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Visvesvaraya Technological University

Jnana Sangama, Belgaum, Karnataka I-FI

Reality Reinvented
 Introduction
 Augmented reality
◦ Augmented reality system
◦ Augmenting our world
◦ Example – Wikitude
◦ Example-Google glass
 Implementation
 Components of AR system
Head mounted display
Tracking & orientation
Global positioning system
Differential GPS
Digital compass
Mobile computing

 Using Augmented reality

 Limitations
 Looking into future..
 Conclusion
 References
• Augmented Reality is a field of computer research
which deals with combination of reality with
computer generated data.

• It is still in an early stage of research and

development, possibly by the end of this decade, we
will see the first mass-marketed augmented-reality
Augmented Reality System
An augmented reality system is
one that Combines real and
virtual world Is interactive in real
time Is registered in 3D.
 Augmented reality will truly change the way
we view the world.
 Picture yourself walking or driving down the
street with informative graphics appearing
in your field of view, and audio will coincide
with whatever you see.
 These enhancements will be refreshed
continually to reflect the movements of
your head.
 WIKITUDE World Browser presents the
user with data about their
surroundings, nearby landmarks, and other
points of interest by overlaying information
on the real-time camera view of a smart-
• Google Glass is a wearable computer with a
head-mounted display (HMD) that is being
developed by Google in the Project Glass
research and development project.

• Google Glass displays information in a

Smartphone-like format hands-free , can
interact with the Internet via natural language
voice commands.
To implement there are four things that we require to do
 First, find users location

 Second find users orientation (view)

 Third generating information

 Fourth augmenting it to users view

Find user’s location Generate data

Find user’s orientation (view) Augment generated

data to user’s view
Here are the three components needed
to make an augmented-reality
system work:

Tracking system
Mobile computing power
 Just as monitors allow us to see text and
graphics generated by computers, head-
mounted displays (HMDs) will enable us
to view graphics and text created by
augmented-reality systems.

 There are two basic types of HMDS:

 video see-through
 optical see-through
◦ They block out the wearer's surrounding environment, using small
video cameras attached to the outside of the goggles to capture
◦ On the inside of the display, the video image is played in real-time
and the graphics are superimposed on the video.
Optical see through is not fully realized yet. It is supposed to consist of
ordinary looking pair of glasses that will have light source on the side to
project images onto the retina.
Fig:- Head mounted display
 The biggest challenge facing developers of augmented reality is the
need to know where the user is located in reference to his or her

 There's also the additional problem of tracking the movement of

users' eyes and heads.
1.Where the user is located 2.Where he is looking
 Currently, the best tracking technology
available for large open areas is the
Global Positioning System.

 However, GPS receivers have an

accuracy of about 10 to 30 meters, which
is not bad in the grand scheme of
things, but isn't good enough for
augmented reality, which needs accuracy
measured in millimeters or smaller.

GPS Network
 There are ways to increase tracking
 For instance, the military uses multiple
GPS signals.
 There is also differential GPS, which
involves using an area that has already
been surveyed.
 A digital compass consists of sensors to
measure the earth's magnetic field, some
conditioning of those sensor signals, and a
microcontroller to interpret the data

 Components
◦ Three magnetic sensors
◦ One tilt sensor
Wearable computers
 Mobile computing can be accomplished with help of wearable computers

 A wearable computer is a battery powered computer system worn on the

user’s body(belt, backpack etc).
 It is designed for mobile & predominantly hands free operations often
incorporating head mounted display & speech input.
Once researchers overcome the challenges that face
them, augmented reality will likely pervade every corner of our lives. It
has the potential to be used in almost every industry, including:

 Education

In an Augmented Reality interface

students can be seated around a table
and see each other at the same time as a
virtual heart floating in their midst.
 Military - In military an augmented-reality system could provide troops with
vital information about their surroundings, such as showing where
entrances are on the opposite end of a building, somewhat like X-ray
 Augmented reality displays
could also highlight troop
movements, and give soldiers
the ability to move to where
the enemy can't see them.
 Instant information -Tourists and students could use these systems to
learn more about a certain historical event.
 Imagine walking onto a Civil War battlefield and seeing a re-creation of
historical events on a head-mounted, augmented-reality display.

 Gaming – The video games played on the desktop can be taken

outside. The game could be projected onto the real world around
you, and you could, literally, be in it as one of the characters.
 Accurate tracking and orientation

 For wearable augmented reality system, there are still not enough
computing power to create stereo 3D graphics

 The size of AR systems is yet another problem.

 Expanding a PC screen to real environment..program windows &
icons appear as virtual devices in real space & are eye or
gesture operated, by gazing or pointing.

 Enhanced media application ,like pseudo holographic virtual

screens, virtual surround cinema.

 Replacement of cell phones: eye dialing, insertion of information

directly into environment.
 Augmented reality will further blur the line between
what's real and what's computer-generated by
enhancing what we see, hear, feel and smell.

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