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Since making his first feature film, director Spike Lee has shown an amazing ability to
detect the pulse of America’s
concerns at any given time. His films can be described as signposts tracking the evolution
of the country’s ongoing
discourse on race, sex and politics. She Hate Me carries on that tradition by exploring
America’s attitude towards
morality and ethics - from the bedroom to the boardroom.
The implosion of corporate giants like Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, Adelphia, ImClone and
Martha Stewart’s recent
convictions, and countless other examples of corporate and personal malfeasance, are
topics that have dominated the
evening news broadcasts and the business pages. As thousands of hard-working
American citizens lose their jobs
and their hard-earned life savings, the calls for action have become increasingly louder.
This is part of the landscape
that Lee surveys in his latest feature film, She Hate Me.
“The story of She Hate Me is very simple. It’s about sex, greed, money and politics.” Lee
was inspired by the recent
events involving Enron, Worldcom, Halliburton, Alpelhia, Martha Stewart – the Waksals
and Tyco. Greed and
fraud seems to have replaced good governance and corporate responsibility. “These
corporations had some shaky
people at the top. I decided to pair that line of inquiry with the idea of sex and
procreation. A volatile mixture. This
film is also a commentary on the hypocrisy of America on the issue of sex. I wanted to
raise questions about the
decline of morals and ethics in America – from the boardroom to the

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