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Week 1(a):

Storing information:

The need for storing information.

For the convenience of humans that rely on information such as using devices to
access information. Information is stored by a software which interacts with
data storage software. DATA MODEL is type of data storage used to store data

Ways of Storing information.

 Unstructured Data
o Has no predefined form
o Every collection of data is presented differently
 Word processing
 Semi-structured Data
o Uses Tree Structure
o Has a rigid Schema
 Uses XML
 Structured Data
o Every type of data is different
o If there is new data that does not match the pattern, it cannot be
o Data is defined by type and name
 Texted based. Example: Files
Unstructured Data
 Computers hard time extracting facts from unstructured data

o Documents such as invoices are seen as structured or semi-structured due

to the it following the implicit schema such as due date is always the same
line. Some invoices also contain additional information such as text would
use unstructured part.

 Redundancy
o Unnecessary duplication
 When there are several versions of the same information,
at one point there will be inconsistency and will cause
different files to clash with each other.
 Search Efficiency
o Free text and difficult for a program to interpret
o Is not ordered in defined type and name
o Have to search by going through every letter

Structured Data
 Highly structured
 Each data is defined by type and name
o Name, product, Quantity, Delivered
 Pre-defined data models
o Relational model
 Consist of several tables with rows and tuples
 Several relations will be combined into one
Week 1(b):
Text processing:

Text Editor
used solely to write and edit text. You can copy, cut, paste, undo and redo. Text
formatting is not available in those editors. Mostly text editors are used for
programming purposes to write HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Php and other

 Text data only, no formatting

 Designed to find information in text, change or replace
o Example: .txt file

Word Processors
allows you to edit text in addition to multiple other functionalities such as text
formatting (italic, bold, underline, etc.). In addition to that word processors
allow automatic spelling and grammar checks.

 Deals with text data and formatting

 Designed to create documents that can be printed in human-readable
o Example: .doc file

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