Resiko KNE + Genatik + Resiko Lipectyie *Paparan Lingkungan Nfeksi EB Cepctein-barr virus) {Senn ETS oC ANTES RATHER + Radiotherapy may porentiaty lead to decreased vascularizaiton within the dental putp with the postibiuey OF subsequent Fibrosis and gerophy- + Management OF oral health is espeaaty important For the HNC parent as oral Complications are common both during and arter radiation +The metdonce of some complications (fs awocrated with tenement Factor »JUch as in the case oF osteoradionecnsis and dentat extractions: 1.3 Xerostomia and salivary gland hypo Function + The most Common is KEROSTOMIA 2) Radiation mucositis +a common acute short eer” compitation of head and neck RT Radiation -induced mucositis peaks at 2 Week! post RF oF GO-10GY 3-) Oropharyngeat candidiasis a very Frequent complication of cancer therapy present as a pseudo membranous candidiasis (thrush), with thick white plaques chat wipe off or as a generalized eryhoma and burning discomfort. Treatment * Clotamarole. 4.) Dental Caries - Irradiation 15 thought to have a direct destructive erect On dentat hard tissue , especially at éhe deatinoenamet junction (DEI) Minimal tooth damage occurs below 30 6Yy- PeRloooNITAL QUERSE RT EfFects on pertodontal health include direct and Indirect changes in the oral microflora Caused by radidtibn -induced xerostomia . RT causes changes in oth lone and SOF Hssue that can produce hypovaccular , hypo cellular and hypoxic bone and then can load Ostepradionecronis Caused by the hypoxtc shypocalutar, hypovascuiar deterioration of bone that has been Irradiatiod. Clinicat sign present as bone lysis Under intact gingiva and mucosa -I¢ the soft Hssue breaks down, the bone becomes expoted 10 sabva and secondary contamnation occurs . Trismus can be significant sid@ effect OF RT» especialy 1F Lhe lateral pterygoid muscles are inthe Fletd. Tongue blades can be used to gmdually Thereare Ehe mandibular opening. CHeticoFGe?) sumorsomam anges » Goals during cancor therapy Provide supportive care, provide treatment. 2 Long-term, post treatment goals : Manage xerostomia ,prevent And minimize Eriimus , prevent and treat olental carieg, prevent post radration osteoradronecrosis CORN) % Management of mucositis Good dental hygiene ruch as Frequent brushing with a sorts reguiary repiaced tooth brush sregutar plocting » Four -hourly Non- medicated Oral rinsec. Locatty appied drugs ured to prevent of treat mucositis mciude vitamin €, anti “InFlammatory substances, cytokrnes and maleid ug topreal Mouth rinces. inclu’ »- Management OF oral Candidiasis Topical treatmenes Ctoprcat Potyener, azolec, clorhort dine) are recommended AS First -line therapy For slider Forms OF Candidiasis .Amphotecirin B and some new clases of antifungals like echinocandias can be used in pationes with fesistant infections. © Management of Trsmus. High enerayradiograpty beams and sophisticated multiple ried eechniques. d- Management oF Osteoradionecrosic 't diagnored corty —* Local debridement santibiotic treatment and ultra conography . Advance disease > the use of hyperbaric oxygen coupled with rerection OF NecroHiC wOne & Management of xerostomia . Anit anxiety medications, anti deprestants, anti hypertensives or optotd anaigesics and toprcal anesthetics and anatgesics « F. Management of radiation induced caries Mouth rinses Solutions and remineralizing tooth pastes containing casein dlerivativec coupled with Calcium phosphate . Using custom carrier trays For application OF Fluoride Or Clorhextdine gels troughout Lie .

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