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Fine Musical Instruments Built Upon High Performance Tube Technology

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Passionately Designed and, as Ever, Hand Made in California

The Spirit of Art in Technology ™ 4 Rectifier® Guitar Cabinets 51

Mesa Pioneering Innovations 10 Roadster™ Guitar Cabinets 52

The Front Line Family 12 Road King™ Guitar Cabinets 53

Cooking with the Right Ingredients 14 Mesa/Boogie Artists Onstage 54

Guitar Amplification Bass Amplification 60

The Road King™ Series II 16 M-Pulse 600™ 62

The Roadster™ 20 Big Block 750™ 64

Triple and Dual Rectifier® Solo Heads 24 Big Block Titan V-12™ 66

Rectifier® Solo 50 and Recto-Verb® 26 M-Pulse Venture 600™ Combo 68

Stiletto® Deuce™ & Trident™ – Stage II Designs 28 M-Pulse Walkabout™ and Walkabout Scout™ 70

The Stiletto® Ace™ 30 The Bass 400+™ 72

The Lone Star® 32 Bass Cabinetry 74

The Lone Star® Special 34 PowerHouse™ & Vintage PowerHouse™ Cabinets 76

The Express™ Amplifiers 36 RoadReady™ Cabinets 78

Mark IV Amplifiers 38 Scout Bass Radiator™ Cabinets 79

The Mark I Amplifiers 40 Mesa Bass Artists 80

Triaxis™ All-Tube Preamplifier 42 Custom Options, Reviews and More

Rectifier® Recording Preamp 44 Mesa/Boogie Custom Options 82

Stereo Power Amplifiers 46 Magazine Reviews 84

Guitar Cabinetry Mesa/Boogie Vacuum Tubes 88

Compact & 3/4 Back™ Cabinets 48 Mesa Tube Reference Guide 90

Lone Star® Guitar Cabinets 49 Mesa Product Specifications 91

Stiletto® Guitar Cabinets 50 Trademarks 92


“Visitors to our shop always ask how I got clarinet in the Oakland and the magic that
Randall Smith, started. I’ve been asked so many times, the guys Symphony so there filled the house
Designer & President told me to write it down. So here it is:” was a lot of music whenever he played.
Music is in my blood. in the house, live
music. My sister
Years later, my
mother even said,
Guitarists …We’re Lucky! And building vacuum tube
For our craft we have a pioneer of possibilities was five years older “He wooed me with
working every single day to invent tools that elevate
our art form. For 24 years I have had the privilege of
amplifiers has become than me and a good
piano student so I
his tone” remarking
on how they met
working alongside a mad-scientist that is more than my personal art. remember hearing and fell in love.
a little responsible for the rise of guitar to its current
spot in music. Randall Smith has an ear for tone, a
My earliest memories are musical. I can her practice all the When my father
passion for tube technology, a vision for building high still remember lying in my crib and hearing Beethoven, Mozart began teaching me
performance amps and an unwavering devotion to my dad play his tenor sax. He had a hotel and Chopin piano clarinet —which he
redefining what we think of as amplified guitar. dance band and a radio show for a couple sonatas. Those great insisted came before
Every day I am amazed at the energy, persever- of years after the War. He was also first chair melodies and harmonies sax or flute, he had me
ance and commitment Randy still has after 37 years
affected my mood play one note for days
of well-earned success. While most would be basking
in the light of past achievements, Randy is cutting as some pieces until I had pretty well mas-
tape and breathing solder in search of the next magic were haunting and My Dad weaving his tonal magic in tered it before he’d show me
his Forties Dance Band.
sound. At shows I watch others sign autographs, others sunny and the next one. What he was
while he is at home signing off on board revisions so uplifting. I think my really teaching was how to hear
he could make sure customers get the latest improve- brain was processing music long tone, listening to all the separate elements and
ments. I’m bewildered by competitors winning awards
in print for re-issuing mediocre versions of their own
before words began to make bringing them together to
products from yesteryear, while Randy is inventing sense! My first experience with make a musical sound.
ways to footswitch power sections! I guess it’s the the mystical quality of musical Of course that’s vital
way that those who truly contribute, are too busy instruments included the funky now when voicing an
doing what they do, to be out there getting credit for smell of my dad’s open sax case amplifier.
their work.
For inventing High Gain, Channel Switching and
the many revolutionary features (see page 10) we
now take for granted as commonplace, Randy should
be thanked. But for all his many contributions, none
more than this…listening to us guitarists!
(Continued on Page 6) Princeton Boogie ®
130 Bass & 130 Lead Heads
1969 1971
First high-power, 1x12 combo. First Mesa bass and Boogie
The pioneering wolf in sheep’s clothing guitar amps that were built entirely
Doug West (AKA “Tone Boy”) that started it all. from scratch.
 ...testing a “proto” out in the real world
Around the time Leo built his first amps, a my carvings over, I started worrying as soon carving things, learning how to handle and
Canadian guy named Ernie, who worked for as the guy opened the door. He was a Marine sharpen his tools and how to work in a seri-
my father, introduced me to tubes. That was Combat veteran and looked like Clint ous shop with a real craftsman. At that time
the era, way before stereo, when hi-fi was a Eastwood on a bad day …tough as nails. I he was building a control console for the
new concept and something you had to build handed him my carvings and he gave me Nautilus, the first nuclear submarine. Right
yourself. He had a studio quality turntable this look. He said, “Follow me.” We crossed in his garage shop. That’s how heavy he was.
with a futuristic tone arm all mounted to a his shop floor. “This is a band saw,” he said, Anyway, the things he built just floored me,
slab of exotic hardwood, and supported by turning it on. Then he stacked my three carv- they were so cool. They exuded artistry, far
four old beer cans …Hamms, as I recall. He ings in a pile, and ran them through –first beyond their primary, functional purpose and
gave me some of his older pieces, hand-built one way, then the other. He looked right inspired me to want to do the same. From
on the kitchen table, which I experimented at me as he tossed the pieces into the trash. then on his son and I spent all our time in
with until I was 11 or 12. “That’s what I think of your projects. And the old man’s shop, learning to hand-build
Then, at this impressionable age, I met that’s what I think of you.” amplifiers, transmitters and modulators from
Stan Stillson, a guy whose business was build- See, his theory was that when a person scratch. All using vacuum tubes.
ing industrial control systems in his garage makes something, he is leaving behind an A few years later my interests turned to
shop. (His father had invented the Stillson artifact that records his values at that time. cars, girls and rock ‘n roll and by mid-Sixties,
wrench.) His son Dave, a little older than He knew I hadn’t put much effort into the I was playing drums in a band while going to
me, was into building hi-fi and ham radio carvings and he wasn’t about to offer any false university in Berkeley. One night on a gig, my
gear as a hobby. I originally went to his father praise to “build up my self-esteem”. No, they friend Dave Kessner’s Sunn 200 amp went up
as part of a Boy Scout merit weren’t very good in smoke. Next day, I offered to fix it for him
badge, which I thought would and I was busted. because we didn’t have two nickels between us.
be real easy. Was I ever wrong! But, severely hum- He looked real worried but finally consented
The requirement for the bled, I hung around. when I assured him I ‘would do no harm’.
badge seemed simple: Carve It seems like I was in Anyway, with the experience from Stan’s
Three Items. Well, when I took his shop for weeks, shop, the burned-up amp was pretty easy

Snakeskin Mark I Boogie ®

Mark II-A
1972 1980
The first cascading preamp and the transi- First modern, channel-switching amplifier with
tional link that offered vintage and modern separate Rhythm and high-gain Lead modes. The
high-gain performance. Still built today! foundation of modern guitar amps.


Along the way sounds we take for granted as clas- to fix. A day later, Kessner suggested we open a famous 4-10 Tweed Bassman circuit. After care- including the Fillmore and Winterland …all of
sics, grew from the iconic circuits Randy was creating. music store together. “What do we know about ful measurement, I cut out the speaker board them built up a dirt path in a mountain shack
From the singing Mark I voice of Carlos Santana and running a music store?” I asked. He said, “I’ll and squeaked in a twelve-inch JBL D-120, the I had converted from an old dog kennel.
Larry Carlton in the ‘70s. To the Mark II B and C sounds
of the STONES and METALLICA in the ‘80s. Through the
run the front and you can fix stuff in the back.” hot speaker back then. When I finished build- So…what’s MESA? The Bay Area was run-
crushing Recto sounds of SOUNDGARDEN and LIMP …which turned out to be the meat locker of an ing it, I took it out to the front of the store to ning out of Princetons to modify and I needed
BIZKIT in the ‘90s. Up to today’s thick wall of gain used old Chinese grocery store. He was right about get a good play test and who do you think hap- to augment my paltry income from the music
by the FOO FIGHTERS and LINKIN’ PARK. Over the last the demand: everyone was playing in bands pened to be hanging out right store so I moonlighted a couple other gigs. One
three decades, the records of importance in rock n’ roll in the SF Bay Area back then. I felt a huge then? Carlos Santana. He was jacking up several of the old country hous-
have both featured and closely followed the release of responsibility to do things right because in no just wailed through that lit- es in West Marin, digging footings and pouring
the pioneering circuits that made these guitar sounds
possible. time our customers at Prune Music included tle amp until people were concrete foundations underneath, starting with
Hopefully this catalog will give you an inside view the heavies of the SF scene: Big Brother, the blocking the sidewalk. my own. That old house was so near falling
of an amazing talent and of a devotion to our art form Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, The Sons, When he stopped play- down that one end was 18 inches lower than
that is truly remarkable. Here’s a musician that doesn’t Quicksilver, Santana, Steve Miller and hun- ing he turned and said, the other!
even get to enjoy first hand, the world of tone he cre- dreds more you’ve never heard of. “Shit man. That little My other gig was rebuilding old
ates (Randy plays many instruments, but not guitar)
and yet he puts this quest for new guitar sounds above
Around 1969 we wanted to play a prank on thing really Boogies!” Mercedes-Benz engines in a two-
all else. Barry Melton of Country Joe and the Fish. So Word spread fast and story garage/studio I had built with
So if you play guitar and haven’t yet experienced I took his little Fender Princeton amp which, before long there wood trucked down directly from
the magic that happens when you plug in to an amp stock, puts out about twelve watts and has a were over a hundred the saw mills. (The truck was so
that is an instrument…get it together! You wouldn’t ten-inch speaker. I cut up the chassis to fit big little Princeton/ overloaded we had to drive five
paint with sticks, would you? There are amazing transformers and entirely rebuilt it using the Boogies appearing
brushes these days. So don’t limit your playing with
just an amp. Take advantage of the times you live in.
on Bay Area Stages
We’re lucky one guy’s obsession bears the fruit of such
amazing possibilities for our expression. Discovering
Boogies has definitely shaped my music and given
me the freedom to take my playing beyond
what I thought I could do. I sincerely wish
the same for you. From the thousands of
us you’ve helped,

Thanks Randy!

D-180 Rack Mount Bass Amp Mark II-B

1982 1982
First high-power, rack-mount bass Improved Lead overdrive circuitry
amp featuring dynamic “Dual with “cascade” configuration and first
Differential” driver circuitry. ever effects loop.

miles through a pear orchard to avoid the County country bliss was interrupted by a wouldn’t take no for an answer. So the first The main complaint was that ‘loudness’ and
Highway Patrol weight station!) I had grown tough looking but friendly stranger from the Mesa amp was a snakeskin bass amp made for ‘drive characteristics’ were inseparable. There
up with a little Austin-Healey Sprite, which ‘hoods of Oakland who showed up on my ‘the inimitable’ Patrick Burke, a great guy who was only the one volume control and thus
is very ‘character building’ in the sense that back porch. He’d heard the Princeton/Boogies became such a good friend, I later traded him there was no way to get the amps to break
it forces ingenuity …just to make it home! and wanted an amp. He was a bass player my half ownership in Prune Music for a guitar! up and sound loud without actually having
It required an engine rebuild every couple —but he still wanted me to build him an amp The fact that this total stranger was trusting to be loud. Some players were having Master
of years so when I got an old Mercedes with me with the astonishing sum of $300. inspired volumes added to their amps. That was a
a blown engine, I wasn’t afraid to give it a me to promise I would build him the best mod I didn’t offer because it didn’t really do
try. And that started an ‘old Mercedes’ trend bass amp ever. Thirty years and countless gigs much. There just wasn’t enough gain in the
amongst my friends. Those engines were an later, that Mesa 450 still has tone. The first standard Fender circuit. Everyone had that
inspiration and the difference between them Mesa guitar amp I scratch built was a Boogie® complaint, especially Santana. Even with his
and the British motors was shocking. It was 130 Lead Head, also snakeskin, which English jacked up Princeton, he couldn’t get enough
yet another lesson in the virtues of “getting rocker Dave Mason took on the spot when I sustain. I guess we were both after the same
it right”. showed up at a Winterland sound check. elusive sound.
Anyway, I needed an official sounding name Even with the success of those dozen or so Then as a result of a pre-amp project I was
to buy amp parts, pistons from Mercedes snakeskin heads, I was still hearing a tone in building for Lee Michaels to drive his new
and ready-mix trucks full of concrete. “Mesa my mind, more like a sax, with harmonic monster Crown DC 300 power amps, I stum-
Engineering” (a name I made up on the spot) Randy & Carlos jammin’ in the 70’s richness and long sustain. For years guitar bled onto the Holy Grail. I didn’t know how
seemed familiar and pro- players had been complaining about the much signal the Crowns needed to drive them
fessional sounding. and I sorely needed the 300 green dollars he limitations of their amplifiers – amps that so I thought I’d cover my basses by adding an
One day my Marin was literally stuffing in my shirt pocket. He now would be considered hot vintage prizes. extra complete stage of tube gain to the basic

“From the moment I plugged into the C+ in 1984, I

knew it was the sound I was searching for. The sound
shaped a new level of riff. Captain Crunch meant more
than just cereal now!” James Hetfield

M-180 & M-190 Mono tube rack power Mark II-C+

1983 1983
The “Dual Differential” driver Legendary sounds from “dual cascading”
circuitry in high-power, rack mount lead stage and so sought-after today that they
packages for guitar. command three times their original cost.


DOUG WEST, aka “Tone Boy”

Doug thinks he’s lucky, no …I’m the one who’s had the pre-amp architecture, adding three variable would sustain forever. That was the beginning At first, I was hand-building all parts of
good fortune to get up with another guy as crazy devoted Gain controls at critical points in the circuit. of high-gain cascading pre-amp architecture. these early Boogies by myself including silk-
to the pursuit of tone as I am. He’s When we hooked it up in Lee’s studio, it didn’t This wasn’t an incremental increase of 50 or screening the control panels and etching cop-
the one with the patience to sit work at first because we mistakenly plugged even 100 percent, this was an increase of 50 per printed circuit boards in a hot acid bath.
there hour after day after week (and
sometimes for months) working on a the speakers directly into the pre-amp. We kept times the normal gain of an amplifier and an I formed and punched the sheet metal chassis
sound, while I’m working on the cir- turning up the three gain entirely new realm of per- and built and finished the cabinets all with
cuit. I’m telling the truth when I joke controls because we could formance. skills I had learned back in the ex-Marine’s
about him having the entire resources hear a little faint sound. I knew at the time this shop. As demand grew, I enlisted the help of
of Mesa/Boogie® to indulge his gui-
tar fantasies. But he’s worth it. Then, when we plugged was a real breakthrough my wife and some neighbors. Mike Bendinelli
He can play like an angel …or play like a devil. How else it in right, Lee hit a big and I couldn’t wait to who, at the time was painting the ceiling,
can you explain products ranging from Mark IV’s clean sound power chord and practi- build up a Boogie size was put to work on power supply boards and
to the Rectifier’s heinous modern crunch. He’s the only player cally blew both our bodies 100 watt combo for twenty-five years later remains the keeper of
I know who’s basically mastered all styles of guitar and can
play any one of them with burning conviction. But there’s
through the back wall! We Santana using four 6L6s. the archives (mostly in his head) and the best
more. To do the job he’s got to be able to start playing or looked at each other with I was pretty sure it would restorer of those early amps. Back then it was a
stop on a dime while I make adjustments to the electronics. big grins and got down do just what he’d been true cottage industry with various friends doing
And he’s got to be able to repeat phrases accurately, over to adjusting those Gain searching for. And it came sub assemblies all right there in the mountains
and over, so we can decide if we’re going forward—or back- The Original Home of Tone.
wards—in development.
controls. It was monstrous! The Doghouse Workshop in Lagunitas. together just in time for of West Marin. At one point I was returning
We tend to hear things much the same way and have
You could dial in previous- Crescent moons on door are remnants from the his great Abraxas album from my daily exercise which comprised walk-
ly un-heard of amounts of original Princeton baffle boards, having been which introduced this ing up the mountain behind the house with
developed a specialized vocabulary to describe the sounds. cut out to hold 12” speakers.
But there’s another element, equally vital, and that’s how an gain with the first two con- new high-gain sound to the the dogs. As I came back down through the
amp feels to play. I know how important that is on sax but trols, while adjusting the loudness level with world and started putting that mountain stu- redwoods, I could see the girls sitting on the
not being a guitar player myself, Doug’s input is crucial. Just
to give you an example, our work developing Dyna-Watt led
the third control. It was huge sounding and it dio on the map as the Home of Tone®. deck, stuffing circuit boards in the sun with
to a patented circuit that actually makes the guitar feel easier
to play. I’ve never met a rock star who could do all this plus Keith Richards with an
stay focused and repeat the same lick! early Mark series combo.
Doug also has the primary responsibility for road test- Over the years, the Stones
ing amps on the gig and in the studio. Of course we value have bought 42 Boogies!
the opinions of others, but none are as clear and precise as
Doug when it comes to evaluating musical performance. And
because he’s been so involved in the R&D process from the
initial concept to the final useage, Doug is the perfect guy to
write our outstanding Owner’s Manuals. Not only are they
informative and thorough, they are actually enjoyable to read,
another Mesa first!
Quad™ & Studio Preamps Strategy 400 Stereo & Simul 295™

Don’t get the wrong impression, we try to have a good
time but R&D is mostly tedium and hard work. But when
Doug freaks out and goes off on a monumental burst of
amazing guitar playing, I know for sure we’ve closed in on
something magic. Something you – and guitarists the world
over will find inspiring.
Quad & Studio Preamps revolutionized Strategy 400 Stereo & Simul 295 com-
LA rack scene and intro’d tuned record- pleted rack revolution, trimming size for
ing outs. Mark III. First tri-modal amp stereo to 4 spaces. Twelve cylinder
 offering clean, crunch, and Boogie lead. Bass 400 still going strong today.
JIM ASCHOW, Vice President
their tops off. I just stood there for a couple of we’re still hand-building Mark I’s and quite a the cabinets, is entirely made in our one loca- Where do I begin? There aren’t enough hats made to
minutes realizing that I had achieved the perfect few other models. tion here in Petaluma, California where we’ve cover all the jobs Jim does. He’s like a Conductor --with a wry
smile and a distant calm-- orchestrat-
gig (for me at least!) and I told myself never to We’re no longer the latest underground been since 1980. ing the furious pace of supplying the
stray too far from the contented, productive boutique darling but we’re still pioneering the These days a lot of big name amp manu- guitar world with high performance
and creative feeling of those happy times. frontiers of tone. And we’ve barely changed the facturers choose to have their products built amplifiers. This is no easy gig. In fact
By the time we moved Mesa out, that moun- way we design and build our amplifiers. What out-of-country, and that’s OK with us. We look no one before him was even able to
do it …we’d burn ‘em right out! And
tain “house” had grown into a 4,000 square changes we have made are all based on my to a couple of our favorite icons and take heart: yet, he makes it look easy.
foot mini-industrial zone with a wood shop, years of experience as the designer and builder. a Ferrari wouldn’t be the same if it were made Because Jimmy is Mesa/Boogie.
electronics shop, loading dock, two offices and And every little thing is calculated for one pur- in China. And closer to home, Harleys deserve He literally grew up here. Over 20
several full time employees. Before we left there, pose only: To Hand-Craft A Better All-Tube to be made in Milwaukee, not Mexico, because years ago and right out of high
we were exporting to 39 foreign countries. Amplifier. Each chassis is still entirely hand- they – like us – are American. school, he started sanding cabinets and soon was covering
for his older co-workers when they were too burnt from their
I want to stop right now and give thanks to wired, checked out, teched-out and as always, I promise we won’t let our increased visibility gigs the night before. Now, as Vice President and General
everyone involved. And that certainly includes bashed repeatedly with a hammer while turned spoil us. We’ve been approached with many Manager, Jim Aschow basically runs the joint and enables me
all the musicians who trusted us with their cash full up. Then there is a play test, followed by offers over the years and could have sold out. to focus on my real passion, product design.
and their tone. Thank You All So Much! In a 24-hour burn-in, another electronic check, But this is what we do, and we love doing it. That’s how it is here at Mesa/Boogie: We work more like
total we built around 3,000 Mark I Boogies in installation into a cabinet and a final play Our goals remain unchanged from day one: a band than a company, and Jim’s a great coach helping each
member of team Boogie discover their own level of contribu-
that house. test given by a different musician then a last Build the best musical amplifiers possible, and tion. And Jim does way more than manage, he’s a fine crafts-
Looking back, I guess we were the first inspection before packing. Every Mesa/Boogie® treat each of you as we ourselves would wish to man and designer in his own right. Not only does he create
“boutique” amp company, though I never from the most expensive to the least uses the be treated. We want every musician we serve the myriad of production fixtures that enable us to maintain
thought of it that way. Now, 30 years and identical top grade materials and assembly to become a life-long member of the Mesa/ our precise quality, he also works throughout our plant with
the people using them. Remember, every Mesa/Boogie is
30 miles from that original Tone Shack, techniques. Every Mesa/Boogie including all Boogie family. hand-built and requires a high level of expertise to emerge
from our shop as an instrument you’ll treasure for years. This
kind of tightly knit groove means there’s no room for
bureaucracy to come between us and your tone.
And Jim doesn’t stop when the sun goes down. In
his “spare” time, he’s our chief cabinet designer constantly
elevating our existing designs as well as creating many
new ones. Check out Jimmy’s 4x12 TQ …in fact all of the
Three Quarter Back and Recto cabinets. And if you play bass,
explore the entire line of PowerHouse™ enclosures. Working
closely with the speaker manufacturer to create custom bass
drivers, Jim spearheaded that entire line from the elemen-
tary components to the final finished enclosure. And that
includes tricky hardware and features such as the patented
Mark IV Dual Calibers™ Track-Lok™ heavy-duty caster mounting and the Tilt n’ Roll™

1989 1990 transport system.

So behind every Mesa/Boogie stands a man of quiet
passion, intense focus and deep integrity. I’m honored and
deeply thankful knowing that Jim maintains the same depth
of commitment that I have, as he carries out the responsibility
Voted Amp of the Year three times in The Dual Calibers: DC-3, DC-5, DC-10. of insuring that each and every Mesa/Boogie lives up to my
Europe and still one of our most popular Starting in 1984 with the Studio .22 and evolving original vision.
models, includes fabled II-C Lead sound. through the DCs to today’s award-winning,
three-mode F-Series amplifiers. 

Did You So many features now considered standard were first three decades wouldn’t exist without the revolution-
introduced by Mesa/Boogie®. In fact it’s fair to say ary circuits that made them possible. We’re honored
Know… that many of the important guitar sounds of the last by so many great players who have found their

1969: First High-Power 1x12 Combo. The giant 1973: Multiple Impedance Speaker Outputs for reliable 1986: Dyna-Watt™ power circuit. Enhanced dynamic
killer is born matching of different cabs. power envelope. Pat. 4,713,624
1969: Half-Power Switch. The 60/100 switch matches 1978: Lead/Rhythm Dual-Mode Amplifier. First Channel 1986: Modified Dual Mode front-gain preamp. Used in
power to venue. Switching. Pat. 4,211,893. Calibers & F-Series Pat.4,701,957
1970: Pull Gain Boost Switch. Extra mid-gain for playing 1981: Effects Loop. Offered signal level and impedance 1986: Mark III. Tri-Mode Amp, footswitches Clean, Crunch
the Blues. matching for outboard FX & Overdrive.
1971: High Gain Cascading Pre-amp. The Birth of 1982: Simul-Class™. Combines Class A tone and Class AB 1987: Simul 295™ and Strategy® 400 Stereo. Stereo Tube
Overdrive power. Pats. 4,532,476; 4,593,251 Rack Power.
1972: On-Board Graphic Equalizer. Provided alternate foot- 1984: Footswitchable Reverb Mixes. Alternates between 1989: Mark IV. External control ports, assignable loops
switchable EQ ‘ambient’ and ‘drenched’. and switchable power voicing
1972: Slave Output & Level Control. Enabled multi- amp 1984: M-180 & M-190 high-output rack mount tube 1989: Tweed™(Bold) Power. Switchable Mains reduction,
and FX set-ups. power. Started rack revolution. like on-board variac. Pat. 5,091,700
1973: Pre-Out, Power In jacks. Predecessor to modern 1985: Quad™ Preamp. Dual Channel Rack Preamp with 1990: Simul 395™ and Strategy® 500. Dual Mode, foot-
FX loop. four footswitchable modes. switchable Smart Power™.
1973: Exotic Hardwood Cabinetry with dove-tailed joints 1985: Dual reverb tanks. Combined short and long decay 1990: Tri-Axis™. Midi control & full programmability run 8
and wicker cane grille. for ultimate richness. all-tube modes. Pat. 5,208,548.

TriAxis™ & Simul 290™ Dual & Triple Rectifiers® Maverick™ & Blue Angel™ Nomads™
1990 1991 1994 1998
The ultimate all-tube rack rig packing Redefining the guitar stack, this A tribute to simplicity and vintage power Three complete channels deliver
8 programmable modes and 200 stereo fearsome legend continues on toward clip, their touch-sensitive magic is avail- vintage clean and the subtle sides of
watts into three rack spaces. world domination! able today in several configurations. brown, for the player with finesse.
unique sounds using our instruments, the exact same out the list below and see how many of these features
ones available to you. We’re proud to be part of their you rely on every time you play.
voice because our quest for tone is relentless. Check

1991: Dual Rectifier®. You know this one. Patent 2000: Road King™. Progressive Linkage, five power tube 2003: Venture 600™. First high powered, full featured
5,168,438. options per channel. 600 Watt Bass Combo.
1991: Parallel FX Loop with Mix control. Reduces tone 2000: Road King™. Dual FX Loops, Series and Parallel, 2003: Multi-Watt™ Channel Assignable Power. Selectable
loss. Pat. 6,522,752. assignable per channel wattage options per channel. Patent Pending. Used on Lone
Stars®, Stilettos® and Roadster™.
1991: Channel Cloning™. Allows duplication of gain 2000: Road King™. External Switching Trigger, for activat-
structures in different channels. ing outboard effects. 2003: WalkAbout Scout™ Convertible Bass Combo.
Converts from a combo to a stand-alone head.
1992: Triple Rectifier®. When excess is barely enough. 2000: Road King™. Speaker Cabinet Switcher, assignable
per channel. 2003: Scout Bass Radiator™ Cabinets. Passive Bass
1995: Progressive Linkage™. Selects different types of Radiator System diven by Neodymium Speaker.
power tubes. Pat. 5,559,469. 2000: Recto® Tracking™ auto-matches rectifier to power-
amp. Patent Pending. 2004: Tri-Port™ Bass Cabinets. Individually tuned triangu-
1996: Simul-State™ Power. Tube driven MOS FET lar front porting system for enhanced fidelity.
power for bass. 2000: Channel Assignable Rectifier®. Patent Pending.
Used on Road King™ and Stiletto® 2004: Player Control™ Bass Cabinets. First Bass Cabinets
1998: Nomad™ Full array of controls on each of three with built-in adjustable Crossover & Instant Reset Horn
independent channels. 2001: Rec Pre™. Pure analog recording circuitry faithfully Protection.
cops sound and feel.
1998: Solo Control™. Presettable, footswitchable volume 2005: Push-Pull to Single-Ended switches power ampli-
boost. Pat. 6,724,897. 2001: WalkAbout™. High Powered Compact Bass Amp. fier configuration. Used in Lone Star® Special™. Patent
300 Watts from a 13 pound, 12”x12” box!
2000: Road King™. Four complete 3-mode channels. Pending.

Road King™, Rec Pre™ & F-Series™ Lone Star® & Stiletto® Lone Star® Special™ Ace™, Titan™ & Roadster™
2000-2 2004 2005 2006
Three busy years of R & D make sure all bases are covered - from Opposite ends of the stylistic spectrum find new icons; the The first amplifier capable of switching tube wiring Stylistic diversity is celebrated with the introduction of three stun-
the focused simplicity of the F-Series, to the fleet of amps in the Road LoneStar pays tribute to the Blues - Texas style, while the configurations: Single-Ended (5 watts operating Class A) ning models; the Recto-bred four channel Roadster, the new British-
King, and the studio prowess of the Rec Pre. Stiletto takes deadly aim at classic British EL34 sounds. to Push-Pull (15 and 30 watts operating Class A). inspired 50 watt Stiletto Ace and, for bass, the Titan V-12. 11
O ur reputation for hand-
building exceptional quality
high performance amplifiers
Debbie Anderson is the
friendly voice that greets
you when you call the
Mike Bendinelli is keeper of
the archives and Mesa’s very first
employee, Mike has a keen eye and
George Mueller is a
man in demand. His 20
years of tech experience
Home of Tone. She cheer- a trained ear for what makes an amp qualifies him to watch
is exceeded only by our rep for fully handles the immense magic. His 35 years of experience as over production and
customer service. Our goal from task of routing the hundreds Final Tech for production, combined make sure Randall Smith’s
day one has been to treat you, of calls we get a week from with his long list of real world big- construction techniques
stage house calls for our touring are followed so that each
the customer, as we ourselves players around the world
artists, makes him uniquely equipped and every amp is full
in search of their musical
would want to be treated. voice. She also responds to to oversee production. In the unlikely of artistry and tone. He
Following this simple and most the thousands of letters and event you should ever need help, he also handles Technical
basic practice has earned us information requests we also manages our Repair Department Assistance calls making
and Mike has the chops to ensure sure that customers, as
the loyalty of legions of faith- get. So be sure to treat her
any Boogie, from any era, will per- well as our worldwide
nice…we don't know what
ful players around the globe. we would do without her. form like the day it was born. In his Authorized Warranty
Unlike bigger companies with spare time, Mike puts those golden Stations, have the
vast Service Departments, we’re ears to use as a toneful Engineer, information they need.
doing front of house for Deaf Louie,
available to talk to you instead his own live sound company,
of assigning you a number. Yet
because we have been suc-
cessfully helping musicians get
great tone for 37 years, we have ™
resources smaller operations
or boutique builders simply
can’t provide. Our flexible “mid
size” organization enables us to
respond to your needs quickly
and efficiently making us big
enough to serve, yet small
enough to care.
You can call us direct at the
shop and speak to a Product
Specialist that will help you get
the most from your amp and
define a sound that is uniquely
yours. Our dedicated Dealer
Reps perform like Deacons as
they roam the nation and the
world, ensuring our retail outlets
are knowledgeable and up to Michael Taylor works his mojo on Marcus Daniel brings his vast Kris Dilbeck joins Customer Service Tim Mckee has been using Mesa Richard Duvall reviews Warranty Claims
customer’s needs every day, lead- experience with our products to as a true Specialist. He has tested every products for years and knows the impor- and coordinates our nationwide Authorized
speed with the latest tonal devel- bear on your questions as he joins amp shipped over the last few years tance of great tone at the gig or in the Warranty Stations as well as Service Returns
ing them to Tone in mysterious but
opments. All of these musicians effective ways. Before finding his Customer Service after 6 years of and knows Mesa Tone from the inside studio. He can help you find that sound coming to the shop. His experience and
have hands on experience here niche in Customer Service, Michael scrutinizing finished amps in our Final out. His vast experience here in Final you hear in your head, patch up your expertise is invaluable and gives him the
at the Home of Tone and are put his magic to work testing finished Testing Booth. His hands-on knowl- Assembly has produced a troubleshoot- favorite outboard gear or troubleshoot a direct line to tech support, cutting through
amplifiers in Final Assembly and later, edge and troubleshooting expertise ing Jedi, and should you ever need tube problem with the confidence that “tape” and getting your concerns handled
well aware of each step’s impor- are complimented by his fiery play- help, he will get you flying again fast. comes directly from his first hand experi- promptly. His talents as a keyboardist and
assisted our huge list of touring stars
tance in the process of building in Artist Relations. His experience with ing ability on both guitar and bass. Before life at Mesa, Kris earned a degree ence. He joins Tien Lawrence in Artist producer are equally impressive.
your amp. Like you, they rely our products is greatly embellished by Marcus can relate firsthand to your in the Recording Arts at Berklee Music Relations to assist our ever expanding
on their own Mesa every time his crafty skills as a songwriter, guitarist needs as a fellow gigging and record- College in Boston and continues to hone family of Artists-in-Tone around the
and drummer. ing musician. his mighty skills as both Engineer and world.
they gig, which gives them the Producer.
ultimate understanding of your
needs and the skills to ensure
your lasting satisfaction.

Steve Mueller defies the John Rinkor Tien Lawrence
laws of physics and most Director of Sales is our Front Line Guru and truly
certainly a title. As our John is our High Priest of Tone and the a man for all seasons. His years
Ambassador at Large, he embodiment of Mesa/Boogie’s commitment spent working through every
orchestrates a worldwide sym- to excellence in everything we do. He has aspect of the shop with an infec-
phony that reaches every point the honorable distinction of several years tious up-tempo style all his own
on the compass. His experience of successful, hands-on experience at our eventually landed him the gig as
is vast and his talents are factory in Customer Service, as well as an our Customer Service Manager.
diverse and we rely on them illustrious five-year record as one of our There he crafted our dream team
to keep us continually on the most successful Divisional Sales Managers that continues to impress. Still in
higher road when it comes prior to being promoted to Director of Sales. that loop, he now takes on Artist
to our representation in the His vast experience has garnered him with a Relations and the immense task
marketplace. His musical talents phenomenal range of product, service and of making sure our incredible ros-
are no less valuable and are put sales knowledge that is only outdone by ter of Artists is in tune and taken
to use frequently in the many his accomplished talents as a guitarist and care of around the world.
stages of product development. songwriter.

Trent Blake Matthew Smith Matt Schuster Rich Longacre Shawn Farbman
Divisional Sales Manager International Sales Manager Divisional Sales Manager Divisional Sales Manager Divisional Sales Manager
Southern United States & Puerto Rico Matthew is our top Ambassador of Tone to Northeastern United States & Canada Western United States & Canada Central United States & Canada
Trent is our Senior Deacon of Tone who the world, currently responsible for bringing Matt is our Evangelist of Tone to the East Rich is our Reverend of Tone to the West who Shawn is our Minister of Tone to the
personifies the unbridled spirit and pas- the diplomacy of “Toneful Freedom” to our who shares our fanatical love for great has spent the last 21 years garnering all of “Heartland”, who has spent the last decade
sion of Mesa/Boogie in every element network of Distributors in over 40 countries tone and exceptional service. His spirited the experience the music industry has to offer. bringing the good news of Mesa/Boogie to
of his being. His depth of experience worldwide! He draws from years of success- enthusiasm and friendly, conscientious His dedicated tenure and expertise, combined all of those in search of a higher experience
in our industry is unsurpassed, having ful experience in our industry, both in retail approach have attributed to his shining with his contagiously positive “can do” attitude in Tone. He has extensive experience in our
worked in virtually every aspect of music and in high-end distribution. His innovative record in our industry as a top performer in lead him up the ranks of management at one industry and has long been respected as
retail for one of the nations largest contributions toward our continual improve- sales and service for the past 13 years. His of the worlds largest musical retailers, where a top performer in the sales and service of
chains, encompassing front line sales, ment in training, service and support have expertise in all facets of music retail comes he specialized in managing multiple stores in Mesa/Boogie products. His broad knowl-
store management and multi-store been immeasurable. He also provides us from real world experience, having worked all facets of amplifier merchandising & product edge of Boogie products, his personable
purchasing. His exceptional work ethic with a wealth of added insight and direction his way through the ranks to a store man- training. His peerless spirit and passion for personality and his remarkable aptitude for
and incredible talent for fresh innovative through his native British perspective, both ager position, prior to joining our team. His amplifiers and his dedication to providing first- dialing up great Tone are just a few from a
ideas have made him an invaluable in business and as a talented player. As an devotion to Dealer training, creative mer- class service shine through on a daily basis. long list of attributes that make him an irre-
asset to us for the better part of the last advocate of Mesa/Boogie for the last 16 years, chandising and customer satisfaction have Known for creating excitement and enthusiasm placeable member of our family. He is also
decade. Equally impressive are his musi- he brings a sincere dedication to the success made him an essential member of The on the sales floor, he understands what it takes an immensely gifted player and songwriter
cal talents as a singer, songwriter and and overall well being of our entire network of Home of Tone. He is also a skillful guitarist to keep a retail environment looking and feel- – Pretty handy on a Hockey Ring as well!
guitarist/bassist! International Distributors. and songwriter. ing its best. Talk about feel… Rich is also an
astounding guitar player!
One of the things that first drew Whether you’re building pianos, flutes, violins or ponents and construction techniques are the same for built on a light piece of bent-up metal with no sides,
amplifiers, there are time-tested methods of construc- every Mesa/Boogie® from the most expensive to the least. no flanges, no welds, no paint and simple plastic name-
me to musical instruments and has tion and a code to fine instrument building. We strictly There are no “budget” models or off-shore imports. plates front and back that only look heavy-duty.
kept me interested ever since, is the adhere to this tradition, and yet there is no limit to the Everything is hand-crafted by the same builders who From the very first, all Mesa/Boogies have been
way they’re built. They’re not like amount of additional finesse and quality that can be lav- average more than ten years here. built using hand-drawn printed circuit boards for the
ished upon even the smallest of details. This is in stark Let’s start with the chassis. Our rack-mount mod- electronics. With high-gain musical amplifiers, the
toasters or TV sets. They’re not just contrast to the cost-driven, high-volume approach most els are built on .080 and thicker aircraft aluminum. location of parts and conductors is critical. Only a care-
disposable consumer items. Rather manufacturers use. Combos and heads use 16 gauge, cold-rolled steel, fully fully designed p.c. board can duplicate the magic of the
they’re built to inspire magic and to Shown here is an inside view of one of our most formed into a flanged box, with welded seams and a original prototype, which itself used a printed circuit
last for a lifetime. popular amplifiers, the Triple Rectifier®. But all com- heavy powder-coat finish. Most modern amplifiers are board. This insures that every amp is an exact replica of

the golden proto by eliminating the variations that often bottom and throughout the barrel, creating a reinforced are custom designed and selected for their musical per- even have special “artist series”. Not us. At Mesa/Boogie,
occur in “one-off” construction. sandwich of solder. formance. Tolerances are tight, one percent for resistors we only know one way to do things. We don’t have a
We don’t rely on the single-sided phenolic boards Wherever point-to-point wiring is better, we use it. In where the industry standard is 5% to 10%. Tubes, pots, custom shop …we are a custom shop. Our artists don’t
commonly used, rather ours are epoxy-based, double- most other amps the control pots are mounted on a p.c. transformers, capacitors, connectors, sockets and switch- use some specially chosen or modified amplifier, they
sided with plated-through holes. This means a conduc- board where damage to the pot breaks the board. Notice es are all custom made and benefit from our decades of play the exact same amp you can buy. We just want to
tive barrel has been formed inside each hole, with pads that our pots are bolted directly to the chassis and con- experience. Many of our suppliers have come to trust us build the very best amplifiers we can. And we want to
on both sides. In a conventional board, only the strength nected with flying leads. Thus, if one becomes damaged, as a reference and a resource for themselves because we’re treat each player as we ourselves would want to be treat-
of the glued-on foil supports the parts. On our custom replacement is easy and doesn’t imperil the circuit board. so relentless. ed. These are our founding principles. It’s been working
boards, each lead is soldered on the top, on the Component quality is as important as construction. Some instrument companies divide their manufac- now for thirty years and we see no reason to change.
That’s why most of our parts –not just the major ones, turing into “production” and “custom models”. Some


T t h e roa d k ing ™ series ii

 Improved Channel 1 & 2 now features CLEAN
and FAT from our acclaimed Lone Star® – our best
clean ever – along with incredible new TWEED™
and BRIT modes. These two channels alone would
make a mighty amplifier.
 All New, All-Tube Reverb also from the Lone
Star is deeper, more lush and ambient and sticks
tighter to the notes. Reverb control now rides in each
Channel Strip.

Nothing’s more satisfying than Our patented Progressive Linkage™

provides five different all-tube power
a great old tube amp …except amplifiers which you can harness in any
a fleet of great old tube amps. combination to the King’s four preamp
channels to create – not a cyber mock-
And that’s exactly what the up, but the real, authentic circuits found
Road King™ is..... in those classic amplifiers.

Here’s How Once in a while a product This simple yet powerful

comes along that redefines its concept allows you to assign
It Works : genre …changing the way we different power amplifiers to
think, and ushering in a new era. each pre-amp channel …and
1. Pick a Channel: 1 and 2 are the
kings of low gain finesse. Channels The Road King™ does just that. footswitch between them. You
3 and 4 are pure Dual Rectifier® from This seriously over-the-top can match any power amp
purring mid-gain fur to modern high
gain aggression. Simple control layout is Recto® offers four discreet chan- to each channel and create
duplicated for all four channels. nels that each house an incredible your own fleet of dedicated,
three modes of hyper-tuned pre- all-tube amplifiers from input
2. Choose a Mode: The Clean,
Fat, Tweed™ and Brit voicings
for Channels 1 & 2, cover the preamp
amp expression. Yet as if all this
shaping power wasn’t enough, the
jack to speaker, from 30 watts
to 120. The Road King even
spectrum from Fullerton, California to Road King goes on to revolution- lets you assign a choice of
Liverpool, England. Channels 3 and 4 ize amplifier design by offering an speaker cabs per channel!
each offer Raw, Vintage and Modern
modes that are 100% pure Recto®
entirely new dimension in channel Colored LEDs on the front
authority. switching: Progressive Linkage™. panel keep you informed of

your channel selection and power one 5U4 rectifier tube for enhanced EL-34s for a chiming power clip. Or, new frontier in crushing gain.
combinations. But there’s more to low power bounce. When selecting if you need alternate clean sounds, set These few examples offer a mere
power than wattage and tube types two pairs of output tubes, both 5U4 Channel 1 to Tweed and Channel 2 glimpse into the incredible domain
alone. It’s all about the feel. And part rectifier tubes are engaged to support to Fat, choosing power amps for each ruled by the Road King with
of providing a perfect power response the increased power and retain the that best suit your style. Progressive Linkage. Take the world
is selecting the proper rectifier. This is dynamic feel. And finally, selecting Applying Rectifier Logic further, tour of classic all-tube circuits from
the device that converts high voltage all six power tubes triggers the tighter Channels 3 and 4 each include Raw, vintage to modern and on into the
AC into Direct Current for the power sounding, more efficient silicon diode Vintage and Modern modes, just like future. Understand, the Road King is
tubes. And two of the Road King’s rectifiers to produce an authoritative the fabled Dual and Triple Rectos. But what modeling technology wants to
eight patents cover the rectifier choic- 120 watts of headroom. And just like with the Road King you can combine be. Not algorithm simulations, rather
es available and the way they track. the famed Dual and Triple Rectifiers, each mode with any of five differ- combinations of the original circuits,
Choosing Rectifier-Tracking™ in you can over-ride Recto-Tracking ent power sections. For example, try using the real technology, to create the
any channel matches the power har- anytime by merely selecting the strapping Raw to a pairing of EL’s and actual amplifiers.
ness you have selected to the perfect Silicon Diodes. 6L’s for a snarling harmonic spread What would you rather play …a
amount of juicy rectifier sag for the Imagine a bubbly Clean sound, with British attitude. Or run Vintage, cyber mock-up? Or a fleet of real,
number of output tubes in use. Here’s using the incredible dynamics of a 50 through four 6L6s, to cop the Dual hand-made, all-tube amps. The Road
how it works: When you select one watt pair of tube-rectified 6L6s. Now Rec Solo Head exactly. And if you can King is the new frontier, in authentic
pair of output tubes, either 6L6s or footswitch to the threshold-clean Brit stand more, hit Modern through all tube tone.
EL-34s, Recto-Tracking™ brings up voice on Channel 2, driving a pair of six power tubes, diode rectified, for a

3. Select a Power Amplifier, one for

each Channel. This is where Progressive
Linkage™ gets fun, giving you instant access
for an authentic English accent on another
channel...and so on. There are five distinc-
tive power tube combinations: some classic,
4. Choose a Rectifier. Or let Recto-
Tracking™ auto-match the perfect recti-
fier for each power amplifier you select. One
and delivers more attack, Jack. And to satisfy
the demands of all six output tubes, Recto-
Tracking automatically kicks in the silicon
to your fleet of classic power amps. You can some new-born, each inspiring in sound and 5U4 rectifier tube provides the juice and sag diodes for tight, fast punishing response. Or
have huge, breathy 4:6L6 headroom for one feel, ranging from 30 watts to 120. that gives two 6L6s or two EL-34s a truly you can over-ride Recto-Tracking anytime by
channel and set up a snarling pair of EL-34’s magic dynamic bounce. When you run four selecting the Diodes…just like the famed Dual
power tubes, a second 5U4 comes on track and Triple Rectifiers.

Built In Variac Other Features Include: Channel Strips, one
per channel, repeat like
(patented) lets
a console so it’s simple
you further tune ● Output Control adjusts overall loud to learn and easy to
the power sec-
tion to your style. ness without changing channel use. Here you assign
Loops, Cabs, Reverb,
Kick the A.C. balance. Rectifier Status and most
voltage down
for a looser, scoopier feel or hit Bold for maximum important, Progressive
headroom and low-end tightness. ● Solo Control provides footswitchable Linkage which offers
these five power choices:
volume boost in any channel. 2x6L6, 2xEL-34, 2x6L6
Channels 1 and 2 Channels 3 and 4
plus 2xEL-34, 4x6L6 and
A La Mode… Each Channel offers 3 Mode choices. ● Separate Reverb controls included for 4x6L6 plus 2xEL-34.
The two pairs of Channels (Rhythm 1 & 2 and Lead each channel.
3 & 4) are duplicated so you can use similar pre-
amp sounds with different Power Tube, Rectifier Cabinet Switcher,
and Wattage configurations. Channels 1 & 2 offer ● External Switching jacks allow midi a unique Road King
CLEAN, FAT & BRIT. Channels 3 & 4 provide RAW, control of all major functions. feature, includes load
VINTAGE & MODERN. protection and let’s you
dedicate specific cabs
● Slave Out for driving external power for clean and overdriven
Tuner Out jack provides a Power Status LEDs keep you informed of your pre-
amps or FX rigs. sounds. Also works great
with our split-chamber
tuner feed: Tuner Mute Switch assigned Power Tube and Rectifier combinations per chan-
Road King cabs which
on the King Kontroller provides nel. Other front panel LEDs show Channel and Loop status.
include separate open
a silent tuning feature.
and closed sections.
External Mute jack allows
control of the Tuner Mute
feature from an external
master switcher.

5. Dedicate your Loops. Each Channel

Panel lets you assign either of the
Two Series Loops which can be individually
6. Connect your Cabs. On-board
Speaker Switching lets you assign
dedicated cabs for different channels such
footswitched at any time. (Make certain the as open-back for clean sounds and sealed
Send Level control is set at Normal When for overdrive. More than an A-B box, this Road King 2x12 Combo with Private
auditioning in a store.) is a sophisticated time-delay switcher that Reserve Flame Maple cabinet.
Dual Series Effects Loops, include Master Send Level. All
protects your tubes and transformer during
Loop circuitry can be hard bypassed. Run separate process-
switching. ing for Channels 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 or run Delay in Loop1 and
Chorus in Loop 2…the possibilities are endless.

King Kontroller™, twenty four inches of toe-tapping tone

control accesses Channels, Reverb, Tuner Mute, Loops and
Solo functions. This is one King size, gig ready pedal!


R t h e R O A D S T E R ™ c om b os

Roadster Footswitch allows instant access to channels,
reverb, tuner mute, loop and solo.

T op down, radio pumping,

­f lying down a back-country
road in a high performance ragtop.
1 and 2, both offer shimmering
CLEAN and fuller FAT modes
so you can dial in two ultimate
Channels 3 and 4 pack all the
mind-altering, iconic sounds of our
Dual Rectifier® Solo Head, handing
Responsibilities left behind, miles rhythm sounds. And either one can you the keys to the world of high
of S-curves ahead… fully in the be pushed over the threshold into a gain …past, present and future. The
moment and feeling the rush, snaking low gain clip. For authentic howling RAW, VINTAGE and MODERN
your way through shadowed canyons American Blues, set Channel One to modes cover the entire range of gain
Channels 1 & 2 each offer 3 Mode choices - two of
that give way to sunny ridgetops. TWEED™. Or, for more grind and from a sweet clip, through a liquid which are repeated for added flexibility when configuring
Freedom, Flow, Exhilaration! greater urgency, set Channel Two to voice up to a crushing wall of tight your footswitching map. CLEAN and FAT modes appear
in both Channels so you can set-up two very different
The new Dual Rectifier® Roadster™. BRIT and leap across the Atlantic for grind and are duplicated in both Cleans or, clone your favorite sound and alter it slightly
for clean or pushed soloing. From there, Channel 1 is
Introducing the most fun a guitar- a new attitude in English Rock. Channels. This again allows you to home to the soulful mid gain voice of American Blues in
ist can have on four wheels …well (Continued Next Page) TWEED, while Channel 2 crosses the Atlantic to crusade
for classic English Rock sounds in the urgent mid gain
alright, casters. BRIT mode.
This all-tube thoroughbred shares
a class with only one other amplifier –
and that’s the mighty Road King™. In
fact the Roadster is a Road King but
one that’s been stripped down to it’s
most essential features. One FX Loop
instead of two. One set of speaker
jacks instead of two switchable sets.
And simpler power tube switching Channels 3 & 4 contain all the high-gain glory of the
iconic Dual Rectifier Solo Head. These time-tested, hit-
with four 6L6’s but no EL34’s. making sounds appear in the entire Rectifier family of
Up front are the same four foot- amplifiers and in the Roadster, they’re duplicated in
Channels 3 and 4. RAW covers the ground between
switchable preamps – each one offer- where TWEED and BRIT top out and VINTAGE begins with
ing three different voicings. Channels smooth, purring warmth. VINTAGE takes it up a notch
and sings with smoldering, liquid gain for single note
solo work and then there’s MODERN. This is the original
Roadster 1x12 Combo crushing, tight high-gain Recto® sound that changed
featuring ported closed-back guitar amplification forever. Accept no imitations!
design. Also available as 2x12
fully closed-back design. 21

Each of the four Channels has a corresponding Channel

strip on the Rear Panel for controlling the REVERB,
RECTIFICATION, POWER and the status of the EFFECTS
LOOP. Here you can blend in the rich all-tube Reverb,
choose between tight punchy Diode or vintage sagging
Tube Rectification, switch your Power between the bold
headroom of 100 watts or the bright bounce of 50 watts
(Continued from Page 21)
t h e R O A D S T E R ™ Hea d

and dedicate the Effects Loop to the channels you need find a favorite sound and dedicate the to your music. Limitless configura- select either 50 or 100 watts for each
processing on. All these choices are channel specific mak-
ing the Roadster an ultimate footswitching live rig!
channels to slight differences or, con- tions of truly great Tones await your preamp Channel. This simple feature
figure them for wildly divergent styles. discovery, keeping pace as your playing greatly expands each Channel’s sonic
The versatility and quality of all evolves. And there’s more: potential by enabling you to lower the
these sounds make the Roadster not The Roadster also features our pat- power-clip threshold or, rev things up
just an amp for your current style or ent-pending Multi-Watt™ Channel as needed. Each power choice also
band but rather, a lifelong companion Assignable Power, allowing you to characterizes a different sonic person-

Series Effects Loop features a Hard Bypass that removes

two tubes and all associated Loop Circuitry from the
signal path including the SEND LEVEL, OUTPUT and SOLO
controls plus the TUNER OUT for the shortest, most direct
signal path. BIAS SELECT reconfigures the bias circuit and
allows you to swap the stock compliment of 6L6’s for a
quartet of EL 34 type power tubes creating a brighter,
Euro-style power character and classic Brit clipability.

External Switch jacks provide the interface to control the

Channels, LOOP, REVERB and SOLO via an external master
switching system. Standard latching tip-to-ground logic
triggers the Roadster’s channels and features and lets you
build one-button programs from your master switcher
that control your amp and processing. TUNER OUT JACK
provides a silent tuning feature for live applications when
the Footcontroller is connected.

ality: 50 watts having a brighter, elastic bounce, ness as it 4x12 for crunch and
while 100 watts speaks with tight low-end girth bathes each gain sounds while
and mid punch authority. And we’re not done yet. note in old-school retaining the top-end
We’re famous for Rectifiers and the Roadster glory. And because sparkle and ambi-
boasts our patented Rectifier Tracking™ technol- the Roadster’s ence of an open back
ogy. Each channel features the ability to choose modes offer such a enclosure. Either way
between the saggy bounce of the 5U4 Rectifier wide range of gain levels and sound styles, each you cruise there’s no way to lose.
Tubes or the tight, bold authority of Channel is fitted with a dedicated REVERB mix So when you’re looking for an exciting new
the Silicon Diodes. Selecting TUBE control located on the Rear Panel. ride that’s easy to drive, has power to burn and
RECTIFIER TRACKING The Roadster™ is available in both Head can handle all the turns… check out our brand
brings on-line one 5U4 when and Combo formats. The highly portable 1x12 new Roadster™. It’s the perfect addition to any
in 50 watts and two 5U4’s Combo is Rear-Ported for stunning power to guitar garage.
when 100 watts is selected. weight performance
Reverb is paramount in an while the 2x12
amplifier this versatile and the features our new
Roadster gets the best! We’ve Closed–Back
taken our all-tube circuit from design. These 2x12
the widely acclaimed Lone Star® cabinets produce
and the result is lush, ambient low-end spread
Reverb that blooms with sweet- reminiscent of a

Rear panel of Where vintage

Roadster Head. meets hard core...
Multi-Watt Channel- Roadster Head on
Assignable Power Rectifier 4x12
with Switchable


Channel One features Configure to Taste:
Clean and Pushed voic- Channels Two & Three can

When does a product become a classic? ings for sparkling cleans

or mid-gain rhythm
be devastating rhythm or
lead channels that each
include Raw, Vintage and
When its impact helps shape a generation. Modern modes.

Solo feature provides

Still entirely hand-built in California, our Dual and Triple Rectifier® a presettable and
footswitchable volume
Solo Heads have kept our irons hot for fifteen raging years, trying boost for stepping out
in any channel when
to meet the world-wide demand for this it’s your time to shine.
high-gain menace. If the legions of hard-core Patent #6,724,897

devotees and their hit recordings haven’t con-

vinced you this is the real thing, then take
your guitar and audition the Duals and
Triples against their many imitators.
Then you decide.

Recto® Power comes in many configurations. Swap

the stock 6L6 tubes for EL-34s with the Bias Switch.
Match the style of rectifier (tube or silicon diodes) to
suit your musical tastes, changing the sound and feel.
Pat.5,168,438. Control the A.C. voltage with our built-in
Variac to be tight and BOLD or brown and SPONGY to
tune the power clip. Patent 5,091,700.

Recto Command. Tough, stage-worthy, five button footcon-

troller gives you instant access to all the Recto’s channels
and important functions. Wide switch spacing prevents
embarrassing tone accidents …even when wearing popular
urban assault footwear.

re c tifier solo 5 0 ™ & R e c to - V er b

he Rectifiers® gave birth to a

defiant pack of 50 watt gang-

been brash and urgent, with a rebel

And with a bloodline like the Dual
Rectifier, who would dare tarnish such

for a spicy, brown, mid-gain clip.

Channel Two boasts the identical
sters with one thing on their mind: To create the American version of an icon? Last of all us! three modes offered by the Road King™
pure Recto® attitude. For those in this genre, we took all the essential Based on a diode-rectified, two-chan- and the Dual/Triple Rectifiers: Raw,
the know, the 50 watt head has been circuitry and ingredients of our fabled nel platform, we’ve included all the high- Vintage and Modern high gain. These
an underground secret in the world Dual Rectifier and simply stepped ly-developed pre-amp voicings found three voicings cover the spectrum in a
of rock and roll for three decades. down the displacement to a single aboard its big-powered relatives. Channel stair-step format with Raw making the
Offering a truly useable power band pair of power tubes. At Mesa, we One sports two modes: the tight and transition from furry-clean through a
with a bright, fast top end, the vibe only know one way to do things: the spanking Clean —which can be dialed bluesy, roots clip. Then Vintage High-
of these mid-power amps has always traditional, hand-built, all-tube way. up to a classic vintage purr, and Pushed Gain takes over and continues up the
gain scale into a
liquid, violin voice
that glows with
amber warmth.
And finally …
Modern. This blis-
tering High Gain
mode delivers
pure Recto aggres-
sion, the heaviest
sound ever, and
featured on count-
less recordings and
stages world-wide.

Two channels, five Solo feature provides a pre-
modes. The Recto’s settable and footswitchable
Lately you’ll notice hi-jacked ver- or a Triple, take heart: The author- first channel sports volume boost for stepping
sions of the Rectifier name appear- ity that is Recto tone is still within Clean and Pushed out in any channel when it’s
voicings while the dev- your time to shine.
ing on the panels of many imitators. your reach. astating lead channel Patent #6,724,897
Flattering, yes. But don’t let includes Raw, Vintage
and Modern modes.
them fool you. It all started
here. We know the years Independent Reverb for each
channel provides a separate
we’ve dedicated to creating mix control for your dedicated
sounds. Reverb can be trig-
these sounds, using only gered remotely via the foot-
the best components switch. (Recto-Verb only)

and real tube technol-

ogy. There is simply no Valuable Bias select allows
way that a sound this you to swap out the stock
pair of 6L6 power tubes for
big —with its juicy, a duet of brighter sounding
EL-34s. This feature matches
addictive feel— can be critical bias resistors to the
delivered from a string proper value for the tubes
in use. Always check the setting of the Bias Switch when
of Ones and Zeros in swapping tubes.
a silicon-based, two-
dimensional world.
Only the real thing can
deliver the intensity of
the Recto experience. So
if you can’t swing a Dual
Stylin’ Footswitches with LED indicators are included for
Recto-Verb available as head or your gain stompin’ pleasure. Channel select, Solo feature
beefy 1x12 combo, with separate and Reverb (on Recto-Verb models) can all be controlled
Reverb controls per channel. (above) Recto-Verb Head on two 1x12
Three-Quarter Back™ Extensions
(above) Rectifier Solo 50 Head
on Recto Standard Slant 4x12

(right) Recto-Verb 1x12 Combo


stiletto d eu c e ™ & tri d ent ™
® S T A G E ii

 All New Lightening Fast Power  FAT and TITE Clean Modes Even Tighter and More Aggressive
Supply Tightens Low-End and Feature Enhanced Top End Sparkle
Increases Mid Punch And Transparency Multi-Watt™ Switch:
Features Even More Tightly Individual CHANNEL POWER
 5 Out of 6 Modes Re-voiced  Channel 1 & 2 CRUNCH Now Focused Gain SELECT offers a choice of
a juicy vintage-inspired 50
watts or a punishing, mod-
ern 150 watts per Channel
(50/100 on Stiletto Deuce).
Tailor your power rating to
best fit the playing style for
each channel.
keeping that chrome panel gleaming 150 watts of coliseum headroom, per
Define STILETTO. and simple. Channel One fashions channel. Each channel also offers your Channel 1 Gain Select:
sti•let to, noun. two Clean modes, one FAT and choice of Rectifiers: Silicon Diodes Channel 1 offers two tradi-
tional-gain Clean choices,
1. A Sicilian dagger with a thin, tapering blade. expansive, one TITE and urgent – or or Tube Tracking™ which automati- the blooming sweetness of
2. A sexy woman’s shoe with a dagger-like heel. FAT and the urgent focus of
3. A wicked rock head built around EL-34 tubes.
can be switched to CRUNCH, which cally matches the optimum number of TITE or, choose the mid-gain
roams from a ’34-style Brit Blues 5U4s to the power array selected. authority of CRUNCH for

grinding rhythm sounds.
tiletto® marks Mesa’s dedication to clip through classic UK Hard Rock. The Stiletto also incorporates our This channel offers so many great sounds that alone,
Channel 1 would be an amazing amplifier!
the legendary power behind heavy Channel Two starts here, cloning the patented Bold-Spongy power feature
rock’s British ancestry. Razor sharp mid-gain presence of CRUNCH, and that works like a built-in Variac for an Channel 2 Voicing
and finely honed, the Stiletto is mean moves into a hellacious new frontier of even browner vibe (patent 5,091,700). Switch: Channel 2 offers
a clone of Channel 1’s
enough to slice right through any mix modern grind with the barbed attack Our Solo feature (patent #6,724,897) mid-gain CRUNCH mode
with a trademark new sound. From of TITE-GAIN or the super-layered, allows you to step out with a foot- and two different HI
Gain voicings. TITE-GAIN
sparkling cleans to classic Brit crunch harmonic loaded bomb in FLUID- switchable volume boost when it’s slices like a blade with
focused mid attack and
to a menacing new realm of high gain, DRIVE. Only another MESA should your turn in the spotlight to wield this howling sustain, while
our goal was to re-define the EL-34 consider sharing a stage next to the menacing tone. FLUID-DRIVE adds layers of thick, rich harmonics that
spread wide for the definitive solo voice or an ultimate
sound and elevate it beyond the limits sinister fury of the Stiletto’s high gain External Switching Ports, Slave modern grind. Either way you play it the Stiletto takes
of previous boundaries. Just like the thrust. Out with Level control and an all- EL34 expression to a new realm.

Rectos® did to 6L6s! Each Channel of the Stiletto tube, series FX Loop (including a Tube Rectifier Tracking:
Tighter, higher Bass. Lower, fatter Deuce™ can be set for 50 or 100 watt hard-bypass), round out the rear Individual Rectifier Select
for each Channel offers a
Mids and a hazy harmonic top where performance, while the Trident™ offers panel features. choice of the tighter, bolder
luscious overtones line up in a shim- the clippable 50 – or a truly stunning So if your musical world relies on RECTIFIER TRACKING. In
mering crystalline spread. This the classic El-34 Brit sounds TUBE TRACKING the recti-
fier stage “tracks” the Channel Power Select switches and
mid-focused footprint com- we all love, but you need to auto-selects the correct number of 5U4 rectifier tubes for the
power array in use.
pliments a Recto® perfectly greatly expand the range
in an aggressive two-guitar of performance while Bold/Spongy
band, allowing each player retaining the essence of Convenient Front Panel
BOLD/SPONGY switch pro-
to carve out a distinctive character, check out the vides quick access to the
region…and own it. new STAGE II Stilettos. on-board “variac” for on the
fly voltage changes. Bold
Two ruthless pre-amp You won’t believe where delivers a full 117 volts of
authority, while SPONGY
channels create a mighty 34’s can take you now. knocks down incoming AC
6 mode platform while for the classic brown sound.


repare to be Shocked! We were.
Still are. Because sometimes the
t h e stiletto a c e

Take the Combo. (please!) Only

once before has so much performance

ACE™ promises to do for the British

legacy: Make it versatile. Keep it pow-

like you’ve never heard before from an
EL34 amp. Chiming transparent clar-
way things come together exceeds all been this portable… and that was 35 erful. Let it be portable. ity riding atop warm breathing lows,
hopes and plans. And that’s sure the years ago with the introduction of the Players have come to expect a great and all this 3-D magic is delivered with
case with our newest Stiletto®. It rocks first Boogie® Combo. What that amp clean sound in every MESA™ amp, stunning dynamic attack.
so hard it’s guaranteed to ace your did for the American Rock scene, the and the ACE delivers in spades. Cleans Since classic English Rock sounds
expectations as well. are neither totally clean nor inher-

Each Channel of the Ace
contains 3 Modes; Channel
1 focuses on rhythm sounds
with the big warmth of
FAT CLEAN or the urgent
attack of TITE CLEAN, while
CRUNCH hits hard with mid-
gain for the ultimate British
chording sound. Channel
2 starts with a duplicate
of Channel 1 CRUNCH
– selecting Tube Rectification here creates an awesome solo
sound. An infusion of tube juice creates the blistering high-
gain focus of TITE GAIN and another shot unleashes the
liquid soul of FLUID DRIVE.

ently high gain, we’ve fitted duplicate Combining this new, more aggres- With shocking low end that’s Patented Switchable
Rectifier feature enables
CRUNCH modes in both Channels sive preamp with the brighter, faster tight and percussive, ACE Combos you to select the type of
1 and 2. For the player who has no feel of the Ace’s fifty watt power, Rule! Crunch you’d swear is com- rectification for each chan-
nel. Use the tight-tracking
use for pristine clean, this mid gain creates a Stiletto that cuts with more ing from a 4x12, with top-end punch of the DIODE setting
mode roams the wooly landscape depth and finesse than any of its openness that blooms and enhances for maximum headroom
in CLEAN or for more
from nearly clean to a punchy snarl- English counterparts. Even veteran clean sounds, the Ace may be the aggression in CRUNCH.Use
the elastic sag of TUBE for
ing break-up. tone snobs need to check this amp. ultimate combo… redefining por- ultimate expression in TITE GAIN or FLUID DRIVE for searing
Just before these classic sounds We’ve also included our patented table EL34 Tone! Also available as a lead sounds.

end, Channel 2 begins its journey Switchable Rectifier feature that 50 watt head. Patented Bold/Spongy Power
into high gain realms no British amp allows you to tune the power supply So stack the deck with the ultimate provides a built-in variac to
“brown out” the AC voltage
ever dared. TITE GAIN blisters with for the feeling that best suits your Brit-inspired Tone, hand-made right for additional power sag and
searing heat while maintaining artic- style: TUBE for a vintage-inspired sag here in Petaluma, California. Deal chirpy harmonics.

ulate focus. FLUID DRIVE bumps or SILICON DIODE for tight track- yourself in…’cause the Ace lays down Patented Solo Control gives
the Ace a footswitchable vol-
the gain and liquefies the attack to ing punch and authority. a handful of fresh tricks no amp from ume boost in either channel to
inspire your single note soloing to a the Kingdom ever dared to play. spotlight your playing.

new level of freedom.

Left: Stiletto Ace

Combo with
Emerald Bronco

Stiletto Ace Head on Stiletto Slant 4x12 – Stiletto Cabinets come

standard with Silver piping. Shown here with optional Black piping.

T one! Big as Texas! Wide as
the Rio Grande. Clear as

guitar tones to a new level, now the

Lone Star takes the next step forward,

that gives way to furry smoothness.

Channel 2 has a split personality.
by the pivotal Mark I, the interac-
tion of three cascading gain controls
the bell that rang over the Alamo. crystallizing that perfect sound that’s At the flick of a switch it can clone unlocks the historic vault of ground-
Unstoppable as a rising Texas flood. haunted you for years. the clean magic of Channel 1 (with breaking lead sounds.
Yeah, that’s some bold proclama- Two-channel simplicity delivers the an added touch of blues-roots gain) or This Lone Star features Multi-
tion. But the Lone Star® backs it up. goods…with surpassing versatility. kick in an additional high-gain ampli- Watt™ with Duo-Class™ Channel
Just as our Mark I sprang from Channel 1 epitomizes the best of Black fier with its own dedicated control. Assignable Power that lets you assign
the Black Face era and took classic Face: a punchy, shimmering twang With stunning performance inspired 10 watts of Pure Class A Single-Ended

Multi-Watt™ Channel
clippability or 50 and 100 watt “The Lone Star is indeed an “This is a well-mannered ass- Assignable Power
over-the-top sonic option box, kicker that blows away the com-
Class AB Push-Pull power sections but it can also be a plug-in-and- petition with righteous unapolo-
features Duo-Class™
which allows each
per channel. Then choose the play machine, and however you getic perfection. Angelic clean, Channel to operate in
choose to employ the Lone Star’s classic inspiring over-drive, musi- 10 watts Pure Class A,
optimum Rectifier. Tube Rectifier armament, it will always be a cal deep reverb and soul-melting high gain are all 50 & 100 watts Class
Tracking™ offers you a choice of handmade, near bulletproof, boutique-styled amp child’s play for this Mesa. It doesn’t get much better AB – letting you tailor
that sounds magnificent… It absolutely earns an than this at any price.” Guitar World Magazine the power to the play-
the elasticity of vacuum tubes or Editors’ Pick Award.” Guitar Player Magazine ing style each channel
the tight-tracking authority of will be dedicated to.

silicon diodes. These options Drive Control

enable you to footswitch Channel 2 CLEAN/
DRIVE switch kicks in
between high-power head- another triode tube
room and small amp expres- stage for the high gain
lead mode or, lets you
sion. bypass it entirely for
a slightly higher gain
Truly seductive Reverb clone of Channel 1.
(our best ever) includes
separate depth controls for Tube Rectifier Tracking
each channel plus a unique autotracks the Front
voicing feature that switches SELECT and selects the
between glowing amber 5U4 (TUBE) in 50 watts
warmth and a brilliant, in 100 watt mode.
springy halo. Or choose the tighter
response of the SILICON
One night with this amp DIODES in both power
and you'll wonder, who’s the
real Star here: You? …the Channel 2 Voicing
Switch offers three
amp? or the Great State of gain/voicings allow-
Texas. ing you to tune the
response from NORMAL,
revealing the natural
Pictured at right:
sound of your guitar, to
• Lone Star 1x12 Combo THICK and THICKER for
NEW Standard Finish:
• Lone Star 2x12 Combo on Lone Star 2x12 Extension Black Taurus Vinyl, Black more vocal quality high
• Lone Star Head on Lone Star 4x12 Extension Jute Grille and Silver Piping gain solo work in the
• Also available: 4x10 Combo and DRIVE MODE.
4x10 Lone Star Extension Cabinet

The stylistic momentum of
the Lone Star® has been over-

Take that incredibly expressive

pre-amp with its intuitive versatility,

This Lone Star is short on weight but

tall on personality.

rations, each with its own window of

wattage: 30, 15, or 5. Perfect Power. Per
whelming. add the vintage magic of EL-84’s Authentic retro-tone is all about Channel. On Demand.
Players and reviewers alike have running Pure Class A — and a new power and the way it clips. Yet in any Thirty Watts, bold and pure from
bestowed global accolades on this gem, classic is born. given amp, the sweet-spot of power clip all four power tubes punches through
including prestigious Editor’s Pick and Where its Big Brother boasts the is inseparably tied to its wattage and the mix and hangs with a band in
Platinum Awards. huge warmth and headroom of 6L6 playing loudness. The Lone Star Special mid-size venues. Fifteen watts cries the
“So …why another Lone Star?” power, the Special delivers seductive, smashes this age-old limitation by blues with sinful passion …coaxing
Because tone this good demands it! bubbly tone and a sensual, elastic feel. offering three distinct power configu- expressive soul from an electron-soaked

Available Formats:
 Head (width 22 3/4”)
 1x12 Combo (width 22 3/4”)
 2x12 Combo
 4x10 Combo

Multi-Watt™ Channel
Assignable Power
offers three choices
that may be pre-set for
each channel. Push-pull
configurations deliver 30
or 15 watts. For 5 watts,
the Special switches to
Single-Ended. Operation
remains Pure Class A at
all times.

Drive Control
switch kicks in another
triode tube stage for the
high gain lead mode
or, lets you bypass it
entirely for a slightly
higher gain clone of
Channel 1.

Rectifier Tracking
automatically selects the
5Y3 tube for 5 and 15
pair of EL-84’s. Both these circuits warm distortion (an octave above the you can afford to pack both these watts. For 30 watts the
run Pure Class A in a Push-Pull note you’re playing) glazes the entire hand-crafted jewels for around the punchier, bolder silicon
diodes are brought on
configuration. But what really makes spectrum with a purring, golden halo same bling-bling as a one-trick pony line. For max power, use
this Lone Star Special is its ability to of precious nuance. Perfect for indi- from the boutique corral. But don’t the Optional 35 Watt
speaker jack.
switch down to five watts of single- vidual playing or recording. For a full shop price – compare tone!)
ended power bliss, patent pending. description of this technology visit Gigging at the club… rehearsing
In Push-Pull circuits, the second with the band… recording in the
harmonic is cancelled out when the Between the two Lone Stars, you studio… tracking at home… or sim- Channel 2 Voicing
Switch offers three
two halves of the wave-form are re- can choose to clip your power at ply finding inspiration late at night… gain/voicings allow-
combined in the output transformer. 5, 15, 30, 50 or 100 watts. All this the finely tuned power sections of the ing you to tune the
response from NORMAL,
Unlike Push-Pull, Single-Ended bouncy Class A tone blooms natu- Lone Star Special transcend all these revealing the natural
sound of your guitar, to
circuits preserve this most musical rally in a trim new 1x12 cab roughly needs – going where no single amp THICK and THICKER for
of all harmonics. A subtle coating of 3/4s the size of its Big Brother. (And has gone before. more vocal quality high
gain solo work in the

The Express Line to Tone!
T H E E x press ™ A M P L I F I E R S

fiers are the direct line to Tone City.

Both 25 and 50- watt models fea-
Clean and Blues for your two foot-
switchable sounds. Or, if you’re
iconic tones. No matter what your
stylistic destination, the Express will
Take the 5:25, running EL-84’s ture four inspiring modes from two addicted to Gain, choose Crunch take you there… Fast.
out of London straight to the stu- oppositie personalities spread across and Burn. Then stand back as the Up front, that number “5” indi-
dio for the ultimate big sounding, two fully independent channels. If well-mannered soul of Dr. Jeckyll cates the low power, single-ended
little amp. Or, catch the 5:50 run- Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde had to morphs into the maniacal Mr. Hyde, magic of pure Class A. The “25” and
ning 6L6’s out of Fullerton, heading share one platform, this would be it. hardcore beast. Most important is “50” refer to the rated push-pull out-
uptown to the gig. These new ampli- Say you’re a traditionalist: Select the classic authenticity of all these put. Together, these make up Duo-

Class™ our patented new power for a 1x12. You’ll be shocked when pull like a freight train, locomotive
circuit, the first to offer both single- you hear this little monster! And torque.
ended and push-pull configurations for truly stunning performance, So step on up. The Express Line
in the same amplifier. take the 5:50. Both 1x12 and 2x12 to Tone is now Arriving!
But even that’s not the last stop.
Each channel is further equipped
Two Incredible Channels, Four Fully Evolved Modes give
with its own Contour depth con- you a boarding pass to all the classic guitar styles. The
trol for added shaping that’s both pristine, blooming CLEAN and tight, grinding CRUNCH
cover the rhythm territories in Channel 1while Channel
assignable and footswitchable. 2 roams the wide open spaces of soloing with howling
Used subtly, Contour adds a halo BLUES and soaring BURN modes.

of depth and chime to gleaming

clean sounds. Higher Contour set-
tings, especially in Crunch and
Burn, take you into
Recto™ turf,
tight, huge and
Don’t be
Both Channels feature Assignable/Footswitchable
fooled by their CONTOUR controls that pack the sonic power of a multi-
compact size: band EQ into one simple control. Blend this dynamic,
bouncy circuit with the musically rich Tone controls for a
most players sound far bigger than you’ve ever heard from a combo.

mistake the
little 5:25
with its ten-
inch speaker 50 Watts Class AB to
5 Watts Pure Class A
Pictured Above; Left to Right
• Back Row: Express 5:50 1x12 Combo on 1x12 Express Push-Pull to
Extension, Express 5:50 Head on Stiletto Slope 4x12 Single-Ended Switch “tracks” remotely with the EXTERNAL SWITCH
• Middle Row: Express 5:50 1x12 Combo, Express 5:25 Patented Duo-Class™ Power Switching jacks where CHANNELS, REVERB and the CONTOUR
Head on 2 Express 1x10 Extensions let’s you switch the Class (operating class) controls can be patched to an external master switching
• Front: Express 5:25 1x10 Combo and Configuration (wiring style) in tan- system for remote access. The transparent series EFFECTS
dem, giving you two dialed power-voice
ranges with the flick of a switch.
LOOP handles the interface to all outboard processing.

egendary in performance, these

giant killers continue the lega-

vidual control and total convic-
tion: Rhythm 1 feels bouncy and
power amps working simul-tane-
ously. One extracts the juice of Class
Bursting on the scene to wide
acclaim in 1990, the Mark IV is
cy that first defined Mesa/Boogie®. shimmers with freshness. The Lead A sweetness while the other delivers still one of our most popular models
Their compact size, stunning power Mode is blistering high-gain focus. the high power punch of Pentode and the winner of numerous awards
and ultimate versatility have served And Rhythm 2 covers that elusive Class AB. world-wide. This kind of longevity
legions of proud owners who see middle ground. This mode alone Available in two sizes: Compact validates the Mark IV’s position as
the Mark IV as the culmination can produce an alternate Clean, a Head/Cabinet and 1x12 Combo a modern classic and an instrument
of guitar amp evolution. The fifty purring Blues or a grinding Crunch. match portability with punch. Or you will treasure. It will reward
thousand Mark I, II, III and IVs All this and the elusive magic of choose our popular Compact Wide you for the countless hours you’ve
still in active duty are testament to Simul-Class® …our patented way Body™ Head or Combo featuring a invested in your playing and will
this heritage. of enriching a power section. Think rear-mounted speaker that pushes a support your musical goals for years
Three Big Sounds …with indi- of it as two different big sweet vintage voice. to come.

External Switching
Jacks allow triggering
of all major functions
from any remote
tip-to-ring switcher
including midi con-

Series Effects Loop

may be auto-assigned
to any two of the three
modes or footswitched
in and out on-the-fly
with the Footcontroller.
RIGHT feeds mono Mark
“You know how a great IV RETURN, LEFT feeds
instrument can make you play satellite SEND jack.

over your head? The Mark IV Recording Out

gave us this transcendental provides a fully com-
pensated, variable sig-
experience.” nal level and teams up
with the front panel’s
“It delivers luscious clean tones, Speaker Mute switch
intense high-gain saturation, built into the Output
and everything in between.”

Andy Ellis
Guitar Player Power Amp Voicing
May 1991 switches tune the
style and feel of your
output stage. Select
Triode for resilient
vintage warmth or
Pentode for punchy
forward power. Choose
Class A for two-tube
operation, where clip
begins around 15
watts, or Simul-Class
for 85 watts of blended

Footswitch conve-
niently mounts to rear
of combo for easy
transport (right).

Six Button
Footcontroller gives
you instant access to
four modes, Graphic
EQ & the FX Loop.

THE MARK I – A P ivotal i c on

Randall Smith, Circa 1970, putting
the final touches on a Mark I.

Over 5000 Mark I’s have been sold

since the 70’s.

I n the anthropology of ampli-

fiers, the Mark I is the missing
link, the transitional brain-child
phone as the lead instrument in rock
and signified Day One of the new
AD calendar: After Distortion.
and relentless offers to buy the com-
pany, Mesa™ refused to sell out and
chose instead to remain true to its
Thirty years later the Mark I we
hand-build today is a faithful reissue
of the original. The only differences
which bridged the vintage and Carlos Santana, Larry Carlton, founding principles: Quality with- are a variable gain Loop, which
modern eras. In truth, the Mark I is Robben Ford, Eric Johnson, Keith out Compromise and Guaranteed switches out of the circuit when FX
both: Plugging into Input 2 reveals Richards and Pete Townshend all Customer Satisfaction. From the are removed, and Tweed™ Power
an amp wholly faithful to its classic helped catapult this new guitar garage shop at home, just under which works like a built-in Variac,
roots, producing a big, clean, shim- sound into the international spot- 3,000 amps were built and shipped lowering overall voltages to produce a
mering rhythm sound. Up until light. Despite the flood of orders to 39 countries world-wide. softer, brown vibe.
then, this was simply The Mark I reissue is available in
all that amps could its most popular format, the
do. Chronologically, fabled Hun/Ree (hun-
this was the BG era of dred watts with reverb)
guitar amplification: and can be ordered as
Before Gain. either a head or a tra-
But recognizing the ditional small-size1x12
guitar’s latent potential combo with our front-
as a solo instrument, the mounted custom speak-
Mark I unearthed the er. This is the amp that
Bone Tone, a discovery put Mesa/Boogie® on the
of historic importance: map. Frozen in time, it’s
High Gain. Here for still alive today. So if you
the first time was solo missed it the first time
enhancement from the around, don’t worry:
amplifier that produced History repeats itself.
a lead voice of singing
sustain for guitar. This 1x12 Combos: Imbuya hardwood (not from the rainforest)
and traditional cream vinyl with tan jute grille
challenged the saxo-

T T R I A X I S™ A L L T U B E P R E A M P L I F I E R

TRIAXIS™...Total access to the adapt the audio to fit the confines of forced to serve—not dictate the tone.
encyclopedia of TONE. Digital dis- the digital framework. We weren’t Each control’s up and down keys
believers scoffed at the very idea of about to compromise
packing five 12AX7’s and 25 years of the audio just to take
tube tone heritage into one rack space the short cut. Instead,
of pure magic...but there they are...five our three years of
little tone bottles, glowing quietly-all research produced
Full midi, incuding phantom power & data dump. too ready to rock the house. a new patented
Eight separate modes deliver the technology which
elusive creamy gain of the Mark I, the preserves in every
heralded focus of the Mark IIC+, the nuance and detail
scooped Rhythm of the Mark IV, and a the exact audio
modified British-style crunch. But these elements which
are just a few of the classic sounds at made these classic
your fingertips. sounds in the first
Most programmable preamps start place. The digi-
Five 12AX7s are easily accessible and the all-tube pure analog audio is separated
Toggle through eight different preamp circuits! with a digital control circuit and then tal circuitry was by a shielding bulkhead from the digital computer that stores your settings.

Dan Van Riezen put the
power of digital memory
together with our classic
pure analog Boogie circuit-
ry and created a new fron-
tier of all-tube program-
mability which earned him
Patent # 5,208,548

Programmable FX Loop with

stereo Returns.

work much like an old style knob... ing options where TriAxis controls our EIGHT PREAMP MODES
all parameters are displayed and active power amps, switching their capabilities
all the time. To you, that means no to further enhance individual modes Rhythm - Green = Vintage Fat Rhythm (Mark I, Black face)
scrolling to find your Treble on the and sounds.
Rhythm - Yellow = Modern hyper-clean Rhythm (Mark IV)
gig. You don’t have to wonder how Make no mistake –TRIAXIS
your Bass and Mid are set, IS an arsenal of the Lead 1 - Green = Vintage Mark I Lead

you can see them from most powerful guitar Lead 1 - Yellow = Modified Higher Gain Mark I
across the stage. tones available in the Stereo Main and Recording
Lead 1 - Red = British Lead Outputs.
You can store your world today...and
favorite sounds into 90 user that’s without using Lead 2 - Green = Mark IV Pentode Lead

presets and these can be the Continuous Lead 2 - Yellow = Mark IIC+ Lead
mapped to any of the 128 Control function. Lead 2 - Red = Modified Mark IV Searing Lead
midi program locations. But don’t believe us,
To get you started, we’ve Manual Output eliminates the need to just listen to the likes
rewrite presets for different venues.
included 20 defeatable/ of John Petrucci,
retrievable factory presets, 10 of which Kirk Hammett, Adrian Belew, and
can demonstrate SmartPower™ voic- James Hetfield.
Four Function Switches control
outboard gear.


e know you won’t believe it


In a classic guitar recording, what

you hear is the sound of a tube pre-
Now let’s try to recreate this process
—sound and feel— leaving out every-

six in total, five custom transformers, a

gang of tuned inductors and our thirty
your guitar, and go check out the new amp feeding a tube power amp, thing except the pre-amp. Ouch! You years of tone-questing experience to
Recto® Pre, direct through a console. driving a speaker. Note that a tube can see why we almost gave up. duplicate on tape not just the sound—
Still reading? Then here’s the deal: amp and speaker share a magic and We’re not exactly sure how it works but the addictive feel of a Recto stack
There were several times we almost complex relationship because each or even how we did it …only that we mic’ed up in a great room.
gave up. For three years we worked affects the other as they constantly were determined to stuff a Recto® Channel One alone will amaze
day and night to deliver the sound and respond to changes in frequency and Stack in a two-space rack. And we you. We’ve added the Fat and Brit
feel of our legendary Dual and Triple volume. And don’t forget, the cabinet didn’t stop ‘til it was over the top. modes from the mighty Road King™
Rectifier® stacks …direct to tape. All also affects how the speaker moves as If you want to be like the original, to create a truly powerful arsenal of
this time we watched a digital parade it pushes air at the microphone, react- why not start with the original. And in clean and roots sounds. If you never
of “me-too modeling toys” try to ing with the ambient characteristics fact we used the exact same parts and used Channel Two’s amazing gain
seduce you. But we chose an alterna- of the room. circuitry—making it killer for live too. sounds, this Pre-Amp would be worth
tive approach to modeling Got all that? Then we added extra recording tubes, every dime just for it’s Channel One
…it’s called reality.

Stereo Recording
Outputs capture the
sound and feel of a
Recto stack mic’ed up
in a great room. Three
years of R&D went
into the circuits behind
these jacks!

Stereo Live Outputs

deliver the exact Recto
experience when
coupled to our Rectifier
2:100 power amp. Rec
Pre even includes our
unique Solo control and
footswitch for live.
virtues alone. But trust us—there’s So next time you want to track, straight in to the Recto Pre-Amp
more, much more: Raw, Vintage and don’t get bogged down with hours and get right to the heart of your
Modern roam gracefully through all of set up and miles of cable. Plug playing—inspiration.
the realms of subtle gain expression
before reaching a mind-bending fury
of high-gain Recto performance.
So don’t settle for less than the
most recorded and revered amplifier Parallel Effects Loop with Left/Right Returns and Mix
in contemporary music. Now those control allows stereo processing of a split signal from the
pre-amp onward for live gigs or lets you print your favor-
sounds and more are instantly avail- ite effects when limited tracks are available.
able—any time, any where at any
volume level. Remember, only Mesa™ (Above) What a blend of jacks and glass. Each of the six (Below) Meticulous layout insures consistent, quiet per-
makes the authentic Recto®. 12AX7s contains two separate tube units, for twelve Class formance from a parts count exceeding many complete
A triodes in all. Jack at right is additional Input for built- amplifiers.
in rack applications.

External Switch Ports allow remote access to the two

channels and the Solo feature. Trigger port in pre-amp
activates Modern mode in Rectifier Stereo Power Amp to
deliver fully authentic Recto mayhem.

Rectifier Preamp
includes footswitch
with Channels and
Solo for live applica-


esa/Boogie® pioneered the rack

revolution in the 1980s.
ented Dyna-Watt™ unleash touch-sen-
sitive dynamic punch far in excess of
by your pick. With enough fan-cooled
power to cover small venues, the 20/20
ture the great sound of a small amp’s
musical clip.
Our legendary mono-blocks, the their twenty watt per channel rating. can also double as a power amp “tone Stereo 2:Fifty™ Vacuum Tube Power
M‑180 and M-190 (and later, the clas- Dyna-Watt’s stored musical energy is generator” in bigger rigs. Simply use A classic of the middle weight
sic Strategy® 400 Stereo) created the released -like a camera flash, controlled the built-in stereo Slave Outs to cap- division, the Stereo 2:Fifty offers big
benchmark against which all other 6L6 (EL34 with Bias Select) tone
contenders are judged in a power range suited to
today. The longevity mid-size venues. Based on
of these power plants our all-time best seller, this
is proven by their con- new version sounds better
tinued daily use almost than ever. With its enhanced
three decades later. Over warmth and dynamics, the
the years we’ve built on fan-cooled Stereo 2:Fifty
this legacy, and guitar- offers the gigging musician a
ists today benefit from full 100 watts of all-tube tone
thirty years of tonal and at a very affordable price.
refinements. From the Simul 2:Ninety™ Stereo
four-cylinder 20/20™ to For well over two decades,
the stereo Recto® 2:One the patented Simul 2:Ninety
Hundred our menu has been the standard for
of stereo tube power musical rack power. Cultured
remains unrivaled. and refined, it’s appeared on
20/20™ All Tube Stereo stages world wide in all musi-
With visionary prow- cal genres and has a loyal
ess, the one-space 20/20 cult-like following. The 2:90’s
bursts on the scene, musicality has been called
making tube power truly magical …because it makes
portable. Two pairs of everything sound richer and
EL-84s wired for pat- warmer, breathing life into
even the most anemic digitally pro- sional refinement, you’ll want the stereo pair of Hundred Watt power the Dual Rectifier’s power amp cir-
cessed signals. Simul 2:Ninety as the foundation of blocks straight from the Dual Rectifier cuitry, this two-space power house lets
More than stereo soul, the 2:90 your rack tone. Solo Head. If the 2:90 went to college, you build a stereo rack rig that faith-
also has brains: the intelligence of Rectifier® Stereo 2:One Hundred this deviant brother chose a rebellious fully delivers all the Recto’s heinous
Smart Power™ puts you in control. Here it is for all you Recto® addicts: a life in rock ‘n roll. Exactly following glory. When driven by our Rectifier
Three voicing jacks take their cues Recording Pre-Amp, the 2:One
from the TriAxis™ External Hundred transforms what oth-
Switching Jacks under midi or erwise would be a heralded stu-
can be triggered by any tip-to- dio icon into a raging wall of
ground switcher. Deep extends live Recto fury. So true is the
the bottom for huge low end; signal path that two separate
Half-Drive knocks down the sets of Input jacks are provided,
watts for a low power clip; one dedicated to our Recto Pre
and Modern brings forward and the other set for different
an aggressive top end for tight pre-amps and processors. The
tracking crunch. 2:100 includes a Smart Power™
Simul-Class™ magic comes link so the Modern mode can
from the pairing of two sepa- be auto-triggered by the Recto
rate and different power amps Pre. Not for the timid or faint-
working together simul-tane- of-heart, the power of aggres-
ously to produce one gorgeous sion gives it the right to rule
tone. For each channel, one and crowns the 2:100 the king
pair of 6L6s operates in Class of coliseum crunch.
AB delivering punch and head-
room. Meanwhile, the other Top to Bottom:
two impart the sweetness and Rectifier Stereo 2:100
20/20 Stereo
warmth of mystical Class A Stereo 2:Fifty
circuitry. So if you’re a finesse Simul-Class 2:90

player seeking three-dimen-

All Mesa™enclosures
C O M P A C T & 3 / 4 B A CK
M E S A B O O G I E®


are made using

the finest Void-free,
Marine Grade
birch plywood
in varying thickness of
no less than 9 and as
many as 14 ply. Super 1x12 Compact Open Back 1x12 Compact Widebody™ 1x12 Compact Thiele
90 Watt • C90 • 8 Ohm 90 Watt • C90 • 8 Ohm Closed Back, Ported Front • 90 Watt
strong rabbet corners 15-3/4in H 18-3/4in W 11in D 16-1/2in H 22-1/2in W 11-1/4in D C90 Speaker • 8 Ohm
are glued and nailed 40.01cm H 47.63cm W 27.94cm D 41.91cm H 57.15cm W 28.58cm D 15-3/4in H 18-7/8in W 12-3/4in D
40.01cm H 47.94cm W 32.39cm D
31 lbs / 14.06 kg 33 lbs / 14.97 kg
and all backs are gasket 36 lbs / 16.33 kg
sealed to ensure an air-
tight seal. Baffles are
M E S A B O O G I E® 3 / 4 B A CK ™ C A B I N E T S
fitted with superior
dado joint construction
and braced. Grilles
are wrapped around a
separate grilleboard,
not the baffle board.
Grille material is made
of strong twisted
jute dipped in a special
coating that filters
top end for a sweeter
response. You simply won’t 1x12 Three-Quarter Back™ 2x12 Three-Quarter Back™
find a better cabinet. 90 Watts • C90 • Tuned ¾ Closed Back • 8 Ohm 180 Watt • C90’s • Tuned ¾ Closed Back • 8 Ohm
20-1/4in H 26-7/8in W 11-1/2in D 17-1/8in H 26-5/8in W 12in D
51.44cm H 68.26cm W 29.21cm D 43.5cm H 67.63cm W 30.48cm D
47 lbs / 21.32 kg 48 lbs / 21.77 kg


H ere’s a family of cabinets dedicated

to bringing the old school, magic
sounds of yesteryear into the new mil-
making it possible to mix and match them
for a super portable, mighty sounding
stack. These two, along with the 4x10, uti-
lennium with an attitude. lize a split back with the middle of the cabi-
These boxes are tuned for a looser vibe net remaining open creating a beyond-vin-
that spins air around the notes and boasts tage voice that’s sure to shake your memory
low end response that fills space while while reshaping your idea of great tone.
retaining stunning punch. They share The tried-and-true 4x12 Lone Star rounds
the same 5/8" void-free birch ply as our out the series, utilizing a tuned semi-closed
Rectifier® cabinets to create the resonant rear panel that truly captures the best
signature and road-tough construction attributes of both closed and open-back
that have put Mesa® cabs on the biggest designs. Five great new models that match
stages everywhere around the globe. The your Lone Star – great tone never looked so
compact Lone Star® 23 Extension offers good! Step out in Lone Star Style.
the ultimate blend of sweet sonic balance
and portability. Standard Finish for Lone Star Cabinets:
The oversize 1x12 Lone Star 27 and Black Taurus vinyl, black jute grille, and silver piping.
2x12 Lone Star Cabinets are the same size,
Lone Star Combo on
Lone Star 27 1x12 Cab
Lone Star Head on
Lone Star 4x12 Cab
Lone Star Head on
Lone Star 27 1x12 Cab

1x12 Lone Star 23 1x12 Lone Star 27 2x12 Lone Star 4x10 Lone Star 4x12 Lone Star
90 Watt • C90 • 8 Ohm 90 Watt • C90 • 8 Ohm 180 Watt • C90s • 8 Ohm 100 Watt • Jensen Alnico • 8 Ohm 360 Watt • C90s • 8 Ohm
18in H 22-7/8in W 11-3/4in D 18in H 26-3/4in W 11-3/4in D 18in H 26-3/4in W 11-3/4in D 26-3/4in H 26-1/2in W 11-1/2in D 29-1/4in H 26-3/4in W 12in D
45.72cm H 58.10cm W 29.85cm D 45.72cm H 67.95cm W 29.85cm D 45.72cm H 67.95cm W 29.85cm D 67.95cm H 67.31cm W 29.21cm D 74.3cm H 67.95cm W 30.48cm D
36 lbs / 16.33 kg 42 lbs / 19.05 kg 49 lbs / 22.23 kg 49 lbs / 22.23 kg 82 lbs / 37.19 kg




range is more pronounced and this

cabinets are slightly smaller and produce cabinet is often preferred for styles
a tighter, more balanced low end response that require a tight tracking, articulate
with an emphasis on attack. The mid- response. Available as Slant and Straight.
Straight cabinet has straight sides and
straight baffle.
All of these cabinets are custom built

30 1/4 in.
using the same premium quality materi-
als as our legendary Rectifier® Cabinets.

4x12 Stiletto Traditional Slant Cabinet

Choose from 4 Models:

1x12 Stiletto (same size as 2x12)
2x12 Stiletto
4x12 Stiletto Traditional Slant
4x12 Stiletto Traditional Straight

Standard Finish for Stiletto Cabinets:

Stiletto Traditional
Straight Cabinets comes Stiletto Head on Stiletto 4x12 Traditional Black Taurus vinyl, black jute grille & silver piping.
Stiletto Head on 4x12 Stiletto
with straight baffle. Slant & Traditional Straight Cabs Traditional Slant Cabinet Stiletto Head on Stiletto 2x12 Cab

1x12 Stiletto 2x12 Stiletto 4x12 Stiletto Traditional Slant 4x12 Stiletto Traditional Straight
60 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back 120 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back 240 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back 240 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back
• 8 Ohm • 8 Ohm Mono/Stereo • Casters Mono/Stereo • Casters
15-1/4in H 26-3/4in W 12-3/4in D 15-1/4in H 26-3/4in W 12-3/4in D • 8 Ohm Mono/4 Ohm Stereo • 8 Ohm Mono/4 Ohm Stereo
38.74cm H 67.95cm W 32.39cm D 38.74cm H 67.95cm W 32.39cm D 30-1/4in H 29-7/8in W 14-1/4in D 30-1/4in H 29-7/8in W 14-1/4in D
37 lbs / 16.78 kg 48 lbs / 21.77 kg 76.84cm H 75.88cm W 36.20cm D 76.84cm H 75.88cm W 36.20cm D
99 lbs / 44.91 kg 101 lbs / 45.81 kg


RECTIFIER® STANDARD one used on more hit recordings than

cabinets are larger than most other we could list here. HUGE Sounding!
4x12 cabinets and produce a thun- Available Slant and Straight. Straight
dering low end response and have a cabinet has straight sides and baffle.
scoopier midrange character. This is
our most popular cabinet, at this point
32 7/8 in.

an icon in heavy music and is the

4x12 Rectifier Standard Slant

Choose from 5 Models:

1x12 Rectifier
2x12 Horizontal Rectifier
2x12 Vertical Slant Rectifier
4x12 Rectifier Standard Slant
4x12 Rectifier Standard Straight

Standard Finish for Rectifier Cabinets: Recto Standard

Black Taurus vinyl, black jute grille, & black piping. Straight comes with
Dual Rectifier Head on Rectifier Triple Rectifier Head on Rectifier 4x12 straight baffle. Also
Dual Rectifier Head on 2x12 Horiz. Rectifier Cab 4x12 Standard Slant Cab Standard Slant & Standard Straight Cabs available with slant baffle.

1x12 Rectifier 2x12 Horizontal Rectifier 2x12 Vertical Slant Rectifier 4x12 Rectifier Std. Slant: 4x12 Rectifier Std. Straight
60 Watt • V30 • Closed Back 120 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back 120 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back 240 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back 240 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back
• 8 Ohm • 8 Ohm • Casters • 8 Ohm • Mono/Stereo • Casters • 8 • Mono/Stereo • Casters • 8 Ohm
18-3/8in H 18-3/4in W 14-1/4in D 17-1/2in H 30-1/8in W 14-1/4in D 27-7/8in H 23-5/8in W 14-1/4in D Ohm Mono/4 Ohm Stereo Mono/4 Ohm Stereo
46.67cm H 47.63cm W 36.20cm D 44.45cm H 76.52cm W 36.20cm D 70.8cm H 60.01cm W 36.20cm D 32-7/8in H 30-1/8in W 14-1/4in D 32-7/8in H 30-1/8in W 14-1/4in D
41 lbs / 18.6 kg 61 lbs / 27.67 kg 75 lbs / 34.02 kg 83.5cm H 76.52cm W 36.20cm D 83.5cm H 76.52cm W 36.20cm D
104 lbs / 47.17 kg 106 lbs / 48.08 kg


Introducing the New

Even more amazing is the fact that

these cabs can sound this great for over-
Roadster™ Cabinets driven rock and yet deliver stellar perfor-
These new closed-back Extension
mance for clean sounds. With surprising
Cabinets match the Roadster™ perfectly
air in the lows, smooth, sultry mids and
and are available in both 1x12 and 2x12
top end that is sparkling and open, a
formats. As with all MESA™ cabinetry,
new clean sound is born that spreads,
these sturdy boxes are constructed of
our 14 ply Marine Grade, Void-Free yet hits hard in all the right spots.
Birch producing an enclosure of superior These boxes offer the best virtues of
strength and rigidity. Separate plywood an open back cabinet design while deliv-
baffle board and grille increase shear ering increased punch and definition in
strength and ensure your cab will stand the lows and mid-treble region. They
the rigors of the road and arrive with produce a thicker, fuller sound that
speaker intact and sounding great. never gets harsh and because of their
The new closed-back 2x12 deliv- inherent warmth and tight delivery they
ers incredible low-end that’s tight and record like a dream. So when you’re hit-
focused. With this 2x12 in contact tin’ the pavement and you need big tone
with the floor, you will be amazed how with a small footprint, take the Roadster
big your sound is. The lows transfer and a cab that can keep pace.
back to your body and gets you feelin-
it like never before. It’s so big you’ll be
Standard Finish for Roadster Cabinets:
shocked – as we were – that sound this Black Taurus vinyl, black jute grille & black piping.
big is possible without a 4x12.
Roadster Head on two Roadster 2x12 Cabinets Roadster Combo on Roadster 1x12 Cabinet

1x12 Roadster 2x12 Roadster

60 Watt • V30 • Closed Back • 8 Ohm 120 Watt • V30’s • Closed Back • 8 Ohm
15-1/4in H 26-3/4in W 12-3/4in D 15-1/4in H 26-3/4in W 12-3/4in D
38.74cm H 67.95cm W 32.39cm D 38.74cm H 67.95cm W 32.39cm D
39 lbs / 17.69 kg 50 lbs / 22.68 kg


Road King™ Cabinets:

Patented Track-Lok™ Removable Casters
feature 3” wheels, heavy-duty ball-bearing
casters, tough extruded aluminum caster
plate and a spring-loaded quick-release but-
ton, allowing easy removal of the wheels.


The Ultimate Solution. TONE by matching a Road King Head
to a Road King Cabinet. Clean tones and
Perfectly matched to the built-in cabinet
lower gain textures shimmer and sparkle
switcher found on our landmark Road
with beauty from the added spaciousness
King™ Amplifier, Road King Cabinets
and presence of the Road King Cabinet’s
provide a new level of performance and
tuned open back side. Medium to high
convenience through the use of a new
gain tones pack maximum authoritative
and innovative “Dual Cabinet” design.
power and punch when driven through
This new design features both a tuned
the King’s sealed closed-back side.
open-back side (left) and a sealed closed-
back side (right), each of which may be
used independently or combined, all
within the same cabinet!

Standard Finish for Road King Cabinets:

Black Taurus vinyl, black jute grille & black piping.
(above) Road King Head on 4x12
Rear of 4x12 Road King
Road King Cabinet Rear Jack Plate (left) Road King Combo on 2x12
Rectifier (Slant and Straight)

2x12 Road King Rectifier 4x12 Road King Rectifier Straight 4x12 Road King Rectifier Slant
Dual Cabinet Design “Left open back & right closed Dual Cabinet Design “Left open back & right closed Dual Cabinet Design “Left open back & right closed
back” • Left Side = C90 Spkr at 90 Watts, Right Side back” • Left Side = 2 C90’s at 180 Watts, Right back” • Left Side = 2 C90’s at 180 Watts, Right
= V30 Spkr at 60 Watts, L&R Combined = 150 Watts Side = 2 V30’s at 120 Watts, L&R Combined = 300 Side = 2 V30’s at 120 Watts, L&R Combined =300
• Mono/Stereo • 4 Ohm Mono/8 Ohm Stereo Watts • Mono/Stereo • 4 Ohm Mono/8 Ohm Stereo Watts • Mono/Stereo • 4 Ohm Mono/8 Ohm Stereo
17-1/2in H 30-1/8in W 14-1/4in D • Casters • Casters
44.45cm H 76.52cm W 36.2cm D 32-7/8in H 30-1/8in W 14-1/4in D 32-7/8in H 30-1/8in W 14-1/4in D
63 lbs / 28.58 kg 83.5cm H 76.52cm W 36.2cm D 83.5cm H 76.52cm W 36.2cm D
111 lbs / 50.35 kg 109 lbs / 49.44 kg

Dan Van Riezen has been a
major contributor in our design
process since 1985 and now T

he first Mesa™ amp ever, was

built for Bass. In fact, five of

shadowed the press we get for bass,

we are no less dedicated to the Big
including Jim Aschow, Doug West,
Tien Lawrence and myself.
heads up our R&D Team for
Bass Products. His devotion
to tone is relentless, designing
the first seven amps I made from Fundamental. In addition we have a loyal group
revolutionary products like the
Triaxis, V-Twin, Basis M-2000
scratch, were all made for bass, From those first 130 heads to the of contributors from around the
and our new M-Pulse line and
you’ll benefit from his passion for
and these included the Snakeskin rack-mounting D-180, the Bass 400 nation that includes Alan Kamai,
innovative design. heads that toured and up to today’s Simul- Ken Lawrence, Mike Medina, and
throughout the 70’s State M-Pulse™ line, we Eric McCann. Each one of these
with Lee Michaels. have sought to define players has a distinct personal style.
So from our very and propel what makes Their mastery and decades of pro-
beginning, Mesa the bass—and the fessional experience in diverse styles
has been dedicated The very first Boogie....The Mesa 450. band—sound great. helps lead our quest in the evolution
Built for Patrick Burke
to bass. But, much like For the last decade, our of bass amp technology.
real life, guitar hogs the spotlight. R&D team for bass has been head- Whether you’re a tube aficionado
Even though our notoriety for ed up by Dan Van Riezen with or prefer solid-state power, we know
guitar products has always over- support from the usual suspects you’re a tone junky. That’s why all

Allen Kamai has been

involved in R&D on our
Bass Products since the
early ‘80s when he was
touring with Wendy and
Lisa, Michael Penn and
Sheena Easton.

Boogie® Bass 130 D-180 & Bass 400+™ Basis M-2000™

1970 1980’s 1994
Eric McCann is the consummate bass-
ist. Al DiMeola hired him when he was The second Mesa amp ever built First high power rack-mount bass amp using the Introduced Simul State tube driven
just 17 for his tour with Weather Report toured the country with Lee Michaels. accurate dual differential driver and the updated
back in the ‘70s! He continues to be our mosfet power and featured Tube and
ally in creating bass magic. 400+ version featuring 12 6L6’s & 7-Band EQ. FET switchable/blendable channels.
Kenneth Lawrence is an
incredible bassist and a
master luthier. He’s a 5
and 6 string aficionado
and has been invaluable
in the R&D of many
Mesa products.

our bass amplifiers derive their tone FETs made especially tube Bass 400+™ to the incredible
from the warmth and musicality for us in England. shaping power of the M-Pulse 600™
of vacuum tubes. This includes the So whether you’re with its compression and parametric
revolutionary Simul-State™ circuitry a hard-core tradition- EQ, to the mighty Big Block Titan™
at the heart of our alist who loves Rock ...we build an instrument of expres-
hybrid M-Pulse™ and R‑&‑B, or sion for every style. And our wide
line. This Simul- a roving pio- array of Scout™, Powerhouse™, and Michael Medina
World Class Session
State technology neer of the RoadReady™ cabinets matches por- Player and Producer
Extraordinaire, loans us his
utilizes vacuum modern bass tability with the punch and power to platinum ears for MESA/
Boogie’s Bass R&D.
tubes for signal revolution, fill any venue.
amplification we’ve got
right up to the your basses We invite you to audition Mesa
final output covered. Bass Products and hear the results
devices which From the of thirty-seven years of devotion to
are custom MOS Tien Lawrence, play-testing a proto at our simple, all- tubes and tone.
one-and-only Petaluma Factory

M-Pulse 600™ Walkabout Scout™ Big Block 750™ Big Block Titan™
2001 2002 2004 2006
New tube preamp with 5 Band Parametric 300 Watt Walkabout Scout Combo with Intuitive streamlined all-tube preamp The new TITAN packs 2 independent
and full featured Compressor feeds Simul downfiring passive radiator redefines based on the WalkAbout features a footswitching channels featuring Tube
State power section. portable Bass tone. footswitchable Bass Overdrive mode and Overdrive and 1200 watts of toneful
massive 750 watt Simul State power. Simul-State™ power into 3 rack spaces. 61

stablishing a new paradigm of
bass performance, the M-Pulse™

high-power portability. Available in a

600 watt rack, this handmade beauty

This is our proprietary hybrid technol-

ogy that uses vacuum tubes from the
And this dynamic team produces
stunning musical power.
line combines the best of musical old- sports our soulful sounding Simul- Input jack right up to, and including, An all-new tube pre-amp feeds
world tube technology with modern State™ tube driven MOS FET power. the driver for the custom MOS FETs. the rotary tone controls starting with

M-Pulse 600 Head on Powerhouse 1000 cabinet

Parallel Effects
Loop handles out-
ac­tive Bass and Treble and including to live or recording consoles. A Slave So if you’re on the search for tone board processing
with Mix control
a warm passive Mid – this is your Output and Level control allows link- and want to revolutionize your style, and can be foot-
foundation. From there, craft your ing to other power amps, including check out the M-Pulse Simul-State switched or manu-
ally selected.
own seductive world of bass using another M-Pulse for coliseum venues Bass Amplifiers. Close your eyes,
the five-band parametric EQ that lets or provides a post-signal output to open your ears …and trust your
you roam for tone unbridled between drive outboard processing. musical M-Pulse.
30 Hz and 12kHz. Dynamics are Balanced Direct Output
manipulated via an all-new on-board includes Pre/Post switch
to select between your
Compressor featuring Threshold ­ bass straight or the
and Ratio controls. myriad of M-Pulse pre-
amp’s amazing sounds.
Our proprietary Solo Includes Ground Lift
switch to eliminate
Control™ function provides noise.
a second master volume for a
footswitchable boost when it’s Slave Out with Level
control captures the
spot light time. Or use Solo as entire M-Pulse sound of
compensation for extreme EQ both preamp and power
or Compressor settings.
M-Pulse amplifiers Heavy duty “Speak-On”
connectors are provided
provide a toneful bal- to ensure all this shap-
ing power and tone are
anced Direct Out consistently delivered to
featuring a three-pin the Mesa cabinet of your
choice. Standard 1/4”
XLR with select- speaker outputs are also
fitted to allow a match
able Pre/Post options with any cabinet.
that let you choose
between the huge
warmth of your
stage sound or....the
stripped focus of your
bass when interfacing M-Pulse 600 on 2x10 PowerHouse™ M-Pulse 600 on M-Pulse Foot Controller provides access to Solo, EQ,
and 1x15 Powerhouse Cabinets. 6x10 PowerHouse™ Cabinet Compression, Loop and Tuner Mute in a sturdy stage-
worthy extruded design.
assists who Rock gotta have
the Big Block™. And here it is.
B I G B L O CK 7 5 0 ™

of gain, here is 750 watts of crushing

fundamental. Pure and Mean.
fast, fat tone. Straight-ahead circuitry
delivers instant attack with massive
Our exclusive Simul-State™ tech-
nology provides all-tube performance
Answering your demands for a rig bad Simplicity rules this front panel. No authority. Just the brutal, potent truth, from Input jack right up to the MOS-
enough to anchor our Recto’s® wall high-tech overkill between you and served up with mighty attitude. FET power block.

Big Block 750 rack chassis on RoadReady Cabinet

Big Block features dual

MID controls. A wide
A classic all-tube tone stack is aug- power units are directly driven by one trol and Ground Lift. Quarter inch band PASSIVE MID takes
care of overall midrange
mented by an additional Active Mid of the 8 tube stages in the Big Block and Speak-On jacks deliver this blend while the semi-
with a sweepable Frequency control. 750. This is Simul-State. Tight and massive horsepower to the cabinet(s) parametric ACTIVE MID
lets you focus in on
This lets you zero in on the precise focused, warm and musical. of your choice. specific regions.
region of attack to let you drive the For convenience, Tuner outputs are The heritage of rock bass has been Handy Front and Rear
band where it needs to go. provided front and rear. Rear panel built on vacuum tube tone. The Big Panel Tuner Outputs
with Footswitchable Mute
A footswitchable all-tube features also include a series Effects Block 750 elevates today’s bass perfor- Function allows silent tun-
Overdrive, sporting its own Loop and a Slave Out with its own mance while paying homage to that ing during performances.
All Tube Overdrive cir-
dedicated Drive and Master dedicated Level control. great tradition. Here is a menacing cuit allows a warm range
of distortion, from subtle
controls, adds a menacing growl A balanced XLR Direct Out is new amp that's infused with the per- fur to a rebellious grind.
to your sound, sinking teeth switchable between Pre and Post cussion, warmth and feel of an all-tube
Overall MASTER
into the mix. and includes a separate Level con- classic while providing double or even contains Pull Mute for
Twin fans cool the triple the output power …and silent tuning function.
Overdrive MASTER gives
mighty power block arrayed at a fraction of the weight. you a separate volume
level for the Overdrive
with 12 heavy duty cus- Big Block Torque Rules! mode. Pull to activate
tom matched MOS-FET Overdrive when foot-
switch is not in use.
output devices. Even these
The massive power
of Big Block calls for
Heavy Duty “Speak-
On” speaker outputs.
Current this big likes a
Big Block All-Tube Preamp wide road to travel on.
Big Block 750 shown in Standard ¼ inch are also
guarantees musical warmth
optional vintage style head provided for compatibil-
all the way through the tube
case on Vintage PowerHouse ity with any cabinet.
driver stage. Power block
Cabinet. with dual cooling fans house
a battery of 12 heavy duty
custom mosfets! Massive
toroidial transformer pro- Big Block Footswitch
duces stunning current while provides access to
reducing noise. Tuner Mute and
Overdrive in a sturdy
stage-worthy extruded


assists Crave Power. And while
the front man may crave the
Big b lo c k titan ™ V - 1 2

power alone isn’t enough. Definition,

Accuracy, Presence and Musicality are
meets Great Tone, we proudly launch
the all new TITAN™ V-12, our most
Based on the architecture of our widely
acclaimed Big Block 750™, the V-12 pro-
spotlight, it’s the bassist who builds all essential in getting big power to the powerful amplifier yet. vides two all-tube preamp channels that
the foundation, drives the band and ground and locking the band’s sound Twelve Hundred Rock Solid Watts are flexible, intuitive and easy to dial.
moves the crowd. And never has together. into 4 Ohms makes this TITAN the Unique Input circuitry can be used
a bassist had too much power. But To define the nexus where Big Power Big Daddy of our Big Block™ line. in a channel switching format with one
instrument. Or, can be switched to a
dual input, two channel con-
figuration for use with

Dual Inputs create pos-
sibilities: use with one
instrument feeding Input A
to access the two Channels
for a footswitchable dual
preamp configuration or,
connect two instruments
feeding Inputs A and B
separately and dedicate
a Channel to each instru-
ment for a footswitchable
hot-swap in live applica-
tions. Great for the bassist
who doubles on key bass!
Each Channel can be set to
optimize the Input imped-
ance for Passive or Active
two separate instruments in a stage then fine-tune specific frequencies with vacuum tube soul as it surges from
environment. Swap instruments, hit the semi-parametric Active controls. the tube Inputs all the way through Both Channels
feature our all-tube
the Footswitch and you’re ready to go. Each channel also serves up dedi- Driver stage, to the fleet of 22 custom Overdrive Mode with
This quick-change preamp makes the cated Gain and Level controls for the designed high-power MOS-FETs. independent sets of
O.D. Gain and Level
TITAN a great choice for the Bassist footswitchable tube OVERDRIVE, The stunning torque of this 1200 watt controls enabling you
who doubles on Keys … providing allowing you to dial in the perfect beast (1400w at 2 ohms) can be felt to dial in anything
from a warm, purring clip to fully saturated Bass Overdrive
footswitchable hot-swap capability amount of tube saturation. From a as well as heard: Instantaneous attack, and engage it remotely from the Footcontroller.
while wearing the stringed instrument. soft-clip to a medium growl on up shocking clarity and the ability to late- A Semi-Parametric
When it comes to creating a bal- to full blown high gain sustain – the brake and stop on a dime. This kind ACTIVE MID band with
FREQUENCY control joins
anced musical blend, there’s no sub- entire range is available for your explo- of tight fatness puts you out front and the standard passive tone
stitute for traditional TREBLE, MID ration. in charge of the time domain… letting stack in each Channel so
you can focus in on spe-
and BASS controls. They’re inherently The force behind the TITAN’s your bandmates thrive on your role as cific frequencies and shape
right and so easy to use they’re at the massive power is Simul-State,™ our pro- anchor. them without disrupting
the magic blend created
heart of each TITAN channel. Add prietary tube-driven MOS-FET tech- So when your gig requires coliseum by the musically sweet
wide-band tone controls.
the musically accurate shaping power nology. Every note drips with dynamic capability or, if you just want the con-
of the ACTIVE MID and fidence to drive any rhythm
Transparent Series
you’ve got all the bases section, fire up the TITAN Effects Loop circuitry han-
covered. Mix up a and put that V-12 power dles all the interfacing of
your outboard processing
sound with the sweet to work for you. It’s the and is fully bypassable.
blend of the three only sound mightier
classic tone controls, than Big Block Rock.

(left) Rear of Big Block Titan

V-12 shown in optional standard
head case on PowerHouse Cabinet

Titan V-12 in optional head case

on PowerHouse 2x15 cabinet

M M - P U L S E V E N T U R E 6 0 0™ C O M B O

re your live chops suffering

‘cause you’re held hostage by the
renting a U-Haul to go out and have a
little fun? Or worse …are you stand-
If any of these have been robbing
you of your musical inspiration,
dred watts! The most bass power
you’ll find on wheels.
size of your rig? Are you house-bound ing in front of a monolith and still we’ve got the fix: the new M-Pulse This fortress-of-fundamental is
on jam night ‘cause you can’t justify don’t have great tone? Venture 600™. That’s right, six-hun- powered by the same revolution-
ary Simul-State™ design as the
M‑Pulse 600™. Simul-State™
is our proprietary

combining the musicality of tubes HF Attenuator - allowing you to is where TONE lives, and a sweet
The 2x12 Venture Combo features a sealed back, ported
used throughout the pre-amp and blend in just the right amount of the blend of these powerful frequencies cabinet enclosure that comes standard wired to 4 ohms
driver, with the accurate muscle of exact right frequency you need for are essential in defining your role as (8 ohm version available for use with our extension
cabinets). Cabinet is constructed using our rugged 12 ply
our custom power MOS FETs for any given style. leader in the time domain. void-free marine grade birch and comes standard with our
horsepower and headroom. Two custom-designed, full range This 2x12 format works its own Tilt ‘n Roll™ Transport System.

Feeding this power is the four- high-power Neo 12’s keep the weight special blend of magic while creat-
stage, all-tube pre-amp linked to a down and deliver a smooth, beauti- ing a footprint big enough to cover
comprehensive array of tone controls, ful curve - rich and warm in the all but the largest venues. When
a five-band parametric EQ and a lows, yet without the holes in the you get the big gig, don’t worry…
compressor --all breathing life into mids and lower highs so often pres- the mighty 600 watt Simul-State
any player’s style. Also included are a ent in this genre of amplifier. This power section you’re packin’ has
parallel FX Loop with Mix control, more than enough steam to add
a balanced XLR Direct Out, a Slave extension cabs for large or outdoor
Out with its own Level control and venues. Player Control Network™ features a selectable three-
a Tuner Output with footswitchable When the gig is over and you’re point crossover (3k, 4k and 5k) that allows you to select
the high frequency range that best suits your musical
mute. A five-button footswitch con- late to the afterparty, the convenient style. The Premium Horn Attenuator then allows you to
blend in the perfect amount of the selected frequency.
trols the Loop, EQ, Compression, Tilt & Roll™ Tilt-Back Transport Instant Reset Horn Protection Circuit ensures worry-free
Tuner Mute and Solo features System let’s you make time on the performance.

The twelve-ply, void-free Baltic load-out with the Ventures’ super-

Birch cabinet is tuned and ported tough recessed wheels and roll-bar
to insure tight sub-lows, focused industrial strength handle.
mids and angelic highs in a surpris- So don’t put up with bass bulk or
ingly light package. This premiere anemic bottom any longer. Venture
M-Pulse Venture Foot Controller provides access to Solo,
quality cabinetry is fitted with our out with the baddest self-contained EQ, Compression, Effects Loop and Tuner Mute in a sturdy
powerful and intuitive PLAYER bass sound on wheels. ‘Cause remem- stage-worthy extruded design.

CONTROL™ NETWORK which ber: if you ain’t rollin’ with tone…you

features a user selectable crossover just ain’t rollin’! IMPORTANT NOTICE: Above model comes standard at 4
ohms for max output, combo use only - 8 ohm version is
range of 3K, 4K or 5K and a rotary available upon request at no extra cost for use with exten-
Venture 600 2x12 Combo sion cabinets. Please qualify the application and specify
with Tilt ‘n Roll ™Transport System the appropriate impedance.

ood news for the bassist on the
move: the Walkabout™. This
T H E M - P U L S E W A L K A B O U T™

fitted with a toneful Balanced Out

that’s great for grab-n-go studio sessions
Weighing in at a mere 13 pounds,
with optionally available rack ears, this
light-weight companion for your
musical journey.
little brother to the M-Pulse 600™ or for feeding the house board with 300 watt cigar-box delivers tone that’s
delivers all the same great tone at a size your live stage sound. taking the small-size world by storm.
and weight that fits the demands of any Using the same soulful tube pre- That’s because the new Walkabout
bass player who’s traveling light and still amp as the 600, the Walkabout’s is the perfect combination of a
needs huge sound. tried-and-true rotary tone controls supremely tuned all-tube pre-amp and
Using Simul-State™, our hybrid feature active Treble and Bass plus a a dynamic, hybrid power section at a
tube-driven MOS FET circuitry, sweet, passive Mid. The scaled-down price that won’t weigh you down.
this 300 watt power section has all three-band version of the Parametric So if you need a great bass sound
the nuance, definition and punch Equalizer handles all the crucial fre- with punch, detail and clarity to rival
of the larger M-Pulse formats. The quencies with simple authority – it’s any rig, but have to fit all that tone
Walkabout has plenty of power to fill everything you need and nothing in a sub-compact car—or even a
Walkabout Head on Scout™ 1x12 Extension Cabinet
small to medium size venues. It’s also more. backpack, go Walkabout…the loyal,

Included Gig Bag protects your Walkabout

and makes it even easier to sport around
the outback …or the downtown.

Optional Rack Ears for 19” rack mounting.

Unique Downfiring
E N H A N C E D R E L E A S E Passive Radiator!

W W al k a b out S C O U T ™ C O M B O

Everybody wants Great Tone.

And the only thing better than
already own a WalkAbout, you can
get the Scout cabinet and retrofit
incredible weight savings. To further
enhance low and sub-low response,
Scout’s down-firing passive radiator provides
huge low end many times its physical size and connects
your fat tone to the ground so you can really feel it!
great tone – is great tone and your chassis in minutes! these groundbreaking cabinets har-
portability. That's why we com- The Scout™ Combo and Scout ness the push power of a bottom-
bined our powerful, yet portable Extension cabinets utilize the latest loaded passive radiator, which trans-
WalkAbout™ Bass amplifier with neodymium technology via their lates into huge low end you would
our Scout Bass Radiator™ cabinet all new PowerHouse™ Neo drivers, expect from a much larger cabinet.
design and created a bass combo achieving amazing response with So if you’ve been scoutin’
that throws tone many times its around for a lightweight portable
physical size. rig… your recon is over.
Using the same tube preamp Check out the Walkabout
and Simul State™ tube-driven mos- Scout Combo and Scout Walkabout Scout’s Convertible design
fet power design as our popular Extension cabs. allows for quick and easy reconfiguring
M-Pulse 600™, which Bass Player
Magazine recently raved “scores big
points for innovative design, luscious
tone and roadworthy construction”,
this little dynamo kicks out 300
watts of warm, focused punch in a
small, yet very capable self-contained
package. The Scout’s “convertible”
design also allows for easy user Player Control Network™ features a selectable three-
reconfiguring. You can remove or point crossover (3k, 4k and 5k) that allows you to select
the high frequency range that best suits your musical
install the amplifier chassis quickly style. The Premium Horn Attenuator then allows you to
should you decide you want to use blend in the perfect amount of the selected frequency.
Instant Reset Horn Protection Circuit ensures worry-free
the WalkAbout as a stand alone performance.
amp with other cabs, or as a record- Walkabout Scout 1x15
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Above models come standard at 4
ing preamp when you want to and 1x12 Radiator Combos
in optional black Rhino vinyl ohms for max output, combo use only - 8 ohm versions are
travel even lighter for sessions. If you and black jute grille
available upon request at no extra cost for use with exten-
sion cabinets. Please qualify the application and specify
the appropriate impedance.

T H E B A S S 4 0 0 +™

No band sounds better for modern active basses and the other for clas-
sic passive instruments. Each of these has its
than its bass player. own separate tube input stage and volume con-
trol. A seven-band Graphic Equalizer further
Bass is the lynch pin between rhythm and mel-
ody …a big responsibility. The essential ingredients details the amp’s inherent musicality, making
of great bass tone are Pitch, Punch and Power. Pitch, subtle or radical tonal changes possible and
so the frequency of the note is identifiable and accu- footswitchable.
rate, not the flubby rumble often heard. Punch, so No less than twelve fan-cooled 6L6 out-
the attack of each note is a precise event in put tubes deliver 500 watts of transient power
time. And Power to deliver these two with peaks with cool reliability. And this is no dirty
authority and headroom …and to disem- dozen: this is a four-rack, twelve-pack of pure
bowel the first five rows! mean punch. You’ll be happy to know that
Artists often call to rave about the tube life is commonly reported to range from
Bass 400+™ after switching from bi- or three to five years, and often longer.
tri-amped rigs of up to a thousand Other features include a 600 ohm XLR
watts—exclaiming the joy of stepping Balanced Out, Slave Out, blendable FX Loop
forward in the mix, even to the point of with dual patch points front and rear, and a
leading the band. String definition so three-way switch for fan speed.
articulate that the rhythm section locks This thoroughbred stud has been a main-
together to become one machine of stay in the Boogie Stable for over two decades
unstoppable momentum. and remains a classic in its own time …for
Traditional style rotary tone controls, good reason: Great tone and musical power
which shape the Bass 400’s all-tube never go out of style.
character are fed from dual Inputs, one
Shown in Optional RoadReady Cabinetry
RoadReady Four-Space Shock Rack & RoadReady 1x15 Enclosure


Sculpted bridge-like
shear bracing employs

the centuries-old strength
ioneering new of the arch.

ways to bring
you amazing
tone is our quest.

In fact – it’s our LIFE! Separate tuned, mul-
tiple depth porting bal-
ances entire bass-mid spectrum.
Sparing no expense, Compare to other cabs where
all your tone blows through
using only the best one old hole.

custom components,
with radical new ideas
and patient attention

to detail …all to Marine grade, Baltic
Birch ply used through-
out. Note hollowed-out
deliver musical magic, truss work coupling rear

panel with speaker baffle.
greater than the sum 14 gauge steel grille
guards your speakers against
flying bottles, cheese wedges
of its parts. and articles of intimate apparel.

Proprietary, fully
custom drivers are ours
alone. Nothing else was
worthy so we had to create
these ourselves.
Vintage PowerHouse™
Scout Bass Radiator™

From the inside out, our new bass cabs have New “Player Control™ Network” on rear our time-proven, detail-enhancing and always Tilt & Roll™
been redesigned, revamped, re-voiced and panel features both standard ¼” and locking sweet 5K (NORMAL) setting; plus the har-
reduced in bulk weight. Nuetrik SPEAK-ON™ universal connectors. The monic-friendly, accent-expanding snap of 4K
Inside, we start with a radical new crossover network is also new and now includes a (SHEEN) and the groove-enforcing, articulate
bracing concept borrowed from the Frequency Range switch as well as our fully adjust- cut of 3K (BRIGHT). These style-specific
aircraft industry. All structural reinforce- able attenuator. Together these provide optimum choices offer every type of player the exact
ment is sculpted out, to form an extremely blending of the entire harmonic spectrum. high-end response to craft their tone, pure and
strong skeleton that saves weight, increases “Style Control”: Three distinct tonal classic. And all these precious electronics are
rigidity and improves structural integrity. As ranges are provided by the Range switch: guarded by an Instant-Reset protection circuit. High tech, recessed, in-line-
always, the entire cabinet –inside and out– is Outside, the new Tilt & Roll™ design skate casters glide you to the
gig on precision ball bearings.
all built from our void-free, Marine Grade, provides hand-truck portability with
all-Birch plywood, made especially for us. rollerblade-ease. New rear glide rails save
New Tri-Port™ front facing, multiple your back, your cab’s back and your car’s
venting system uses individually-tuned upholstery. See the following pages and choose
triangular ports to enhance each part of the your cabinet style from three finishes: Pow-
bass spectrum. This goes way beyond the old erHouse™ and Vintage PowerHouse (vinyl
standard design that has all your tone blowing covered with lexan corners) or our Road-
out of one large port-hole! Ready™ design where the cab’s exterior is a Recessed all-metal handles
gives you the grip, while
Our radical re-tuning of the internal hard-shell road case. These new cabs represent heavy Lexan glide rails make
loading a breeze.
air space pumps out tight, breathing low the worlds’ best built, best sounding, easiest
end; a focused mid-range that is punchy, yet to move bass enclosures ever made. But don’t
never harsh; and a crisp, clear top-end that believe us. Make the comparison your-
defines each note like never before. self. Then you’ll understand why it’s all
Player Control Network™ includes 3-position switch for crossover
frequency, adjustable L-Pad for blending the right amount of high about Mesa for Bass!
Metal kick-plate further
frequency driver, re-settable horn protection plus standard ¼ inch and
protects the back of your cab
high-current SPEAK-ON locking connectors.
when you tilt ‘n roll.

P P O W E R H O U S E™ C A B S

• Choice of Black Bronco, Black Rhino or

Zinc Bronco Vinyl Covering
• Choice of Silver or Black Metal Grille
• High–Impact Lexan Corners
• Tilt & Roll™ Transport with Lexan Rear Glide
Rails on 6x10, 8x10, 4x12, 2x15, PH1000
(see pg. 75)
• Track-Lok™ Removable Casters (4x10, 2x12, 1x15)
• Recessed Metal Handles

Titan V-12 on 4x12 Big Block 750 on PowerHouse 1000 M-Pulse 600 on two 2x10s Walkabout on 1x12

1x12 PowerHouse 2x10 PowerHouse 1x15 PowerHouse 4x10 PowerHouse 2x12 PowerHouse
300 Watt • PH Neo Spkr 600 Watt • PowerHouse Spks 600 Watt • PowerHouse Spk • Adj. 600 Watt • PowerHouse Spks • Adj. 600 Watt • PH Neodymium Spkrs
• Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported • Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported HF Driver • Front Ported • 8 Ohm HF Driver • Front Ported • 8 Ohm • Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported
• 8 Ohm (no casters) • 8 Ohm (no casters) 19-3/8in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D 25-1/8in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D • 8 Ohm
15-1/4in H 19-3/8in W 18-3/8in D 16-1/2in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D 49.21cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D 63.82cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D 25-1/8in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D
38.74cm H 49.21cm W 46.67cm D 41.91cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D 72 lbs / 32.66 kg 96 lbs / 43.54 kg 63.82cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D
48 lbs / 21.77 kg 69 lbs / 31.3 kg 78 lbs / 35.38 kg
NEW Vintage PowerHouse™ Cabs!

 Same construction and features as our standard PowerHouse
Cabinets except for cabinet finish and grille.

V I N T A G E P O W E R H O U S E™ C A B S

• Choice of Black Bronco, Black Rhino or

Zinc Bronco Vinyl Covering
• Black Twisted Jute Grille with Silver Piping
• High–Impact Lexan Corners
• Tilt & Roll™ Transport with Lexan Rear Glide
Rails on 6x10, 8x10, 4x12, 2x15, PH1000
(see pg. 75)
• Track-Lok™ Removable Casters (4x10, 2x12, 1x15)
• Recessed Metal Handles

Walkabout on 1x15 M-Pulse 600 Head on two 2x10s Big Block 750 Head on PowerHouse 1000 Titan V-12 Head on 4x12

2x15 PowerHouse 6x10 PowerHouse PowerHouse 1000 4x12 PowerHouse: 8x10 PowerHouse
1200 Watt • PowerHouse Spks 900 Watt • PowerHouse Spks 1000 Watt • 1 PowerHouse 15” 1200 Watt • PH Neodymium Spkrs 1200 Watt • PowerHouse Spks
• Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported • Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported Speaker, 4 PowerHouse 10” Spkrs • Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported • 1 Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported
• 8 Ohm • 4 Ohm • Adj. HF Driver • Front Ported • 4 Ohm • 4 Ohm
36-3/4in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D 36-3/4in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D • 4 Ohm 45-1/4in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D 45-1/4in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D
93.35cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D 93.35cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D 36-3/4in H 24-1/2in W 19-3/4in D 114.94cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D 114.94cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cmD
123 lbs / 55.79 kg 134 lbs / 60.78 kg 93.35cm H 62.23cm W 50.17cm D 136 lbs / 61.69 kg 173 lbs / 78.47 kg
137 lbs / 62.14 kg
R R O A D R E A D Y ™ Ca b inets

All formats also available in our RoadReady™ Designs

Our premier bass cabinet design whose cabinet is a roadcase!
• Tuned Front Ported Tri-Port™ Design (6x10, 8x10, 4x12, 2x15 & PH 1000)
• AA Marine Grade Baltic Birch Cabinet • Track-Lok™ Removable Casters (4x10,
w/Aviation Style Bracing 2x12 & 1x15)
• Custom PowerHouse™ Speakers • High Impact Black Laminate Finish
• Player Control Network featuring: • Steel Corners
Selectable 3-point Crossover (3k/4k/5k), • Aluminum Edges
Premium Horn Attenuator, Instant • Removable Front Cover
Reset Horn Protection, Speakon and
1/4” Inputs AND Outputs • Choice of Silver or Black Metal
• Tilt & Roll™ Transport
System with Lexan • Recessed Metal Handles
Rear Glide Rails


RoadReady Cabinets Shown Above:

A. RoadReady 6x10
Bass 400+ in RoadReady Four-space
B. RoadReady PowerHouse 1000 Sus-4 ™ Shock Mount Rack (18” deep
C. RoadReady 4x10 E version shown: 24 1/16” deep available)
D. RoadReady 1x15 on RoadReady 1x15.
E. RoadReady 2x10

Feather Light...
S C O U T Bass R A d iator ™ C A B I N E T S

Neodymium Magnets in place of heavy,

bulky speaker magnets of the past.
......Bottom Heavy! This new Bass Radiating design kicks
out turbo-charged bass response that
Scout Bass Radiator™ Cabinets fea- is unbelievably fat, yet defined, while
ture a unique down-firing Passive Bass providing remarkable power handling
Radiator System that is driven by cutting capacity, all from an exceptionally light
edge Neodymium Speaker Technology, and compact cabinet!
utilizing “super-strength, ultra-light”

Scout features include:

• AA Marine Grade Baltic Birch Cabinet
• Rugged Black Bronco Vinyl Covering
• Leather Corners
• Black Twisted Jute Speaker Grille
• Heavy Duty Handle
• Scout Neodymium Speaker
• Passive Bass Radiator
• Player Control Network (see below)
Scout’s bottom-loaded passive radiator
provides huge low end!

Now Featuring Player Control Network.

Selectable 3-point Crossover (3k/4k/5k), Premium
Horn Attenuator, Instant Reset Horn Protection,
Speakon and 1/4” Inputs AND Outputs

Walkabout Scout™ 1x15 Walkabout Scout™ 1x12

300 Watt • 15” Neodym Spkr 300 Watt • 12” Neodym Spkr
12” Passive Radiator • Adj HF Driver • 4 Ohm 10” Passive Radiator • Adj HF Driver • 4 Ohm
(8 Ohm Available) (8 Ohm Available)
23-1/4in H 17-1/4in W 19-3/4i 20-1/4in H 16-1/2in W 15in D
59.06cm H 43.82cm W 50.17cm D 51.44cm H 41.91cm W 38.10cm D
43 lbs / 19.5 kg 37 lbs / 16.78 kg 79



C roco Patterns
Stiletto Deuce – Red Croco Embossed Leather
Tan Crocodile Black Crocodile Red Crocodile Wine Crocodile Green Crocodile Oceania Crocodile Gray Crocodile White Crocodile

W estern Patterns
L i z ard Patterns
C roco Patterns

Antique Red
Bone Crocodile Navy Crocodile King Croco Hazelnut Lizard Wine Lizard Cognac Lizard Black Western Tan Western
W estern Patterns

O S T R I C H Patterns

F loral Patterns

S nake S kin
Stiletto Ace – British Tan Bronco Vinyl, Tan Grille

Cafe Western Red Ostrich Tan Ostrich Black Ostrich Black Floral Red Floral Champagne Floral Black & White Snake


L eathers

Lone Star – Imbuya Hardwood, Wicker Grille Purple Leather Red Leather Black Leather Blue Leather Antik Sandalwood Antik Bronze Antik Burgundy

Purple Suede Red Suede Black Suede Blue Suede

Dual Rectifier Head – Trans Aqua Blue Stained
Private Reserve Maple

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limitations of process color printing, the Custom Option Samples shown here should only be used as an approximate guide.
For the latest list of available Custom Options, please visit our
Custom Design Gallery at

Diamond Plate Front Panel
for Roadster and Road King.
P remier E x otics

P rivate R eserve
P remier M aple
African Ribbon Premier Premier Private Reserve Private Reserve
Imbuya Mahogany Bubinga Purple Heart Flame Maple Quilted Maple Flame Maple Quilted Maple

Private Reserve: Exquisite, “precious wood” grade

hardwoods of various types from our private collection.
Black Diamond Plate Front Panel for Solo 50,
Dual & Triple Rectifiers, Roadster or Road King.
Chrome Chassis for Dual & Triple Rectifiers.

Trans Amber Trans Royal Blue Trans Green Trans Orange Trans Purple Trans Aqua Blue Trans Red Trans Black SIDE ARMOR CABS

tA U R U S v I N Y L

Black Taurus Gray Taurus Wine Taurus Vanilla Taurus Black Bronco Blue Bronco Vanilla Bronco Cream Bronco Cocoa Bronco

Diamond Plate Side Armor
for 4x12 Rectifier, Stiletto
or Road King Cabinets.

Emerald Bronco Red Bronco Purple Bronco Silver Bronco Zinc Bronco Hot White Bronco Orange Bronco Garnet Bronco British Tan Bronco Black Rhino
unique natural character of hardwood and
leather, along with variations in dye and stain
G R I L L E C O V E R I N G S lots in ALL of our Custom Finishes, we strongly
recommend that you consider ordering ALL
potential matching pieces at the same time to
s P E C I A LT Y G R I L L E S

ensure a complimentary match.


PLEASE NOTE that ALL Custom Options are

subject to availability and that shortages and/or
changes in supply can occur. In the spirit of
continual improvement, all Custom Options
Black Grille Tan Grille Wicker Grille may be subject to change without notice.
Gold Grille Pewter Grille
For the latest list of available Custom Options,
please visit our Custom Design Gallery at

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limitations of process color printing, the Custom Option Samples shown here should only be used as an approximate guide.

“This sucker is so sonically versatile “Boasting boutique tone and the “What a fire-breathing slab of rock “Rarely has Guitarist been
that it’s like a guitar tone worksta- most versatility ever offered in a hardware the Triple Recto is!” quite so impressed”
tion, rather than a one-trick blues tube amp, the Road King blows the
pony, as its name might imply.” doors off the competition.” “If imitation is the sincerest form of flat- “We’ve taken Rectifier models apart
tery, you know you’ve made it in the amp in previous reviews to point out Mesa’s
“So here’s the deal for cowardly lion “I’ve owned or played every Mesa/ world when your flagship model starts commitment to class-leading design and
types: The Lone Star is indeed an over-the- Boogie production amp to date, and the appearing on the emulations menus of the workmanship; building up to a quality as
top sonic option box, but it can also be a Road King eclipses them all. leading digital modeling units. opposed to down to a price. Suffice to say
plug-in-and-play machine, and however Twist the selector on almost any respect- we’re faced with a thing of solidity, put
It has a ridiculously good clean channel
you choose to employ the Lone Star’s able digital combo from Line 6, Johnson together with excruciating attention to
and an indescribable range of gain and
armament, it will always be a handmade, and others and you’ll find a setting marked detail with no visible flaws inside or out.
tone options, plus its fine-tuned circuits
near bulletproof , boutique-styled amp that Recto, US hi Gain or Rectified right along- Overall, it’s flawless”.
and progressive-linkage power section are
sounds magnificent. Still scared? the best Mesa has ever produced. Despite side the classic Plexi, Tweed and Class A “Although the controls, modes and chan-
Treble frequencies simply blossom into its plethora of features, the Road King is selections. Inspired by the Mesa/Boogie nels on the new Recto are nothing if not
the heavens, and I couldn’t find a tone that simple and intuitive to operate. Boasting Rectifier series of amps, there’s little doubt comprehensive, the whole thing is laid out
wasn’t absolutely musical. The overdrive boutique tone and the most versatility that this is a modern high-gain rock sound so logically that getting to grips with the
tones definitely have an old-school vibe... ever offered in a tube amp, the Road King that’s forged a genre of it’s own, distinct amp takes just minutes.”
Clean settings can deliver chunky mid blows the doors off the competition.” from – even if descended from – the origi- “This side of the company’s range may
girth and sparkling highs, and if a smid- nal cascading gain revolution forged by well have its associations firmly planted
Eric Kirkland, Guitar World
geon of personality is missing, evoking their own Mark1-IV amps. at the feet of old as well as nu-metal, but
some truly aggro spank is simply a matter What a fire-breathing slab of rock hard- the latest innovations mean it could sit as
of switching to EL34s. And while the Lone ware the Triple Recto is! Just to stand happily on the end of Knopfler’s, Clapton’s,
Star isn’t designed to uncork so-called before this amp cranked to near arena Slash’s or Moore’s guitar leads as those of
“modern rock” sounds, I was very pleased levels and whack out a few grinding power Munky or Wes Borland. We say it’s worth
with its liquid and soaring high-gain chords will instantly transport any believer every penny (compare it to the now-extinct
tones—very cool for ambient stylings, to a higher power.” Matchless DC30 at f2,700!) and advise any
detuned riffs, heavy riddims, and spasms doubters of its range of fabulous tones to
Dave Hunter, Guitar (U.K.)
of inspired lunacy. check one out urgently. Rarely has Guitarist
been quite so impressed…”
The Lone Star can deliver so many
incredible shades of tone that where you Neville Marten, Guitarist (U.K.)
take the amp is totally up to abso-
lutely earns an Editors’ Pick Award.”
Mike Molenda, Guitar Player

“We think it’s one of the best “Costs thousands, “This is a well-mannered ass-kicker “I’m amazed an amp built this well
designs to come out of the sounds like millions.” that blows away the competition with is so affordable.”
Petaluma workshop and it fully righteous unapologetic perfection.”
deserves our Gold Award for such “Mesa Boogie’s most ambitious project “The M-Pulse 600 is an incredible value.
awesome performance at a very to date has been over four years in devel- is simply the most responsive, musi- It scores big points for innovative design,
opment, raising a defiant two fingers to cal and detail-rich amplifier to wear the luscious tone, footswitchable flexibility and
realistic price.” roadworthy construction. Mesa’s many years
the digital modelling craze by cramming Mesa badge.
a number of different valve amplifiers of amp building experience have obviously
“No amp is tested by us more critically than Channel one was absolute clean bliss at
– not models of them – into one chassis. contributed significantly to this design’s suc-
a Mesa, they cost a substantial amount and lower gain settings, allowing tones suitable
Four channels, five different power tube cess. I’m amazed an amp built this well is
promise a lot, and we try to make extra cer- for anything from spanking country to warm,
combinations, valve or solid-state rectifica- so affordable.”
tain they deliver. The F-50 delivers, big time. three-dimensional jazz. Turning up the gain
Behind that “stealth” design is a huge tion and switchable speaker outputs. Now made the Lone Star crunch hard and clip Terry Buddingh, Bass Player
range of sounds that are easily accessible nobody’s done that before.” like a thoroughbred. Jazz-fusion players and
from the simplest of control layouts. It’s got If your Marshall stack makes your heart Texas blues hounds will be thrilled by the
all the essential features you need, and ton- melt every time you plug in, and that’s soft sizzle and wavelike bloom that flows so
ally we think it’s one of Mesa’s best ever; the only sound you want, don’t change a effortlessly from the phenomenal circuit and
combining Mark  I, Mark  II and Rectifier damn thing. 1x12 Classic cab. The reverb is astonishing,
influences with low noise performance for a But there are semi-pro and pro players too: its gorgeous dripping echo is precisely
superlative result. who draw on several amps – typically a what Mesa fans have patiently waited to
It isn’t cheap but it’s one of Mesa’s most combination of Marshall, Fender, Boogie experience.
affordable amps with no compromise on et al. – who require a different response Channel two created an amazing range of
tone or build quality. We think it’s one for different playing applications. The alternate clean tones and filthy-cool punchy
of the best designs to come out of the Road King all but solves all that in one distortion flavors without the drive active.
Petaluma workshop and it fully deserves our box, as much by its clever electronics as (Somebody tell Keith Richards that his amp
Gold Award for such awesome performance its ingenious cabinet switching facility. is ready!) With drive switched into the circuit
at a very realistic price. But look at that price – it will be out of and the drive control dialed up, the Lone Star
Plug into one and, like us, you’ll probably reach for anyone who doesn’t earn well displayed a high-gain mood swing worthy
find it hard to stop.” from their playing. But if you do, no other of a pregnant rattlesnake. With everything
single amp will match the Road King’s but the master and presence dimmed, chan-
Nick Guppy, Guitarist (U.K.) versatility for classic tube sounds. That’s a nel two delivered feedback in pitch, never
bold statement indeed. Costs thousands, stopped sustaining and never lost its defini-
*Note - The F-50 is one of only 4 products ever to
win the prestigious 5 star Gold Award from Guitarist sounds like millions.” tion, dynamics or touch sensitivity. Truly
magazine Mick Taylor , Guitar Buyer (U.K.)
Eric Kirkland, Guitar World

“ can easily conjure “The Lone Star Special is an “ yourself a favour and go listen “The extremely versatile six-mode
Clapton’s Blues Breakers snarl, exceptionally sweet-sounding amp to this... Immense volume, balls, grind Stilettos cast a lush harmonic haze
Hendrix’s psychedelic screams, that covers all frequency ranges.” and punch are just four reasons why over the classic EL34 tones while
Gibbons’ grind, and many other you won’t believe your ears.” punching into a deviant new world
fabled Britamp textures..” “To see what the LS Special had to of defiant British manners.”
offer, we used our favorite 1972 Fender “And by god is it versatile. For all its rock
“...In fact, it was easy for me to clone the Stratocaster, a ’59 Fender Esquire, and a bravado, the ‘tight clean’ mode in chan- “...Channel 1’s Crunch mode was simply
sound of both a ’74 50-watt Marshall non- ’79 Ibanez Artist with humbuckers. nel one, and ‘fat clean’ for that matter, nasty and raw, with an old-school delivery
master head and an Orange Rockerverb Starting with the Ibanez and the amp’s treat a Strat to some funky, high-headroom like a smack in the face. Using the gain
100. The Stilettos would be impressive if first channel on the 30-watt output setting tones that even with the Recto 412 sound and presence controls primarily, I was able
they had only this one channel and Mode, (set to clean with the master volume and breathy. Increase the gain and we’re into to hone the tone to a razor-sharp edge or
but we’re just getting started. output level controls turned up, and gain vintage-style break up that you can tame smooth it for a blunt and crushing attack.
Channel 1’s Fat Clean setting substitutes down), we immediately began to grin as with the powerful presence control, before Channel 2’s Crunch mode was the first
a completely re-voiced first gain stage we were greeted with a full, fat punch that hitting channel one’s ‘crunch’ mode to send stop on my voyage through high-gain ter-
that can make the skinniest-sounding Tele was extremely responsive with a sweet things really Hendrixy. Things get very bit- ritory. It’s thicker than channel 1’s Crunch
bridge pickup as plump as a Christmas high-end typical of EL84 class A circuits. ing, so again, judicious use of treble and mode, with a wider voice and a more
goose. The Crunch position adds another Low-end was plentiful and tight, and could presence is advised. commanding attitude. Next, I pumped the
preamp gain stage to closely approximate be pushed hard to the point of overbear- Staying with the channel one ‘crunch’ Tite Gain mode with my EMG-loaded cus-
a post-1975 master-volume Marshall ing. Every pickup position sounded very mode, there’s enough gain, driven by a tom Charvel. Its radical EL34 tone had all
model 2203/4’s higher-gain circuitry. This nice, and as we pushed the gain, we got bridge ’bucker, to get way past cooking the cocky attitude of a back-alley London
mode sounded wickedly bright with a vin- a nice breakup for blues and light rock. Marshall Plexi or even JCM800 territory. fighter, cutting through the mix with low
tagestyle Strat, but possessed just the right Pushing the gain all the way and backing Like the ‘pushed’ mode in the 50-watt midrange brilliance and snarling presence.
amount of expressive top-end bite to make down the master volumes also produced Single Rectifier head, this is ballsy, fat stuff, Fluid Drive mode brought all of the
a humbucker-equipped PRS McCarty sound nice gain, albeit in smaller quantities. We perfect for classic AC/DC-type rhythm, Stiletto’s gain to bear. A combination of
simultaneously sweet and vicious. switched to the lower wattage settings and through Page and Cream-era Clapton violent distortion and demonic overtones,
More modern tones await those who naturally lost a bit of punch and clarity, but leads, and on to more modern Brit voices it displayed none of the brash high end
dare to explore the higher-gain realms of the amp never stopped producing great as you crank the gain and maybe tame the associated with EL34s. While the tones
Channel 2 ....” tone, even at reduced volume. And the mids. Speaking personally, I could live with were essentially identical from both amps,
Solo preset works better if the output level this channel alone." the higher power Trident gets my vote for
Terry Buddingh, Guitar Player Magazine is set lower than the solo volume; this is a
Mick Taylor, Guitar Buyer Magazine its immense headroom, brick-busting bass
great feature. ” and extreme energy.”
Vintage Guitar Magazine Eric Kirkland, Guitar World Magazine

WA L K A B O U T S C O U T ™ BIG BLOCK 750™ L O N E S TA R ® S P E C I A L

“It's shocking how much bass “Frankly, the Big Block’s overdrive “...the very definition of a giant killer. Many thanks to the
the tiny box emits. ” kicks ass. It’s obvious Mesa knows Whether you’ll be using it for atmo-
distortion for guitar...with the Big spheric surgical strikes in the studio talented players worldwide
“The Scout is seriously bottom heavy. It's Block, Mesa’s engineers prove them- or at hot-and-bothered live club
shocking how much bass the tiny box emits. selves bass overdrive experts as well. gigs, the Special will indeed deliver.”
and the publications
Even with the onboard EQ flat, the Scout's
bountiful low end is extreme. The mids have
The circuit is phenomenally tight, who support them, who
a pleasing, vocal quality. On fingerstyle funk controlled, precise, and vicious.” “Most large Class A amps actually shift to
tunes with an F-Bass BN5 or '78 Fender
“To add a pit bull to its kennel, Mesa
Class A/B at some point in their output; this
results in a sound that is cool in its own right
have reviewed our ampli-
Precision Bass, I appreciated the Scout's
solid punch and pliable dynamic sensitivity. dreamed up the Big Block 750, which com-
pared to its siblings offers more aggressive
but that lacks the single-tube magic. Leave it
to Randall Smith at Mesa/Boogie, then, to get
fiers over the last 37 years
The preamp behaves like more tube-filled
midrange voicing, tube distortion, a bigger both tones into one circuit, with the Lone Star
designs: its musical and responsive, with a
power amp, and a more straightforward con- Special—a fresh breath of Class A air capable and found golden tone.
pleasant bit of overdrive when pushed to its
trol layout. Though Mesa admits that the Big of leaping out of the corners into which other
limits. The tweeter doesn't "spit" like some;
it's not abrasive or unpleasant. Adding the Block was designed for a strong rock voice, Class A amps paint themselves. Your praise is sincerely
the company also boasts of the Big Block’s In five-watt, or single-tubed mode, the
optional 8? extension cab ($499 list), ups
the Scout's power output and moves more style-spanning tone. Special nailed classic Class A response, feel- appreciated by the entire
With as close to a flat setting as possible, ing at once greasy, spongy, and sparkly.
air. The result? Enough volume, headroom,
Mesa/Boogie Family.

and booty to fill even medium-sized clubs. the Mesa’s strong midrange voice and rich, And when I raised the gain and dug in with
The Scout works particularly well with dynamically sensitive attack seemed ideally my pick, I was rewarded with an electrode-
upright. Not only does its size lend itself to suited to rock or any style that requires big drenched edge of distortion. At two tubes (15
the small-car-having, subway-taking upright punch. The Big Block preamp’s plush, tubey watts) I found a low-rent blues tone; at four
crowd, but its low-end girth is a great feel is anchored by a quick power section that tubes (30 watts), the jangly sounds of British
match for the doghouse. With my pre-war provides a palpable feeling of headroom. The Invasion pop. Even that creamy Boogie lead
German plywood, equipped with a Fishman shelving BASS and TREBLE EQ filters were tone could be dialed in—with channel 2’s
Full Circle pickup, I really began to appreci- powerful and musical, resulting in an intuitive drive set to “thicker.” In short, this is easily the
ate the Scout's tone sculptability. I was able tweaking experience that paid big sonic divi- most versatile Class A amp I’ve ever played
to reduce feedback and howl to nil with the dends...the Big Block offered a wide variety through.
broad-ranged semi-parametric EQ. of onstage tones. It provided the hi-fi clarity I For this, and for breaking out of the vintage
needed for a fusion trio gig, but it also doled ghetto in which so many Class A amps are
Mesa’s WalkAbout Scout blends timeless,
out seriously greasy funk at a big outdoor confined, the Special earns our “1 Award.”
booty-ful tone with contemporary innova-
tions that save weight.” Douglas Baldwin, Guitar One Magazine
Jonathan Herrera, Bass Player Magazine
Bass Player Magazine
nside every Mesa™
Amplifier is a happy
mesa va c uum tu b es ™

yet avoids sounding hard or harsh. This

tube is a major achievement for tone and
reliability and is vital to your amp’s perfor-
flat tire on a car, disappointing and annoy-
ing for sure but not a cause for despair.
Tubes are like light bulbs. And like light
is combined in memory and later printed
out for each tube along with an individual
tube label. But there are still some factors
family of electron tubes, mance. We won’t use anything else. bulbs, they’re easy enough to replace that of a tube’s performance that only a human
basking in the warmth of Then there’s the big old fragile “Coke you can do it yourself. with a hammer can
Bottle” 5U4. These tubes may look cosmic After all, you don’t take properly analyze.
their musical glow. but they’re better suited to “outer space” your house to an electri- After passing tests
You know by now how fanatical we than inside a Rectifier® Solo Head. (where cian, and you don’t need for gain, noise,
are about the components we use, and the vacuum of “outer space” would enable to take your Boogie to heater current,
nowhere is this obsession more important these old tubes to work even with broken a repairman to replace a warm-up time,
than in our tubes. We’ve learned a lot glass!) Our persistence has paid off and tube. We’ve made tube pulse response and
working closely with the world’s leading they’ve recently been replaced by a terrific changes really fool proof more, the automat-
tube factories for nearly forty years. We’ve upgrade, the same-sounding but vastly by eliminating the need ed sequence pauses
seen a lot of changes and sadly, we’ve stronger 5U4GB. to set the bias. We’ve for the dreaded
Every tube gets the human hammer test under operating
watched some of our own best efforts dis- Our mighty, new 6L6 power tube already done it when conditions emulating the real life rigours of shock Hammer Test.
appear into history—gone but not forgot- (STR 440) is close in sound and construc- your amp was built, by
and vibration on the road.
Weak tubes cringe
ten, as the old plants shut down. tion to the great old Sylvania STR 415s wiring in just the right precision resistors and try to run away. The strong survive
Yet there is rejoicing in Tube Town as we developed thirty years ago. It’s tight, that permanently eliminate the need for and shout “Bring it ON!”. Administered by
our supplies and bold and big sound- adjustment. For more information on our Humans, the Hammer Test is just what it
quality levels have ing and easily able biasing method, or to order replacement sounds like. Each tube is bashed repeatedly
reached great new to handle the harsh tubes, please see our web site. and checked for reliability under severe
heights with a solid environment of rock Yeah, we’re picky. High performance shock and vibration …enough to duplicate
commitment by guitar where blasting instruments require high performance your amp falling off a six foot stage at
the makers for the into major saturation parts. And even though these tubes have full volume, three or four times! Man (or
future. is all part of a night’s been made especially for us, they’re not fin- Woman) and Machine, working together,
Our high-gain, work. Everyone wants ished yet. If they’re destined for the Home make the Mesa difference. Compare our
low-noise 12AX7 reliability --especially of Tone™ they can expect to be challenged tube guarantee: Six months under heavy-
has a balanced, Supplies are better than ever and Robotube ensures us, and we work hard by ROBOTUBE™, our in-house state-of- duty use. That’s twice as long as most. You
shimmering sound you get only the best tubes in your amp!
to achieve it. We’re the-art tube tester. Precision data gener- may find tubes that cost more, but if they
and is the result of countless revisions and pained more than you know when we hear ated during Robotube’s seven-part testing worked any better, we’d be using them!
evaluations. It overcomes the dull, rolled- of an amp going down …even though it’s sequence identifies matched pairs and can
off top end of its “garden variety” brethren most likely just a tube failure. That’s like a even predict tube life. This information
Robotube ™
Our State of the Art Tube Tester
With the brains of a computer
and the ears of a musician,
Robotube runs a battery of seven
exacting tests on each power tube
and analyzes performance so
thoroughly it can even predict the
tube’s lifetime. Designed by Mesa
Engineering and built for us by
an aerospace firm, Robotube is a
one-of-a-kind machine and easily
Robotube on the Job:
the most modern and powerful in
Here in this test, Tube #1 the industry.
arcs out under simulated
operating conditions. The
short is detected by Robotube
and this tube is tagged for
removal, making sure this
type of failure won’t happen
to you on the gig.

tube reference guide
MESA Matched & Tested – Our Premium Quality Guarantee conditions, to the tightest, most demanding specifications the best warranty in the business for a minimum of six
We start by specifying and selecting only the finest tubes in our industry with the use of our proprietary aerospace months! Install with the confidence of guaranteed pre-
available from around the world. We then test and match designed tube analysis system called Robotube. We ac- mium performance from the worlds leading designer of
these tube, while under the stress of actual operating cept only the “finest of the finest” and back them with custom, handcrafted amplifiers, MESA/Boogie® Ltd.

Tube Model Description Where Used

The 440 is our very best overall 6L6 - It is a premium grade, US equivalent and our tube of choice in the production of all new Mesa 6L6 powered Stock in: F-50, F-100, Solo 50, Rect-O-Verb, Dual Rec, Triple Rec, Roadster, Road King, Mark I, Mark IV, Lone Star,
models - Remarkable bass definition, articulate mids and shimmering highs keep every note amazingly intelligible, with a smooth, creamy 2:50, 2:90, Recto 2:100 & Bass 400+
6L6 STR-440 character - Premium structural quality provides exceptional consistency and reliability - Rivals NOS (New Old Stock) durability and sonic character
- Amazing for all styles of music

Our 425 is a Russian military grade 6L6 that was designed with an emphasis on rugged durability and consistency, capable of handling high Substitute in: F-50, F-100, Solo 50, Rect-O-Verb, Dual Rec, Triple Rec, Roadster, Road King, Mark I, Mark IV, Lone
5881 STR-425 voltage requirements - It produces a thick, rich tone with tapered highs that lends itself to styles of jazz, fusion, some blues or any style where Star, 2:50, 2:90, Recto 2:100 & Bass 400+
tapered highs and a full round tone are desired - If you find your amp to be too bright with standard 6L6’s, the 5881 may be your passion

Our 417 is the little brother to the 6L6 and it is all about classic American tube tone from yesteryear - Extremely sweet and bubbly with a beauti- Substitute in: Mark I, Mark IV & Lone Star
6V6 STR-417 fully deep bass and spacious shimmering highs, this tube defines vintage “Deluxe” styled tone and is a great substitute in the Mark I, Mark IV &
Lone Star when used with their “Tweed” Switch feature - Please see the amplifier owner’s manual for correct use of this tube

The 447 is our very best overall EL-34 - It is a premium grade, NOS (New Old Stock) equivalent and our tube of choice in the production of all Stock in: Road King, Stiletto Ace, Stiletto Deuce, Stiletto Trident - Substitute in: Solo 50, Rect-O-Verb, Dual Rec,
new Mesa EL-34 powered models - It has a traditional EL-34 tone & feel that is very urgent and aggressive and is an excellent choice for all styles Triple Rec, Roadster, Mark IV (outside sockets only), Lone Star, 2:50 & Recto 2:100
EL-34 STR-447 of gain, especially classic rock, alternative rock & metal - This tube is true to the crown with focused low end, crushing mid range crunch and
crystal-like highs - This is one of our favorites for authentic British tone - Excellent structural quality provides exceptional consistency and reliability

Our 450 is an actual German made, “A” grade NOS (New Old Stock) Siemens EL-34 - This legendary European EL-34 is known for its unsurpassed Substitute in: Solo 50, Rect-O-Verb, Dual Rec, Triple Rec, Road King, Roadster, Stiletto Ace, Stiletto Deuce, Stiletto
“bell-tone” clarity and touch sensitive sustain & articulation - Premier German engineering provides unsurpassed structural quality that makes this Trident, Mark IV (outside sockets only), Lone Star, 2:50 & Recto 2:100
EL34 STR-450 one of the most toneful, consistent and reliable EL-34’s you can buy - This is a final chance to own a real authentic EL-34 classic - Quantities are
subject to final availability

The EL-84 is the little brother to the EL-34 and is the classic European designed tube that lead the British invasion - Our EL-84 is tight and aggres- Stock in: F-30, Lone Star Special & 20:20
EL84 / 6BQ5 sive, yet smooth and warm, with an amazing chiming mid and top end - Brilliant focus with a frequency response that always brings your guitar
to the front of the mix - This tube is true to its classic roots and is extremely consistent and reliable

Our 12AX7 preamp tubes provide the maximum level of high gain output and overall tonal quality with unsurpassed consistency and reliability Stock preamp tube for all MESA/Boogie Guitar & Bass Amps, Preamps & Power Amps
12AX7 / 7025 / ECC83 - They possess a smooth and balanced response across the tonal spectrum and are extremely lively, open and expressive

Our SPAX7 preamp tubes are a premium grade substitute for any 12AX7 positions - They are a “Special Requirement Preamp Tube” that possess Stock preamp tube in select, critical stages of MESA/Boogie Guitar & Bass Amps, Preamps & Power Amps - Substi-
SPAX7A an even higher standard of overall performance, due to their incredibly low sensitivity to microphonic noise - This is the ultimate preamp tube to tute for all MESA/Boogie Guitar & Bass Amps, Preamps & Power Amps
use in all critical gain stage positions - It is the absolute best of the best!

Our 12AT7 is a classic low gain preamp tube, most often used as a reverb driver and/or phase inverter in older amplifiers - It is used as a reverb Stock use as reverb driver tube in Mark I reissue - Not currently used in any other MESA/Boogie amplifiers but
12AT7 / ECC81 driver in older MESA/Boogie designs, such as the Studio Preamp and some Mark Series amplifiers - It is also currently used in our Mark I Re-Issue offered for use in other manufacturers’ amplifiers

Our 5AR4 rectifier tube produces a vintage feel with light to mild “sag” - While it produces more “sag” than Silicon Diodes, it is the least “saggy” Not currently used in any MESA/Boogie amplifiers but offered for use in other manufacturers’ amplifiers
5AR4 / GZ34 of our tube rectifier offerings (The Rectifier is part of the Power Supply and its purpose is to convert AC into DC)

Our 5Y3 is a true, authentic 5Y3 NOS (New Old Stock) equivalent, modeled after the original Phillips 5Y3 and is built to our exacting specification, Stock in: Lone Star Special
5Y3 especially for the Lone Star Special - This tube produces a sultry vintage sag, creating a silky, smooth feel on the strings and provides the most sag
of all of our rectifier tubes

Our 5U4G rectifier tube is a classic 1930’s “Coke Bottle” design - It produces a flexible, elastic feel that is a bit more controlled and slightly less Substitute in: Dual Rectifier, Triple Rectifier, Roadster, Road King, Stiletto Ace, Stiletto Deuce,
“saggy” than our new 5U4GB - It has a nice spongy feel but has moderate life expectancy and reliability compared to our new 5U4GB - Due to its Stiletto Trident & Lone Star
5U4G tall “Coke Bottle” design, this tube may not fit in all amplifiers - Please confirm the height between the amp chassis and the cabinet before recom-
mending this tube (The Rectifier is part of the Power Supply and its purpose is to convert AC into DC)

5U4GB The 5U4GB rectifier tube is our very best overall 5U4 and our tube of choice in the production of all new Mesa amps featuring this tube - Based Stock in: Dual Rectifier, Triple Rectifier, Roadster, Road King, Stiletto Ace, Stiletto Deuce, Stiletto Trident & Lone Star
upon classic 1950’s technology, the 5U4GB is a new and vastly improved 5U4 design that is extremely reliable and consistent, as well as much
more compact - It is basically the size of a 6L6 power tube, so please take special care to install them in the correct tube position(s), especially
when replacing 6L6’s at the same time - This tube produces a “traditional vintage sag” with the most elastic and compressed feel of the two
5U4’s that we offer - Amazing feel and exceptional overall quality make this our factory favorite

Model / Format / Speaker Channels Modes Power Section & Wattage(s) Power Devices Styles / Gain Voicing Standard Footswitch Functions

Express 5:25 Short Head (TBA) Two Four Duo-Class - 5 Watts Class A or 25 Watts Class A/B 2xEL84 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1&2, Reverb & Variable Contour

Express 5:25 1x10 Combo w/Black Shadow Two Four Duo-Class - 5 Watts Class A or 25 Watts Class A/B 2xEL84 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1&2, Reverb & Variable Contour

Express 5:50 Medium Head (TBA) Two Four Duo-Class - 5 Watts Class A or 50 Watts Class A/B 2x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1&2, Reverb & Variable Contour

Express 5:50 Long Head (TBA) Two Four Duo-Class - 5 Watts Class A or 50 Watts Class A/B 2x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1&2, Reverb & Variable Contour

Express 5:50 1x12 Combo w/C90 Two Four Duo-Class - 5 Watts Class A or 50 Watts Class A/B 2x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1&2, Reverb & Variable Contour

Express 5:50 2x12 Combo w/C90’s Two Four Duo-Class - 5 Watts Class A or 50 Watts Class A/B 2x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1&2, Reverb & Variable Contour

Single Rectifier Solo 50 Head (25 1/2”) Two Five Class A/B - 50 Watts 2x6L6 Modern Styles - Clean, Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Rect-O-Verb Head (26 7/8”) Two Five Class A/B - 50 Watts 2x6L6 Modern Styles - Clean, Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2, Solo & Reverb

Rect-O-Verb 1x12 3/4-Back Combo w/C90 Two Five Class A/B - 50 Watts 2x6L6 Modern Styles - Clean, Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2, Solo & Reverb

Dual Rectifier Solo Head (25 1/2”) Three Eight Class A/B - 100 Watts 4x6L6 Modern Styles - Clean, Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, Solo & FX Loop

Triple Rectifier Solo Head (25 1/2”) Three Eight Class A/B - 150 Watts 6x6L6 Modern Styles - Clean, Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, Solo & FX Loop

Roadster Head (25 5/8”) Four Twelve Class A/B Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 50 or 100 Watts 4x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, Reverb, Mute (tune), FX Loop & Solo

Roadster 1x12 Closed Back Combo w/V30 (26 3/4”) Four Twelve Class A/B Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 50 or 100 Watts 4x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, Reverb, Mute (tune), FX Loop & Solo

Roadster 2x12 Closed Back Combo w/V30’s (26 3/4”) Four Twelve Class A/B Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 50 or 100 Watts 4x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, Reverb, Mute (tune), FX Loop & Solo

Road King Solo Head (27 3/4”) Four Twelve A/B Progressive Linkage w/Ch. Asgn. Multi-Watt - 50/100/120 2xEL34 & 4x 6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, Solo, Reverb, Mute (tune), Loop 1 & 2

Road King 2x12 Combo w/90’s (28 1/2”) Four Twelve A/B Progressive Linkage w/Ch. Asgn. Multi-Watt - 50/100/120 2xEL34 & 4x 6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, Solo, Reverb, Mute (tune), Loop 1 & 2

Stiletto Ace Head (26 3/4”) Two Six Class A/B - 50 Watts 2xEL34 All Styles - Clean, Classic Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Stiletto Ace 1x12 Closed Back Combo w/V30 Two Six Class A/B - 50 Watts 2xEL34 All Styles - Clean, Classic Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Stiletto Ace 2x12 Closed Back Combo w/V30 Two Six Class A/B - 50 Watts 2xEL34 All Styles - Clean, Classic Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Stiletto Deuce Stage II Solo Head (25 1/2”) Two Six Class A/B Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 50 or 100 Watts 4xEL34 Classic & Modern Styles - Clean, Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Stiletto Trident Stage II Solo Head (25 1/2”) Two Six Class A/B Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 50 or 150 Watts 6xEL34 Classic & Modern Styles - Clean, Crunch & High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Mark I Reissue Short Head (18 3/4”) - Limited Avail. One Two Class A/B - 60/100 Watt Power Switch 4x6L6 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain N/A

Mark I Reissue 1x12 Compact Combo w/C90 - Limited Avail. One Two Class A/B - 60/100 Watt Power Switch 4x6L6 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain N/A

Mark IV Short Head (18 3/4”) Three Five Simul-Class - Options to run 30, 50, 70 or 85 Watts 4x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, Lead+EQ, EQ & FX Loop

Mark IV Medium Head (22 1/2”) Three Five Simul-Class - Options to run 30, 50, 70 or 85 Watts 4x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, Lead+EQ, EQ & FX Loop

Mark IV 1x12 WideBody Combo w/C90 Three Five Simul-Class - Options to run 30, 50, 70 or 85 Watts 4x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, Lead+EQ, EQ & FX Loop

Mark IV 1x12 Compact Combo w/C90 Three Five Simul-Class - Options to run 30, 50, 70 or 85 Watts 4x6L6 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2, 3, Lead+EQ, EQ & FX Loop

Lone Star Special Head (22 7/8”) Two Four Pure Class A Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 5, 15 or 30 Watts 4xEL-84 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Lone Star Special 1x12 Combo (22 7/8”) w/C90 Two Four Pure Class A Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 5, 15 or 30 Watts 4xEL-84 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Lone Star Special 2x12 Combo w/C90’s Two Four Pure Class A Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 5, 15 or 30 Watts 4xEL-84 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Lone Star Special 4x10 Combo w/Jensen & Eminence Two Four Pure Class A Channel Assignable Multi-Watt - 5, 15 or 30 Watts 4xEL-84 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Lone Star Head (26 7/8”) Two Four Duo-Class w/Ch. Asgn. Multi-Watt - 5 (Class A) / 50 or 100 (AB) 4x6L6 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Lone Star 1x12 Combo (26 7/8”) w/C90’s Two Four Duo-Class w/Ch. Asgn. Multi-Watt - 5 (Class A) / 50 or 100 (AB) 4x6L6 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Lone Star 2x12 Combo w/C90’s Two Four Duo-Class w/Ch. Asgn. Multi-Watt - 5 (Class A) / 50 or 100 (AB) 4x6L6 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Lone Star 4x10 Combo w/Jensen & Eminence Two Four Duo-Class w/Ch. Asgn. Multi-Watt - 5 (Class A) / 50 or 100 (AB) 4x6L6 Classic Styles - Clean, Blues & Classic High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo

Rectifier Recording Pre-Amp - 2 Rack Spaces Two Six N/A 6x12AX7 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Channel 1, 2 & Solo/Vintage

TriAxis Pre-Amp - 1 Rack Space Ninety Eight N/A 5x12AX7 All Styles - Clean, Medium Gain & High Gain Full MIDI Implementation & Continuos Control

20/20 Power Amp - 1 Rack Space N/A N/A Dyna-Watt - 20 Watts per Channel 4xEL84 All Styles - Tight Lows, Rich Mids, Chiming Highs N/A

Stereo 2:Fifty Power Amp - 2 Rack Spaces N/A N/A Class A/B - 50 Watts per Channel 4x6L6 All Styles - Fat Lows, Punchy Mids, Sparkling Highs N/A

Simul-Class 2:Ninety Power Amp - 2 Rack Spaces N/A Four Simul-Class - 45 or 90 Watts per Channel 8x6L6 All Styles - Juicy Lows, Lush Mids, Shimmering Highs N/A

Recto Stereo 2:One Hundred Power Amp - 2 Rack Spaces N/A Two Class A/B - 100 Watts per Channel 8x6L6 All Styles - Bold Lows, Articulate Mids, Spanking Highs N/A

WalkAbout Compact Bass Amp - Metal Chassis One One Simul-State - 300 Watts @ 4 Ohms (165 @ 8) 6xMos-Fet All Styles - Exceptional Tone Shaping, Fidelity & Power N/A

WalkAbout Bass Head - Retro Styled Head Case One One Simul-State - 300 Watts @ 4 Ohms (165 @ 8) 6xMos-Fet All Styles - Exceptional Tone Shaping, Fidelity & Power N/A

WalkAbout Scout 1x12 Bass Combo w/Scout Neodym One One Simul-State - 300 Watts @ 4 Ohms (165 @ 8) 6xMos-Fet All Styles - Neodym Speaker Tech. w/Passive Bass Radiator N/A

WalkAbout Scout 1x15 Bass Combo w/Scout Neodym One One Simul-State - 300 Watts @ 4 Ohms (165 @ 8) 6xMos-Fet All Styles - Neodym Speaker Tech. w/Passive Bass Radiator N/A

M-Pulse 600 Rackmount Head - 2 Rack Spaces One Two Simul-State - 600 Watts @ 4 Ohms (320 @ 8) 8xMos-Fet All Styles - Exceptional Tone Shaping, Fidelity & Power Parametric EQ, Compressor, Solo & FX

M-Pulse 600 Head - Retro Styled Head Case One Two Simul-State - 600 Watts @ 4 Ohms (320 @ 8) 8xMos-Fet All Styles - Exceptional Tone Shaping, Fidelity & Power Parametric EQ, Compressor, Solo & FX

Venture 600 2x12 Bass Combo w/PowerHouse Neodym One Two Simul-State - 600 Watts @ 4 Ohms (320 @ 8) 8xMos-Fet All Styles - Portable Bass Combo w/Amazing Power & Control Parametric EQ, Compressor, Solo & FX

Big Block 750 Rackmount Head - 2 Rack Spaces Two Two Simul-State - 750 Watts @ 2 Ohms (550 @ 4, 280 @ 8) 12xMos-Fet All Styles - Massive Authority, Footswitchable Overdrive Over-Drive & Mute (tune)

Big Block 750 Head - Retro Styled Head Case Two Two Simul-State - 750 Watts @ 2 Ohms (550 @ 4, 280 @ 8) 12xMos-Fet All Styles - Massive Authority, Footswitchable Overdrive Over-Drive & Mute (tune)

Big Block Titan-V12 Rackmount Head - 3 Rack Spaces Two Four Simul-State - 1200 Watts @ 4 Ohms (840 @ 2, 650 @ 8) 22xMos-Fet All Styles - The Ultimate in Power and Performance Versatility Channel 1/2, Overdrive 1/2, Input A/B, Solo & Mute (tune)

Big Block Titan-V12 Head - Retro Styled Head Case Two Four Simul-State - 1200 Watts @ 4 Ohms (840 @ 2, 650 @ 8) 22xMos-Fet All Styles - The Ultimate in Power and Performance Versatility Channel 1/2, Overdrive 1/2, Input A/B, Solo & Mute (tune)
Bass 400+ Rackmount Head - 4 Rack Spaces One Three Class A/B - 500 Watts @ 2 12x6L6 Classic Styles - All Tube Power - A Rock Legend N/A


Text & Story: Randall Smith And Douglas West trademarks, patents and other information regard-
Concepts & Design: Bill Grey, Grey Visual Design ing Mesa/Boogie, Ltd.’s intellectual property. The
Product Photography: Frank Bevans Photography absence of a trademark, trade name or logo in this
Artist Photography: Tien Lawrence, Frank Bevans, catalogue or at does not con-
John Popplewell, Marcy Guiragossian, Dave Smith stitute a waiver of any intellectual property rights.
Additional Photos: Kevin Baksa, Dave Monley Thanks Susanne for your love, humor and support!
Mesa/Boogie, Ltd., Mesa Engineering, Mesa/Boogie, Mesa Boogie, Ltd.,
Mesa Engineering, MESA, The Spirit of Art in 1317 Ross Street, Petaluma, CA 94954
Technology, Boogie, Boog, Big Block, Express, Phone: 707-778-6565 Fax: 707-765-1503
Simul-Class, Rectifier, Recto, Recto-Verb, Stiletto,
Stiletto Ace, Lone Star, Road King, Roadster and
Titan are trademarks of Mesa/Boogie, Ltd. and use © Copyright 2007 Mesa Boogie, Ltd.
without prior express authorization is prohibited. All Rights Reserved
Please visit for a list of Price $5.00

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