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After graduating from senior high school, entering college life is both my biggest fear and most

anticipated life event. Everyone around me always say that the world that you will face in college is
totally different from the one that you are currently in. I believed them. I took their warning as a
precaution but then it is true that you will never understand something unless you get to know or
experience it. As I begin my college life, I started to feel to feel the pressure and the looming difficulties
that I am about to face. Everyday is an opportunity to learn, and if you want to survive, you won't waste
that opportunity. As an accountancy student it was an uplifting moment when I found out that we have a
subject that is different from all the business related subjects that I have. And that subject is PSY100
which is Understanding the Self. At first I thought that maybe, this subject is more like a counselling type
of subject where we will be taught how to manage our lives so that we can survive college. Funny but
that was I really thought about. Until one day, I got ot start having lessons in that subject.

As my PSY100 professor enters the classroom, I can't help but notice that he isn't smiling at all. I
felt intimidated and I automatically thought that he is one of those strict-type professors. He took the
center spot in front of the room, settled his teaching materials on the table then greet the class a good
evening. He introduced himself to the quiet class and he is Prof. Edgardo Salazar. I can say that my first
impression about him being a strict professor is quiet right, but I found out that although he is usually
serious, you'll never get bored in his class. Sir Salazar has his sense of humor hiding behind his strict aura.
And although we have his lessons during the evening, you'll never have the chance to feel sleepy for he
has a load of interesting information and topic to discuss, all compiled in his PowerPoint presentations.

Our first few meetings Sir Salazar's teaching techniques helped me a lot to develop my studying
discipline. I realized that keywords won't always save you.

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