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Globalisation has led to an increase in nationalism

Nowadays, social experts advocate that nationalist ideologies have considerably

increased in the last three decades. More and more people are openly declared
nationalist. Some nationalist parties are even found in todays’ democratic world.
Names such as Trump or Marine Le Pen seem to be the order of the day.
Following Anthony Giddens ideas, “the revival of local nationalisms, and an
accentuating of local identities, is directly bound up with globalizing influences, to
which they stand in opposition.” According to this, globalization is the main reason
why nationalism is gaining strength, but are we entirely sure of that?
No one would dispute the fact that we live in an interconnected world. This means
that we can eat in a Mexican restaurant, read a Portuguese newspaper, or drink a
French wine while watching an American film.
This massive importation of goods, including the most terrifying “ the foreign
culture”, helped to increase nationalism. Loads and loads of people feel that they
are loosing their identity as a consequence of this “foreign invasion”.
Not only has globalisation helped to open the borders between countries, people,
cultures, and colours, but it has also contributed to erase our identity, that is
However, instead of accusing globalization of increasing nationalistic ideologies,
why do we not change this point of view and see this new phenomenon as an
opportunity to rethink the term “national identity”? In fact, what does “national
identity” really mean anyway?
It is time to deconstruct the term “national identity” and construct a new one. In
this sense, a globalized world could be a link to evolution, prosperity, empathy,
solidarity, and, why not? “Globalidentity”. This new term might be the answer for
all those who are attached to the past and refuse to look forward.
It is still possible to create, step by step, a world with no barriers. Just one unique
world as it really is.

Very good!


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