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The encyclical letter “On Our Common Home” written by means of Pope Francis basically tackles about

the destruction of our surroundings due to continuous exploitation of our natural assets and our self-
centered way of dwelling in this world, and somehow, a form of awakening message now not solely for
the Christians however for all the human beings to open their eyes and be aware of what is sincerly
going on in this world. At the first chapter of the encyclical (“What is Happening to Our Common
Home”), the Pope ordinarily discusses quite a few evidences of the contemporary kingdom of our
environment: exceptional sorts of pollution that contaminates our surroundings, the alternate in climate
due to growing presence of greenhouse gases and the consequent consequences people are
experiencing in particular from growing countries, shortage of safe water and the ailments humans
bought from it, loss in biodiversity, deterioration of the high-quality of human life due to media and
inequality and inequity amongst rich and poor countries. He also talks about some biblical money owed
introducing the creation of God, what He desired His believers to comprehend about caring of
surroundings and the role of the human in His creation. Moreover, the deep causes of human activities
in ecological and sociological issues were thoroughly presented. The remaining two chapters are about
the possible solutions or moves on how to solve environmental destruction such as global negotiations
concerning national and local policies and clear decision-making, what does religionsay about science
and technological improvements and how spirituality and “ecological education” will help toward
cognizance and world preservation. Pope Francis truly finished his goaI of spreading attention about the
cutting-edge circumstance of our surroundings and how massive is our position in the latest activities
that has already been taking area today. Among all the enumeration of the burden that human beings
make a contribution in ecological crisis, what strikes me the most is what he said that we, human beings
are already submerged below the self-centered culture. Ever given that I was once young, I have been
considerably amused on what science introduced us: beauty, new discoveries and inventions. Let’s
admit it: technological know-how made a big bounce to ever considering the fact that the stone-age
time of human history. GMOs, smartphones, tablets, skyscraper condominiums, stem cells, air
conditioner, heater, and different merchandise created by means of the intelligent people provide us
the pleasure in dwelling to this world. But sometimes, we are already shielded with the aid of the
comfort it brings us. The tendency of the latter is we are not in a position to recognise and foresight the
hidden actuality that will ultimately additionally bring desolation to the future. For me, this is mainly
true specifically for the generation nowadays. I, for example, am appreciably hooked on the new models
of smartphones and planning to purchase one even although my cellular phone is satisfactory and
nevertheless working. I additionally rejoice whenever there’s a new mall to be built due to the fact that
I’m one of these people who love going to malls. But the encyclical caused me to begin reflecting and I
realized that I’m one of these people who is below the “technocratic paradigm”. These human beings
(including me) are already blinded on the remedy and short- term pleasure that technological know-how
is giving us. It’s so easy for us to buy new model of our favorite gadgets or machines that makes our life
a lot less complicated and do the matters that deliver enjoyment to us that we don’t understand how to
surface from drowning into these things. Worse, we don’t see the terrible outcomes of some
technological advancement to the world we are now ruining. The “culture of relativism” broadly
overcomes our society today. As Pope Francis defines the time period from the encyclical, subculture
relativism is a “disorder which drives one person to take gain or treat others as mere objects.”We
sometimes assume when we encounter a man or woman which is no longer knowledgeable like us, we
sense like we’re in a higher position in the pyramid than him/her, treating that individual like a lowly
human being than us. It is notably genuine currently especially here in the Philippines, where a big gap
of inequity from the USA fellowmen and higher officers of authorities and private institutions due to
corruption. Analogous to subculture relativism, we regularly deal with“common goods” (air, water,
biodiversity) to be limitless sources and underestimate the truth that the animals we are living with
collectively can attain extinction someday. Once in my life, I thinking that smooth water would no longer
deplete so when I was onceyounger, I would continually take a bath longer, or every so often I was
leaving the faucet open, which if we estimate the amount, might also already help those people in want
of smooth and secure water. Due to our self-centered and “anthropocentric” minds, it became proper
for us to hunt deer and kill other extinct animals for our leisure. It grew to become suitable for us to
reduce numeroustimber from the forests just to produce volume of paper where giant shareare being
wasted each day. It is okay for us to throw our garbage in the oceans and rivers, besides questioning of
the creature’s dwellingunderneath these seas. And in view that we are already accustomed of these
things, we consciously assume it is normal and won’t have any impact to us but unfortunately, we don’t
recognise that these behaviors produce long-term penalties in the nearfuture. The encyclical is a worth-
a-shot analyzing and my perspective after reading it became broader than before. The reasons referred
to by means of the Pope on how we started to lose our real position had been somewayall true. He
additionally counseled large hints or solutions for the international dilemma we are experiencing such as
ecological education, limiting and controlling of technology, global dialogues and convalescing of our
values and roles in the environment. Science and technological know-how triggered me to select
engineering in college. I wanted to find out new things that will assist for the improvement of our
society. But as time handed by, I in general targeted on my personaldreams in life, on how I will be
triumphant in lifestyles and acquire true grades. It hasn’t happened to me as soon as that there are
larger things that be viewed other than my very own future. I have been ignorant and indifferent on the
environmental troubles that we’re virtually facing. What’s the use of producing a lot of cash if we can’t
experience fresh air, or our world is already degraded and doesn’t appear like livable habitat anymore?
If all of us can internalize and recognise that all living things in this world are equally created and that we
have to appreciate the surroundings we are living in, we can also capable to revive our regularly death
home. Let us together unite, choose a way of life that will no longer solely gain us, however will make a
high-quality exchange for the whole world. As Pope Francis quoted on the encyclical, “Nothing in this
world is detached to us.”

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