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Timeline of Terra-2

Pre-Human Times
230mio yrs ago – A race of aliens, mostly near-human and/or humanoid/biped came and set afoot in

230~65mio yrs ago – Extraterrestrial colony thrive here

65mio ya –

 Meteor shower
 They decided to genetically engineer humans and most of the ET inhabitants left, except for
 The small group of ETs live until today in several parts of the world unknown to most common
 An alien-directed benevolent human dictatorship appeared: The Authority

Early Human Ages


Early Modern Ages

Coup Era
1935.03.01 – “Action 31” was propagandized by Greater Terran Army as a communist conspiracy. Black
propaganda was spread.

1935.06.05 – After banning all leftist movements, the already-couped Parliament ousted

Revolutionary Era
1958.09.03 – Greater Terran Federation overthrown by a revolutionary force led by Tensai Dan. Dan
declared the establishment of a new people’s republic called the Terran Council Socialist Republic, and
declared himself as Elder.

Spacefarer Era
2012.12.21 – Declassification. FTCSR government

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