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Beats to Feet

Rulebook For Solo and Duet Dance

Solo Dance

Audition round
Time limit = 1-2 minutes
1. The competition will be held in two rounds. 1st is audition round, the participants has to prepare a short
performance for the audition round of the above mentioned time.
2. Results will be going to announce on 12 February 2020 of auditions
3. Please get your track in pen drive.
Final round
Time limit = 3-5 min
1. All dance forms are allowed.
2. Participants can use props suited to their performance.
3. A proper level of decency must be maintained in terms of costumes and apparels.
4. Participant should inform in advance that what kind of props they are using.
5. Please get a copy of your track on CD and pen drive also. The pen drive will be tried and if not then
will use the CD. As back up, it would be advisable to keep a copy on your phone and on the mail too.
6. Participants exceeding the time limit will loose all the points for the time criteria and any other points
lost will be the discretion of judges.
7. The decision of judges will be final and binding and will not be changed under any circumstances.

Duet Dance
Audition round
Time limit= 1-2 minutes
1. The competition will be held in two rounds. 1st is audition round, the participants has to prepare
a short performance for the audition round of the above mentioned time.
2. Results will be going to announce on 12 February 2020 of auditions
3. There is no gender restriction.
4. Please get your track in pendrive.
Final round
Time Limit = 4-5 min
1. All dance forms are allowed.
2. Participants can use props suited to their performance.
3. A proper level of decency must be maintained in terms of costumes and apparels.
4. Participant should inform in advance that what kind of props they are using.
5. Please get your track on CD and pen drive also. The pen drive will be tried and if not then will use the
CD. As back up, it would be advisable to keep a copy on your phone and on the mail too.
6. Participants exceeding the time limit will loose the points for the time criteria and any other points lost
will be the discretion of judges.
7. The decision of judges will be final and binding and will not be changed under any circumstances.

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