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For my technology project I recorded my students’ All-District Jazz auditions on a school

computer using the DAW GarageBand. My cooperating teacher borrowed a microphone from
the school and I connected it using an adapter to the Mac in the band room. Using GarageBand I
was able to play the prepared backing track whilst also recording the auditions of each individual
Finding proper levels for each individual instrument took some trial and error, however
GarageBand has a multitude of very helpful tools. Mic placement was also key to the success of
the sound of the recordings. The most challenging instrument to get sounding right was the
piano. After about 10 minutes of maneuvering and testing, I believe I was able to get the best
possible recording of the pianist’s audition.
Every student who auditioned did end up making into All-District Jazz which made the
experience recording them all the more rewarding.

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