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Stalbridge Congregational Church Prayer / Reflection May 3 rd 2020

Let us begin by saying the Lord’s Prayer together.

Jesus said: What is the price of two sparrows – one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the
ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.
So do not be afraid: you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Matt 10 v 29-31
John and I have been feeding two hungry blackbirds at the rate of 1 fat ball a day – and when it was all gone they sat
on the fence chirping loudly until it was replaced. This week their young have left the nest and learned how to get
their own food. Corona virus or not – nature truly has been spectacular this spring! I spend time pulling up the oak
seedlings from among our fruit bushes then marvel at the magnificent oak trees as we walk through the woods. We
have seen goslings and ducklings, more birds than we can name, fish and deer on our daily exercise and wait (im)
patiently for the cygnets to hatch.
If you are joining us for communion this morning – prepare you table – with a piece of bread which can be divided into three
pieces and a cup/glass of ‘wine’ – have your bible open at John 21 ( there is a song at the end for the children – all on fb page)

Let us sing together MP 786 Yes God is good….

1. Yes, God is good in earth and sky, 2. The sun that keeps its trackless way,
from ocean depths and spreading wood, and downward pours his golden flood,
Ten thousand voices seem to cry: Nights sparkling hosts, all seem to say
“God made us all, and God is good!” in accents clear that God is good.
3. The joyful birds prolong the strain, 4. I hear it in the rushing breeze;
their song with every spring renewed; the hills that have forever stood,
the air we breathe, the falling rain, the echoing sky and roaring seas,
each softly whispers: “God is good!” all swell the chorus: “God is good!”
5. Yes, God is good, all nature says, 6. For all Your gifts we bless You, Lord,
by God’s on hand with speech endued; but chiefly for our heavenly food,
and man, in louder notes of praise, Your pardoning grace, Your quickening
should sing for joy that God is good. Word.
These prompt our song that God is good.

Let us pray together…….

Amazing God, as we marvel at Your creation our hearts expand and our spirits rise. Thank you for every
new day. May we enjoy it in the full knowledge that You created it for us – that Your heart will speak to
our hearts (my heart) through it. With the shadow of the cross behind us – the fire of Pentecost yet to
come – let the peace of Jesus, which passes all understanding fill us this day – let us know as we see
sparrows skittering around our gardens and hedgerows – that we are more valuable to You than a whole
flock of sparrows – every hair on our head numbered. Thank you amazing God. Amen

Read John 21 v 1 – 14
Today would have been Breakfast Church – our last one in March – Easter has come and gone – Jesus has
not yet ascended into heaven. But the disciples have gone fishing – Peter as impatient as ever – couldn’t
hang around in lockdown any more (we know the feeling). But Jesus said wait…….
After a night’s fishing Peter had caught nothing… imagine how frustrated he must have felt!!!!
What frustrates you about lockdown? What are you dying to get back to?
Then comes the surprise! Someone is on the beach – he tells them to cast their nets one more time…. and
hey presto! Loads of fish …. more that they can drag ashore …. And guess who – it’s Jesus….. with campfire
ready!! Breakfast Church!!!
It was my birthday this week – all I had to look forward to was supermarket shopping – but God had other
ideas – my daughter came up with a present from Bournemouth (yes we socially distanced in the garden)
the first time we have met face to face since lockdown and today I received a lovely photograph, letter and
card from a family we met through our children’s work in Salford – the son, then 7 now has two beautiful
children of his own - and what a joy it was to receive it. Add to that our morning walk with all its beauty
what an amazing God we have!

Let us sing together…. MP 1170 From the highest of heights

From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea, Indescribable, uncontainable,
creation’s revealing Your majesty. You placed the stars in the sky,
From the colours of fall to the fragrance of spring, and You know them by name:
every creature unique in the song that it sings. You are amazing, God.
All exclaiming: All powerful, untameable;
awestruck, we fall to our knees
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go, as we humbly proclaim:
or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow? You are amazing God.
Who imagined the sun and gave source to its light. Repeat after verse 2 then repeat chorus
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night? To You are amazing God then continue
None can fathom: Incomparable, unchangeable,
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same,
You are amazing, God

Read together John 21 v 15 – 19

Just as at the last supper – Jesus and his disciples shared food together – this time it is breakfast – and just
as Jesus used the last supper as a means of teaching his disciples – here is speaks to Peter – who had
denied him 3 times – and so Jesus asks Peter – ‘Do you love me?’ You know I do – ‘then feed my lambs’.
Now Jesus asks you…. ‘Do you love me?’ as you break a piece of bread say, ‘Yes Jesus I love you’. Listen
for his reply….. ‘feed my lambs’ and eat. Again: ‘Do you love me? ‘You know that I love you’. ‘Then feed
my sheep’ and eat. Again: ‘Do you love me?’ Just as God knows the hairs on your head – he knows –say
‘Yes, you know that I love you.’ As you eat hear him say ‘feed my sheep’ and ‘follow me’.
Drink your ‘wine’ and pray…..
Precious Saviour – as we drink this wine, the sign and symbol that you died for us so that we can come
sinless to you – hold us close during these difficult times – show us how to live as you call us to live even
though it may take us away from the path we would so easily travel. You are amazing God – You are
amazing God. Amen. Let us sing together .. MP 31 Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
that saved a wretch like me! and grace my fears relieved;
I once was lost, but now I’m found, how precious did that grace appear
was blind but now I see. The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares, When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
I have already come; bright shining as the sun.
‘tis grace has brought me safe thus far, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
and grace will lead me home. Than when we’ve first begun.

Let us say the Grace to each other

Shine, from the inside out, that the world will see you live in me (Repeat .)
You know me, you love me, you fill, so send me. Repeat. Know me, love me, fill me, send me. Repeat.

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