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LAPORAN PeuoaHucoan DAN ASUHAN 6PERAWATAY ‘ DENGAN KAadus ReEumato® — ARTARITY Pron Lanse bi § 110k 000 heh? frotoe Maen fo (9 Go- 06-9036 Procben — (tae! PROFES! NERS és FATSHAWATT PESPRITREN LAIN WAGanS GENG Gon - pesboln GGo 2020 on Dipindai dengan CamScanner sTiKer Wetshawely Pevaniven Talat Haven Congyeng FORMAT PENGKAJIAN: ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN GERONTIK A. Karakteristik Demografi 1. Identitas Diri Klien Namalengkap .: WY.S Tempavigl lahir Sih bancio Jenis kelamnin 3 Resempran Status perkawinan C3erar torte ‘Agama 2 «tam ‘Suku bangsa Mactora , melereso Pendidikan terakhir.: recur fame f Diagnose medis (bila ada) Alamat Gh boato 2. Keluaraga atau orang lain yang penting/dekat yang dapat dihubungi : Nama : Ny Alamat Tempar, talons No. telepon e Hubungan dengan Klien : aac 3. Riwayat pekerjaan dan status ekonomi Pekerjaan saat ini Fretcue beronje Pekerjaan sebelumnya : #@y Sumber pendapatan +: alain” ana. Kecukupan pendapatan : Cupterp 4. Aktivitas rekreasi Hobi Pew ate Berpergian/wisata Glohrotm: Cerrama Mary Keanggotaan organisasi é > Lain-lain = 5. Riwayat keluarga a. Saudara kandung Nama Keadaan saat ini Keterangan Keperawatan Gerontik Dipindai dengan CamScanner ‘Tikes atsvemaly Peventren Talaul eras Genggeng b._ Riwayat kematian dalam keluarga ( 1 tahun terakhir ) : (ewiaah Nama én remfetacay cir acinyert« feee SE ‘Umur 727 mrennegas Penyebab kematian B. Pola kebiasaan setiap hari 1. Notesi Frekuerisi maka ax | Fhen® ‘Nafgu makan boric Jenis makanan-° ed Deter lan. fone Prue Kebiasaan sebelum makan Face cle Makanan yang tidakdisukai. =: Haare wale Alergi terhadapmakanan Thoteue acts Pantangan makanan Kec eote ‘Keluhan yang berhubungan dengan makan 2.. Eliminasi a. BAK Frekuensi dan wakiu : fOhea @enyertiran Ban 17 x Plow - ctocm 290 Kebiasaan BAK pada malamhari : acu cete @hbaracn Chere Keluban yang beshubungan dengan BAK, : b. BAB “ ‘alex Frekuensi dan waktu =. echbn Pressfarewcan AAR 2~ Rian’ — Facv Stay Coe Konsistensi homet Ketee ea0g Oh oH, Keluhan yang berhubungan dengan BAB fescue Pane denarar od f Pengalaman memakai faxantifipencahar 3. Personal hygiene a Mandi ‘Frekuesi dan waktu mandi ‘Pemakaian sabun ( ya/tidak ) b. Oral hygiene Frekuensi dan gosok gigi: 2 Gigx' fap manoy" Menggunakan pasta gigi menage’ — awe 9ig/ a hak Prat tan Tow a a Catan . Cuci rambut Dipindai dengan CamScanner ‘Kes Walsbawely Pevantion Telnet Havas Ceagyong Frekuensi PU Shem" Penggunaan shampoo ( yaltidak ): ALgaqtxenceen Compt 4. Kuku dan tangan : os Frehuens gumnghaky : Kexeuse dak, ie Prneensy meee cl Seni Kebiasaan mencuci 1a Presa} Meusan 44", Keebiasaan mencuei tangan pakai sn : 74 aaa cen eagaencitcn Chin. 4 Istirahat dan tidur : Lama tidurmalam —; Acveewe ohn Areramy 21-00 ~ OF08 Tidur siang 2 hectare Anh — eatang "(2-00 = 14.00 Keluhan yang berbubungan dengan tidur : Ketcee cra CUMKCH Geyer. canezet | 5 apercale, 5. Kebiasaan mengisi waktu luang a Olaraga Potion heaty aforcn Feeue Pane» ah (a/ b. Nonton TV Factany. Facten 9 c. Berkebun/memasak : Lecur 4. Laindain Meteue 6. ‘Kebiasnan yang memipengaruhi kesehatan ( jenis/frekuensifjumlah/ama pakai ) ‘a. Merokok ( yaltidak ) PAG reaserissy Leeaye MORHEY b. Minuman keras( yafidak) : MAT Aceme Aeaqennne , *ammcH bree cc. Ketergantungan terhadap obat (yaltidsk) : ere aot 7. Uraian kronologis kégiatan sehari-hari Tenis kegiatan Tama waktu untuk setiap kegiatan ~ back boat hap pe Goat asi 66. Co wh = Marae yes hee koh 2 2 fe 3 erste bream. hace Cn 4 Somnus terre, < heb ace far £ % oem Keperawaton Geroatih, Dipindai dengan CamScanner {sriKer Walshauely Pevastren Zalart Waree Genggeng, Frekuensi tr blow Penggunaan shampoo ( yaltidak ): A-cacftencttan Campt d.. Kuku dan tangan Ee Frekuensi guning koku : Keyeure dat, Die Paneenigy Meare oo ents Ke fh Mrcarcan 85, Kebiasnan mencuctangan paki abun: Ya o/s Wrefn vcr ce eyes OMG 4. Istirahat dan tidur * Lama tidur matam ; Acteure oth Arcane 2-0 ~ O08 Tidur siang hecaue Anh recrany "(2-00 = 14.08 Keluhan yang berhubungan dengan tidur : Keres cxcro MKCH Geter CMLL i arpenca. 5, Kebiasaan mengisi waktu luang feenue fonch- Cah M2 a. Olaraga 5 Prbdn heacy sare 'b Nonton TV Factang. FAKend ¢, Berkebunimemasak : Ageue 4. Lain-tain 2 Retest 6. ‘Kebiasaan yang memipengaruhi kesehatan (jenis/frekuensifumlah/ama pakai ) a Merokok ( yaltidak ) Padi renciesan Lote PAEEG Axe be Minuman keras (yanidak) : AT come Gotan end, oeamcy . Ketergantungan terhadap obat (yaltidak) : Aceeu act 7. Uraian kronologis kegiatan sehari-hari ‘Jénis kegiatan ‘Lama waktu untuk setiap.kegiatan i 20 - Go Mat _ back boik Mop a Paci 60 - 6 mw, - Masa aC Athens haw kar 2 2 2 teente bream hacu ny 4 Somme later kacu far £ * OF ~ hebahen Dipindai dengan CamScanner kes Welaaualy Perentren Zainl Haven Cenggeay . Status kesehatan 1, Status kesehstan saat ini 4. Kelukan utama dalam {tahun terakhir —; P0*®? mrengodarcan 710% Race’ bb Gejala yang dirasakan Myeh pect ROR! ¢. Faktor pencetus * 4 Timbul keluhan wf mandadak . () bartahap ce. Waktu mulai timbulnya kelahan 5 Upaya mengatasi () Pergi ke RS/klinik pengobatan () Pergi kebidan atau perawat () Mengonsumsi obat-obatan sendii UF Mengonsumsi obat-obatan tradisional () Lain-tain, sebutkan 2. Riwayat kesehatan masa lau - A Kegeue Porch pare: Perreis a ee pg pera deri» Pt emvnen *™ es erie’ eve ecry0r echoes! 'b._ Riwayat alergi(obat, debu, makanan, dan lain-lain) = Roce ae c Riwayatkecelakaan ; Xecax emo mempauan Recerca" 4. Riwayat dirawat di RS Fecteau enrewc Far Rivage penitaimn Ota; feng» Pracientn » Ouf Heal [P28 5, Pengkajian/pemeriksaanfsik (observas, pengukuran,auskultas,perkusi dan palpai ) 1 Readaan umum (TTY ) Keadan Umum Baik (Coop Burak Kesadaran QQ) Apats delirium / Somnolen /sopor / semi koma /koma Tands-tanda vital: 1D £6 /20_mmlg Nadi GS __wimenit Pemafasan 20 __ximenit = Suh 36. %0 BB 84 Ke Nak. Kg) Tunn;_. kg TB:___em 1 Pemeriksaan Fisik 1. Kepala “Waa: hitam 78063) /eampuran = Kebersihan “kotor (66ral Keperauictan Gereatik ¢ Dipindai dengan CamScanner rites Walamely Peveaten inet aren Cengyeng = Distribusi — jarang/lebat (Sedan) ~ Kerontokan ya) = Keluhan ryagfida 2. Mata + Bentuk Gomes) asimetris + Konjungtiva : anemis¢fida) ~Selera itaerikg ida) - Strabismus ya =Penglihatan — : kabur (idad ~Peradangan : yag‘fidaD) wayatkatarak —:yagdaR) 3. Hidung, = Bentuk ——_eimetid} asimetis + Peradangan- >yaftdak) -Peacioman eggs (6G) : + Keluhan tin: ya (GR) : : Mulut dan tenggorokan, ~ Kebersihan 4, - Mukosa, 5. Telinga ~ Bentuk = Kebersihan + Peradangan + Pendengaran_: terganggu (17a) - Keluhan tain: yada) 6 Leher = Posisi trachea ~ Pembesaran kelenjartiroid - IVD ~ Kaku kuduk Keperowotan Geroatik Seen Dipindai dengan CamScanner 7. Dada ~ Bentuk dada: Grmal chp / barrel chest pigeon chest /Iainnya ~Retraksi —— : ya kfidak> ~ Wheezing ya /tdaiy = Ronchi yagtidal) ~ Suara jantung tambahan: ada / tidak “Tetns Cordis :1CS____tnea ee ets 8 Abdomen =Bentuk _—:distented flat Iainnya Acie = Nyeritekan _: ya (4ida)) 7 = Kembung — : ya/ da) += Supel ya (edad + Bising usus + ada td rekuensi:_¢_w/menit =Massa_ + :ya/(Gdad)region 9. Genetalia anus = Kebersihan 65D/sedang/buruk = Hemoroid * : ya (da) eis, sya 10, Ekstremitas ss = Massa/tonus otot 444 (skala 1-5) + Postur tub sholosis Hlordosis (Kfosis> “ynbiate mal) = Rentang pertk + Deformitas = Tremor = Edema kaki = lebitis ~ Kludikas! 11. Integumen = Kebersihan baik bury a) War _pucat Drasakactl cea (Ea) «= Gangguan pad kulit: panu /kadas/ kurap / scabies / acozema /gatal Oe Heperawatan Cerontik Dipindai dengan CamScanner river Matsbawaly Prselren Zales Haren Conpgeng Pp. Linglungan tempat tinggal bach ciee rf ¢ 1. Kebersihan dan kerapian uangan—: lew 2) Penerangan here. Suan dareh ja we bach 4, Keadsan kamar mardi dan WC fesse awed oy 5. Pembuangan air kotor feyanteur pemaberne 2°, 6, Sumber ar minum ate Lembtr 7, Pembuangan sampah blower Suber peneemarah ews O28 ; 9, Penataan halaman ( kalau ada ) checterrt Gatewn a’ i 10. Privasi : 11, Resiko injuri o Resume Catatan 1. Hasil pengkajian disajikan dalam bentuk narasi 2. Format elanjutnya, mengikuti pola asuban keperawat secara umum .. Hasil pengkajian khusus ( format terlampir ) 1. Pengkajian Psikososial 2, Pengkajian Fungsional Klien 3. Pengkajian Stanis Mental Gerontik 4. Pengkajian Keseimbangan untuk Klien Lansia 1, Pengkaiian Psikososial Spiritual 1.1 Bsikososial Kemampuan sosialisasi klien pada saat sekarang, sikap Klien pada orang lain, harapan ~ harapan lien dalam melakukan sosilisas, Kepuasan klien dalam sosialisasi, dl 1.2 Hdentitas Masalah Emosion: PERTANYAAN TAHAP > Apniah Kien mengalani svar tur? Kteue (line, yPencrouon, Rear han ieanied Seg adhe ik? Cass’ Pansy «Cie ‘Apakah Klien sering murung atau menangis send? KAccxee freemen “Ms ‘Apakah Klien sering was - was ataukuatir? Lesene prvrah eaeaerp vuy Lanjutkan ke pertanyaan tahap 2jika lebih dari atau sama dengan | jawaban “Ya De EEE emer Keperawaten Ceroatih Dipindai dengan CamScanner _rikes Nataly Pevanten Zales avon Gengyong, PERTANYAAN TAHAP 2 : > Keluhan lebih dari 3 bulan atau lebih dar | kali dalam 1 bulan? foeeen< ‘Ada maselah atu banyak pikiran? Cite ‘Ada gangguan / masalah dengan Keluarga lain ?. Ave Menggunakan obat tidur / penenang atau anjuran dokter ? Aotere Cenderung mengurung dir? Accex® vuvy Bila lebih dari atau sama dengan | jawaban “Ya” MASALAH EMOSIONAL POSITIF (+) 1.3 Spiritual ‘Agama., kegiatan keagamaan, konsep / keyakinan klien tentang kematian, harapan - harapan Klien, al. Pete Bercrcgaia, 0%. = pers Kota j Fine Henngrns Avelorgenys foes Kewe eeusean Heperowaten Geroatll, Dipindai dengan CamScanner ner tamaly Cereal Talal Harn Geaggony 2. Pengkaiian Fungsional Klien 2. KATZ Indeks TMJANDI (dengan spon. pancuran atau bak rendam) ‘Tidak membutuhhan bantuan (Keluar dan masuk ke dalam bak rendam, bila mandi yan naksudhan menggunakan sarana tersebut) : 1D. = Menerima bantuan saat mandi hanya pada bagian tubuh tertentu (Sepertt punt tunghai) ‘T= Memerlohan bantuan lehadop lebih dari stu bagian tubuhnya (atu tidak mandi sama scl ypeung atau 2, BERPAKAIAN ‘Manpu mengainil dan mengonshan pakianscaraengkap taapa memerikanbantuan "D_ : Berpakaian lengkap tanpa memerlukan bantuan keevali saat menalikan sopatu T+ Memerfukan bantuan mengambil dan mengenskan paksin atau bila idk pasion tidak kan berpakaian lenghap atau tidak berpakaian sama sekali */aonstme (yen eh i Snghin menegunakanobok sebagai penopang sper longkal tngkat kaki tiga, Kurs rode, ge Thunghia mampu menggunakan tampungan sclama di tempat dur ataa juga pispot Yan aikosonghan saat pagi hari) D + Memerfuhan bantuan untuk perg ke ‘mcmilih su memperbaikipakaian yang akan dikenakan, stelah ‘alam hari taupun dengan mempergunakan pispot T= Tidak pergi ke kamar mandi dalam proses eliminasinys 4, membersihkan dri sendiri atay bahkan dalam dalam climinasi baik dengan alal farapung RPINDAH| Bemerak ik urun dari tempat tur dan kursi anpa memeriukan bantuan (mungkin ‘mempergunakan objek penopang seperti tongkat stau walker) D_ = Naik turan dari tompattdur atau kursi dengan bantuan ‘T+ Tidak turun dari tempat tidur same sckali (bila turun harus dengan bantuan atau pertolongan sepenuhnya) ‘pab{AtABlsendalikay perkemitan dan defckasi soca mandi sepenuhnya Menuonsad cnRecaewaan” Nghat taapa memeryhen bantuan Kesuali pada saa memotong daging atau mencoles roti Malan anps meme, amt tar Pastuan daar wctbsnalkan perkenshon dan bY deve BERN, dat mere puaan Latta baba jd koncnsa penuh, 1s Heian nat Sin us alan eis i oss Sok aa nw a pe Ket, Singkatan : M, Mandiri ; D, Dibantu; T, Tergantung suk kategori yang manakah klien ? Mandiri dalam makan, kontibebsia, (BAK, BAB), menggunakan pakaian, pergi ke toilet, berpindah dan mandi B.. Mandiri semuanya kecuali salah satu saja dari fungsi di atas, C. Manditi, Kecuali mandi, dan satu fungsi yang lain Mandir, Kecuali mandi, benpakaian, dan satu fungsi yang lain Mandir, Kecuali mandi, berpaksian, ke toilet dan satu fungsi yang Is Keperawaten Gevoatik 9 Dipindai dengan CamScanner 2.2 Modifikasi dari Barthel Indeks. ie Hosbowely PeraaresTalanl era Genggesg F Mandir, kecuali mandi, berpakaian, ke toilet, berpindah dan satu fungsi yang lain G__ Ketergantungan untuk semua fungsi datas, “Termasuk yang manakah klien ? i ; DENGAN No. KRITERIA | KETERANGAN pantuan | MANDIR Frekuensi 3. | Makan 5 Jumlah Jenis Frekoensh Jenis 3,_| Berpinda dari kursiroda ke 10 tempat tidur, sebaliknya 7 | Personal wilt (eck mak, 5 Fe ksenst menyisirrambut, gosok gigi) ‘Keluar masuk tollet (mencucr 5. | pain, menyeka abu, 5 rmenyiram) 6 | Mandi x CS Frekuensi 7-7 Falan di permukaan-datar o Bs 3) Naik tuna tanga 6) 3] Mengenakan pakaian 3 10, Frekuenst = 10. | Kontrol Bowel (BAB) s Jenis Fiskuenst Wama 4 i 1 owe fat B a Jenis Rekreasi/pemantaatan waktu ; > | ig 5 () Jenis Dipindai dengan CamScanner sriner | Frekuensi Keterangan 130: Manditi 65-125. : Kelergantungan sebagian ©. 60 Ketergantungan total 3. Pe jian Status Mental Gerontit 43.1 Identifikasi tingkat kerusakan intelektual dengan menggunakan Short Portable Mental Status Questioner (SPMSQ) Instruksi > Ajukan pertanyaan 1 - 10 pada daftar ini dan catat semua jawaban. > Catat jumlah kesalahan total berdasarkan 10 pertanyaan BENAR [SALAH [-NO_| PERTANYAAN v | Tanggal berapa har ini? 2,__| Hani apa sekarang? 3._| Apa nama tempat ini? v 4] Di mana alamat Anda? 3.__[ Berapa umur Anda? [6] Rapan Anda Tahir? (minimal tahun lair) 77_| Siapa Presiden Indonesia sekarang? 18] Siapa Presiden Indonesia sebelumnya? - wv 5] Siapa nama tbu Anda? : To, | Kurang’ 3 dar 20 dan ttappengurangan 3 dar seiap angka baru, semua secara menurun Seritotal = [=] * Catatan Apabila ada suatu kesulitan dari Jansia untuk menjawab setisp pertanyaan, ada beberapa altematif pertanyaan untuk lansia di antaranya : 1 Tanggl dn hun berapa Indonesia mereka? Ae = Sckarang tahun berapa? erat 2. = Hari apa sekarang ? - Sekarang jam berapa ? bete- - Sekarang malam, sing, atau pagi 7 emo” ‘Apanama tempat ini? Aone 4, -Di mana slamat Anda? Beno Bangun dari kursi (Dimasukkan dan analisis)-> kursi yang keras tanpa Jengan > Tidak bangun dari duduk dengan satu kali gerakan, tetapi mendorong tubuhnya ke atas dengan tangan atau bergerak ke bagian depan kursi terlebih dahulu, tidak stabil pada saat berdiri pertama kali. 4 > Duduk ke kursi(Dimasukkan dalam analisis) > kursi yang kerastanpa lengan > Menjatuhkan dri ds kursi, tidak duduk di tengah kursi > Menahan dorongan pada stemum (pemeriksaan mendorong stemum perlahan — lahan sebanyak 3 kali) Menggerakkan kaki memegang obyek untuk dukungan, kaki tidak menyentuh sisi — sisinya 0 > Mata tenutup 1 Sama seperti di atas (periksa kepercayaan pasien tentang input penglihatan untuk keseimbangan) @ : j D Perputaran leher > Menggerakkan kaki, menggenggam obyek untuk dukungan, kaki tidak meriyentuh sisi ~sisinya, keluhan vertigo, pusing atau keadaan tidak stabil > Gerakan menggapai sesuatu a eens eons Keperaatan Gevontik 12 Dipindai dengan CamScanner river WetAbewely Peseneen Zales esen Cenggees, 4% Tidak mampu untuk menggapai sesuatu dengan bahu fleksi sepemuhnys sementara berdiri pada ujung ~ ajung jari kanan-kiri, tidak stabil, memegang Ses¥al0 snk: ddukungan 4 > Membungkuk Tidak mampu untuk membungkul untuk mengambil abyek ~ ‘obyek Kecil (misalnys pulpen) dari lantai, memegang suatu obyek untuk bisa berdiri lagi, memerlukan usaha ~ sha malipel untuk bangun 42 Komponen Gaya Beralan atau Gerakan > Meminta Klien untuk berjalan ke tempat yang ditentukan > ragu ~ ragu, tersandung emegang obyek untuk dukungan © > ‘Ketnggian laighah aki (mengangkat kaki pada saat melanh2¥) > Kaki tidak naik dari lantai secara konsisten (menggeser atau menyeret kaki), ‘mengangkat kaki terlalu tinggi (> 2 inchi) 0 “> Komtnyts lang kai (ebih bak observasi dar sampine pasien) > Setelah langkah - langksh awal, tidak konsisten ‘memulai mengangkat satu kaki ‘sementara kaki yang lain menyentuh lantai 1 > Kesimetrisan langkah (lebih bak diobservasi dari samping pasien) ‘> Panjangnya langkah yang tidak sama (sisi yang patologis biasanya memiliki langkah ang lebih pajang, masala dapat dapat pad png ut, peeslangan Kak st otot -otot di sekitamys) > venyimpargan pada sat bejaln (bi Baik diobservas dai blakangpasien) > Tidak berjalan dalam garis lurus, | bergelombang dari sisi ke sisi > Berbaik {> Bethentisebelum mulai berbalik, jalan sempoyongan, bergoyang, memegang obyek untuk dukungan | eupreteuns Geir oAee ube O-s* Pictu June Genctah Geto + Pe hu dhe Rosany ‘ies pence Deke Ane a Dipindai dengan CamScanner ance, —ablerfe, 06 darn hatoy Medkeuch Cporcina! v i a r0e) Esme | Fa fone anh bly Fowler hetobotre \O--Fle cpp Aetonceremeay Vem ~ CY Com { TOO C6 one | Peas Peraotanyey N+ COrmn / G@ * GHG oe be Ager cunt Dipindai dengan CamScanner Orr, Rerena KRepucwa tan Qeinora tp Tuytan frentana fromban se APA awk 6G Ketek etfecteere Radta 4aay x “Fin Pencrcte | he cceurecen tup |]. Fichan nyo} Sas KOctey, Gani Mb sig Wy ede g . i theres 6 Agen by Reap meayss 3; °«¢ porn HW. Fesad 3 8 mnetcy masey 1 eccapie ee Aepentryt Menerrnen "400 (o eeteg Apel (One, Rerciedn, Brum can cterag! Prepeesg hag beg Ayer 2. Cchenheer cen! Meecer A4c5 B. Celentrmeact Meyca ten ney Uetheg [1 Lecapmnerg Peyeetm Xp katong Nees by. Bence Keres’ ew em cekatase, Wahe Mrrercerener: Ayre C. Pan) ras lrtvehag fk 7. Rlatpon (Rempebcs mee oe Blatron braked morortota, Afa- Dipindai dengan CamScanner OM Pln eke “Cekaa! wo wl Bbayncta Ce pect ti Memendit’ - "| Ager cee bey | 1. Mencrotenpar easy rm, [L* Pebte romper b are hn firs Beth A¢e, OYA Pencectere eee Phetoyy 7 478 t. Rife Cetcey Bt Cees Cepek + BON Re cy Retees - 10+ 10/20 0% fon ag. . - Bo xa, T! feat bogutan « ag wat Fenty V. tencuceenpeep FReea > RK: RO ree Gen * (Kaanze ¥, ~ P< Ham pare tren ay, B- Meececaten Ameen FUPCA nie Pea beetles Re fam, ann tmakuas Leteq, 7 meucpezeuecen Heart no, oe Fermoutese, unde ae Pencterances rates aston: Cnnencg tthe = Cees aie g I Aenpecee ecu Prpebiag 7~7 fe" b- Aturbenccrn Kreps fertpne hates fee fe te4 7 Mlaneaa (euren cs mn PP Dipindai dengan CamScanner Index ews Value (201 Effectiveness of Application 0 with Epsom Salt to Reduce Knee £ Warm Compress Joint Pain among Women Shilpa Parag Satralkar', Basvant Dhudum? , ‘pina Year MSe. Nursing, BLV.D.U. Collegeof Nursing Sana 2 Assistant Professor, BLV.D.U. College of Nursing Sangli [Abstruct The purpose of the sy tt ans the effectvenes of Epsom salon knee Jln pale, 29 segardingknce pan n arth patents, and medicine are greeting coer and effectiveness Ys 8 the pan sore In both esperimental and contro group before and after applcalon revatence ts increasing nt Indi rm bjetves was aed fo ass3 arraarm compress with Epsom salt. Methods: The group, warm Epsom salt was se i" ive sa technique. ‘4 et ‘avo oom ee I cbably purple sampling fechnigue. On toa 6 sample; const of Do BVOMP, WOT SP, ar fea cre re a gp coe of tna gueperetl ect ae a ne ain ede rag oe fe oro Fal here er fora ie et a earaaaori Le. 0x were mared Many aaa a a er ewe having mt ince pal 10 had moder Pla cece inet nn pontine sng il and madera ‘anchysisof the data. Result: Majority Le. 46% of them were between ital two group pre post mpared with each other by Fee eee ar cipcimetl group (03) than thal in pr tex 822 Iwas eto ede that mean 28D posted pala oor Fa me creas (28810) Conca: warm Epsom sal aplication i Mahly eect in reduction knee Jolnt pain In arthritis patent. Keywords: Warm Compress, Epsom Salt, Knee Joint Pain, Women, 1. Introduction “Applying the heat by general or local which produce the physiological change in the body such as vasodilatation and relaxation of muscles which produce the beneficial therapeutic effect of relieving the pain(1] [2] High prevalence of knee joint pain was reported by various authors, ie, 46.7% among 60 years and above population ‘and 40.7% among 40 years and above. Under treated or poorly managed knee joint pain can affect their physical Psychological, social, and emotional life. These real life Consequences of knee joint pain need to be given adequate attention in the home care settings. So, there is a need to have home based management, Many researchers have studied and recommended the moist heat application for helping the people suffering from knee joint pain. Moist heat application is non-pharmacological, inexpensive and timplest approach which has a beneficial effect on knee joint pain, It causes vasodilatation and it penetrates deeper into the muscle and hence reduces the muscle spasm and pain{3]. Researchers believe that female hormones have an effect on the cartilage that sits between the bones of the joints and ‘cushions the bones to prevent pain and allow the joints to ‘move, experts have found that the female hormone estrogen protects cartilage from inflammation. Inflammation can lead to ostecarthrits. But after menopause, when women estrogen levels go down, they lose that protection and me have a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis{14]. {In the hot water application for the joint pain is Epsom salt hot water bath very effective in the treatment of joint pain. ‘Epsom salt can act topically and immediately reduce the pain in joint. The 200 mg of Epsom salt mixed in hot water the painful joints can be bathed for 20 mins. It can be used for {thrice a week. It is very effective to relieve morning stiffness in joints (hml- Cached- Sim updated 2006) [4]. ‘The researcher found that the hot water application is very effective in relieving pain in the joints. Very few studies supporting the benefit of Epsom salt hot water application. In this study the investigators pln to conduct the study to evaluate the effectiveness of Epsom salt hot water appcaion ‘and plain hot water application for joint pain{1] Soaking in warm water is one of the oldest forms of alternative therapy, and there's good reason why this practice has stood the test of time. Research has shown warm waler therapy works wonders for all kinds of musculoskeletal conn cain Somat, artritis and low back There are many reasons soaking in warm water works. It reduces the force of gravity that's compressing the join, offers 360-degree support for sore limbs, can decrease ‘swelling and inflammation and increas circulation. “Aging is a lifelong process that begins at conception and is ‘experienced by all living organisms. Healthy geriatric population makes major contribution to the health and evelopment ofthe country. According tothe healthy people 2000, the most important aspect of health promotion for the colder people is to maintain health and functional independence. It was noted that a significant number of the health problems evidenced with aging are either preventable cor can be controlled by preventive actviies and the strong Dipindai dengan CamScanner Some complications of arthritis include joint stfTiaes, sot complications, reduced physical activity, reduced leisure activity ete. Joint pain due to artritis can limit sexual activity, Rheumatoid arthritis affects the quality of the life. ‘The complications of Rheumatoid arthritis include joint distraction, heart failure lung disease, low or high platelets, spine instability te. Affected joints may worsen the ordinary tasks of the day to day life. Rheumatoid arthritis ‘complications of this disease may shorten survival individualst7} “Although there is no known cure for most forms of arthritis, treatment designed for individual patient can Feduce/etiminate symptoms and limit functional impairment. ‘The goals of contemporary management of arthritis extend beyond pain control to the enhancement of patients’ functional status and health-related quality of life. Patient ncton regarding joint protection and_avoiance of cessive joint loading is important for this patient. Physical ‘measures ‘like ot pack, paraffin bath or occupational therapies may be helpful(1}- ‘Application of moist heat on knee had significantly helped in reducing the intensity of pain, instead ofthe intake of pain- kaillers[8}. The real life consequences of knee joint pain need to be given adequate attention in the home care settings. So, there is a need to have home based management{9] Many Tesearchers have studied and recommended the moist heat application for helping the people suffering from knee joint pain. Moist heat application is now-pharmacological, inexpensive and simplest approach which has a beneficial effect on knee joint pain. It causes vasodilatation and it Penetrates deeper into the muscle and hence reduces the ‘muscle spasm and pain." moist heat include a hot water bottle with a damp towel underneath, a hot tub, hot shower, hot bath, ete{10}. Several complementary therapies may play a useful role in the treatment of RA, although the safety and effectiveness of most of these therapies are still uncertain. Thus, people with RA who are considering complementary therapies. should discuss these therapies with their healthcare provider first. Furthermore, therapies that have proven benefits should only bbe used to complement, not to replace, conventional medical ‘reatment{ 1) Problem Statement ‘A study to assess the effectiveness of application of warm ‘compress with Epsom salt to reduce knee joint pain among ‘women in selected areas of Sangli, Miraj, and Kupwad Corporation. Research Objectives 1) To assess the pain score in both experimental and control group before application of warm compress with Epsom salt. 2) To assess the pain score in both experimental and control group afler application of warm compress with Epsom salt. o_. Index Copernicus Value 2016): 7957 [Impact Factor 2017): 7296. Saeetet an wich 8 knporant in heath of Hypothesis % ae ren Hae Tere wil eno effet of warm compress with Epsom salt on reduction of knee joint pain. ational Definitions ; PP Rasees_ Refers to estimate the quality or estimate the ‘tive ‘of propery. Assesment i information relied CSndiion ofthe keen ot through observation and pin score 2) iets Refers to the evaluation of result produced or bateome or consequences ofan action of Epsom salt on keen joint pin : : 3) Kae pat, Refers tothe jot pain bersen thigh and Toner eg which become ender itaing, hurting. 4) Epvom sal: Refers fo crystals of hydrted magnesium sulphate A water soluble chemieal wih eer medicinal 2, Research Methodology 1 includes the description of the research approach, The research design, setting of the study, sample and sampling technique, development of data collection tool, reliability and validity of the tool and, procedure for data collection and plan for data analysis 12) Research Approaches Experimentally design isthe blue prin ofthe procedure that ‘enables the researcher to test the hypotheses by reaching valid. conclusion about relationship. between dependent variable and independent variable in order to achieve the desired objective of the sudy a quantitative quasi ‘experimental research approach was adopted{ 12}. Research Design Keeping in view the objective of the study the researches selected the pre test post test quasi experimental research design. Variables Independent variable: In this study the independent variable is application of warm Epsom Salt. Dependent variable: In this study the dependent variable is knee joint pain among women. ‘Setting: The study was conducted in the areas of Mira} Gandhi Chowk, Sangli Ram Mandir & Kupwad Ves. Population: The population for the present study comprises, arthritis women from age 40 ~ 60. From sangli miraj and Kupwad corporation, Sample In the present study, the sample selected for data collection ‘were women having arthritis from age 40 — 60 years those ‘who fulfilled the criteria, and who were available during the period of data collection. They were seleied by noo probeblity purposive sampling method. Dipindai dengan CamScanner eh = + ct Factor (2017): 7.296 index Copernicus Value (2016): 7.57 | Imp J : a z = 3p were selected for experiment and 30 were selected ‘Sampling Criteria re Anclusion criteria o : 1) Women who ace on treatment for knee joint pain or Pilot Study | airs Mangalwar Peth, Mira arts 2) Women between 40 to 60 yeas of age Exclusion erteria 1) Women who are sick unstable, eiically il 2) Women who have congenital ebnoraliy. 3) Women who have polio 4) Women who have mental illness 5) Women who have alleges of Epsom salt on knee joint pain. ‘Sampling Size Sample size consisted of 60 women who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study. Out of 60 samples 30 were selected for experimental group and 30 were selected for control group. ‘Sampling Technique In this study non probability purposive sampling technique ‘was used. This was the most suitable technique which can be applied tothe study. Data Collection Tool ‘This isa standardised numeric pain rating scale which used to assess to pain. In present study researcher has used this tool to assess knee joint pain. Description and Scoring System ofthe Toot Standardised numeric pain rating scale was used. This scale shows reading from 0 to 10. From 0 to 2 there is no pain from reading 3 to 6 moderate pan and reading from 7 t0 10 ‘worst possible pain. Validity 20 experts did the content validity of the tool. The experts ‘were selected from various fields based on the topic. 6 from Medical Surgical Nursing, 4 M.S. Ortho, 1 Prof. Anatomy and Physiology, 4 M.D. Homeopathy, 1 Paed, 1 CHN, 1 Gyn, 1 Psy. 1 Statistics. These expertise ‘gave some ‘corrections which were made and the final tool. Reliability ‘The reliability of measuring instrument is @ for assessing its quality and adequacy. The reliability ofthe tool was done by t-statistic test. Ethical Consideration Permission was obiained from the research commitee of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of N Pune and authorities of health sector from Sangli-Miraj- Kupwad health department. Informed consent was obtained from subjects who are selected forthe study. Procedure of Data Collection ‘A formal permission was obtained from the Govt. Health Officer Sangli Miraj Kupwad Corporation, Sangli. The investigator discussed the study with Onhopedie Surgeon, Physician, Homoeopathic Physician, Ayurvedic and Lecturers in Medical Surgical Nursing-A. total 60 samples ‘were collected for the study as per the criteria of selection. study as angawar Pet Plot ad oye to 11/092016. Prior permission, was rst i Mi} Jined from the Govt. District Health Officer, ‘Sangli gbiine Cporaion, Sangli. Ate he pt st, tol was Kase: and gave beter insight othe investigator. 3. Discussion of the Findings the findings of present stu have been discussed a8 per wer ar we study A findings of stay shows that invention af warm epsom sat pplication wat rely effective for ary recovery of knee jit aia ST ih antes, And when compared it was found that inthe demographic dates of age of women 46% of women belong to age group 50-54 years, 40% of women belong to age more than 55 years in Experimental control group 50% of women belong to age group more than 155 years, 33% women belong to age group 50-54 years.In ‘arial status all the women ic 100% of women were married in experimental and control Distribution of family income 36% of women had income $000-10000 Rs and 33% of women kad income 10000 -20000 in 30% less than 5000 Rs in contol group.In experimental group 40% hhad less than $000 Rs, 30% of women had income 5000- 10000 and 30% had '10001-20000.In the present study. Assessment was done on knee joint pain and data was collected by a standardized pretest control group the ‘Mean pain score on 7* day was 7.8 and standard deviation score Was 2.05.In pretest Exp group the Mean on 7 day was 2.75 and standard deviation was 1.70.The Mean of post ‘est control group on 7* day was 8.1 and standard deviation score, was 1.18.The Mean of Post test of Experimental group on 7* day was 1.03 and standard deviation was 0.93. This results shows that ther is effect of epsom salt on application of Knee joint pain as Mean in the Experimental group has ‘reduced ffom 6.06 to 1.03 and standard deviation from 1.48 10 0.96:The ‘2’ value was computed to find out effectiveness ‘of application of warm Epsom salt on keen joint pain in ‘women, The calculated value of Z = 5.872169 which is more than table value of Z at 5% Losis 1.96 and the result calculated Z grater than table Z. This show there will be effect of warm compress wit Epsom salt on reduction of keen joint pain. 4. Conclusion Epsom salt with its antiinflammatory, and analgesics properties acts asa pain killing agent and does not have any side effects in addition to this Epsom salt has very less side effects this can be used as complementary altemative medicine and bas better effect then hormonal therapy and steroidal therapy also itis inexpensive and easily available and can be used as 2 home remedy in patients with arthritis. ‘The purpose ofthis study was to access the effectiveness of warm Epsom salt application early reduction of knee joint pain. Dipindai dengan CamScanner Tadex Copernicus Value (2016): 7957 | Impact Factor 2017): 7.296 5. Implications The findings of th i findings of the present study have implication fo turing paces, sng aniston sug chon ‘nursing research and medical surgical nursing, Nursing Practice lings of the study regarding effectiveness of warn peso salt application to the kne joint pain can make the th care workers, specially nurses and doctors aware of it implement this method as a protocol and should be used by all forthe benefit of socio economical class people as itis ‘cost effective but gives cults in reduct : prin ‘200d results in reducing knee joint Natsing Education The nursing curriculum can include the utilization of different modalities for carly reduction of knee joint pain with the help of warm application of epsom salt which is, tasily available cheap, free and contains anti stant acon oe Nursing Service ‘As a medical nursing staff she gets a best opportunity to care and render nursing care and give the best service to the community. She uses her skills and talents and her ‘experience to the highest potential to uplift the society within the available resources. - o 6. Recommendation 1) Study can be replicated on large sample size with longer duration in different settings so that findings can be ‘generalized to large population. 2) A similar study can be performed to assess the effect on various conditions ike rash, boils, edema, Hyperglycemia. 3) A comparative study can be done to access the ‘effectiveness of epsom salt on knee joint pain in women with vericose veins. 4) A comparative study can be done to compare knee joint pain between men and women suffering from arthritis References 10] Anjum S. Hot fomentation versus cold compress for reducing intravenous infiltration. Nursing Joumal of India. 2007 Nov 1;98(11):253. [2] Shinde MB, Mobite N, Hiremath P. Magnesium Sulphate (MGSO4) Fomentation Verses Cold Compress. for Reducing Intravenous Extravasation. 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Form, eT elon (004 cE tan Rpt Menend Jemar ez, haa “athena Lupal cheaicn See fet Wenmceetean hatacses' Weonc rence ancy Lan Moubonh Fea CAF wie fete: “Aencyem poesan ar efter ay 3 Clown __fingges akacera __ &tame Agmal tora Fredy, [a Maud fPaciopal S46 dee hoc hoy Aageaak&a? Obey Ae Gime draceReno? EA 44 Ak grangpreencyoay ‘are Ren fe Ban hence Mr Jacecan _ Dipindai dengan CamScanner (Ole cee eH Ol gt) 4) Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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