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IHindu Astrology Series I

Puzzle of

-· an original research

V.P. Goel

Guide and Editor

K.N. Rao

Many a sciences have attempted to predict the life span .of a

human being. but have conceded that an accurate assessment of life
span is not only a difficult proposition, but also arguably, is
impossible. This has been a dark area in the field of astrology as well.
Is human life subject to the whims of Shiva, or is there a measurable
method to His will?
Everyday, we come across cases that are baffling, like the case of
twins where the basic birth chart does not change much except by a
few degrees of ascendant, but one twin only lives for a short period,
while the second lives on to a ripe old age. How can one foresee thls7
The book provides a simple astrological method to assess the life
span of human life and predict the longevity block of a subject in
terms of- short, medium or a full life. This is equally applicable to the
charts of twins. The timing of demise is then calculated by using the
Nirayana Shoola Dasha.
The mathematical method calculates hora lagna, strength of
planets and signs, Navamsha/dwadamsha, and Trishamsha and Is
the result of intense testing on more than a tOO known horoscopes.
All t 00 horoscopes have been presented In this book and have
successfully verified and proven the proposed method.
I am eternally grateful to Shri. K.N.Rao and his excellent
astrological works. Most of the charts used in this book have been
taken from his works.
I do acknowledge with deep sense of reverence the financial
support given by •the Society for Vedic Research and Practices·.
an organisation, fully dedicated to promote such original research
and innovative projects which reflects their preamble.

V.P. Gael

1 October 2008
S-376 Greater Kailash Part- II
New Delhi- 110048, Tel.: 91-11-29211144
This Excellent Book

"We think we understand the universe, but we only understand

4percentofeverything, "said james Watson Cronin, the 1980Nobel
Laureate for Physics.
-Large Hadron Col/lder End of the world, or God's own particle?
Silaram Yechury September 11, 2008, The Hindus/an Times

Shri V.P. Goel the brilliant engineer who is now on the teaching
faculty of the Institute of Astrology in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan,
New Delhi has completed a hattrick in 2008 by writing a brilliant
book, our third in a sequence, after the books on mundane astrology
by M.S. Mehta and A. Radhika and on marriage by Deepak Bisaria. It
is rarely that in one year four different teachers have produced three
of the most brilliant books in astrology In one year.
Shri Goel has chosen the most difficult subject, the span of life,
and has put his researches in crystal clear form In the most lucid way
possible. Such clarity and lucidity is a rare gift among writers in any
field, particularly in astrology, the most comprehensive science
known to mankind.
If mystery of life Is unravelled anywhere to some extent it is In
astrology. Physical scientists will keep boasting and keep suffering
within their limitations. James Watson Cronin had the modesty to say
scientists understand only four percent of the mysteries of life. And
the biggest mystery is the span of life. If an astrologer succeeds in
predicting span of life with sixty percent success even it Is a very
major achievement. Let me explain it:
1. I predicted the death of Indira Gandhi between 28 October and
4 November of 1984 and she was killed on 31 October. This was
the closest I ever got. This was publicised in a long article on me
in the Statesman after the death of Indira Gandhi.
2. In the case of Rajiv Gandhi I drew the upper limit as August
1991 and he was killed in May 1991. It appeared in the Times of
Astrology in August 1990.
3. In the case of Dr. B.V. Raman I fixed the block of 1994-96 but he

actually died in 1998. It was published in his own magazine, the
Astrological Magazine. Here I must state that I worked on the
birth time rectified by Dr. Raman himself and not on my rectified
time which explains the two year error in this case.
It is primarily important to have a correct birth time of a person
whose death you are predicting. It is always safe to pinpoint a block
of two, four or six years for death and leave it at that unless one is
required to work it out closely.
The other method of finding it out is to see it in the horoscopes
of closely connected people like that of husband or wife or children
and cross check it. It gives very dependable result Invariably.
There is a royal rule of Parashara which never falls examine three
pairs first:
(a) Lagna and the lagna lord.
(b) The eighth house and the eighth lord and.
(c) The tenth house and the tenth lord.
This is the unfailing first and primary approach.
Then see the Jaimini method of PAM as I have coined it and
taught to successive batches of students.
But unless it is cross checked through four or five dashas, one
should not be confident at all in making these predictions.
Shri Gael, the engineer, sees it all as the edifice of life which has
to be examined brick by brick. And see where it is weak which can
cause the collapse. That is the beauty and the brilliance of the book.
Then there are transits the ordinary well known ones and
Bhrigu's special transit which are helpful but I must sound a warning
Always go it the elaborate methods of Parashara to reduce
errors which is necessary for promoting scientific astrology as
Shri Gael has done in this book.
He has shown through the examples of twins how his method
works which will fail totally in the Nadi method. It is always better to
work in detail as this book shows which is now the best on the
subject available to astrologers all practically Illustrated with so many
The first part of the book is like a text book which covers the
syllabus prescribed for students of astrology in the Bharatlya Vidya
Bhawan. The second part Is a very original research of Shri Gael and it
Is brilliant.
K.N. Rao

Preface ....................................................................... 3
This Excellent Book ....................................................... 4
About the Author ......................................................... 7

Part I
Eighth House .............................................................. 8
Basic Parameters ....................................................... 17
Jaimlni .................................................................... 2 7
PAM ......................................................................... .34
Mathematical Methods ................................................ 40
Classical Principles .................................................... 50
Dash a ...................................................................... 55

Part II
Mathematical Hora Lagna............................................. 62
Strength of Planets and Signs ........................................ 65
Modified PAM . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Divisional Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Nirayan Shoo Ia Dasha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Case t . •. . . . . •. . •. . . . . . . . . . . •. . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Case 2 ..................................................................... tot
Case 3 •..............•..•...................•..............•............... t06
Case4 ..................................................................... 111
Case 5 ..................................................................... tt6
Case 6 ..................................................................... t20
Case7 ..................................................................... t25
Case 8 .............•.•.................•................................... t30
Case 9 ...............................•..................................... t34
ease to ................................................................... t39
Twins ...................................................................... t44

About the Author

Shri. Vi nod Prakash Goel is a former officer of Indian Engineering

Services and served the Ministry of Defence, Government of India. He
also held senior managerial positions with private companies in India
and abroad before setting up a business In engineering, manufacturing
and contracting turnkey refrigeration and air conditioning projects.
Presently, he Is a consultant to Defence Research and Development
Organisation on major engineering projects.
Shrl. Goel is an M.Tech. from liT Kharagpur and B.Sc. Mechanical
Engineering (Honours) from Benaras Hindu University.
In the years I 999 and 2000, he was awarded the Gold Medals
for Jyotlsh Alankar and Jyotish Acharya at the Institute of Astrology,
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi. Now he is a faculty member at the
Institute. He has written three books on Yoglnl, Shodashottarl Dasha
System and Shashtihayani System. The book, "Predict Effectively
Through Yogin! Dasha" is a novel path-breaking research.

Eighth House

To be alive is the first and foremost requirement for doing any karma.

Longevity is assessed from Bh house of the horoscope. On a

pessimistic note, Bh house is also house of action. It is also called
Randhra i.e. black hole. Anything that goes into 8'h house goes deep
into mystery. It creates action for sorrows and afflictions also.
A strong S'h house is an indicator of long life. Any house become
strong when;
(a) It is in PAC with lagna lord, house lord or karaka.
(b) It is aspected by benefics.
(c) It is in subh kartari i.e. benefics occupy both the adjacent houses.

Planets in 8"' house

Generally 8'h house should be vacant. Any planet whether benefic
or malefic produce unfavourable results In some way. The result of the
placement depends upon the strength of the planet. If a planet has to
be there, The safest is to have 8'h lord in 8'h. All planets are set in 8th
house and loose their significations. Placement Of tertiary planets give
terminal diseases.
Sun:- Sun in 8'h indicate middle life span. It creates fear of death.
A weak Sun gives bad health, poor eye sight, short life, trouble from
women, head assodated problem.
Sun In exaltation, own house or in a friendly sign give personality
and no agony &.long life. If in inimical or debilitated sign gives sudden
death and foreign settlement.
This Sun if related to Mars by aspect gives sudden death.
Aspected by Saturn then suffers many worries In life.
Moon - It is a balarishta. Balarishta Is the losses of permanent
nature in childhood. Waxing strong Moon in exaltation, own house or
in the signs of Jupiter or Mercury or Venus give long life. But a strong
Moon can give fear of chronic disease specially respiratory problems.
Weak Moon gives medium life span or short life span depending
on its other association. The worst placement is In a malefic sign and

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Eighth House

its association with Rahu, Saturn, Mars.

Mars- Placement of Mars in B'h house is not desired. Mars is a
violent planet and can give untimely or sudden death. Mars in
exaltation or own house give long life with leprosy (rotting of flesh).
Mars debilitated or in inimical sign is a short lived, diseased person.
Mars with or aspected by benelks give healthy long life. Aspected by
malefic gives short life with kidney problems. Mars in exaltation is lord
of 6th and 11th house and as such any disease will become chonic.
Classical results for type of death when Mars occupy Sh house in
different signs are
Aries- Battle field; Taurus- Revenge for theft of cow; Gemini-
suicide; Cancer- At the hands of enemy in battle; Leo- Bite of snake,
poison; Virgo - falling stones; Libra- drawing or a blow by a stick;
Scorpio - In water; Sagittarius- buried under falling wall; Capricorn -
Venereal diseases; Aquarius- Polson; Pisces- Thieves.
Mercury - Mercury in B'h is not a bad placement. It gives long
life, status. When debilitated or in enemy sign makes a person to head
an institution but it gives sudden fall or sudden death. When it is
conjoined or aspected by a malefic can give prison term and the
person is lonely at the time of death and gives short life. Benefic
association makes a person long lived. When strong, exalted, own
sign gives good longevity.
Jupiter - Gives long life and all happiness. A strong Jupiter give
long life and death in a holy place. When weak it gives short life and
painful death under stress. An afflicted Jupiter can give heart problem,
blood poisoning, Cancer, TB. The type of death when Jupiter occupy
the Sh house In the signs of - Aries - due to diseases, Taurus -
stomach problems, Gemini - trouble , Cancer- by own people;
Leo - due to Cholera, VIrgo- Dysentery, Libra- by servants, Scorpio
-Blood poisoning, Sagittarius- Fall from a height, Capricorn- King's
displeasure, Aquarius - State orders, Pisces- over eating.
Venus - An unaffllcted Venus confer long life &..death after 75
years of age in a holy place due to bile, cough or starvation. An
afflicted Venus give diabetics, urinary trouble and shot life. Venus in
fixed sign will remain in distress. The type of death when Venus
occupy B'h house in the sign, Aries- Thirst, Taurus- Sickness of face,
Gemini- tooth problems, Cancer- of all three humours, Leo- cholera,
Virgo- Wild animals, Libra- Snake bite, Scorpio- Poison, Sagittarius
spider bite, Capricorn - Poison, Aquarius- Over indulgence, Pisces-
Saturn - Saturn is Karaka of longevity. Until afflicted it gives

Eighth House Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

long life but with lasting disease. In own sign, exaltation gives long
life and endurance. In enemy signs and in debilitation Saturn gives
short life and full of miseries. If afflicted it gives slow and lingering
death due to chronic ailments, or death in a foreign land or in bad
circumstances. A well placed and well connected Saturn give long life
and natural death in old age. The type of death when Saturn occupy
8'h house in the sign of Aries- excessive hunger, Taurus- Fasting,
Gemini - over eating, Cancer- own relations, Leo -enemies, Virgo -
chest problem, Libra - Psorlses Scorpio - Sudden, Sagittarius -
Wounds, Capricorn- due to horse kick or fall, Aquarius- Elephant,
Pisces - Donkey .
Rahu-lt is not a good placement for Rahu. Confers short span of
life which is full of sorrows and diseases. Benefic association will
redeem to some extent and can give medium span of life. Malefic
association will shorten the life and death is caused by snake bite or
due to charges of theft.
Ketu- Generally Ketu In 8th gives short span of life with diseases
not easily diagnosed. Benefic association or Ketu in Aries or Taurus
confers long life with wealth. Malefic association will worsen the
situation and can give secret diseases and acddents in life.

Effect of different signs falling in Bh house.

Aries- The rising sign in lagna will be Virgo. The person suffers
from Illness. Mars is the lord of 3'd and 8'h house and the longevity will
depend upon strength and association of Mars. A strong Mars gives
long life. The lagna lord Mercury should also be strong to protect the
person from evils.
Taurus- Venus is the lagna lord and the 8'h lord. Strong and well
associated Venus gives long life. Death can be due to quadrupeds and
due to company of wicked people.
Gemini- Scorpio is the lagna in this case and Mercury is 8'h and
11th lord. The signiflcator of Mercury can be the cause of death which
are servants, enemies, eating juicy fruit. Mercury is young and if
afflicted can give death in youth only.
Cancer - Moon is the ekadhipati lord of Sh house. Afflicted
Moon can give Cancer and many problems in life. The cause of death
can he drowning, water related disease ,insect bite or In foreign land.
A strong Jupiter being lagna lord will confer a good long life.
Leo- Sun is also ekadhipati lord. The lagna lord Saturn is enemy
of Sun. Strong and well connected Sun will confer long life. The death
can occurs in forest, mountain, due to wild animals in lonelyness. A

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Eighth House

Strong Saturn along with strong Sun will give long life.
Virgo - Mercury in lord of 5'h house also. So if Mercury is in
malefic association then person have mental aberration or the progeny
Is the cause of mental anguish. Death is due to over indulgence illness
person, due to spouse. Saturn is the lagna lord and is natural friend of
Libra - Venus owns third house along with 8'h house. Pisces is
the lagna. The longevity will be determined by the strength of Venus
and Libra. A weak and afflicted Libra gives early death and disgrace to
a person. Death is caused by excessive anger, fasting or by bipeds.
Scorpio- Mars is lagna lord as well and a strong Mars gives a
youthful long life. Death is caused by blood disorders, insect bite,
poison or in confinement.
Sagittarius- Jupiter is 8'h and 11th lord with Taurus as lagna.
Song Jupiter and Sagittarius confer comfortable long lie. The ways of
getting it may be corrupt and deceitful. Death is due to watery disease
or attack of enemy.
Capricorn - Saturn is the ninth lord also. Saturn is Karaka for
longevity. A strong Saturn associated with Capricorn gives long life.
Afflicted Capricorn can not grant long life.
Aquarius- Only Saturn can own a maraka house and be the 8'h
lord and karaka of longevity at the same time. This is the only case
when Cancer is the lagna. Thus Saturn is the strongest decider for the
time of death. Death can be due to wounds, wind problems, over
worked and when without home.
Pisces- Leo is the sign in lagna. Jupiter decides the longevity. A
strong Jupiter gives long life and happiness from progeny. Death is
caused by bite disorders, with water, weapon or blood disorder.

Lords of other houses in 8"' house

1. Lagna lord - lagna lord is the king of the horoscope. He
improves the potential of the house where he goes. If the lagna
lord Is strong i.e. exalted, own sign, vargottam or good in
navamsha it confers good longevity and the capacity to fight any
disease. If lagna lord is in enemy sign, debilitated or defeated in
planetary war then the person suffers. If it Is connected with
malefics then short life span and causes accidental death or a
disease which is unknown till the end. Saturn as lagna lord in 8'h
house gives long life but ill health.
2. Second lord - Second house is a mar aka house. It Is a
connection of maraka with longevity. The death can be sudden

Eighth House Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

or violent with constant worry. It can cause Incurable disease

specially if it is related to Ketu. Can give problems in eyes.
3. Third lord -The third house is eighth from B'h and Is alternate
house for longevity. It is the reflection of house of longevity. It
gives long life but also gives problems of arms and fingers and
danger to coborns. An afflicted 3'd lord gives painful death.
4. Fourth lord - Fourth house is for happiness, mother and
property. Placement of 4'h lord In 8'h Is a trine place for it and a
malefic 4'h lord gives these significations by short cuts. If related
to malefics then no peace of mind due to property disputes. If
this lord is combust then the significations of 4h house are
spoiled and the person is ill fated.
5. Fifth lord - Fifth house stand for poorva punya, progeny and
mantra slddhi. If associated with malefics then the person has
wicked mental attitude. Association of benefic give sharp
intelligence. The life span is curtailed and the person suffers
body ailments. Misdeeds of past life surfaces in this life.
6. Sixth lord- It is Vipreet Raj Yoga but gives diseased body. A
strong 6'h lord and favourably placed will give medium span of
life. Malefic association may make a person bankrupt and fights
diseases throughout life.
7. Seventh lord -Mar aka in 8'h house. If it is afflicted by malefics
(except Saturn) or weak It gives short life. When associated with
Saturn it gives long life but with diseases. Spouse may have
short life and the person dies in a for off place.
8. Eighth lord - Lord of 8" house in 8h will strengthen the 8h
house and give long life. A weak or afflicted lord cannot promote
the house. The house and the lord comes into affliction at the
same time. Strong and benefic association will promote life.
9. Ninth lord- Ninth house is for religion and father. The religious
feelings are not there and the person is crooked. When the 9'h
lord is with 8" lord, it provides strength to eighth lord. The
person is long lived and gets inheritance provided there is no
affliction. Normally the way of living is not good as such the
person dies due to his own wrong doings.
10. Tenth lord- Tenth house is house of Karma. Its placement in 8'h
house gives long life. Malefic association give criminal tendencies
and the person is anti social. Benefic lord of 10'" house will
enhance longevity whereas a malefic lord will shorten it.
11. Eleventh lord- 11 '"house is strongest upchaya house. 11th lord
in 8'" house will enhance longevity provided it is will placed and

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Eighth House

well associated with Saturn or exalted. A badly placed eleventh

lord is balarishta. Malefic association will promote many secret
diseases and the person is always sickly.
1Z. Twelfth lord -It is also Vipreet Raja Yoga and give medium span
of life. A strong and well placed 1Z'h lord gives great spiritual
powers. Malefic association will give many problem:; in spiritual
progress and actions and the intentions are malafide.

Lord of B"' house

Lord of 8h house provides protection to the 8h house. The
strength, association and aspects received by the 8'h lord decides the
outcome. An eighth lord with and aspected by a benefic promises
trouble free long life. With malefics replacing these benefic association
will reverse the result.
In other views the 8'h lord is the lord of house of unexpected
effects, hindrances etc. where ever this dark lord goes, it will create
unexpected results in the signification of that house. But here we are
concerned about the longevity of a person and other matters are not
important for the purpose of this presentation.

B"' lord in different houses

First house -Any planet placed In lagna occupy a Kendra &..
trikona at the same time, this is a good position for 8'h lord but not
good for lagna and 7'h house. It improves life span of a person. The
extent of improvement depends upon strength of Sh lord and its
association. Malefic influence may not improve the life span but a
benefic association will grant good longevity. The health of a person
may suffer and will have a life of struggle.
For Aries and Libra lagnas the lagna lord and 8'h lord are same.
This also means that lagna lord is placed in lagna and thus will not
damage the health of the person. Only for Pisces ascendant Venus as
lord of 8'h house will be exalted when placed in lagna. It will confer
long life.
Second house- All planets will aspect 8'h house when placed in
Z"" house and long life is assured provided there is no malefic influence
on the 8'h house and the 8'h lord. No planet in this situation can be In
its own house or exalted or in friends house. Only Mercury can be
debilitated for Aquarius ascendant and is a bad position if without
cancellation of debilitation.
Third house - Third house is Bhavat Bhavam house for 8'h house.
If confers long life to the person. The aspect on 9'h house ruin the

Eighth House Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

prospects of father. It may also give bad relations with brothers and
the person will lack Vigour.
Fourth house - It is a trine placement from S'h house. A benefic
lord will give good long life whereas a malefic may not do so. The
house of mother and happiness is afflicted along with uncertainty in
fifth house- The 8'h lord in 5'" give long life but will weaken the
wit and intelligence of a person.
Sixth house -It is a diseased life but the enemies are destroyed.
No planet can occupy its own signs in 6'h house as lord of 8'" house.
Jupiter can be debilitated. Venus and Moon are exalted. All other
placement of planets are not welcome.
Seventh house - The 8'h lord now aspects lagna for Aries and
libra lagna, the S'h lord is lagna lord also and is not considered bad
until there is a malefic influence on it. It will normally reduce the life of
a person and gives marriage problem.
Eighth house -Will give long life if not afflicted.
Ninth house - This will spoil the religion of the person. The
person will be long lived.
Tenth house - This placement is promoter of life but gives
problems in the profession. If It is association with benefics it gives
long life.
Eleventh house - It is good promise of long life.
Twelfth house - Short life. Benefic association will help but
malefic association may prove bad for life.

Saturn is the karaka or significator of longevity. A strong, well
placed and associated/aspected by benefics Saturn gives problem
free long life.
We understand about Saturn a little bit more. Jataka Parijat says,
Saturn is misery, servant, dark, person of 100 years of age, element
air, stiff hair and limbs, his composition has phlegm and wind In It,
large teeth and eyes are fine reddish brown,is lazy and inactive,lt
settles periods of life and llvelyhood, cause of death and adversities/
prosperities of life.
Saturn is dominant in libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, in seventh
house from lagna, in its journey to the south of equator, In his own
drekkana, navamsha, its own week day, Its dasha, in the concluding
part of a sign, In planetary war, in Krishna paksh and when retrograde.
Saturn is the Kaal or the time personified and no event is possible

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Eighth House

without his permission. Saturn control the adversities or prosperitles

of life. A strong Saturn is a good guarantee of happy life.
Saturn also signify the austerities of life. He Is a great yogi and
tapasvi. Pranayam and meditation comes with his blessings. Hard
labour is the way to his earnings. Control on your eating, doing tapasya,
Japa will better the quality of life.

Saturn is 12 houses (from Maansagri)

Ascendant- The person will be slow, arrogant and immoral.
Will have weak body and thick hair. When In enemy sign will not have
Saturn in lagna gives a matured look to the person and is a deep
thinker when strong. It can give mental agony but will Vanquish
greatest enemy.
Second house- Makes one tolerant , rich and have shinning
eyes, can usurp others wealth.
Cheating will come if It is afflicted. Its aspect on S'h house will
give long life.
Third house -will destroy his brothers. Benefic Saturn will bring
honours to the person and give pleasures of wife and children.
Destruction of brother will happen only when this Saturn is afflicted
whereas dignified Saturn will give prosperous brothers. The person
will be laborious and caustious. It gives long life.
Fourth house- Well not have coborn, wife, children and servants.
He will be sick. If this Saturn is retrograde he will not be happy even
after shifting his place of residence.
Benefic Saturn will confer all happiness but a malefic one will
make a person sickly. It is a Kendra position from lagna and a trine
from S'h house and as such this will give long meaningful life to a
flfth house- Saturn in enemy sign will not give wealth, children
but will give mental agony. Saturn in exaltation, own or friendly sign
will give one son.
From 8'h house it as a Kendra and from lagna It is trine. A strong
Saturn will give long life.
Sixth house - If Saturn is in debilitation or In enemy sign, it will
destroy his family. lfln own or friendly sign, will eliminate his enemies.
Saturn in exaltation will give a sick person.
Seventh house -The first wife dies or remain sick. His second
wife will be religious but physically challenged. The person himself
will be in trouble due to health and losses.

Eighth House Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Although Saturn gets digbal in 7h house, it is not a good

placement for longevity. Karka of Sh house is placed in a maraka
house. A strong and well connected Saturn will give wealth In its
dasha but the person will be sickly to enjoy it.
Eighth house- A person will suffer destruction when he shifts to
a foreign land. He will be killed by wicked person in a theft crime and
suffers eye diseases.
A strong dignified Saturn will give long life. A weak and afflicted
Saturn will shorten it. Afflicted Saturn may give long lasting ailments
and lingering death.
Ninth house- Person will like to dominate but no wealth, religion
and will cheat his father. He will be a drunkard, poor diseased, and
sinful person who can drive his wife to prostitution and will be of weak
A strong Saturn will give long life to father and an afflicted
saturn give short life to father. A good saturn will turn his mind to
religious studies. It is not a good position for long life.
Tenth house- The person will be rich and he will be affectionate
towards his servant. When on foreign visit, he will be the royal guest
(high position in life), will not fear his enemy and have self esteem.
Saturn gives slow rise in his pursuits. A dignified and strong
Saturn will give long life.
Eleventh house - He will be rich, enjoy worldly pleasures and
afraid of winter. He is gentle, happy and is ill in childhood.
Saturn in 11 thwiiJ give long life.
Twelfth house - The person will be a leader of his community.
Will be sick and weak built and is troubled with thigh injury. He is
ruthless and kill birds.
An afflicted Saturn gives short life.

Basic Parameters
The astrological approach to judge the longevity, i.e. the period
of life granted to be lived on this earth, is the combined influence of all
planets. No single factor can be attributed as the provider of life. A
standard approach for static assessment of longevity has to consider
the house, house lord, karaka and divisional charts. The dynamic
wheel of time i.e. dasha is the final verdict.

I. House
(a) Primary houses
(b) Secondary houses
All analysis of the horoscopes has to start with lagna as it is the
body and the starting of life I.e. birth. A strong lagna gives a strong
body which can enjoy the fruits of life.
Eighth house is the primary house of longevity. Stronger the S'h
house, better is the longevity. A weak eighth house generally do not
give long life.
Third house is S'h from S'h and as per rule of Bhavat Bhavam, it is
an alternate house of longevity. It Is a shadow of the S'h house and
shows longevity in black and white.
Tenth house is very important. Tenth house Is 3'" from S'h and S'h
from 3'". 1Q'h is the house of karmas i.e. your actions. Good actions or
good 1O'h house can off set a bad S'h house to some extent.

2. Planets.
(a) Lagna lord
(b) Eighth lord
(c) Moon
A strong lagna lord takes care of the lagna and makes It strong. A
weak or badly placed lagna lord is of no help. The lagna lord is the king
of the horoscope and wherever king goes, that place gets the blessings.

Basic Parameters Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Well placed well associated and strong eighth lord will protect
the longevity of the person.
Moon Is the seed of life. All planets gets their energy from Moon.
The strength of Moon In Paksha BaJa and good placement is a must for
long life.

3. Karaka
The karaka for longevity is Saturn. A strong Saturn is the beauty
of the life.

Divisional Charts
The most import charts for any horoscopic analysis are
1. Birth chart or D-1
2. Navamasha D-9
The other divisional charts which play Important role for
consideration of longevity besides other things are
3. Dreshkona D-3
4. Trimshamsha D-30
5. Shashtiamsha D-60
Shashtlamsha chart is used only when the time of birth is
Certain other divisional charts are also referred in connection
with longevity are
6. Dwadamsha D-12
The application for which each divisional charts are seen in
reference to longevity are;
1. Birth chart- It is the mother chart and is of prime importance.
We analyse this chart for houses, house lords and karaka as listed
2. Navamsha-This is the next important chart after the birth chart.
It is to be seen as an independent chart and analysed in the
similar way as the birth chart is analysed. The lord of the fourth
house from Moon Is called sixty fourth navamsha and is a malefic
3. Dreshkona- The B'h house of dreshkona chart is termed as khar
dreshkana or the 22nct dreshkana. Lord of the sign In the Bh
house is the kharesh. It plays important role in giving arishta
during its dasha period. Dreshkona chart Is the chart showing the
courage of a planet. We check the birth lagna lord and the Saturn
for their placement and association in this chart.
The lord of the sign occupied by Saturn in dreshkana indicate the

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Basic Parameters

cause of death. The signification of that lord is the cause of death. If it

is Sun -fever, Moon -Swelling dropsy, Mars- boils, Mercury-
breathing problem, jupiter- intense pain in body, Venus- Swelling,
Saturn - cough or rheumatism. If this dreshkona lord is associated
with Rahu then infection will be the cause of death. If it is assodated
with Ketu then due to undiagnosed disease.
)ataka Parljat give timing of death with the help of dreshkona
chart. A person may die when Saturn transit zzoo dreshkona or Its
trine. jupiter when transits rising dreshkana or It trine gives death.

Trimshamsha indicates the misfortunes. We examine the lagna,
1O'h house and the 8'h house of trimshamsha. The lagna shows the
misfortunes acquired by himself which he is not able to counter. The
Tenth house gives the Karmic misfortunes which are not controlled by
mind. Eighth house gives the misfortunes brought from past life kannas.

Parashar has given high importance to shatishamsha. This chart
is rated higher to birth chart. It Is to be analysed independently also.
This chart can be used when the time of birth is accurate. Normally
we see the placement of planets in the signs of shastisamsha. Any
planet going to a benefic shastisamsha gives good results. We examine
the S'h lord of birth chart in the shashtlsamsha. The sign of placement
assodation and aspect on the S'h lord In D-60 is of importance.

Dwadshamsha is erected for parents, grand parents i.e. the lineage
or our inheritances. Dwadashamsha shows us the illness which are
The hereditary illness has a major role to play. The 8'h house of
D-12 shows us the incurable Inherited diseases.
The lord of 8th house of dwadshamsha is the indicator of physical
trouble and is the lord of SS'h dwadamsha.

Example I
Horoscope of Ex prime minister of India Sh. Morarji Desai is
discussed. He lived for 99 years and is the chart of long life.

Basic Parameters Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Birth Chart

Sun Example-1 Jup(R)

Rah 29 Feb 1896
Mer Ket
Ven Moon


Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

09°55' 17°52' 25°05' 05°14' 21°16' 07°39' 14°34' 26°41' 11 °16'

Ascendant is not occupied or aspected by any planet and is

good. The lord of ascendent is in S'h house. Mercury is with a benefic
Venus and aspectect by another benefic Jupiter. Exalted Mars also join
Mercury. The lagna is thus strong.
Eighth house contains two benefics Mercury and Venus along
with exalted Mars. Exalted Jupiter aspects S'h house. The eighth lord
saturn is exalted in the S'h house and do not have any aspect. The S'h
house and lord are very strong assuring good longevity.
Moon is near full Moon and as such powerful. The aspect of
Moon sign lord Sun makes it still powerful. In D-3, Moon is aspected
by its dispositor exalted Mrs.
The third house contain Moon and Ketu. Third house is aspected
by its lord Sun. Mars is also aspecting it. A strong third house gives a
lot of courage.
Tenth house is aspected by its exalted lord Jupiter and can be
termed strong.
The birth chart shows good longevity.

Ascendant has no planet but is aspected by Saturn. The lord of
ascendant Jupiter is in Kendra. It is aspected by Mars.
Eighth house has Ketu and Mercury. Placement of Mercury in S'h
is considered good.
Moon is debilitated. It is aspected by its exaltation lord Venus.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Basic Parameters

Sun Ven Sa!(R)

Mars Ket
Example-1 Mer

Lag Moon Jup(R)

There is no malefic association or aspect on Moon. Moon is again

The Navamsha also promise long life.

Saturn is exalted in fifth house in D-1. There are no malefic aspect
on this Saturn. The karaka is strong and promise good life.

Moon Ven Sun


Ket Mer

Ascendent lord of birth chart, Mercury is exalted in dreshkana
chart. s•• lord of birth chart Saturn, Is in lagna in subh kartari. Both
the parameters are strong.

Ascendant has no planet there is no self acquired misfortunes.
The 1o•• house is also not having any planet and there is no Karmic
misfortunes. s•• house has Mars and Jupiter. The acquired problems

Basic Parameters Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Ven Ket


Sun Sat Mars

Rah Moon Jup

are of past Karmas. There are related to religion rigidity and courage.

Sat(R) Ven


Rah Mars Moon


The B'h lord of birth chart, Saturn is in Pisces benefic sign and is
aspected by no planet. This placement of Saturn in benefic sign assures
good long life.

Mars Rah


Ket Jup Sun

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Basic Parameters
Eighth house have no planet and is aspected by Jupiter. No
hereditary problems are seen.

Example- 2


Moon Example-2
Ket 25 Nov 1960
Washington Lag
DC Rah

Ven Sun Mer

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

18°03' 09°38' 04°04' 25°12' 19°15' 12°30' 18°35' 22°14' 18°27'

The second chart Is of JFK Junior who lived for 39 years only.

Birth Chart
Ascendant is occupied by Rahu. Jupiter aspects lagna giving his
blessing on it. But this Jupiter is fr" lord and is afflicted by T" lord
Saturn. Afflicted and 12'" lord Moon also aspects lagna. The lagna is
under the influence of8'" and 12'" lord. Lord of ascendant, Sun, Is well
placed in 4'" house and is in subh kartari yoga.
Eighth house have no planet and is not aspected by any planet.
The 8'" lord Jupiter is well placed in its own sign but is placed with
Saturn and aspected by Mars. The 8'" lord is under affliction and not
capable of protecting the longevity.
Moon is also under affliction. Moon is with Ketu and receives the
aspect of Saturn. Saturn is a malefic for Leo lagna. In D-3 Moon is
again under heavy affliction. It is placed with Mars and aspected by
Third house has a benefic Mercury. There is no aspect of any
planet on third house. A malefic is desired in 3'd house and the 3'd lord
should be beneficially associated. Here the 3'd lord Is with Saturn and
aspected by Mars.

Basic Parameters Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Tenth house has no planet and receive the aspect of Sun, the
house Is not strong.
The birth chart do not promise long life.

Ket Mars


Moon Sal Rah

Ascendant is occupied by Rahu, Sun and Venus. Mercury aspects
it. The lord of ascendant aspecting It makes the lagna strong.
The S'h house have no planet. It receive the aspect of Saturn. Lord
of S'h house is in Taurus and gets the aspect of Moon. The S'h house
and lord are moderately strong.
Moon is afflicted. It is debilitated and Mars aspects it. Jupiter also
aspects it.
The navamsha also do not promise long life.

Saturn is kodand and is with two benefic planets including Jupiter,
its dispositor. The aspect ofretrograde Mars is the spoiler. The quality
of life is good.

Jup Ket


Lag Sun

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Basic Parameters

The ascendant lord of birth chart Sun is in 12'h house and gets no
aspect. The 8'h lord of birth chart is with Venus and is in trine in D-3.
There is no aspect of Jupiter. The promise in D-3 is average.

Moon Rah Yen


Jup Mars(R) Sun


Ascendant have four planets and Is aspected by Jupiter. These
indicate the acquired misfortunes in this birth and are self imposed.
The I O'h house and the 8'h house has no planets.


Jup Shashtiamsha Lag
Ven Mars
Mer SatRah


Eighth lord of the birth chart have gone in debilitation sign and is
the sign of a malefic. This is serious problem. The 8'h lord Jupiter is with
two benefics giving some help.

Basic Parameters Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity


Rah Mars Jup
Moon Mer

Sun Ven



The S'h house Is vacant and shows no hereditary problems. It is

aspected by Saturn and mars which gives sudden problems.

The parameters which need to be analysed for assessment of
longevity in Jaimini system are

I. Primary
(a) Eighth house
(b) Saturn

2. Secondary
(a) Third house
(b) Tenth house
These are required to be seen in the karkamsha chart, birth chart
and Navamsha chart. The sign occupied by AK in Navamsha is called
swamsha. The navamsha chart is redrawn keeping swamsha as lagna..
The karkamsha chart is erected by making karkamsha lagna as the
lagna. The Karkamsha lagna is the sign occupied by Atmakaraka (AK)
in navamsha. This sign in the birth chart is the karkamsha lagna (KL).
A house become strong under the following conditions
1. The house is associated or aspected by benefics.
2. The house is associated or aspected by jaimini yoga karakas. The
greater the number of association the stronger is the house.
There are five yoga karakas in Jalmlni system. There are (a)
Atmakarak (AK), (b) Amatya karaka (AmK) (c) Putra Karaka (PK)
(d) Dara karaka (OK) and the fifth lord from lagna.
3. Association of GK, Rahu, Ketu is deterimental to health and long
life. Their association with 3'd house is an exception.

We analyse the chart of Sh. Morarji Desai, which have been
discussed the previous chapter.

Karkamsha chart and birth chart

The karkamsha and birth chart are same since karkamsha lagna is
same as birth lagna.

Jaimini Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity


Sun Example-1 Jup(R)

Rah Karkamsha
Mer Ket
Ven Moon


Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Gemini


1. Eighth house - Capricorn is the eighth house. Mercury Venus

and Mars are placed there. Moon and Ketu aspects Capricorn.
These are BK, DK, PK, AmK, 5'" lord and Ketu. Four yoga karakas
are associated with 8'" house. A very strong 8'" house conferred
a life of 100 years.
Z. Saturn- Saturn is AK and is exalted. It is aspected by Moon,
AmK, forming a raj yoga. Saturn is also strong giving good long
3. Third house -The 3'd house is Leo and has Moon (AmK) and
Ketu in it. It is aspected by Saturn (AK) Mercury (BK), Venus (PK)
and Mars (DK). The 3'd house is super strong and has given lot of
drive to the chart.
4. Tenth house- Pisces is 10'" house. No planet is associated with
this house.
A long and happy life is assured.

Swamsha Chart
1. Eighth house- Capricorn is occupied by Rahu. It is aspected by
Venus (PK and 5'" lord) and Moon (AmK). Raj yoga is forming on
8'" house. The association of Rahu is not desirable.
Z. Saturn - Saturn is well placed in Gemini in subh kartari. It is
aspected by a benefic Jupiter (GK) and Sun (MK). The is no yoga
present on Saturn.
3. Third house -The 3'd house is not occupied by any planet. It is
aspected by Rahu, which is good for third house.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Jaimini

Ven Lag

Example-1 Ket

Moon Jup(R)

4. Tenth house -Sun (MK) is placed there and is aspected by

Saturn (AK) and Jupiter (GK) It can be termed above average.

Example -2
We repeat the chart ofJFK (Junior) as discussed in previous chapter.

Lag Mars(R)

Ket Example-2
Chart Rah

Ven Sun Mer

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Taurus


Karkamsha lagna
1. Eighth house - Sagittarius is 8'h house. Jupiter (PK &... S'h lord),
Venus (MK) and Saturn (AmK) are placed there. It is aspected by
Mars (AK). An excellent Raj yoga is present on the B'h house and
promise good life.
2. Saturn- Saturn Is associated with Jupiter (PK &... B'h lord), Venus
(MK) and is aspected by Mars (AK). Saturn is strong.

Jaimini Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

3. Third house -The 3'd house is Cancer and has no planet. It Is

aspected by Sun (GK), Moon (DK) and Ketu. Association of
maleflcs in 3'd house is welcomed.
4. Tenth house - Moon (DK) and Ketu are placed in 1O'h house.
Mercury (BK) is aspecting it, the 1Q'h house is average.

Birth Chart


Moon Exampie·2
Ket 25 Nov 1960
Washington Leg
DC Rah

Ven Sun Mer

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

18°03' 09°38' 04°04' 25°12' 19°15' 12°30' 18°35' 22°14. 18°27'

1. Eighth house - Pisces is S'h house. it receive the aspect of Mars

(AK), Jupiter (PK &. S'h lord), Venus (MK) and Saturn (AmK). The
S'h house In birth chart is again strong promising good life.
2. Saturn - Same analysis as from KL.
3. Third house -Mercury (BK) is occupying 3'd house. Moon (DK).
Rahu and Ketu are aspecting it which makes it average.
4. Tenth house -No planet is in JO'h house Taurus. Mercury (BK)
aspecting it making it average.
The birth chart also promise good long life.

Swamsha Chart
1. Eighth house - Sagittarius is not occupied. It is aspected by
Venus (MK). Sun (GK) Rahu and Ketu. Except for the aspect of
Venus all other aspects are not welcomed. These are curtailing
the lie span.
Note : Compare the B'h house of Swamsha chart for both the
example horoscopes.
2. Saturn- Saturn (AmK) is exalted in 6'h house of swamsha. Mars

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Jaimini

Ket Lag


Moon Sat Rah

(AK) is aspecting it forming raj yoga in 6'h house.

3. Third house - Exalted Jupiter (PK) is in 3'd house. It is aspected
by Mars (AK) and Moon (OK) forming raj yoga. It gives courage
to him a good life of own liking.
4. Tenth house- The 1O'h house Aquarius get the aspect of Jupiter
(PK) and Saturn (AmK) causing raj yoga and ensuring a good
karmic life.
Beside the above standard analysis, there are other rules of Jaimini
which can be applied fruitfully to asses the longevity of a person.

Rule I
The stronger of Z 00 and 8'h lord from Atamakarka, when placed In
Kendra from AK, gives long life, if in Panaphara Madhya and in
apokilima give Alpa Ayu.

E.xample -I
Atma karka is Saturn. The zoo
lord is Mars and S'h lord is Venus.
Mars is stronger. Mars is placed in a Kendra from Saturn giving long

E.xample -2
Atama Karaka is Mars. Moon Is the zoo
lord and Saturn is the S'h
lord. Saturn is stronger of the two and is placed in Kendra from Mars.
As per this rule it should give long life but the person died In 39'hyear.
Note : The calculation of strength of planet and signs is given in
part Z of this book.

The rule is now applied from lagna In place of Atma Karka. It

Jaimini Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

states that the stronger of Znd and S'h lord from lagna when placed
In a Kendra from lagna gives long life, in panaphara gives Madhya
Ayu and in Apokilima gives Alpa Ayu.

£xample -I
Moon Is znct lord and Saturn is S'h house lord. Saturn is stronger of
the two. Saturn is in S'h house and is not in Kendra from lagna. Long life
is not promised but he lived for 100 years.

£xample -2
Mercury and Jupiter are the two lords. Jupiter is again placed in
S'h house and do not promise long life. This ruler applies.

Note the Saturn, lagna lord, S'h lord and 10'h lord. If these are
placed In Kendras, trikona or 11th house from lagna or mutually
the person is long lived.

£xample -I
The four planets are Saturn, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. Only
Saturn is in trine from lagna. They are in kendras from each other
giving long life. Rule applies.

£xample -2
The planets are Saturn, Sun, Jupiter and Venus Sun is in Kendras
and other three Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in trine from lagna. Three
of them Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in together. It should give long
life, Rule do not apply.

In the Navamasha chart if a benefic or lord ofS'h from AK be in S'h
from AK, the person is long lived.

£xample -I
The AK is Saturn. Eighth house from Saturn in navamsha is
occupied by Rahu. Rule do not apply.

£xample -2
AK is Mars. The S'h house from Mars in navamsha is not occupied
by any planet. Rule applies.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Jaimini
Rule- 5
If Jupiter occupy the sign where AK is placed in navarnsha the
person will have a longevity of 100 years.

Example -I
Gemini is the sign occupied by AK in Navarnasha. Jupiter Is not
placed there but aspect lt.

Example -2
Mars the AK, occupy Taurus in Navamasha. Jupiter again aspects
this sign. The rule do not apply.

Rule -6
The dispositor of8'h lord and the lagna lord are In mutual Kendra,
long life is granted.

Example -I
The dispositor of B'h lord is Venus Mercury Is lagna lord. Both are
together and the rule applies.

Example- 2
The disposltor of B'h lord Is Jupiter himself. The lagna lord is Sun.
Both are in 2/ I 2 to each other . The rule applies.

The lagna lord Is placed in Kendra and is with or aspected by
Jupiter or Venus, it will gives long life.

Example -I
The lagna lord Mercury is with Venus and aspected by exalted
Jupiter. The rule applied.

Example -2
Lagna lord Is Sun. It is not conjoined with or aspect by Jupiter or
Venus. The rule applies.

If Jupiter or Venus are in Kendra from lagna it gives long life.
In both the example they are not In Kendra from lagna. They are
In mutual Kendra.

PAM is short from of Poorn Ayu, Aipa Ayu and Madhya Ayu.
This is a quick method of judgement of longevity of a horoscope. This
method is applied in both parashari and Jaimini system but with some
variation. Poorna Ayu Is taken as 100 years but there are variation. The
Madhya Ayu is 66 years and Aipa Ayu as 33 years.
in this system we take there sets of factors and see the type of
sign they are placed. We can remember It by simple rule.
Poorn Ayu (long life) Movable signs
Aipa Ayu (short life) Fixed signs
Madhya Ayu (medium life) Common sign

The Three sets of two factors each considered are;
1. Lagna lord and S'h lord.
2. Lagna and Moon.
3. Lagnaand horalagna.
If both the factors of a set belong to same type of sign, it is taken
as indicator of life span. if both factors belong to different type of sign
then the remaining 3 rd type is the indicator. This rule can be summarised
1. Both are in movable sign Poorna Ayu
One is in fixed sign and other in dual sign Poorna Ayu
2. Both are in fixed sign Alpa Ayu
One In movable sign and other in dual sign- Aipa Ayu
3. Both are In Dual Sign Madhya Ayu
One is in movable sign and other in fixed sign- Madhya Ayu

Hora Lagna
Hora lagna means that one sign rises in one hour. The number of
hours from Sun rise to the time of birth are the number of horas.
(a) Note the time of birth in 1ST.
(b) Note the time of Sun rise for the day of birth and at the place of
birth in 1ST.
(c) Find the time difference between the two (a-b).

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity PM1

(d) The hours so arrived are the completed signs of hora.

(e) Divide the minutes by 2 to get the degrees (30 degrees of a sign
are completed in 60 M of time). The steps 'd' and 'e' gives the
hora completed from sun rise to birth time.
(f) If the bhava lagna is odd, then add this hora completed to the
longitude of Sun.
(g) If bhava lagna is even, then add the hora completed to the
longitude of bhava lagna (ascendant)
The result is parashari hora lagna.

Example -I Morarji Desai

Calculation ofhora lagna
(a) Time of birth is 13 H - 2 7 M
(b) Time of Sun rise 06 H- S1 M
(c) Time difference 06 H - 36 M
(d) The hora completed are- 6s
(e) The degrees completed are 36/2- 18°-00'. The completed hora
are 6•-18°-00'
(f) The Bhava lagna is odd, we add this to the longitude of Sun at
birth i.e. (10'-17°-52') + (65-18°-00')
~ s•-5°-52' or Virgo 5°-52'
Application of PAM (morarji Desai)

Set -I
Lagna lord is Mercury placed in Capricorn i.e. movable. Eighth
lord is Saturn placed In Libra i.e. movable.
The result is Poorna Ayu

Set -2
Lagna Is Gemini i.e. dual Sign.
Moon is in Leo i.e. fixed sign.
The result is Poorna Ayu

Set- 3
Lagn is Gemini i.e. dual sign.
Hora lagna is Virgo i.e. dual sign.
The result is Madhya Ayu
Two sets out of three give Poorna Ayu and is taken as the indicator
of lifespan.
There are certain rules to aid the judgement by PAM.
1. If two factors indicate same span of lie then it Is taken as final

PAM Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

2. If all three factors are different then;

(a) if Moon is in Bhava lagna or in ?h house then the life span
indicated by the znct Set i.e. lagna and Moon is final
(b) in the absence of condition (a) The verdict given by third set is
The span of life so arrived by PAM is further subjected to
adjustment to a upper or lower span depending upon the horoscope.

Increase to next span (Bharan)

(a) Jupiter is placed in ascendant.
(b) Benefic planets in kendra.
(c) Malefics placed in 3'd, 6'h or 11 <h house.
(d) Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Saturn in eighth house.
(e) When lagna lord, 8'h lord or Saturn are strong.
(f) Moon In unaffected.
(g) Lagna lord is placed in 8'h house.

Decrease to next span (Haran)

(a) Malefic in Kendra. If Moon is also in a Kendra then this decrease Is
a must.
(b) Moon is 8'h house. In case this Moon is weak then the lose is
(c) Sun, Mars and Saturn are placed in 8'h house.
(d) Lagna, 8'h house and Saturn are afflicted.
(e) Saturn Is debilitated and is placed in an inimical house.
(f) When 8'h lord is placed In lagna.
We have only three span of life. It is possible that the net Bharans
and Harans may be two or more. In such cases where we stop. One
solution is to reach the Alpa Ayu or the Poorna Ayu and stop there.
In practices these three spans are further divided into three sub
span as under

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity PAM
The effect of these Bharans and Harans are applied to the sub

Jaimini PAM
The three sets of two factors each are same as given in parashari
The difference is In working of the jaimini hora lagna which is also
called Vrlddhi Karaka hora lagna (VKHL).
The method of Calculating VKHL is given.
1. For birth in day time, calculate duration of day (dinman) and for
night birth, calculate duration of night (Ratriman).
2. Divide the Dinman or Ratirman by 12. This is called one hora or
3. Find the time interval from Sun rise to the time of birth.
4. Divide this time interval by Qt.
5. The quotient gives the number of hora completed. Add one to
this quotient to get the number of current hora running.
6. Multiply the figures after decimal by 30 to get degress and
7. If the bhava lagna is odd, then count the completed number of
hora directly from Bhava lagna to get the VKHL.
8. If the Bhava lagna is even then count the completed number of
hora indirectly from Bhava lagna to get the VKHL.
9. Finally add the degree/minutes of hora to the degree/min of
Bhava lagna.
Note: By definition, all twelve signs in hora rise from Sun rise to
Sun set and then from Sun set to sun rise, Also the duration of
day and night are not equal always. So there is a need to correctly
work out the hora lagna mathematically.

Example 2 JFKJunior
DOB-25 Nov 1960, TOB-00:19, POB Washington DC.
Sun Set 24 Nov 16-47 Sun rise next day -7:03.
Sun rise- 7:01
1. Birth is in night. The duration of night is Sun rise( next day) -Sun
set= 14H 16m.
2. Dividing this by 12 we get= 1.189 = Qt
3. Time interval from sunrise = TOB- sun rise = 17H- 18m or 17.3
4. Divide this by Qt or 1.189. The result is 14.55.
5. Fourteen hora have passed and fifteenth hora Is running.

PAM Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

6. The bhava lagna Is odd. We count fifteen from Leo and get Libra
as VKHL.

Application of PAM (JFKJunior)

I. First Set
Lagna lord Sun placed in Scorpio I.e. fixed.
Eighth lord Jupiter placed in Sagittarius i.e. dual
The result is Poorna Ayu

2. Second Set
Lagna Is Leo i.e. fixed sign.
Moon is in Aquarius i.e. fixed sign.
The result is Alpa Ayu

3. Third Set
Lagna is Leo I.e. fixed sign
VKHL is Libra I.e. movable sing
The result is Madhaya Ayu
All three are different. But Moon Is in 7'h house so we take Alpa
Ayu as the span of life.

Increase of Span (Bharan)

1. When the Atma Karaka (AK) Is exalted.
2. Jupiter is conjoined with AK.
3. Benefics are placed,
(a) With AK
(b) In 7'h from AK
(c) In trine from AK
(d) In trine to 7'h house from AK
4. When lagna or the 7'h hose is in subh kartari.
5. When benefics are placed in trine from lagna or from 7'h house,
6. Atma Karaka is a benefic planet and is exalted.

Decrease (Haran)
1. If Saturn is the lagna lord or the 8'h lord and is not exalted, not In
own sign, not aspected or conjunct with any benefic.
2. If the lord of 8'h house or 2nd house becomes AK or joins AK.
3. When lagna or the 7'h house is in papa kartarl.
4. When malefics are placed in trine from lagna or from 7'h house.
5. Malefic are placed,

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity PAM
(a) with AK
(b) In 7'h house from AK.
(c) In trine from AK.
(d) In trines from 7'h house from AK.

Other methods of PAM

1. In parasharl system some take Moon and Saturn for zoo. set in
place of Moon and lagna. This is taken as lagna and Saturn by
some other scholars.
2. In Jaimini system another sets of factors are considered by many
and is
(a) lagna lord and 8'h lord.
(b) Eighth house and 8'h lord.
(c) Moon sign lord and the 8'h lord from Moon.

Mathematical Methods
Our rash is have given many method of calculating the longevity
of person by mathematical calculations. Only the most known methods
will be discussed here. The results of these method may not match the
actual life span of person.
The most common methods are
1. Pinda Ayu (Grahadata Ayurday a) and Its variations.
2. AmshaAyu.
3. Astakvarga Ayu.

This method Is to be applied when Sun is the strongest in the
The principle is that each planet grant certain years of life span
when it Is at its deepest exaltation point and grants half of it when it is
at deepest debilitation point. For other placement the age granted is
calculated by the rules of there.

Planet Exaltation degrees Age at (yrs) Age at (yrs)

Exaltation Debilitation
Sun 10 19 9.5
Moon 33 25 12.5
Mars 298 15 7.5
Mercury 165 12 6.0
Jupiter 95 15 7.5
Venus 357 21 10.5
Sa tum 200 20 10.0

Rahu and Ketu do not contribute.

1. The longitude of the planet is converted in degrees declnals
including the sign. This Is the longitude of planet from Zero
degree Aries.
2. Deduct the exaltation degrees of the planet from its longtude.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Mathematical Methods

This gives the distance of planet from its exaltation point. We call
it arc of Longevity.
3. If this arc of longevity is less then 180°, then subtract it from
360°, to get modified arc of longevity. If it is more than 180°,
then retain it as it is.
4. Multiply this modified arc of longevity by full age granted by the
planet and divide by 360°. This gives the longevity granted by
the planet. This is obtained for each planet.
This Is the gross age granted by each planet which is further
adjusted by decreasing the age by the rules which are called Haran
Sanskar and are;

(a) Chakrapat Haran {mfirmf ~

This adjustment is applied on the planets placed in 7'h to 12'h
house from lagna i.e. when located in visible half of the horoscope.The
loss of age suffered is dependent on the house, planet is benefic or
malefic. The loss of age Is given in the table below.

House 12"' 11 1n 10 1n s"' a"' 7"'

Malefic Full 112 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6

Benefic y, 1/4 1/6 1/6 1/10 1/12

I. When there are more than one planet in any house, then only
the strongest sufferers the loss. The strength of planets is
decided by shadbala. For quick analysis we take the most
advanced planet as the strongest.
2. Rahu and Ketu are not considered. If only Rahu or Ketu are with
a planey, than planet only will be considered.
3. The benefics are Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.
4. The malefic are Sun, Mars and Saturn.
5. The loss is the proportion of the gross age contributed by the

(b) Astangat Haran (3ffi'l'1rrr ~

This haran is applied when a planet is combust I.e. when it is In
close proximity of Sun. The degrees within which a planet get combust
is as under;
Planet Moon Mars Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn
Direct Motion 12 17 14 10 11 15
Retrograde - - 12 8 - -

Mathematical Methods Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

A combust planet losses half of the gross age granted by it.

1. Venus and Saturn are exempted from this haran.
2. If there are more than one planet getting combust then both will

(c) Shatrukshetra Haran~~

The loss is due to placement of a planet in its enemy sign. The
loss is one third of the gross age granted.
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Enemy Venus - Mercury Moon Mercury Moon Moon
Saturn Venus Sun Sun
Note- All retrograde planets are exempted from this loss.

(d) Krurodaya Haran (~ ~

When a malefic rises in the ascendant then this haran is applied.
The malefics are Sun, Mars and Saturn. Rahu and Ketu are not
considered. The other condition are.
1. If only benefics are in lagna then no haran.
2. If there are more than one malefic in lagna then the malefic
nearer to the cusp of lagna will suffer.
3. If there is a mixture of benefic and malefic In lagna and the
benefic is near the cusp then no haran. If the malefic Is near the
cusp then only one half will be the haran. This is due to presence
of benefic In lagna.
4. If a benefic aspects the malefic placed in lagna, then also the
reduction will be half of that calculated Value.
5. If lagna lord Is malefic and is placed In lagna, then no reduction.

Calculation of Krurodaya haran

(I) Convert the longitude of the Ascendant in minutes.
(il) Multiply by the gross age granted by the planet causing this
(iii) Divide this by 21600.
The result is the Krurodaya haran. This value is reduce to one half
when a benefic is associated with lagna (3 and 4 above). This net value
is reduced from total age.
After applying these harans, we add the lagna Ayu i.e. the age

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Mathematical Methods

contributed by the lagna. The rule Is that one navamsha of rising sign
contribute one year of life. In short nine years are contributed by 30
degrees oflagna thus each one degree of iagna grant 0.3 years of life.
To Calculate lagna Ayu multiply the degrees rising In lagna by
0.3 and get the age granted by it. This is added to the net age so
This age arrived is converted to solar years. We multiply this age
by 360 and divide by 365.25 to get pindayu in solar years.

20 Dec 1902; 07:23, Baghpat



Sun Rah Moon
Mer Mars

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

11 °40' 07°48' 22°37' 08°37' 13°48' 23°59' 13°36' 04°16'

Setp I Calculation of Gross age granted by each planet

Planet Longitude Exalt Arc Modified Full Age

Point arc age granted
Sun 247.8 10 237.8 237.8 19 12.55
Moon 172.62 33 139.62 220.38 25 15.30
Mars 158.80 298 220.80 220.80 15 9.20
Mercury 253.80 165 88.8 271.2 12 9.04
Jupiter 293.98 95 198.98 198.98 15 8.29
Venus 253.60 357 256.60 256.60 21 14.97
Saturn 274.27 200 74.27 285.73 20 15.87

Mathemalical Methods Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Step 2 • Apply Harans

Planet Gross Chakrapat Astangat Shatru Total Net

Ageyrs Loss Kshetra Loss age
Sun 12.55 - - - - 12.55
Moon 15.30 2.55 - - 2.55 12.75
Mars 9.20 - - 3.07 3.07 6.13
Mercury 9.04 - 4.52 - 4.52 4.52
Jupiter 8.29 - - - - 8.29
Venus 14.97 - - - - 14.97
Saturn 15-87 - - - - 15.87
Total 75.08
1. Mars do not suffer chakrapat haran as the Moon is stronger.
2. Many astrologers opine that Mars do not suffer shalrukshetra

Step 3 - Krurodaya haran

Sun Mercury and Venus are in lagna. Looking at degree wise
placement, we find Venus is nearest to the cusp. There is no haran or

Step 4 -Add Lagna Ayu

The degree travelled by ascendant is 11°40' or 11.67 degrees.
Multiply by 0.3 to get 3.50 as the lagna ayu.
The net ayu arrived is Step 2-Step 3 + Step4or 75.08-0 + 3.50
= 78.50 years

Step S - Solar years

The longevity is solar year is 75.58 X 360 yrs
Or 74.4936 years or 74 years- 5m- 28 days appx. The person
lived for 84 years- 5 months.

Other Variations of Pinda Ayu

There are other mathematical methods to calculate the longevity
of a horoscope. In these methods, the calculations are similar to the
Pinda Ayu except for the full term of age of the planet.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Mathematical Methods

I. Nisarg Ayu
This is applied when Moon Is strongest In the horoscope. In this
method, the full age granted by a planet at its exaltation point In years

Similar to Pinda Ayu the planets grant half of above age at their
debilitation point. The rest is same as Pinda Ayu. Incidentally, these
full years are the dasha period of planets in Nisargika dasha starting
from Moon. The order ofdasha Is Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter,
Sun and Saturn.

2. jeevaAyu
Acharya )eeva Sharma gives 120 years as the full span of life I.e.
Poorna Ayu. He suggests that all planets, except Rahu and Ketu,
contribute equal years to the person. Accordingly each planet
contribute 120/7 = 17. 14 years at its deepest exaltation point. At the
debilitation point, the contribution is half of It.
The calculation method is same as Pinda Ayu.

3. Badrayana
Here the full span of life is taken as 100 years and all seven planet
contribute equally. Then the age contributed by each planet at Its
exaltation point is 100/7 = 14.28 years. At the debilitation point, the
age contribution is half of it.
The calculation method is same as Pinda Ayu.

Amsha Ayu Is another method for calculating the longevity. It is
applicable when lagna is the strongest.
One navamsha grants one year of life. All seven planets and
lagna contribute the age based on the navamsha completed by each
of them. The maximum age that can be granted by each is 12 years.

1. The longitude of the planets and the lagna are converted into
minutes. The signs are included.
2. Divide each longitude by 200.
3. Expunge multiples of 12 from the quotient.
4. The result is the gross age contributed by each planet and lagna.

Mathematical Methods Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Like Pinda Ayu, this gross age is subjected to Harans and Bharans.
The order Is to apply Bharans first and then apply Harans. No lagna
Ayu is added since lagna is already considered. The final longevity Is
then adjusted to Solar years.

1. If a planet is exalted or Is retrograde, then Increase the age
contributed to three times.
2. If a planet is in its own sign or occupy its own sign in navamsha
or in its own sign in dreshkan or is In vargottam navamsha then
increase the age contributed to two times.
Note: Only the higher Bharan Is taken and the lower one is
ignored. Only one bharan is taken for a planet.

All Harans of Pinda Ayu except Krurodaya, are also applied in
Amsha Ayu also. The method of application is same. The Harans
applied are
1. Chakrapat
2. Astangat
3. Shatrukshetra
Note: For any one planet only the highest Haran is taken and
other Harans are Ignored. These Harans are applied after the
Bharans. The reduction is on the age after Bharans.

Example - Same as used in Pinda Ayu example

Step I Calculation of Gross Age

Calculation of Gross Age

Gross Age
Lingitude in Divide by
Planet Longitude (Multiple of
Min 200
Sun a·- 7"- 48 14868 74.34 2.34
Moon 55 -22"-37 10357 51.78 3.78
Mars 58 -8 u- 47 9527 47.64 11.64
Mercury 8" -13"- 48 15228 76.14 4.14
Jupiter 9"-23"-59 17639 88.19 4.19
Venus 8"-13"-36 15216 76.08 4.08
Saturn 9 5 -4 v -16 16456 82.28 10.28
Lagna 8"-11°-40 15100 75.50 3.50

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Mathematical Methods

Step 2 Apply Bharan

Apply Bharan
(Own Sign,
(Exalted Age after
Planet Age 09,03,
Retrograde) X 3 Bharans
Vargotam) X 2
Sun 2.34 - - 2.34
Moon 3.78 - 7.56 7.56
Mars 11.64 - - 11.64
Mercury 4.14 - - 4.14
Jupiter 4.19 - - 4.19
Venus 4.08 - - 4.08
Saturn 10.28 - 20.56 20.56
Lagna 3.50 - - 3.50
Note: Moon is in its own sign in navamsha. Saturn is in its own
sign in birth chart. Saturn Is in its own sign in dreshkana also but
only one Bharan will apply.

Step 3 Apply Harans

Apply Harans
Apply Chakrapt Astangat Shatrukshetra Age after
Bharans Loss Loss Loss Haran
Sun 2.34 - - - 2.34
Moon 7.56 1.26 - - 6.30
Mars 11.64 - - 3.88 7.76
Mercury 4.14 - 2.07 - 2.07
Jupiter 4.19 - - - 4.19
Venus 4.08 - - - 4.08
Saturn 20.56 - - - 20.56
La ana 3.50 - - - 3.50
Total 50.8
Note: Lagna do to suffer Bharan or Haran.

Step 4 Convert into Solar year

= (50.8 X 360) I 365.25
= 50.07 years

Ashtakvarga Method
We will discuss two methods of calculating longevity with the
help of Astakvarga. These methods need the Shodyapinda of the
planets. The calculation of Shodhya Pinda is not discussed here. Please

Mathematical Methods Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

refer to any standard book on Astakvarga.

I. Sarvashtaka Varga
This method is also called Nakshatra Ayus. From the Sarvashtak
Varga, calculate the Shodya Pinda and apply the following method.
a. Multiply the Shodhya poinda by 7 and divide by 27.
b. Convert into solar years by multiplying It by 324 and dividing by

Example - Same Chart as used in Pinda Ayu.

The Shodya Pinda ofSarvashtak Varga is 378.
Step a. Multiply 378 by 7 and divide by 27 we get 98 years of
Step b. Convert into Solar years
= (98 X 324) I 365.25 = 86.93 years.
He lived for 84 years 5 months.

I. Bhinnashtak Varga
This method is also called Mandai Ayu. This is applied when any
of the following conditions are met.
1. Both malefics and benefics are placed in 1O'h house.
2. Mars Is strong.
3. Moon is not in Kendra from Lagna and is conjoined with any
other planet.
In this method the longevity granted by each planets is calculated
In the same manner as given in Sarvashtaka method above. The age
so arrived is subjected to Harans.
a. Workout the Shodhya Pinda of each planet.
b. Multiply the Shodhya Pinda of each planet by 7 and divide by
c. Expunge multiples of 27 till the figure is 27 or less than 27.
d. This is the grant of gross longevity by each planet.

a. The gross age granted is reduced to half when-
i. There are two or more planets placed in a sign. The gross
age of each planet is reduced to half.
ii. The planet is debilitated or combust.
b. The gross age is reduced by one third when -
i. Placed in enemy sign.
ii. Defeated in the planetary war.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Mathematical Methods

iii. If Sun or Moon is eclipsed.

C. Chakrapata Haran The method is similar as given in

Note: If a planet suffer more than one Haran, apply only the
highest and one Haran.
Finally convert the reduced longevity Into Solar years by
multiplying It by 324 and dividing by 365.25.

Example - Same as above

Step I Gross Age

Gross Age
Planet Shodhya Pinda Age Gross Age
Sun 122 31.63 4.63
Moon 88 22.81 22.81
Mars 194 50.29 23.29
Mercury 81 21.00 21.00
Jupiter 155 40.18 13.18
Venus 109 28.26 1.26
Saturn 162 42.00 15.00
Step 2 Horons

Gross Half One third Net Reduced
Planet Chakrapat
Age Reduction Reduction Reduction Age
Sun 4.63 2.32 - - 2.32 2.32
Moon 22.81 11.40 - 2.55 11.40 11.40
Mars 23.29 11.65 7.76 - 11.65 11.65
Mercury 21.00 lU.L~ 7.00 - 10.50 10.50
Jupiter 13.18 6.59 - - 6.59 6.59
Venus 1.26 0.63 - - 0.63 0.63
Sa tum 15.00 7.5 - - 7.5 7.50
Total 50.55
1. Mercury is combust and is with two planets only one reduction is
2. Mercury is defeated in planetary war.

Step 3 Convert into Solar years.

= (50.55 X 324) I 365.25 = 44.87 years

Classical Principles
The classics have given an number of yogas to decide the life
span of a person. These are grouped in for categories I.e. Poornayu,
Madhyayu, Alpayu and Balarishta. The houses and lord which play a
major role in deciding the age span are lagna, eighth, tenth and
Saturn. Moon comes into play for causing balarishta.
Few of the important yogas are given here.
A. Poorna Ayu (Long Life)

1. Eighth lord placed in lagna and is with or aspected by jupiter or

Venus and the lagna lord is in Kendra.
2. Three Planets are exalted. No planet placed in lagna except the
eighth lord.
3. Lagna lord is strong and three planets are in exaltation or in own
sign or in friends sign.
4. Lagna lord is strong and three planets placed in eighth house.
5. Lagna lord, eighth lord, tenth lord and Saturn are in exaltation or
own sign or in mooltrlkona sign.
6. Lagna lord is strong in a friends sign.
7. Lagna lord in lagna and eighth lord in eighth.
8. Eighth lord is In benefic sign and eighth house is aspected by
9. Lagna lord and eighth lord are in Kendra or Trikona and are
aspected by benefics.
10. Lagna lord, eighth lord and tenth lord are placed in Kendra or
trikona or in eleventh house.
11. Any benefic eighth lord is placed in eleventh house.
12. Saturn placed in eleventh house.
13. Eighth lord is placed In eighth house.
14. Lagna lord or eighth lord is in own sign or in friends sign or in
friends sign in navamsha.
15. Tenth lord in own sign or in friends sign or exalted and no planets
Is placed In eighth house.
16. Lagna lord and eighth lord are conjoined In 6'\ 8'h, 12'h or Jl'h

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Classical Principles

17. Saturn and eighth lord are placed with an exalted planet.
18. Lagna lord, eighth lord, tenth lord and Saturn conjoin in a

B Madhya Ayu (Medium Life)

1. Both malefics and benefics are In Kendra or trikona. Lagna lord
and Sun are friends and lagna lord occupy a even sign.
2. Eighth lord in lagna In a fixed sign and no benefic is in eighth
3. Lagna lord is in eighth house with malefics and there are no
benefics In Kendra.
4. Lagna is in paapkartari and a malefic placed in lagna.
5. Weak Moon in lagna and a malefic in 8'h house and a malefic In
6. All four kendras have a malefic and Moon with any malefic.
7. Benefics in fourth or in tenth house with Moon in eighth or
8. Lagna lord is in a Kendra and is aspected by a benefic.
9. Moon is in exaltation or in own sign.
10. Benefics in Kendra and lagna lord is in the lagna.
11 . Benefic placed in seventh house and Moon Is in own sign or
12. The signs In Kendra belonging to malefics has the aspect of
benefic planets.
13. Lagna lord and lord of the sign occupied by Moon are In Kendra
and joins or aspected by eighth lord.
14. Lagna lord and lord of sign occupied by Moon are in eighth
house with eighth lord in lagna.
15. A benefic in Kendra or trlkona with Saturn in 6'h house and a
malefic in eighth house.

C Alpa Ayu (Short Life)

1. All malefics in Kendra with no benefic aspect and the lagna lord
is weak.
2. One or more malefics in eighth house with eighth lord In
debilitation and lagna lord is weak.
3. Eighth lord is conjoined or aspected by malefics and a malefic is
placed In eighth or fifth house.
4. Saturn and eighth lord are in malefic sign In shashtiamsha and
are conjoined or aspected by maleHcs.

Classical Principles Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

5. Lagna lord and eighth lords are weak and are conjoined or
aspected by malefics.
6. Lagna lord, eighth lord, tenth lord and Saturn are weak.
7. Among lagna lord, eighth lord and tenth lord only one Is strong.
8. Lagna lord and Moon are weak and placed in apoklima house
and aspected by malefic.
9. Lagna lord is eighth house with a malefic and aspected by a
10. Weak Moon placed in eighth house and occupy a malefic sign in
navamsha and is aspected by Mars or Saturn. (This may be
balarishta also.)
11. Lagna lord is in eighth house, eighth lord is a malefic and Is
aspected by a malefic.
12. One of lagna lord or eighth lord is weak and the other is placed
in eighth house.

D. Balarishta
Balarishta is the term used for the arishta In childhood and upto
the age of 12 years. The arishta in the first four years is due to past life
karmas of mother. The arishta from four to eight years are due to past
life karmas of father and from eight to twelve years is the result of past
life karma of the child.
Balarishta not necessarily means death. lt can cause agony in any
1. Moon placed in 6'\ 8'\ or 12'h house and aspected by malefics.
2. Moon is placed in nakshatra gandanta and is associated or
aspected by malefics.
3. Moon and all malefics are placed in Kendra.
4. Weak Moon Is placed in lagna and malefics in Kendra and the
eighth house.
5. Moon in lagna and malefic in seventh house.
6. Moon is hemmed between malefics and without benefic aspect.
7. A retrograde benefic In 6'h, 8'h, or 12'h house and aspected by
8. Birth at the time of Sun set or Sun rise in the hora of Moon and
the Moon is in rashi gandanta.
9. When Cancer or Scorpio is rising and all malefic in 10'h to 4'h
house and benefics from 4'h to 1O'h house.
10. Birth is at the time of an eclipse and Mars or Saturn aspects

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Classical Principles

11. Mars, Sun and Saturn are together in eighth or sixth house.
12. Malefic in 6'h or 8'h house and aspected by malefic.
13. A weak Moon in 12'h house and malefics in lagna and eighth
house with no benefics in Kendra.
Note: When a balarishta combination Is present in the horoscope
and any one of the following is the placement of planets, then
balarishta gains strength.
a. Sun in S'h house (some say 12'h house)
b. Moon In 1", 6'\ 8'h, or 12'h house.
c. Mars in 7'h house.
d. Mercury in 4'h house (some say 7'h house)
e. jupiter in 3'ct house.
f. Venus in 6'h house.
g. Saturn in lagna.
h. Rahu in 9'h house.
i. Ketu in 12'h house.

Cancellation of Arishta
1. A strong jupiter placed in lagna.
2. All benefics occupy Kendra position.
3. Strong lagna lord placed in Kendra and aspected by benefic.
4. Moon is in 6'h, 8'h or 12'h house for a birth in day time in Krishna
paksha or a night birth in Sukhla paksha.
5. Moon occupy any sign of Venus, Mercury or jupiter in dreshkana
or in navamsha.
6. Rahu in 3'd, 6'h or 11th house and aspectect by a benefic.
7. Rahu placed in lagna in Aries or Taurus or Cancer.
8. All planets occupy sheershodaya signs.
9. A strong benefic is placed in Kendra.
10. Bright Moon aspected by all planets.
11. Unafflicted benefics in 6'h, 7'h and 8'h from lagna or Moon.
12. Jupiter in own sign or exalted and placed in Kendra or Trikona.

Gandanta Birth
Birth at the time of gandanta is not considered auspicious. There
are four types of gandanta.
1. Din Ratri Sandhi- Birth at the time of ending of day and start of
night or ending of night and start of day is called birth at day/
night sandhi. A period of 12 minutes on each side is the sandhi
part. This Is normally not considered bad unless some other
malefic combinations are present.

Classical Principles Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

2. Lagna Sandhi- Birth at the junction of two signs. Some take the
duration of one navamsha on either side i.e. the longitude of
26°-40' to 30° or (1lto 3° - 20' rising in lagna Is called sandhi
birth. Some other opine a span of 24 minutes i.e. one ghati as
the sandhi period. Special maleficence is attached for the iagna
sandhi of Pisces/Aries, Cancer/Leo and Scorpio/Sagittarius.
3. lith! Sandhi - Birth within one ghati time (24 minutes) of the
ending part or starting part of a tithl is not auspicious. The more
serious are the sandhi of Amavasya and Pritipada, Poornima/
Pritipada and Panchami/Shashti.
4. Nakshatra Sandhi -This occurs when the birth lagna is in the
end of a nakshatra or at the beginning of a nakshatra. One ghat!
period on either side Is called the Gandakala. Special significations
are attached to nakshatra sundhl which coincides with lagna
sandhi. The nakshatra involved are those of Mercury and Ketu.
The Sandhi nakshatra are Revati/ Ashwani, Ashlesha/Magha and
Jyeshtha/Moola. Some take junction period upto 4 ghati on each
nakshatra. For nakshatra of Mercury, the danger of each ghati
part is 1" for mother, zoofor father, 3'd for brother and 4'hfor self.
This order is reversed for the nakshatra ruled by Ketu.

The death inflicting dasha is to be judged after fixing the span of
longevity by various methods given. We will now give the dasha
periods which can bring death.

1. Death can occur in dasha of a sign which is in paapkartari.
2. Sign from which malefics are placed in trines.
3. Sign which has malefic in 8'h and 12th from it.
4. Dasha of 8'h or 12'h sign will cause death if the lord of the sign is
aspected by Venus and Moon only. No other planet is associated.
5. In the dasha of sign occupied by Rudra. This is specially
applicable for Pisces lagna horoscope or when Rudra is placed In
8'h house from lagna.
6. The death occurs in the shoola rashi dasha when Rudra is
aspected by benefic. The shoola rashis are the trines rashls from
Rudra. For Alpa Ayu, it is from 1" to 4'h rashi, for Madhya Ayu It
is from S'h to 8'h rashi and for Poorna Ayu from 9'h to 12'h rash!
from Rudra.
7. From AK or lagna, the sign occupied by the strongest of the lords
of 3'd. 8'h and 12'h house.
8. The sub period will be of the strongest of the sign occupied by
lords of 6'h, 8'h and 12'h from AK or from 7'h house from lagna.

Planetary Dasha
Second and seventh are the maraca houses. The death inflicting
dasha are given in the descending order.
1. Second lord.
2. Seventh lord.
3. Planets placed in second house.
4. Planets who are conjoined with second lord.
5. Planets placed in seventh house.
6. Planets conjoined with seventh lord.
7. Twelfth lord.
8. Planets in 12'h house.

Dasha Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

9. Planets conjoined with lord of 12'" house

10. Antardasha of benefic 12'" lord.
1 1. Planets in 8'" house.
12. Planets conjoined with 8'" lord.
13. Third, sixth or eleventh lord.
14. Dasha of chhidragrah.

The chidra Grah are seven

a. Lord of 8'" house.
b. Planets in 8'" house.
c. Planets aspecting 8'" house.
d. Planets conjoined with 8'" lord.
e. Bitter enemy of 8'" lord.
f. Lord of 22"'8dreshkona from lagna. (lord of '" house in
dreshkona chart and is called Khara dreshkona)
g. Lord of 64'" navamsha from Moon (the lord of 4'" sign from the
sign occupied by Moon in navamsha)
A chhidra grah which Is most afflicted can be the maraca.
15. Certain dasha sequence are also seen as maraca dasha. Fourth
dasha if it is of Saturn, fifth dasha when of Mars, sixth dasha of
Jupiter and in seventh mahadasha of Rahu are maraca dasha. If
the span of life these dasha are operative and is also a maraca
dasha, then death can occur.
Note: For example it is stated fourth dasha of Saturn. This will
happen only when birth Moon is in the nakshtara of Mars. Others
are also to be worked out similarly.
16. Another general rule is that the end comes in 3'd dasha for Alpa
Ayu, Fifth dasha of Madhya Ayu and Seventh dasha for Poorna
Ayu. These dasha will be ofVipat, Pratyarl and Vadha taras which
are considered inauspicious.

Planets in Mrityu Bhag (MB)

Mrityu Bhag is the term used when a planet occupy certain
degrees in a sign. These degrees are individual for each planet including
lagna and Mandi.
It will be very rare that any planet, lagna or mandi will be on
exact degrees of MB. A range within which any planet is considered in
MB Is given.
a. The longitude oflagna, Moon or Mercury should be within+/- 40
min of degree of MB.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Dasha

Table for Mrityu Shag

Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu Mandi Lagna
Aries 20 26 19 15 19 28 10 14 8 23 1
Taurus 9 12 28 14 29 15 4 13 18 24 9
Gemini 12 13 25 13 12 11 7 12 20 11 22
Cancer 6 25 23 12 27 17 9 11 10 12 22
Leo 8 24 29 8 6 10 12 24 21 13 25
Virgo 24 11 28 18 4 13 16 23 22 14 2
Libra 16 26 14 20 13 4 3 22 23 8 4
Scorpio 17 14 21 10 10 6 18 21 24 18 23
Sagittarius 22 13 2 21 17 27 28 10 11 20 18
Capricorn 2 25 15 22 11 12 14 20 12 10 20
Aquarius 3 5 11 7 15 29 13 18 13 21 24
Pisces 23 12 6 5 28 19 15 8 14 22 10
b. Sun should be within+/- 20 min of the MB degree.
c. Rest of them should be wlthin+/-15 min oftheMB degree in MB.
d. Any planet in MB affects the house significations where It is
placed and the house which it lords.
e. It affects the natural significations of the planet.
f. It also passes its influence to the lord of house where it is placed.
Any benefic association with the planet in MB will lessen the ill
effect but the malefic association will aggravate the Ill effects. Aspect
of Jupiter on the planet in MB is a great relief.
The dasha periods of the following planets can be serious.
a. Dasha of a planet in MB
b. Mahadasha or antardasha of the lord of the house which contains
the planet in MB.
c. Antardasha of the planet who is associated or aspected by
planet in MB.
d. These malefic periods become more serious when two malefic
transits over the natal position of planet in MB.

Nakshatra Ghatis
Classics have given certain ghatis of a nakshatra as auspicious
and inauspicious. These are termed as Visha Ghati and Mrltyu Ghatl for
bad part and Amrit Ghati and Chandra Amrit Bhag for the good part.
These are given based on the time taken by Moon to travel one
nakshatra in 60 ghatls. This is not always so and therefore we need
elaborate calculation. A uniform table based on longitude of the signs
is given as the ready reckoner.
The Visha Ghat! and Amrlt Ghati longitudes are the starting degrees

Dash a Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

and it extend further by 0°- 53' - 20". Moon Amrit Bhag is the mid
longitude and spans one degree. Mrityu Ghati are mid longitude and
span is+/- 00- 6'- 40".

Visha Ghati Mrityu Ghati AmritGhati Amrit Bhag

D M s D M s D M s D M s
11 6 40 1 46 40 9 20 0
Aries 14 13 20 21 0 0
18 40 0 24 0 0
29 20 0
3 20 0 10 26 40 8 40 0
Taurus 18 53 20 14 0 0
24 40 0 21 33 20
26 26 40
9 6 40 9 46 40 1 46 40
Gemini 18 0 0
26 40 0 22 13 20 14 26 40
7 46 40 6 53 20 2 0 0
Cancer 13 3 40 8 0 0
23 46 40 22 0 0
29 6 40
6 40 0 4 26 40 12 0 0
Leo 19 0 0
17 46 40 18 13 20 23 6 40
0 40 0 27 6 40 6 0 0
Virgo 14 53 20 9 0 0
15 46 40 20 0 0
27 46 40
9 46 40 15 6 40 3 6 40
Libra 15 6 40 24 0 0
23 6 40 28 26 40
28 26 40
5 33 20 11 20 0 9 33 20
Scorpio 11 0 0
19 46 40 24 13 20 25 6 40
4 26 40 7 6 40 9 46 40
Sagittarius 23 0 0
18 40 0 22 40 0 24 0 0
1 6 40
6 26 40 6 26 40
14 0
12 13 20 0
25 33 20 20 13 20 17 33 20
10 40 0 4 0 0 0 53 20
Aquarius 16 0 0 19 0 0
23 33 20 17 46 40
28 53 20
8 40 0 1 33 20 14 0 0
Pisces 28 40 0 9 0 0
23 20 0 28 40 0
14 53 20

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Dasha

Gulika/Mandi are considered the most malefic upgrahas for
causing death or serious conditions. The following rule is for the transit
over gulika In dreshkana, navamsha and dwadamsha.
a. Transit of Sun over the sign containing Gullka in dreshkana.
b. Transit of Jupiter over Gulika in navamsha.
c. Transit of Saturn over Gulika in dwadamsha.

Transit is to be applied only after establishing the span of longevity
and the arrival of maraca dash a and Antardasha.

1. Malefics transit in lagna, eighth hose or twelfth house.
2. Malefics transit over Moon, eighth or twelfth from Moon.
3. Malefics transiting over a malefic.
4. Malefic transiting over 22nd dreshkana or 64'h navamsha.
5. Transit of Rahu/Ketu over lagna, Moon sign, eighth house,
eighth lord or the natal position of Rahu/Ketu.

1. Transit of Saturn in trines to the sign occupied by Saturn or
eighth lord in navamsha.
2. In trines to 22nd dreshkana or its lords in birth chart or in
3. In trines to the sign occupied by Gulika in birth chart or in
4. Add the longitudes of Dhoom, Vyatipata, Parevesh, lndrachap
and Upketu. Note the sign of the result. Also find the dreshkana
sign. When Saturn transit in trines to these signs, it gives fear of
5. Add the longitude of 6'h lord, 8'h lord and 12'h lord, when Saturn
transit in trines to the resultant. It grows fear of death.
6. Multiply the Shodhya Pind of Saturn by the bind us in 8'h house
from Saturn in the Bhinnashtaka of Saturn (before reduction).
Divide the result by 27. The remainder so arrived is counted from
Ashwini to get the critical nakshatra. The transit of Saturn in trine
to this critical nakshatra can be fatal.

Dash a Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

1. Transit of Jupiter in trine to eighth house.
2. Transit of Jupiter in trine to the sign occupied by eighth lord in
3. In trine to the sign occupied by dreshkana lord or the sign
occupied by it in navamsha.
4. In trine to the sign occupied by 22"" dreshkana lord in birth or
navamsha chart.
5. Add the longitude of Jupiter and Rahu. Find the navamsha sign
also which is occupied by the result. Transit of Jupiter in trine to
these can cause death.
6. Add the longitude of lagna lord and eighth lord when Jupiter
along with malefics transit over this, there is fear of death.

Part II
Mathematical Hora Lagna

Each sign rises in one hour when we calculate Hora lagna. A

standard day is of 24 hours duration from one sunrise to other sunrise.
The starting point is the longitude of sun at sunrise and the first hora
lagna rises with sunrise. Thus the hora lagna rising is exactly having the
longitude of sun at sunrise. The twelve horas are complete with sun
set. Similar cycle Is repeated for night. Therefore the hora rising at sun
set will again have the longitude of setting sun.
The duration of day or night is not always of t 2 hours. The basic
definition of hora lagna suggest that t 2 hora should rise during day
and again in night. This necessitates calculation of duration of day i.e.
time taken from sunrise to sun set or the duration of night, which is
from sun set to sunrise as the case may be.
The method of calculation of mathematical hora Is now explained.
t. Decide whether the birth is during day or night.
2. If the birth time is during day, work out the duration of day
(Dinman). If the birth time is in night, work out the duration of
night (Riltrlman). Dinman is time of sun set minus time of Sun
rise. Ratriman is the sunrise of next day minus the sun set.
3. Divide the Dinman or the ratriman, as the case may be, by 12.
This is the duration of one hora and we call it H.
4. Work out the time elapsed from sunrise to time of birth in day
birth. In case of night birth it is from sun set to time of birth.
5. Divide this time elapsed by H.
6. The quotient gives the number of hora that has passed from
sunrise or sun set. The number after the decimal place is the part
of next hora that has been passed. Multiply this part by 30 to get
the degree/ minutes of the hora.
7. Add this (step 6) to the longitude of Sun at time of birth. The
result is the Hora lagna at birth.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Mathematical Hora Lagna

Example I
Date of birth- 4 jan. 2007
Time of birth - 23.00 Hrs.
Place of birth- Sri nagar
Time of sunrise on 4 jan. 2007-07 H -41M- 22 S
Time of sunset on 4 jan. 2007- 17 H- 29M- 41 S
Time of sunrise on 5 jan. 2007- 7 H- 41 M- 28 S
Longitude of sun at birth time- 8 S- 20 D- 48 M- 13 S
Step 1; the birth is in nighttime so we will calculate the duration
of night.
Step 2; the duration of night is time of sunrise (next day)- time of
=7H-41 M-28S(-) 17H-29M-41 S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 1 H- 10M- 59 S (this is H. The
duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunset to birth time is
= 23 H-OM-OS(-) 17 H-29M-41 S
= 5 H-30M-19S
Step 5; Number ofhora passed

1 H-10 M-59S
= 4.653
Step 6; Four hora has passed. The degrees crossed In S'h hora are
= 19 D- 35M- 24 5. The hora passed till birth is 4 S- 19 D- 35
Step 7; Longitude of Sun at birth was 8 S- 20 D - 48 M- 13 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get 1S - 10 D- 23 M- 3 7 S.

Example 2
Date of birth - 18 Dec. 2006
Time of birth- 09.00 Hrs.
Place of birth- London
Time of sunrise on 18 Dec. 2006-08 H- 11M- 37 S
Time of sunset On 18 Dec. 2006- 15 H- 48 M- 5 S
Longitude of sun at birth - 8 5- 2 D- 20 M- 10 S

Mathematical Hora Lagna Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Step 1; the birth is in daytime so we will calculate the duration of

Step 2; the duration of day is time of sunset- time of sunrise
= 15H-48M-SS(-)8H-11 M-37S
= 7 H - 36 M- 28 S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 0 H- 38 M- 2 S (this Is H. The
duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunrise to birth time is
=9H-OM-OS (-)8H-11M-37S
Step 5; Number ofhora passed

0 H-38M-25 S
= 1.272
Step 6; One hora has passed. The degrees crossed in 2nd hora
are 0.272 x 30
= 8 D - 9 M- 4 S. The hora passed till birth Is 1 S- 8 D - 9 M-
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 8 S - 2 D - 20 M- 10 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunrise to the longitude of
sun we get 9 S-10 D-29 M-14 S.

Strength of Planets and Signs

Planetary strength
Maharishi Jaimini prescribes five sources of planetcuy strength in
UPDESHA sutra.

I. Mooltrikona
This strength is given according to the status enjoyed by a planet
in the horoscope such as exaltation etc. The strength in numerical
terms is as under;
Condition of the Planet Strength
Exaltation 60 units
Mooltrikona 45 units
Own sign 30 units
Friends sign 22.5 units
Neutral sign 15 units
Enemy sign 7.5 units
Debilitation 3.75 units
This placement is the naisargika or the permanent relationship
between planets. We give the table for the permanent relationship
between planets for ready reference.

Planet Friend Neutral Enemy

Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn
Moon Sun, Mercury Mars, Venus, Jupiter, None
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Venus, Saturn Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus
Venus Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon
Saturn Mercury, Venus Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars

Strength of Planets and Signs Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

2. Karaka
This strength depends upon the assumption of chara karakatwa
by a planet in Jaimini scheme of seven karaka.
Karaka Strength
Atma Karaka (AK) 60 units
Amatya Karaka (AmK) 45 units
Bhratri Karaka (BK) 30 units
Matri Karaka (MK) 22.5 units
Putra KarakaJPK_l 15 units
Gnati Karaka j_Gfg 7.5 units
Dara Karaka _iDK1_ 3.75 units

3. Kendriya
This strength arises from the house occupied by a planet in
relation with AtmaKaraka planet. A planet occupying Kendra (angular)
position is strongest.
Position Strength
Kendra from AK 60 units
Panaphara from AK 30 units
Apolikima from AK 15 units

4. Kartari
When a planet is placed in an odd sign and is in Kartari, then it
gets 60 units of strength. When placed in even sign and in Kartari then
it gets no strength. Thus the two conditions to be fulfilled are,
1. It is placed in an odd sign. (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius,
2. It is in Kartari. (Kartari arises when there are planets in 2nc1 and 12th
house from the planet. We are including Rahu and Ketu also in
formation of Kartarl on a planet. We are taking them in aspects
and for predictive purposes)

When a planet is the lord of an odd sign and is in conjunction or
aspect of a malefic, it gets strength of 60 units. We include Rahu and
Ketu for making a conjunction or aspect with a planet. Except moon all
planets can acquire this strength.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Slrenglh of Planets and Signs

Strength of signs (Rashi BALA)

There are five sources of strength for signs. These are divided in
two categories, permanent and temporary.

A. Permanent
This strength arises from the nature of signs. All common signs
get 60 units of strength. All fixed signs get 30 units of strength and the
movable signs get 15 units. The common signs are Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius and Pisces. The fixed signs are Tauras, Leo, Scorpio and
Aquarius. The movable signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricon.

B. Temporary
A sign on different considerations in a particular horoscope
acquires this strength. There are four sources of this strength.

A jaimini karaka occupying a sign provides its strength to the
sign. Any sign not occupied by a karaka gets zero. If more than one
karaka occupy a sign, their units are added. The units assigned to each
karaka are as under.
Karaka Strength
Alma Karaka 60 units
Amatya Karaka 45 units
Bhratri Karaka 30 units
Matri Karaka 22.5 units
Putra Karaka 15 units
Gnati Karaka 7.5 units
Dara Karaka 3.75 units
More planets in a sign make it stronger. No planets in a sign
then that sign do not get this strength. Rahu and Ketu are also
Number of planets Strength
One 60 units
Two 75 units
Three 90 units
Four 105 units
Five 120 units
Six 135 units
Seven 150 units
Eight 165 units

Strength of Planets and Signs Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

3. Aspect
Any sign containing or aspected by Jupiter, Mercury or its lord
gets 60 units for each aspect or conjunction. If all three of these
aspect or conjoin any sign it gets 180 units. Any sign not having
these gets zero.

4. Strength of lord
Finally the strength of the lord of the sign Is added to the
strength of sign.

Yen Sun Mer

Rah Sat

4 May 1969
15.00 Hrs.
AI mora

Moon Lag
Mars Jup

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

01°53' 20°18' 20°15' 23°02' 11 °12' 03°13' 17°28' 07°09' 06°11'

Table Graha Bala

Planet Mooltrikona Karaka Kendriya Kartari Adhipati Total
Sun· AMK 60 45 15 60 60 240
Moon- BK 3.75 30 60 0 0 93.75
Mars-AK 30 60 60 0 60 210
Mercury· 22.5 15 60 0 0 97.5
Jupiter· 7.5 3.75 30 0 60 101.25
Venus· 60 22.5 30 0 60 172.5
Saturn- 3.75 7.5 15 60 60 146.25

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Strength of Planets and Signs

Table Rashi Bala

Perma- Karaka Sthana Aspect Mercury Own Strength Total
nent Jupiter lord of lord
ARI 15 45j7.5 75 0 0 60 210 412.5
TAU 30 15 60 0 0 60 172.5 337.5
GEM 60 0 0 60 0 0 97.5 217.5
CAN 15 0 0 0 60 60 93.75 228.75
LEO 30 0 0 0 0 60 240 330
VIR 60 3.75 75 60 0 0 97.5 296.25
LIB 15 0 0 0 60 0 172.5 247.5
sco 30 301 60 75 0 0 60 210 465
SAG 60 0 0 60 0 60 101.25 281.25
CAP 15 0 0 0 60 0 146.25 221.25
AQU 30 0 0 0 0 60 146.25 236.25
PIS 60 22.5 75 60 0 60 101.25 378.75

Modified PAM

Full span of life is taken as 108 years. The three divisions of life
spans are Full life (Poornaayu), Medium life (Madhyaayu) and short
life (Aipayu). The full span of life is from 7Z years to 108 years, the
medium span of life is from 36 to 72 years and short span of life is
below 36 years.
The basis of this modified PAM is:
1. Hora Lagna has been given important place for judging the life
Z. Phaldeepika suggests to examine dreshkona, navamsha and
dwadamsha for judgement of life span by PAM.
3. The span indicated by Dwadamsha is the most important. If two
groups indicate the same span of life, it is taken as final.
Taking this as a guide, this modified PAM was applied on more
than 150 charts. Out of which 1ZO charts of known personalities are
given in this book.

We calcuate the mathematical hora lagna and the bhava lagna.
Their placement is worked out in dreshkona, navamsha and
The sign occupied by lagna and the hora lagna are subjected to
PAM scurtiny individually in each of the three charts.

In a horoscope lagna is Scorpio Z 1 deg. 8 min. 48 sec. And the
hora lagna is Pisces 3 deg. 1 min. 45 sec. The determination of life
span by this method is,

Divisional Chart Lagna Hora lagna Life Span

Dreshkana Cancer - Movable Pisces -Common Alpayu
Navamsha Capricon -Movable Cancer - Movable Poornaayu
Dwadamsha Cancer - Movable Aries - Movable Poornaayu

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Modified PAM

Two groups, including Dwadamsha, indicate full span of life and

is taken. The life span will be 72 to 108 years. She lived for 86 years.
This will be illustrated in the example charts later in this
Indication of Poornaayu block does not necessarily give a life of
72 years or 108 years. This is a selection of block of longevity. Death
can happen in any of the four major dasha periods of Nirayana
Shoola Dasha. The association of hora lagna in these three divisional
charts will determine the final outcome. Benefic association is always
welcome to take the life span in the longer life direction. jupiter
association with hora lagna is a great boon. An unblemished jupiter
associated with hora lagna in all three divisional charts can make one
live for over 100 years. Rahu and Ketu impart mystery and Mars give
suddenness. A blending of association will provide a clue about the
timing in the block determined.
Best way is to see the affliction to the dasha sign in the scheme
of Nirayana Shoola Dasha. This is discussed In the relevant chapter.

Divisional Charts

Trishamsha is the thirtieth division of each sign. Each division is
of 1-degree longitude. For odd signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra,
Sagittarius and Aquarius the first division or first Trishamsha falls in
Aries. For even signs Taurus, cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and
Pisces the first Trishamsha starts from Libra. The other Trishamsha are
counted in clockwise direction. This Trishamsha chart has been called
as Varanasi Trishamsha by us because it is given in Kashi Panchanga.
Trlshamsha is seen for miseries and misfortunes.
Table for ready reference and calculation is given.

Table Trishamsha
Ending longitude in Sign occupied in Sign occupied in
a Sign Trishamsha Trishamsha
1 Aries Libra
2 Taurus Scorpio
3 Gemini Sagittarius
4 Cancer Capri con
5 Leo Aquarius
6 Virgo Pisces
7 Libra Aries
8 Scorpio Taurus
9 Sagittarius Gemini
10 Capri con Cancer
11 Aquarius Leo
12 Pisces Virgo
13 Aries Libra
14 Taurus Scorpio
15 Gemini Sagittarius
16 Cancer Capricon
17 Leo Aquarius

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Divisional Charts

18 VirQo Pisces
19 Libra Aries
20 Scorpio Tauras
21 Sagittarius Gemini
22 Capricon Cancer
23 Aquarius Leo
24 Pisces Virgo
25 Aries Libra
26 Tauras Scorpio
27 Gemini Sagittarius
28 Cancer Capricon
29 Leo Aquarius
30 Virgo Pisces


Ven Ket


Birth Chart

Moon Mar Jup


Sun Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

13°05' o3•3o· 15•2o· 18°29' og•og· 12•33' 05°33'

Trishamsha chart is as under. Sun is 13 degree 5 minute. It is in

the 14'h degree and in odd sign. From the table given above sun will
fall in tauras in Trishamsha. We can workout the Trlshamsha position
for lagna and all planets in the similar way.

Ayuamsha is the navamsha dwadamsha chart and is the 1OB'h
division of a sign. Each pada of a Nakshatra is divided in 12 parts and
result is ayuamsha. The first part of each Nakshatra pada falls in Aries
in ayuamsha. The last twelfth part falls in Pisces. This divisional chart is
spedfic for assessment of longevity of a person Table for ready

Table - Ayuamsha :c·
Sign in 6"
00-16-40 03-36-40 06-56-40 10-16-40 13-36-40 16-56-40 20-16-40 23-36-40 26-56-40 Aries
00-33-20 03-53-20 07-13-20 10-33-20 13-53-20 17-13-20 20-33-20 23-53-20 27-13-20 Tauras
00-50-00 04-10-00 07-30-00 10-50-00 14-10-00 17-30-00 20-50-00 24-10-00 27-30-00 Gemini
01-06-40 04-26-40 07-46-40 11-06-40 14-26-40 17-46-40 21-06-40 24-26-40 27-46-40 Cancer
01-23-20 04-43-20 08-03-20 11-23-20 14-43-20 18-03-20 21-23-20 24-43-20 28-03-20 Leo
01-40-00 05-00-00 08-20-00 11-40-00 15-00-00 18-20-00 21-40-00 25-00-00 28-20-00 Virgo
01-56-40 05-16-40 08-36-40 11-56-40 15-16-40 18-36-40 21-56-40 25-16-40 28-36-40 Libra
02-13-20 05-33-20 08-53-20 12-13-20 15-33-20 18-53-20 22-13-20 25-33-20 28-53-20 Scorpio
~ 02-30-00 05-50-00 09-10-00 12-30-00 15-50-00 19-10-00 22-30-00 25-50-00 29-10-00 Sagittarius
02-46-40 06-06-40 09-26-40 12-46-40 16-06-40 19-26-40 22-46-40 26-06-40 29-26-40 Capri con I
03-03-20 06-23-20 09-43-20 13-03-20 16-23-20 19-43-20 23-03-20 26-23-20 29-43-20 Aquarius
03-20-00 06-40-00 10-00-00 13-20-00 16-40-00 20-00-00 23-20-00 26-40-00 30-00-00 Pisces I

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Divisional Charts

Jup Sun

Mer Ven


Sat Ket

reference and calculation is given.

The ayuamsha chart for the birth horoscope given above drawn
with the help of above table. It is recommended that the longitudes
of planets be calculated up to seconds.




Ven Rah Moon

Ket Jup

Dreshkana is a standard well known divisional chart. Each
division of a sign is of 10 degrees and thus each sign is divided in
three Dreshkana. A table for ready reference is given.
Dreshkana chart for example given in Trishamsha is now
drawn for understanding the table

Divisional Charts Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Tabel - Dreshkana
SIGN 0-10 degree 10-20 degree 20 - 30 degree
Aries Aries Leo Sagittarius
Tauras Tauras Virgo Capricon
Gemini Gemini Libra Aquarius
Cancer Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Leo Leo Sagittarius Aries
Virgo Virgo Capri con Tauras
Libra Libra Aquarius Gemini
Scorpio Scorpio Pisces Cancer
Sagittarius Sagittarius Aries Leo
CaQricon Capricon Tauras Virgo
Aquarius Aquarius Gemini Libra
Pisces Pisces Cancer Scorpio

Ven Mer Sun



Jup Moon

Rah Mar Lag

Nirayan Shoola Dasha

Nlrayana Shoola Dasha (NSD) is a jaimini dasha of signs used

mainly for predicting about death, one's own and one's close ones.

Starting sign
NSD starts from stronger of the lagna and the 7'h house. We have
to work out the jaimini Rashl Bala or the strength of the signs in
lagna and seventh house.

Order of dasha
The order of dasha is always direct. If dasha starts from Cancer,
the next dasha will be of Leo and so on.
Note: According to another school, in the case of an even lagna
It would start from the seventh house and move in reverse order. But
the method given here is based on extensive research and can now
be described as a tested one.

Major Period
Each dasha is of nine years. The total period of all signs is 108
years, which is taken as full life span of human.

Sub periods
In each mahadasha there are 12 sub periods of9 months each.
The first sub period belongs to the mahadasha and is followed In the
direct order.
We refer to the example chart given on page 68. The lagna is
Virgo and seventh house is Pisces. The strength of these two are
296.25 and 378.75. Pisces is stronger and NSD starts from Pisces.
The date of birth Is .!fh may 1969. The NSD dasha will be, see the
The sub periods for Gemini major period are also calculated.
The Nirayana Shoola Dasha is examined In birth chart,
Trishamsha and the ayuamsha. Ayuamsha is the divisional chart of

Nirayan Shoola Dasha (NSD) Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Table NSD Dasha

NSD From To
Pisces 4th May 1969 4th May 1978
Aries 4"' May 1978 4"' May 1987
Tauras 4th May 1987 4th May 1996
Gemini 4th May 1996 4th May 2005
Cancer 4th May 2005 4th May 2014
Leo 4111 May 2014 4th May 2023
Virgo 4th May 2023 4th May 2032
Libra 4th May 2032 4th May 2041
Scorpio 4th May 2041 4th May 2050
Sagittarius 4"' May 2050 4"' May 2059
Capricon 41h May 2059 4th May 2068
Aquarius 4th May 2068 4th May 2077

Table- Sub periods for Gemini major

Sub period From To
Gemini 4 May 1996 4 Feb 1997
Cancer 4 Feb 1997 4 Nov 1997
Leo 4 Nov 1997 4 Aug 1998
Virgo 4 Aug 1998 4 May 1999
Libra 4 May 1999 4 Feb 2000
Scorpio 4 Feb 2000 4 Nov 2000
Sagittarius 4 Nov 2000 4 Aug 2001
Capricon 4 Aug 2001 4 May 2002
Aquarius 4 May 2002 4 Feb 2003
Pisces 4 Feb 2003 4 Nov 2003
Aries 4 Nov 2003 4 Aug 2004
Tauras 4 Aug 2004 4 Aug 2005

longevity. Trishamsha is the chart for misfortunes and mishaps. The

dasha running at any time is analyzed with the help of standard
principles of astrology. Some observations are given for the
identification of fatal period. These are observations from the
practical horoscopes analyzed for this purpose.
1. Any association of dasha sign with a strong benefic or the sign

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Nirayan Shoola Dasha (NSD)

lord is a great protection and the death does not happen in this
dasha period.
2. Saturn should make a relation by Parashari aspect with the
dasha sign to deliver the fatal blow in the dasha period.
3. Rahu/Ketu are in 6'h, S'h or 12'h from dasha or in 1/7 axis.
4. Conditions 2 and 3 are mutual. If Rahu/Ketu are in c!asha sign
then Saturn is in 6'h or 8'h or 12'h from it.
5. Association of Mars with dasha sign (specially the sub period)
gives sudden end. It may be accident or death by wounds
suffered in war etc. This is particularly true for Trishamsha.
Malefic association gives death with pain. Benefic association
gives painless end.
6. When the confirmation of fatal period is seen in Trishamsha (rule
2 and 3 above) the death is after some problems.
7. When this confirmation comes out in ayuamsha then the death
is in normal way and without any agony. The association of any
benefic further improves the conditions.
8. Any relation of dasha with Rudra needs special attention. Rudra
is connected to the dasha sign or is in the trine house from
9. These are reconfirmed in birth chart before pronouncing the
The death inflicting houses are second and seventh house of the
birth chart. This can be extended to ayuamsha and Trishamsha also.
We will see the maracas of birth chart. The maracas are, Planets in 2nd
and 7'h house, Lord of 2nd and 7'h house and the signs in 2nd and 7th
house. The dasha running at the time of death makes a relation with
these maracas in birth chart, Trishamsha and ayuamsha in some cases
and supplement the main conditions.

@. No_.[ Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks I [.,
1 DOB 1 May 1896 p M p DOD 27.Aug. 1982 Lagna. 11s-4d-7m-12s
TOB 03-01-30 AM 86y.3m.26d Hora Lagna. 10s-5d-11m-37s
POB Keora B. Desh
2 DOB 23 Dec. 1902 p A p DOD 23 May 1987 Lagna 8s-11d-40m-46s
ifos 07-23AM 84y. Sm. Od Hora Lagan 8s-19d-40m-13s
POB Baghpat
3 DOB 1 Jun. 1926 M M M DOD 5 Aug. 1962 Lagna 3s-19d-56m-29s
TOB 9-28-30 AM 36y-2m-4d Hora Lagna 5s-17d-21 m-31 s
POB Losangeles USA Hora Lagna afflicted in all D charts
4 DOB 31 Aug.1919 p p M DOD 31 Oct. 2005 Lagna 7s-21d-8m-48s
TOB 13-49 86y 2m Od Hora Lagna 11s-20d-37m-7s
5 DOB 11 Dec. 1931 A M M DOD 19 Jan. 1990 Lagna 1s-22d-16m-9s
TOB 17-13-0 58y-1m-8d Hora Lagna 7s-16d-3m-22s
POB Gadanwara
6 DOB 27 Sep. 1917
TOB 01-38-32
A M M DOD Oct.1993
76 years
Lagna 3s-12d-47m-35s
HL 1s-4d-40m-23s
POB Calcutta HL aspected by JUP In all three D charts Oi
7 DOB 25 Nov. 1960 M M M DOD 17 Jul. 1999 Lagna 4s-18d-03m-04s
TOB 00.19.00 38y-7m-22d HL 1s-19d-51m-8s
POB Washington DC HL in RKA in D3,D9. No aspect of jupiter.
8 DOB 17 Apr.1927 A M p DOD 08 Jul.2007 Lagna Os-1 Od-17m-23s g_
TOB 06-47-30 80 y-2m-21d Os-14d-48m-12s r--
POB Ballia Jupiter aspect HL in D12 ~s.
- -
Birth Details
JD3I 09 I D12l __
-- ~---
I Remarks I~
p p a;
9 DOB 27 Nov, 1907 M DOD 18 Jan.2003 Lagna 6s-26d-34m-47s
TOB 05-24-54 95y-1m-21d HL 6s-12d-33m-51s ~
POB Allahabad
Jupiter in HL in D3, D12
10 DOB 28 Jun. 1921 M A DOD 23 Dec.2004 Lagna 5s-24d-47m-44s iS
TOB 13-02-00 83y-5m-25d HL 9s-4d-53m-26s g_
POB Warangal Jupiter aspect HL in D9 ,...
11 DOB 9 Jun.1930 M A DOD 3 Aug. 2006 Lagna 7s-12d-18m-2Bs ~
TOB 17-24-30 76y-1m-24d HL Os-27d-29m-42s S.
POB Cuttack Jupiter aspect HL in D3
12 DOB 14 Nov. 1889 p A p DOD 27 May 1964 Lagna 3s-24d-47m-32s
TOB 23-05 74 y-6m-13d HL Os-15d-1 Om-49s
POB Allahabad
~ p
13 DOB 19 Nov. 1917 M M DOD 31 Oct. 1984 Lagna 3s-27d-22m-22s
TOB 23-11-00 66y-11m-11d HL Os-17d-22m-41s
POB Allahabad
14 DOB 14 Dec. 1946 A A A DOD 23 Jun. 1980 Lagna 9s-Od-48m-02s
TOB 09-24-44 33y-6m-9d HL 10s-19d-13m-1Bs
POB Delhi Jupiter eith HL in D3
15 DOB 20 Aug .1944 A p M DOD 21 May 1991 Lagna 4s-15d-1 m-24s
TOB 08-12-47 46y-9m-1d HL 4s-28d-22m-20s
POB Mumbai Mars,Saturn Mercury PAC in D3 with HL
16 DOB 29 Feb.1904 p A p DOD 24 Feb. 1986 Lagna 1s-17d-11m-57s
TOB 11-54-00AM 81y-11m-25d HL 4s-2d-49m-51 s
POB Madurai
~.1 Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks I[
17 DOB 12 Jan. 1863 M M A DOD 4 Jul. 1902 Lagna 8s-20d-22m-14s "'
TOB 06-09-00 39y-5m-22d HL 8s-14d-19m-04s
POB Barasat Jupiter Aspect HL in D12, D3
18 DOB 4 Jul.1898 A p p DOD 15 Jan. 1998 Lagna Os-13d-20m-20s
r-os oo-53-20 99y-6m-11d HL 9s-18d-31m-04s
POB Sialkot Jupiter aspect HL in D3, D12
19 DOB 29 Feb.1896 p M p DOD 10 Apr. 1995 Lagna 2s-9d-55m-23s
TOB 13-27-00 99y-1m-11d HL 4s-9d-57m-8s
POB Bilimora
20 DOB 24 May 1819 M M p DOD 23 Jan.1909 Lagna 1s-13d-17m-57s
TOB 02-26-54 89y-7m-28d HL 1s-14d-28m-42s
POB London Jupiter with HL in D3
21 DOB 26Aug.1910 M M p 5 Sep.1997 Lagna 8s-1d-40m-12s
TOB 14-25-00 87y-Om-9d HL Os-26d-2m-29s
POB Skopje Jupiter aspect HL in D9
22 DOB 3 Dec. 1884 M p p DOD 28 Feb.1963 Lagna 8s-18d-45m-20s ~
TOB 08-18-30 78y-2m-25d HL 10s-5d-8m-44s iil

POB Chapra
DOB 25 Jul. 1912 p M p DOD 8 Jul.1984 Lagna 9s-22d-53m-57s 1
TOB 19-12-00 71y-11m-13d HL 4s-4d-28m-49s ~
POB Cuttack No association of Jupiter with HL [5.
In D12 HL is in papkartari g_
p p r--
24 DOB 2 May 1898 A DOD 8 Dec. 1978 Lagna 8s-25d-47m-49s g
TOB 23-59-00 80y-7m-6d HL 6s-24d-51m-58s ~
POB Kiev I s.
[!J".N<>r= .
Birth Details I D31 09 I0121 Ag~ I Remarks I~
25 DOB 15 Jan. 1910 M M p DOD19 Nov.1988 Lagna 8s-5d-43m-1 Os
TOB 04-54-00 78y-10m-4d HL 7s-12d-21m-52s
POB Eluru Exalted Jupiter with HL in 09 ""
26 DOB 30 Oct.1948
TOB 19-45-00
A M M DOD 22 Apr. 2006
Lagna 1s -16d-Om-25s
HL 8s-10d-25m-25s
POB Mahboobnagar
DOB 30 Aug 1927 M A M 26Aug.1986 Lagna 4s-29d-45m-17s ~
TOB 07-16-00 59y- Om- 26d HL 5s-20d-49m-49s "':S.
POB Bulandshahr
28 DOB 31 Mar.1912 A M p DOD 23 Feb. 1975 Lagna 1Os-27d-17m-39s
TOB 05-44-00 62y-10m-22d HL 10s-17d-14m-26s
00 POB Saraikela HL in papkartari in D12
29 DOB 13 Feb. 1929 M p A DOD 9 Jun.1994 Lagna 8s-6d-15m-6s
TOB 04-02-00 65y-3m-26d HL 6s-28d-48m-55s
POB Darbhanga Only benefic Association with HL in D9
HL not associated in 012
30 DOB 15 Apr. 1929 M M M DOD 4 Apr. 1968 Lagna 3s-9d-49m-53s
TOB 11 -29-00 38y-11m-19d HL 5s-27d-53m-27s
POBAtlanta No aspect of jupiter in any D chart
31 DOB 29 May 1917 A M A DOD Sept. 1963 Lagna 5s-29d-2m-18s
TOB 15-09-00 46y-3m HL 10s-8d-5m-21s
POB Brookline Jupiter with HL in D12
32 DOB 27 Feb.1928 p p M DOD Jan. 2007 Lagna 11s-18d-59m-18s
TOB 07-49-23 78y-10m HL Os-4d-53m-43s (1
POB Tel Aviv HL aspected by Mars, Saturn in D3 Ill
lsr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I_ _Re!"arj(s _ _ _ _ ] ~
33 DOB 30 Jan 1882 M p M DOD12 Apr.1945 Lagna 5s-2d-25m-35s
TOB 20-45-00 63y-2m-12d HL Os-22d-9m-51s
POB New York
34 DOB 2 Aug 1899 A M M DOD 28 Feb 1936 Lagna 1s-23d-40m-32s
TOB 01-47-04 36y-6m-26d HL 11s-2d-34m-49s
POB Delhi No association of Jupiter in any D chart with
35 DOB 18 May 1920 p p A DOD 2 Apr.2005 Lagna 6s-5d-37m-25s
TOB 17-30-00 84y-10m-14d HL 1Os-29d-44m-57s
POB Wadowice
36 DOB 15 Nov 1918 A M p DOD 18 May 2002 Lagna 3s-3d-48m-7s
TOB 21-49-26 83y-6m-3d HL 11s-Od-15m-58s
POB srinagar Jupiter in HL in D12 in Own sign
37 DOB 31 Dec.1900 A M p DOD 14 Feb.1974 Lagna 5s-7d-20m-13s
~OB 23-50-00 73y-1m-14d HL 1s-27d-27m-21s
POB Mumbai
38 DOB 1 Dec 1913 p M A DOD 12Apr.1991 Lagna Os-23d 19m-30s Ql
TOB 15-45-18 77y-4m-11d HL 5s-23d-13m-53s <5
POB Allahabad Jupiter aspect HL in D12 ~
Lagna 7s-18d-44m-31s
39 DOB 21 May 1944
TOB 20-20-00
POB Tirupati
M A M 54y
HL 2s-2d-27m-36s
40 DOB 1 Apr 1889 p M M DOD 21 Jun 1940 Lagna 8s-23d-35m-34s r-
TOB 01-13-00 51y-2m-20d HL 6s-20d-35m-53s
POB Nagpur :S.
[sr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks I[
p \§
41 DOB 28 Jan 1897 M M DOD 1945 NC Lagna Os-25d-58m-52s
TOB 11-40-00 48 years HL 3s-10d-8m-16s <Q

POB Cuttack
DOB 14 Dec 1895
TOB 02-37-00
M p A May-52
HL in papkartari in D12
Lagna 6s-4d-36m-24s
HL 4s-9d-19m-7s
POB Cambridoe No malefic connection with HL in D12 r-
43 DOB 18 Feb 1486 A M M DOD 14 Jun 1533 Lagna 4s-5d-16m-33s Jl
TOB 16-43-1 0 47y-3m-26d HL 9s-11d-23m-44s "'
POB Nadia Mars with HL in all D charts
44 DOB 15Aug 1872 p p p DOD 1950 Lagna 3s-21 d-37m-1 Os
TOB 05-00-00 78y HL 3s-11d-17m-29s
CJ> POB Hooohlv
45 DOB 12Aug 1924 p M M DOD 17 Aug 1988 Lagna 1s-24d-57m-06s
iros 01-1s-oo 64 y-Om-Sd H L 1Os-20d-21 m-57 s
POB Jalandhar
46 DOB 12 May 1895 M p p DOD 17 Feb 1986 Lagna 9s-28d-36m-43s
TOB 00-30-00 90y-9m-Sd HL 7s-15d-13m-29s
POB Chennai
47 DOB 5 Jan 1928 M M M DOD 4Apr 1979 Lagna 1s-27d-31 m-32s
TOB 16-29-09 51y-2m-29d HL 6s-19d-34m-51s
48 DOB 5 Sep 1888 p p A DOD 17 Apr 1975 Lagna 5s-7d-55m-55s
TOB 07-05-00 86y-7m-12d HL 5s-26d-32m-26s
POB Tiruttani

jsr. No.j Birth Detail!_
- - -
_I D=!_ I D~ I0121
- --·--~--·~--~------
Age I Remarks I~
49 DOB 22 Jan 1920 M p p Lagna 11s-25d-40m-9s
TOB 11-06-00 HL 1s-29d-13m-50s
POB Tenali
50 DOB 27 Feb. 1927 M A p DOD 27 Jul.2002 Lagna 6s-16d-54m-49s
TOB 23- 06-55 75y-4m-29d HL 2s-11d-41 m-46s
POB Amritsar Jupiter aspect HL in D3
51 DOB 14 May 1948 A p M DOD 18 Mar 2007 Lagna 3s-5d-14m-22s
TOB 9.52.00 58y-10m-4d HL 5s-7d-48m-9s
POB Kanpur Malefic influence on HL in D charts
52 DOB 14 Nov 1935 M A M DOD 8 Feb 1999 Lagna 5s-10d-34m-1s
TOB 02-24-00 63 y-2m-24d HL 3s- 19d-49m-10s
00 POBAmman Jupiter with HL in D3, D12
53 DOB 13 Nov 1928 p M M DOD19 May 1993 Lagna 3s-22d-14m-6s
TOB 22-11-30 64y-6m-6d HL 11s-24d-54m-20s
POB Paris
54 DOB 19Aug 1918 p M p DOD 26 Dec 1999 Lagna 4s-9d-59m-27s §=
TOB 6-34-30 81y-4m-7d HL 4s- 19d-48m-11 s iil
POB Bhopal Iii
55 DOB 25 Sep 1934 p p M DOD Oct. 1995 Lagna 7s-8d-44m-19s !Q

TOB 10-54-12 · 61 years HL 9s- 24d-49m-10s
POB Pratapgarh Mars influence on HL in D charts
56 DOB 8Aug 1912 A p p DOD 20 Dec 1998 Lagna 10s-13d-20m-33s !;
TOB 19-52-30 86y-4m-12d HL 4s-29d-21m-25s g
POB Bangalore 'g
jsr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks j[
57 DOB 20 Apr 1889 M A M DOD 30 Apr 1945 Lagna 6s- 3d-43m-2s <li
TOB 18-34-00 56y-Om-10d HL 11s- 25d-13m-5s
POB Brand ulm
58 DOB 13 Dec 1913 p p M DOD 14Apr 1995 Lagna 9s-2d-32m-35s
TOB 9-59-00 81y-4m-1d HL 10s-22d-21m-10s Q,
POB Sasaram
59 DOB 17 Apr 1916
TOB 15-35-30
M M p DOD 12 Oct 2000
Lagna 4s-23d-17m-39s
HL 9s-14d-36m-9s
60 DOB 18 Mar 1914 A p p DOD 10 Dec 1988 Lagna 2s-9d-59m-20s
TOB 12-22-36 74y- 8m-22d HL 4s-23d-20m-30s
00 POB Dungarpur No jupiter pac with HL
61 DOB 7 May 1861 p M p DOD 7 Aug 1941 Lagna 11s-6d-13m-54s
TOB 02-55-00 BOy- 3m-Od HL 1Os-2d-30m-43s
POB Calcutta
62 DOB 28 Apr 1937 A p M DOD 30 Dec 2006 Lagna 2s-3d-10m-58s
TOB 08-16-00 69y-8m-2d HL 3s-2d-45m-3s
POB Tikrit HL in RKA in D3
63 DOB 14 Mar 1879 M p p DOD 1955 Lagna 2s-17d-45m-55s
TOB 11 -28-00 76y HL 4s-5d-57m-22s
64 DOB 10 Mar 1945 p A M DOD 30 Sep 2001 Lagna 7s-5d-33m-17s
TOB 00-38-50 56y-6m-20d HL 3s-26d-39m-46s
POB Indore Mars Aspect HL in___Q charts n
j__- ~---- ~-

~I __ I!ir!_h _!le_!aiJs __ _I D3I_D9 !_012 L Age I Remarks I~

65 D08 19 Nov 1935 M M A DOD 28 Aug 1998 Lagna 9s-26d-47m-27s

T08 12-47-10 62y-7m-9d HL 1s-16d-44m-50s
POB Jodhpur
66 DOB 12 Feb 1825 A M M DOD 30 Oct 1883 Lagna 5s-3d-10m-14s
ifOB 20-44-40 58y-8m-18d HL Os-4d-52m-31s
POB Morvi
67 D08 25 Jul1912 p M p DOD 8 Jul 1986 Lagna 9s-23d-11m-11s
TOB 19-13-00 73y-11m-13d HL 4s-5d-3m-47s
POB Cuttack
68 DOB 11 Oct 1902 A p p Lagna 8s-7d-10m-36s
TOB 12-15-23 HL 11s-16d-27m-20s
POB Ballia
69 DOB 28 May 1923 A p p DOD 18 Jan 1996 Lagna 6s-19d-38m-47s
TOB 16-45-1 0 72y-7m-20d HL 11s-23d-24m-28s
POB Gudivada
70 DOB 30 Aug 1903 M M p Lagna 8s-14d-19m-55s
TOB 14-48-50 HL 1s-3d-17m-11s ~
POB Unnao ~
71 DOB 16 Sep 1916 M M p DOD 2003 Lagna 6s-19d-35m-44s ~
TOB 09-29-00
87years HL 8s-9d-44m-47s
POB Madurai
72 DOB 17 Jul 1909 p A p DOD 3 Aug 1994 Lagna 1s- 19d-46m-3s g,
TOB 2-59-16 85y- Om-16d HL 11s-20d-7m-33s ,...

--- --·-
POB Udaipur
- - -· --- -· -- - - - -·· -- - - - - - - - - -·. - -- - - -·-· -- -· - -- - -- - ~"'
:S .
lsr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks I~
73 DOB 26 Jul 1856 M p p DOD 2 Nov 1950 Lagna 1s-27d-32m-4s !§_
TOB 00-38-40 94y-3m-6d HL 10s- 6d-16m-36s <o
POB Dublin HL with Mercury in d Charts lJ
p p ~
74 DOB 1 Sep 1896 A DOD 14 Nov 1977 Lagna 9s-5d-1m-17s iD
TOB 15-49-1 0 81y-2m-13d HL 2s-7d-18m-5s sa.
POB Calcutta 0

75 DOB 19 Jul1925 M p M DOD 28 Nov 1995 Lagna 4s-23d-23m-57s "

TOB 09-15-00 70 y-4m-9d HL 6s-16d-40m-3s ~
POB Pratapgarh
76 DOB 7 Mar 1917 A M p 1993 Lagna 7s-20d-1 m-53s
TOB 01-23-10 76 years HL 5s-3d-22m-50s
<X> POB Gaya
77 DOB 2 Oct 1869 p p M DOD 30 Jan 1948 Lagna 6s- 13d-55m-30s
TOB 08-35-32 78y-3m-28d HL 7s-18d-9m-57s
POB Porbandar Malefic afflict HL with Jupiter
78 DOB 29 Dec 1856 p A M DOD 3 Feb 1924 Lagna 5s-16d-17m-44s
TOB 00-25-00 67y-1m-4d HL 2s-17d-29m-17s
POB Staunton
79 DOB 1 Sep 1923 p p M DOD 24 Oct 2004 Lagna 1s-Od-46m-13s
TOB 22-21-00 81y-1m-23d HL 8s-3d-1 Om-59s
POB Meerut
80 DOB 6 Oct 1885 p M M DOD 5 Nov 1943 Lagna 3s-12d-Om-41s
TOB 01-36-00 57y-Om-29d HL Os-24d-12m-32s
POB 72E58,20N30 Saturn in D3 and D9 ()

lsr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks I ~iii
81 DOB 27 Dec 1953 A A A DOD Sept. 1974 Lagna 1Os-8d-31 m-18s
TOB 10-42-00 20y-9m HL Os-11d-47m-55s
POBAmbala HL afflicted in D3,D9.D12
82 DOB 8 Sep 1992 M A A Died in 4 hours Lagna 2s-2d-48m-7s
TOB 23-28-00 HL 10s-17d-35m-22s
POB Calcutta
83 DOB 8 May 1979 p A A DOD 8 May 2005 Lagna 9s-14d-46m-Os
TOB 00-20-00 26 years HL 6s-24d-51m-56s
POB Bangalore
84 DOB 11 May 1941 M M p DOD 5 Feb 2007 Lagna 5s-15d-47m-22s
TOB 15-46-00 65y-8m-24d HL 10s Od-58m-1s
<0 POBDelhi
85 DOB 1 Jan 1914 A A M DOD 13 Sep 1944 Lagna 4s-27d-13m-31s
TOB 22-16-00 30y-8m-2d HL 1s-10d-Om-2s
L___ EQBMoscow --- -- --- - I


lsr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age L_ Remarks I~
86 DOB 2 May 1921
TOB 05-15-0
A M p DOD 23 Apr 1992
Qagna -13 -36-05
HL 0 5-10-57-59

POB Calcutta ~
87 DOB 1 Jun 1929 M M A DOD 3 May 1981 Lagna 1-14-14-20 (i)

TOB 05-07-00 51y-11m-2d HL 1-12-29-08 Q.

POB Calcutta
88 DOB 14 Dec 1924 M p M DOD 2 Jun 1988 Lagna 3-14-48-33 ~
TOB 21-00-00 63y-5m-18d HL 10-26-51-02 ~
POB Peshawar
89 DOB 5 May 1955 M M p DOD 3 Dec 1997 Lagna 0-6-45-44
TOB 04-59-00 42y-6m-28d HL 11-28-26-3
~ POB Delhi Mars in HL in D12
90 DOB 31 Oct 1857 A M p DOD 30 Dec 1950 Lagna 0-17-19-43
TOB 17-55-00 75y-2m-0 HL 6-17-1-32
POB Nadiad
91 DOB 29 July 1954 p M A DOD 31 Dec 2001 Lagna 5-9-16-56
TOB 10-24-00 47y-5m-2d HL 7-7-28-39
POB 72E50, 18N58
92 DOB 7 Aug 1930 p A p DOD 30 Mar 2005 Lagna 4-25-37-00
TOB 08-35-00 74y-7m-23d HL 6-4-45-29
POB Hissar Ketu in HL in D12
93 DOB 24 Aug 1908 A A A DOD 23 Mar 1930 Lagna 6-21-35-50
TOB 10-50-00 22y-6m-29d HL 9-8-35-10 n
POB 85EOO, 17N59
lsr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks I[
94 DOB 18 Oct 1901 A p p DOD 22 Jul1974 Lagna 7-24-45-45 "'
TOB 10-53-00 72y-9m-4d HL 10-17-12-40
POB 74E22, 31 N32
95 DOB 23 Sept 1916 A p A DOD 11 Feb 1968 Lagna 8-21-25-36
TOB 13-58-00 51y-4m-16d HL 1-1-34-00
POB 77EOO, 27N20 Jup Exalted aspect HL in D9
96 DOB 10 Dec 1878 p p A DOD Oct 1972 Lagna 7-16-22-01
TOB 05-40-00 93y-10m HL 7-8-1-50
POB Salem JupAspect HL in 012
97 DOB 12 Dec 1905 p A p DOD 28 Sep 2004 Lagna 6-9-42-0
TOB 03-44-00 98y-9m-16d HL 4-22-9-54
N POB Lahore
98 DOB 25 Oct 1946 A p M DOD 11 Jun 2000 Lagna 0-15-40-18
TOB 18-0-00 53y-7m-16 HL 6-17-47-6
POB Dadri
93 DOB 23 Jun 1953 M p A DOD 27 Dec 2007 Lagna 6-24-38-38 s:01
TOB 16-01-00 54y-6m-4d HL 11-9-26-28 Cli
POB Karanchi §
100 DOB 17 Mar 1962 A A M DOD 16 Jan 2001 Lagna 1-10-15-10
TOB 10-01-00 40y-9m-29d HL 2-17-22-18 ~
POB Karnal <D


lsr. No.I Birth Details Lo~l I
09 0121_ A~ J H-- Remarks I~

1 DOB 22 NOV 1923 p A p 84 years Lagna 3s-4d-7m-57s §=
TOB 21-37-00 HL 10s-25d-2Bm-15s
POB Sikar
2 DOB 12 Oct 1931 A M p 76 years Lagna 6s-21d-53m-9s
TOB 07-55-22 HL 7s-24d-58m-1s Q.
POB Machilipatanam Jupiter with all D chart .-g
3 DOB 11 Oct 1942 M M p 65 years Lagna 1Os-2d-34m-31 s 'al
TOB 16-02-00 HL 3s-3d-44m-30s ~
POB Allahabad
4 DOB 19 Aug 1946 p M p 61 years Lagna 5s-7d-56m-15s
TOB 08-29-00 HL 6s-19d-40m-Os
<0 POB Atlanta
5 DOB 7 Apr 1920 p A p 87 years Lagna 2s-5d-42m-11s
TOB 10-13-00 HL 4s-3d-52m-41s
POB Varanasi Juoiter asoect HL 03, 012
6 DOB 17 Jan 1942 M p p 65 years Lagna 3s-26d-29m-7s
TOB 18-35-00 HL 10s-19d-29m-59s
POB Louisville
7 DOB 21 Apr 1926 p p p 81 years Lagna 9s-1d-13m-7s
TOB 02-48-00 HL 8s-11d-37m-15s
POB London
8 DOB 21 Jan 1932 p p p 75 years Lagna 5s-11d-54m-31s
TOB 23-01-00 HL 1s-20d-15m-48s ()
POB Rawalpindi ::r
lsr.No.l BirthDetails I D31 0910121 -
Age -
- -- -- ---·
__ Rc~marks
- · - · · -
9 008 27 Feb1932 M p p 75 years Lagna 7s-16d-46m-50s "'
TOB 02-14-10 HL 6s-5d-59m-1s
POB London
10 008 25 Jun 1931 p p M 76 years Lagna 3s-13d-21m-45s
TOB 07-51-00 HL 4s-18d-36m-56s
POB Allahabad
11 008 18 Oct 1925 p p p 82 years Lagna 5s-11d-54m-5s
TOB 04-50-00 HL 4s- 21 d-27m-1 s
POB Nainital
12 008 28 Sep 1929 M p p 78 years Lagna 1s-29d-42m-49s
TOB 22-44-59 HL 10s-6d-30m-32s
<0 POB Indore
13 OOB 1 Oct 1924 M p M 83 years Lagna 6s-3d-17m-49s
TOB 07-0-0 HL 7s-Od-10m-32s
POB Plains No malefic with HL
14 00816 Apr 1927 p p p 80 years Lagna 10s-24d-22m-9s §:
TOB 04-10-30 HL 10s-19d-50m-47s Ol
POB Marktl 1ii
15 008 18 Jul1935 p p M 72 years Lagna 9s-2d-45m-35s
TOB 18-39-21 HL 3s-1d-51m-24s
POB Tanjuvur
16 OOB 8 Nov 1927 M M p 80 years Lagna 7s-3d-24m-46s I g,
TOB 08-09-48 HL 7s-22d-45m-29s r-
POB Karanchi ~upiter aspect HL in 09 I
I ~S.
lsr. No.I Birth Details I 03 I 09 I0121 Age I Remarks I~
p p 05
74 years
17 008 15 May 1933
TOB 03-27-00
M Lagna 11 s-16d-39m-40s
HL 10s-9d-12m-33s
POB Palghat "'"0
18 008 12 Jun 1924 M p p 83years Lagna 4s-16d-1m-57s ~
TOB 10-02-00 HL 6s-29d-58m-35s g,
POB Milton 0
19 DOB 13 Oct 1925 p p M 82years Lagna 6s-22d-28m-30s ~
rJ"OB 08-59-30 HL 8s-23d-17m-27s .;;-
P08 Grantham
20 008 24 Dec 1924 M M p 83 years Lagna 7s-21 d-50m-53s
T08 05-45-00 HL 7s-5d-45m-42s
co POB Gwalior No rt1alefic with HL in 09
Ul --
'. -


Birth details
DOB 19 November 1917; POB Allahabad; TOB 23.11.00; Date
of death 30 October 1984. Lived for 66 years 11 months 11 days.

Jup Ket

Case 1 SatRd
AD 23:11:00 hrs MD
Moon Allahabad Mar

Rah Sun
Ven Mer

Lagna Sun Moon Mers Mercury Jupiter

27°22'22" 4°7'31" 5°35'17" 16°22'30" 13°13'46" 15°0'6"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
21°0'19" 21°47'14" 09°12'17" Sat Sat


Sun Sa!Rd
Case 1
Lag Trishamsha MD
AD Mar
Rah Ket

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Mer Lag

Case 1
Rah Ven

Moon Jup

Date of birth- 19 Nov. 1917
Time of birth- 23.11.00 Hrs.
Place of birth - Allahabad
TimeofsunsetOn 19Nov.1917-17 H-12M-26S
Time of sunrise on 20 Nov. 191 7 - 6 H- 23 M- 08 S
Longitude of sun at birth -7 S- 4 D- 7 M- 31 S
Step 1; the birth is In nighttime so we will calculate the duration
of night.
Step 2; the duration of night is time of sunrise (next day)- time of
= 6 H- 23 M- 08 S H 17 H - 12 M- 26 S
= 13 H-10M-42S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 1 H - 5 M - S3.5 S (this is H.
The duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunset to birth time is
=23H-11 M-OS H 17H-12M-26S
= 5 H- 58 M- 34 S
Step S; Number of hora passed

S H-S8M-34S

1 H - 5 M- 53.5 S
= 5.44176
Step 6; Five hora has passed. The degrees crossed in 5'h hora are
= 13 D- 15 M-10 S. The hora passed till birth is 5 S-13 D- 15

Graha BaJa .,

Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Mooltrikona 22.5 15 22.5 15 7.5 15 7.5
Karaka 3.75 7.5 30 15 22.5 45 60
Kendriya 30 60 30 30 30 15 60
Kartari 00 00 00 00 00 60 00
Adhipati 60 00 00 60 60 60 60
Total 116.25 82.5 82.5 120 120 195 187.5

Rashi BaJa
Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 22.5 00 60 30 00 00 3.75 45 7.5 00 00
Sthana 00 60 60 60 60 00 00 75 75 60 00 00 §=
Aspect 00 60 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 ~
Mercury 60 00 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 00
Own lord
Strength of
120 0
Total --·-
217.~ 367.5 240 337.5 236.25 180 270 266.25 300 390 277.5 180 i"'·
Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Sludy

Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 7 S- 4 D- 7 M- 31 S.

Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get OS- 17 D- 22 M- 41 S.
The hora lagna at birth Is 1 S- 17 D- 22 M- 41 S.

Dreshkana Lagna- Pisces, Hora Lagna- Leo gives Poornaayu
Navamsha Lagna- Pisces, Hora Lagna- Virgo gives Madhyaayu
Dwadamsha Lagna-Tauras, Hora Lagna- Libra gives Madhyaayu
We get a majority of Madhyaayu. The life span block Is 36 to 72
years. Dreshkana Indicate Poornaayu. The death will be In S'h to S'h
dasha of NSD. No block gives Alpayu. Hora lagna Is aspected by
Jupiter in Navamsha. There Is no malefic association with Hora lagna
in 03, D9 or 012. Thus It will be poorna Madhyayu.
Caprlcon Is stronger than Cancer. The NSD will start from
Caprlcon. The dasha sequence Is,
Table- NSD
NSD From To
Capri con 19 Nov. 1917 19 Nov. 1926
Aquarius 19 Nov. 1926 19 Nov. 1935
Pisces 19 Nov. 1935 19 Nov. 1944
Aries 19 Nov. 1944 19 Nov. 1953
Tauras 19 Nov. 1953 19 Nov. 1962 5th dasa
Gemini 19 Nov. 1962 19 Nov. 1971 6th dasa
Cancer 19 Nov. 1971 19 Nov.1980 7th dasa
Leo 19 Nov. 1980 19 Nov. 1989 8th dasa

At the time of death Leo mahadasha was operative. We now

workout the sub periods of this mahadasha.
Leo Mahadasa/Sub periods
Sub periods From To
Leo 19 Nov 1980 19 Aug. 1981
Virgo 19 Aug 1981 19 May 1982
Libra 19 May 1982 19 Feb 1983
Scorpio 19 Feb 1983 19 Nov 1983
Sagittarius 19 Nov 1983 19 Aug 1984
Capri con 19Aug 1984 19 May 1985

Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Dasha NSD
Tauras is the fifth dasha. The dasha periods of Tauras, Gemini,
Cancer and Leo will operate in Madhyaayu span. Now see the
ayuamsha. In these four dasha periods Leo is the last dasha of
Madhyaayu span. In Trishamsha, Rahu and Ketu are in 6'h from Leo.
Leo has violent planet mars in it. In birth chart Leo again have mars
without any benefic aspect. So Leo can be harmful.
We look in the Trlshamsha chart for selection of sub period and
we find Caprlcon Is the worst afflicted. In ayuamsha also, Capricon is
the 6'h dasha from Leo and has Rahu.
The marakas in the birth chart are,
a. Leo and Capricon
b. Sun and Saturn
c. Mars and Moon
At the time of death, the dasha was Leo/Capricon. All the
conditions are fulfilled in birth chart, Trishamsha and ayuamsha. In
birth chart, Major period is In zoo house and is with Mars. The sub
period Is in 7h house and with moon and aspected by Saturn. In
Trlshamsha MD is with Mars and AD aspected by Saturn. In ayuamsha,
MD Is aspected by mars and AD is not related to any of Saturn, Moon
or mars. The Trishamsha is the death-giving chart with death in as a
mishap. Saturn is the Rudra of the chart and influences the AD in Dl
and D30.

Case 2

Birth details
DOB 14 December 1946; POB Delhi; TOB 9.24.44; Date of death
23 June 1980. Lived for 33 years 6 months 9 clays.

Rah AD

Lag 9.24.44am. Moon

Mar Sun Rd MD
Mer Jup
Ket Ven

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

0°48'2'' 28°26'51" 12°28'43" 4°24'25" 8°19'10" 23°52'54"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
24°39'44" 15°16'08" 18°35'20" Sun Mer

Jup Moon AD
Ven Rah Mer
Sun Rd

Sat Mar


Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Jup Lag



Moon MD Mer
Sun Rd
Sat Rah

Date of birth - 14 Dec. 1946
Time of birth - 9.24.44 Hrs.
Place of birth - Delhi
TlmeofsunsetOn 14Dec.1946= 17H-24M-57S
Time of sunrise on 14 Dec. 1946 = 7 H- 5 M- 49 S
Longitude of sun at birth = 7 S- 28 D- 26 M- 51 S
Step 1: the birth Is In daytime so we will calculate the duration of
Step 2: the duration of day Is time of sunset - time of sunrise
= 17 H-24M-57S (-) 7 H-5M-49S
= 10H-19M-8S
Step 3: Divide this by 12. We get 0 H- 51 M- 35.66 S (this Is H.
The duration of one hora)
Step 4: the time elapsed from sunset to birth time Is
=9H-24M-44S (-)7H-5M-49S
Step 5; Number of hora passed
2 H-18M-55 S

0 H- 51 M- 35.66 S
= 2.69247
Step 6; Two hora has passed. The degrees crossed In 3'd hora are
0.69247 x30
= 20 D-46 M-27 S. The hora passed till birth is 2 S-20 D-46
Step 7: Longitude of sun at birth was 7 S- 28 D- 26M- 51 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get 1OS - 19 D- 13 M - 18 S.

Graha Bala §=
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

15 7.5
Kartari 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 g
Adhipati 60 00 00 60 60 60 60 'a1
Total 202.5 97.5 56.25 142.5 112.5 150 105

Rashi Bala

"' Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 00 00 22.5 15 00 45 60 3.75 00 00 00
30 7.5
Sthana 00 60 00 60 60 00 75 90 60 00 00 00
Aspect 00 60 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00
Mercury 60 00 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 00
Own lord 00 60 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 60 00
Strength of 56.25 150 142.5 97.5 202.5 142.5 150 56.25 112.5 105 105 112.5
Total 131.5 360 202.5 255 367.5 202.5 435 302.75 236.25 180 255 172.5

Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

The hora lagna at birth is 10 S- 19 0 - 13 M- 18 S.

Oreshkana lagna - Caprlcon, Hora lagna - Gemini, gives
Navamsha lagna - Capricon, Hora lagna - Pisces, gives
Dwadamsha lagna- Capricon, Hora lagna- Virgo gives Alpayu
We get Alpayu in all divisional charts. The life span block is 00 to
36 years. There Is no malefic association with hora lagna in 012. In
03, hora lagna has mixed association including Jupiter and Mars.
Mars indicate suddenness. The death will be In 1st to 4'h dasha of
NSO. Thus it will be ending of Alpayu.
Cancer is stronger than Capricon. The NSD will start from
Cancer. The dasha sequence is,

At the time of death Libra mahadasha was operative. We

Table -NSD
NSD From To
Cancer 14 Dec. 1946 14 Dec. 1955
Leo 14 Dec. 1955 14 Dec. 1964
Virgo 14 Dec. 1964 14 Dec. 1973
Libra 14 Dec. 1973 14 Dec. 1982

will now workout the sub periods for this mahadasha.

Libra Mahadasa/ Sub periods

Sub periods From To
Libra 14 Dec. 1973 14 Sep. 1974
Scorpio 14 Seo. 1974 14 Jun. 1975
Sagittarius 14 Jun. 1975 14 Mar. 1976
Cap_ricon 14 Mar. 1976 14 Dec. 1976
Aquarius 14 Dec. 1976 14 Sep. 1977
Pisces 14 SeQ. 1977 14 Jun. 1978
Aries 14 Jun. 1978 14 Mar. 1979
Tauras 14 Mar. 1979 14 Dec. 1979
Gemini 14 Dec. 1979 14 Sep. 1980

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Sludy

Dasha NSD
Libra is the Fourth dasha and is the last dasha of short span of
life. The dasha periods of Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra will operate in
Aipayu span. Now see the ayuamsha. Libra has Rahu/ Ketu along
with Sun and Saturn making it very malefic sign. We look in the
Trishamsha chart Libra is aspected by Saturn and Rahu is in 7'h. In
birth chart, Gemini is in papa Kartarl and aspected by mars. The
· marakas of the chart are, Aquarius, Cancer, Saturn and moon. Rudra
is Sun. In birth chart none of the conditions are seen. In Trlshamsha,
MD is aspected by Saturn and moon and Rudra is in trine. AD is in
trine to sun, the Rudra. In ayuamsha, MD is with Saturn and sun and
AD is aspected by moon.


Birth details
DOB 20 August t 944; POB Mumbal; TOB 8. t 0.55; Date of death
2 t May t 99 t . Lived for 46 years 9 months t day.

AD Sat

Case3 Rah
MD Lag
Ket 8:10:55 hrs unMoon
Mumbal VenJup


Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

14°35'09" 3°49'28" 17°09'15" 1°11'57" 28°34'21" 12°12'13"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
18°39'26" 14°13'11" 4°24'17" Mer Jup

AD Jup Sat

Rah Sun
MD Mer

Mar Ven Moon

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

AD Sun

Rah Ket
MD Mar

Jup Lag
Ven MerRd

Date of birth- 20 Aug. 1944
Time of birth- 8.10.55 Hrs.
Place of birth- Mumbal
Time of sunset On 20 Aug. 1944 = 20 H - 2 M- 3 S
Time of sunrise on 20 Aug. 1944 = 7 H- 20 M- 53 S
Longitude of sun at birth = 4 S- 3 D - 49 M - 28 S
Step 1; the birth Is In daytime so we will calculate the duration of
Step 2; the duration of day Is time of sunset -time of sunrise
= 20H-2M-3 S (-) 7 H-20M-53 S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 1 H - 3M- 25.83 S (this Is H.
The duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunset to birth time ls
= 8 H- 10 M- 55S (-) 7 H- 20 M- 53 S
Step 5; Number ofhora passed

1 H- 3 M- 25.83 S
Step 6; First hora is running. The degrees crossed In 1" hora are
0. 788789 X 30
= 23 D- 39 M- 49 S. The hora passed till birth is 0 S- 23 D -39
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 4 S- 3 D- 49 M- 28 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunrise to the longitude of

Planet Sun Moon Mars
Graha Bala
Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Mooltrikona 30 22.5 7.5 22.5 22.5 7.5 22.5
Karaka 7.5 30 3.75 60 15 45 22.5
Kendriya 60 60 30 60 60 60 30
Kartari 60 60 00 60 60 60 00
Adhipati 00 00 60 60 60 60 60
Total 157.5 172.5 101.25 262.5 217.5 232.5 135

Rashi Bala
o:> Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 00 22.5 00 7.5,30 3.75 00 00 00 00 00 00
Sthana 00 00 60 60 120 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 §:
00 iil
Aspect 60 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 60 00 ;-;;
Jupiter :3·
Mercury 60 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 ""~
Own lord 00 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 ::::
Strength of 101.25 232.5 262.5 172.5 157.5 262.5 232.5 101.25 217.5 135 135 217.5
Total 236.2~ 262.5 405 247.5 645__ - 386.25 427.5 131.25 277.5 330 165 277.5
Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

sun we get 4S- 27 D- 29M- 17 S.

The hora lagna at birth Is 4 S- 27 D- 29M- 17 S.

Dreshkana lagna- Sagittarius, Hora lagna- Aries, gives Alpayu
Navamsha lagna-leo, Hora lagna- Sagittarius, gives Poornaayu
Dwadamsha lagna - Capricon, Hora lagna - Gemini, gives
It is very interesting case. The recorded time of birth is 8. 11 .00
AM. It gives Poornaayu in Dwadamsha. By reducing only 5 seconds in
birth time it is Alpayu for Dwadamsha. We get Alpayu twice and
Poornaayu once. Hora iagna in birth chart, Dreshkana and Dwadamsha
is aspected by a strong Jupiter. The block of life span will be more than
Aipayu. The hora lagna is associated with benefic and as such we can
expect a Madhyaayu life. The life span block is 36 to 72 years. The
death will be in S'h to S'h dasha of NSD.
leo is stronger than Aquarius. The NSD will start from leo. The
dasha sequence is,
Table- NSD
NSD From To
Leo 20 AUQ. 1944 20 AuQ. 1953
Virgo 20 Aug. 1953 20 Aug. 1962
Libra 20 Aug. 1962 20 Aug. 1971
Scorpio 20 Aug. 1971 20 Aug. 1980
Sagittarius 20 Aug. 1980 20 Auo. 1989
Capricon 20 Aug. 1989 20 Aug. 1998

At the time of death Capricon mahadasha was operative. We

now workout the sub periods of this mahadasha.

Capricon Mahadasa/Sub periods

Sub periods From To
Capricon 20Aug.1989 20 May 1990
Aquarius 20 May. 1990 20 Feb. 1991
Pisces 20 Feb. 1991 20 Nov. 1991

Dasha NSD
Sagittarius Is the Fifth dasha and Capricon is the sixth dasha.
Now see the ayuamsha. in Sagittarius Rahu/ Ketu and Saturn are in
S'h from dasha. From Capricon Rahu/ Ketu and Saturn are in 7'h. Both
have the potential to kill. Here Capricon is the sixth house of birth

Case Study Unravelling Puzzla of Longevity

chart. In ayuamsha Sagittarius gets no aspect of Saturn but Caprlcon

gets aspect Saturn and Is the decider. We look In the Trlshamsha
chart for selection of sub period and we Hnd Pisces Is aspected by
Saturn. Rahu/ Ketu are In 12'h from Pisces. In birth chart Pisces Is
aspected by mars giving sudden end. The marakas are mars, mercury
and Saturn. In birth chart only AD is aspected by mars. In ayuamsha
AD has mars and mercury In 6'h and EJh house and Is aspected by


Birth details
DOB 14 November 1889; POB Allahabad; TOB 23.05.00; Date of
death 27 May 1964. Lived for 74years 6 months 13 days.


Case4 Lag
Birth Chart Moon
11:03 pm Sat

Jup Sun Mer Mar

Ket Ven

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

24°47'32" 0°16'11" 17°56'51" 9°58'59" 17°08'48" 15°10'30"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
7"21'41" 10°47'40" 11°26'41" Sat Sat


Case4 Jup

Ven Lag
Sun Mer

Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Mar Sun Mer Ven
Sat Rd


Jup Rah

Date of birth- 14 Nov. 1889
Time of birth- 23.05 Hrs.
Place of birth- Allahabad
Time of sunset On 14 Nov. 1889-17 H-4M-48S
Time of sunrise on 15 Nov. 1889-6 H- 11 M- 7 S
longitude of sun at birth -7 S- 0 D- 16M- 11 S
Step 1; the birth is in nighttime so we will calculate the duration
of night.
Step 2; the duration of night is time of sunrise (next day)- time of
=6H-11 M-07S(-) 17H-4M-48S
= 13H-6M-19S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 1 H- 5 M- 31.58 S (this is H.
The duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunset to birth time is
= 23 H -OS M- 0 S (-) 17 H - 4 M- 48 S
Step 5; Number of hora passed

1 H-5M-31.58S
= 5.497022
Step 6; Five hora has passed. The degrees crossed in S'h hora are
0.497022 X 30
= 14 D- 54 M-38 S. The hora passed till birth is 5 S-14 D- 54
Step 7; longitude of sun at birth was 7 S- 0 D- 16M- 11 S.

Planet Sun Moon Mara
Graha Bala
Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Mooltrikona 22.5 30 7.5 22.5 30 30 7.5 ~
Karaka 3.75 60 15 45 30 7.5 22.5 ~
Kendriya 30 60 15 60 15 60 30 Q,
Kartari 00 00 00 60 00 60 60
Adhlpatl 00 00 60 60 60 60 00 ~
Total 56.25 150 97.5 247.5 135 217.5 120 ~

Rashi Bala
w Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 00 00 60 22.5 15 45 3.75 30 00 00 00
Sthana 00 00 60 60 60 60 75 60 75 00 00 00
Aspect 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60
Mercury 00 60 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00
Own lord 00 60 00 60 00 00 60 00 60 60 00 60
Strangth of 97.5 217.5 247.5 150 56.25 247.5 217.5 97.5 135 120 120 135
Total 112.5 367.5 427.5 345 228.75 442.5 280 191.25 420 195 210 315 ~
Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of

sun we get OS- 15 D -10 M- 49 S.
The hora lagna at birth is 0 S- 15 D- 10 M- 49 S.

Dreshkana Lagna- Pisces, Hora Lagna- Leo gives Poornaayu
Navamsha Lagna- Aquarius, Hora Lagna- Leo gives Aipayu
Dwadamsha Lagna- Aries, Hora Lagna- Libra gives Poornaayu
We get a majority of Poornaayu. The life span block is 72 to 108
years. The death will be in 9h to 12'h dasha of NSD. Navamsha
indicate Alpayu. jupiter is assodated with ail hora iagna in ail three
divisional charts.
Cancer is stronger than Capricon. The NSD will start from
Cancer. The dasha sequence is,

Table -NSD
NSD From To
Cancer 14 Nov. 1889 14 Nov. 1898
Leo 14 Nov. 1898 14 Nov. 1907
Virgo 14 Nov.1907 14 Nov. 1916
Libra 14 Nov. 1916 14 Nov. 1925
Scorpio 14 Nov. 1925 14 Nov. 1934
Sagittarius 14 Nov. 1934 14 Nov. 1943
Capri con 14 Nov. 1943 14 Nov. 1952
Aquarius 14 Nov. 1952 14 Nov. 1961
Pisces 14 Nov. 1961 14 Nov. 1970
At the time of death Pisces mahadasha was operative. We will
now workout the sub periods of this mahadasha.
Pisces Mahadasa/Sub periods
Sub periods From To
Pisces 14 Nov. 1961 14 Aug. 1962
Aries 14 Aug. 1962 14 May. 1963
Tauras 14 May. 1963 14 Feb. 1963
Gemini 14 Feb. 1963 14 Nov. 1964
Pisces is the ninth dasha. Now see the ayuamsha. In ayuamsha
Pisces is aspected by Saturn. Rahu/Ketu are in 7'h from Pisces. The AD
was of Gemini, which has, Saturn placed in it. Saturn is afflicting the
dasha in 0108 and not in 030 and it natural death. The sub period

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Gemini is not associated with mars in birth chart. Rahu is placed in it

and aspected by jupiter. It gave Illness. Saturn Is Rudra. The marakas
are Saturn and sun. No relation of sun is seen with MD or AD. Most of
the responsibility is taken by Saturn.


Birth details
DOB 2 August 1899; POB Delhi; TOB 01.47.04; Date of death 28
February 1936. Lived for 36 years 06 months 26 days.

Moon Ket

CaseS Ven
Birth Chart Sun
2Aug 1899
01:47:04 MerRd

Rah Sat(R) Jup AD

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

23°40'32" 16°50'33" 24"45'55" 4"59'11" 10041'20" 9"38'55"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
4°28'38" 24"55'29" 6°29'13" Mer Jup

Sun Case 5

Moon Rah
Ket AD

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Rah Sun Lag MerRd



Moon Sat

Date of birth - 2 August 1889
Time of birth- 01.47.04 Hrs.
Place of birth - Delhi
Time of sunset On 1 Aug. 1889- 19 H- 11 M- 01 S
Time of sunrise on 2 Aug. 1889- 5 H- 42 M- 38 S
Longitude of sun at birth - 3 S- 16 D - 50 M- 33 S
Step 1; the birth is in nighttime so we will calculate the duration
of night.
Step 2; the duration of night is time of sunrise (next day)- time of
= 5 H- 42 M- 38 S (-) 19 H- 11 M- 01 S
= 10H-31 M-37S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 0 H- 52 M- 38 S (this is H. The
duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunset to birth time is
=01 H-47M-04S (-) 19H-11 M-OtS
Step 5; Number of hora passed

0 H-52 M-38S
= 7.5245
Step 6; seven hora have passed. The degrees crossed in 8'h hora
are 0.5245 x 30
= 15 D- 44 M- 6 S. The hora passed till birth is 7 S- 15 D- 44
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 3 S- 16 D- 50 M- 53 S.

Graha Bala 2:
Planet Sun
Mooltrikona 22.5 45 7.5 22.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Karaka 30 60 7.5 22.5 15 3.75 45
Kendriya 15 60 30 60 15 15 60
Kartarl 00 00 00 60 60 00 00
Adhlpatl 60 00 60 00 00 60 60
Total 127.5 165 105 .
165 -
- _97.5_ - 86.25 172.5

Rashi Bala
Cll Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 60 00 3.75 22.5 7.5 15 45 00 00 00 00
Sthana 00 60 60 75 60 60 60 60 60 00 00 00
Aspect 00 60 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00
Jupiter ~

Mercury 60 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 60 00 00
Own lord 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 ~
Strength of 105 86.25 165 165 127.5 165 86.25 105 97.5 172.5 172.5 97.5 ~
Total 180 356.25 285 343.75 360 292.5 296.25 240 217.5 307.5 262.5 157.5 r--

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of

sun we get 11 S- 2 D- 34 M- 59 S.
The hora lagna at birth is 11 5 - 2 D - 34 M- 59 S.

Dreshkana Lagna- Capricon, Hora Lagna- Pisces gives Alpayu
Navamsha Lagna- Leo, Hora lagna- Cancer gives Madhyaayu
Dwadamsha Lagna - Aquarius, Hora Lagna - Aries gives
Madhyaayu ·
We get a maJority of Madhyaayu. The life span block Is 36 to 72
years. jupiter is not associated with Hora lagna in any of above
divisional charts. It has malefk lnHuence in D12 and D3. The death will
be In 5'h to S'h dasha of NSD. Thus It will be Madhyaayu only as there
Is no addition of years by benefic. .
Tauras Is stronger than Scorpio. The NSD will start from Tauras.
The dasha sequence Is,
Table- NSD
NSD From To
Tau res 2Aug 1899 2 Aug 1908
Gemini 2Aug 1908 2Aug 1917
Cancer 2Aug 1917 2 Aug 1926
Leo 2Aug 1926 2 Aug 1935
Virgo 2 Aug 1935 2 Aug 1944 5th dasa

At the time of death VIrgo mahadasha and Virgo antardasha

was operative.

For Madhyaayu span, Virgo is the first dasha. Saturn Is placed
there In ayuamsha chart. Rahu and Ketu are In 7'h from Virgo. Mars is
also placed In Virgo In birth chart. The end was painful. The marakas
are Ketu, Saturn, mercury and mars. Virgo is both MD and AD. Mars Is
placed in Virgo In D1 and D30 and aspects Virgo In ayuamsha.


Birth details
DOB 23 December 1902; POB Baghpat; TOB 07.23.00; Date of
death 23 May 1987. Lived for 84 years OS months 0 days.


Birth Chart
23 Dec 1902
AD 07:23am
Sat Rd Baghpat
Sun MD
Ven Rah Moon
Mer Mar

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

11°40'46" 7°48'43" 22"37'41" 8°47'55" 13°48'19" 23°59'20"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
13°36'02" 4°16'0" 0°24'22" Sat Sun

Lag Rah Ven Mar

Ket Mer

AD Moon

Sun Jup

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Ven Rah Jup

Moon Sun

Mar Lag MD

Date of birth- 23 December 1902
Time of birth- 07.23.00 Hrs.
Place of birth - Baghpat
Time of sunset On 23 Dec. 1902- 17 H - 19 M- 06 S
Time of sunrise on 23 Dec. 1902 - 1 H - 02 M- 42 S
Longitude of sun at birth - 8 S- 07 D- 48 M- 43 S
Step 1; the birth is in daytime so we will calculate the duration of
Step 2; the duration of day is time of sunset- time of sunrise
= 17 H- 19M- 06 S (-} 07 H- 02 M- 42 S
= 10H-16M-24S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 0 H- 51 M- 22 S (this is H. The
duration of one hora}
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunrise to birth time Is
=07H-23M-OOS (-}07H-02M-42S
Step 5; Number of hora passed

OH-51 M-22S
Step 6; First hora after sunrise is running. The degrees crossed in
1st hora are 0.3952 x 30
= 11 D- 51 M- 21 S. The hora passed till birth is 0 S- 11 D- 51
M-21 S
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 8 S- 7 D- 48 M- 43 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get 85-19 D_-40 M-4 S.

Planet Sun Moon Mars
Graha Bala
Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Mooltrikona 22.5 22.5 7.5 15 3.75 15 30
Karaka 7.5 45 15 30 60 22.5 3.75
Kendriya 15 15 15 15 60 15 60
Kartari 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Adhipati 60 00 60 60 60 60 00
Total -
_105- _ __Jl?.S- 97.5 --
120 183.75 112.5 93.75

Rashi Bala
Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 00 00 00 00 45 00 00 7.5.30 60 00 00
15 22.5 3.75
Sthana 60 00 00 00 00 75 60 00 90 75 00 00 §:
Aspect 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 60 00 00
Jupiter l
Mercury 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 l!
Own lord 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 ~
Strength of 97.5 112.5 120 82.5 105 120 112.5 97.5 183.75 93.75 93.75 183.75 ,....

Total -
172.5 202.5 L_~OQ_ L 97.5 195 L_435_ 187.5
L 187.5 453.75 367.5 123.75 303.5'
Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

The hora lagna at birth Is 8 S - t 9 D- 40 M- 4 S.

Dreshkana Lagna- Aries, Hora Lagna- Aries gives Poornaayu
Navamsha Lagna- Cancer, Hora lagna- Virgo gives Alpayu
Dwadamsha Lagna- Aries, Hora Lagna- Cancer gives Poornaayu
We get a majority of Poornaayu. The life span block is 72 to t 08
years. Jupiter Is not associated with Hora lagna in any of above
divisional charts. It has malefic Influence in 012 and 09. The death will
be In S'h to t 2'h dasha of NSD. There Is benefic association with hora
lagna In D3.
Sagittarius Is stronger than Gemini. The NSD will start from
Sagittarius. The dasha sequence is,
Table- NSD
NSD From To
Sagittarius 23 Dec. 1902 23 Dec. 1911
Capri con 23 Dec. 1911 23 Dec. 1920
Aquarius 23 Dec. 1920 23 Dec. 1929
Pisces 23 Dec. 1929 23 Dec. 1938
Aries 23 Dec. 1938 23 Dec. 1947
Tauras 23 Dec. 1947 23 Dec. 1956
Gemini 23 Dec. 1956 23 Dec. 1965
Cancer 23 Dec. 1965 23 Dec. 1974
Leo 23 Dec. 1974 23 Dec. 1983 9th dasa
Virgo 23 Dec. 1983 23 Dec. 1992 10th dasa
At the time of death VIrgo mahadasha and Capri con antardasha
was operative. The sub periods of Virgo Mahadasha are,

Virgo Mahadasa/Sub periods

Sub periods From To
Virgo 23 Dec 1983 23 Sep 1984
Libra 23 Sep 1984 23 Jun 1985
Scorpio 23 Jun 1985 23 Mar 1986
Sagittarius 23 Mar 1986 23 Dec 1986
Capricon 23 Dec 1986 23 Sep 1987

Poornaayu span of life needs the examination of 9'h dasha
onwards. Leo is 9'h dasha. In ayuamsha Saturn is in t 2'h from Leo.

Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Rahu/Ketu are in Kendra. Dasha lord sun is in leo thus providing

strength to it. The next dasha is of Virgo. Virgo is aspected by Saturn
in ayuarnsha.lord of Virgo is with Rahu/Ketu and aspected by strong
Mars. The AD Capricon is also aspected by Saturn. The marakas are
Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. The AD is in 2rd house having Saturn
and Jupiter. The MD is aspected by Jupiter.


Birth details
DOB 31 August 1919: POB Gujranwala; TOB 13.49.00; Date of
death 31 October 2005. Lived for 86 years 02 months 0 days.


AD Mer
Case7 JupR:l
Birth Chart Mar
31 Aug 1919
13:49:00 Sun
Gujranwala Sat

Lag Moon Ven


Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

21°08'48" W8'16" 19°43'6" 12°26'10" 26°08'30" 13°29'27"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
3°6'21" go38'11" 5°37'37" Jup Sat

Rah Sun

AD Lag
Sat MD

Mer JupR:l Mar


Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Ven Jup R:l Sun

AD Case 7


Date of birth- 31 August 1919
Time of birth- 13.49.00 Hrs.
Place of birth - Gujranwala
Time of sunset On 31 Aug. 1919- 18 H- 57 M- 31 S
Time of sunrise on 31 Aug. 1919-6 H -05 M-09 S
Longitude of sun at birth- 4 S- 14 D- 8 M- 16 S
Step 1; the birth Is in daytime so we will calculate the duration of
Step 2; the duration of day is time of sunset- time of sunrise
= 18H-57M-31 S(-}06H-05M-09S
= 12 H - 51 M- 22 S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 1 H- 04 M- 16.8 S (this Is H.
The duration of one hora}
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunrise to birth time is
= 13 H- 49 M- 00 S (-) 06 H- 05 M- 09 S
= 7 H- 43 M- 51 S
Step 5; Number ofhora passed
7 H-43 M-51 S

1 H - 04 M- 16.8 S
= 7.216023
Step 6; Eighth hora after sunrise is running. The degrees crossed
in 8'h hora are 0.216023 x 30 = 6 D- 28M-51 S. The hora passed till
birth Is 7 S - 6 D- 28 M- 51 S
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 4 S- 14 D- 8 M- 16 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get 1 1S- 20 D- 3 7 M- 7 S. This is the hora lagna at birth

GrahaBala §=
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn i!i
7.5 ~
Kendriya 30 60 60 60 60 15 30
Kartari 60 60 00 00 00 00 60 <5
Adhipati 60 00 60 60 60 00 60 "'
Total 210 180 138.75 187.5 ----
202.5 22.5 165

Rashi Bala
Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 00 00 60+15 30 3.75 45 00 00 00 00 00
22.5 7.5
Sthana 00 60 00 90 75 60 60 60 00 00 00 00
Aspect 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00
Mercury 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00
Own lord 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 60 00 00
Strength of 138.75 22.5 187.5 240 210 187.5 22.5 138.75 202.5 165 165 202.5
lord g:
Total 153.75 232.5 247.5 562.5 412.5 311.25 142.5 408.75 262.5 240 315 262.5 CD

Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Oreshkana Lagna- Cancer, Hora lagna- Cancer gives Poornaayu
Navamsha Lagna - Capricon, Hora lagna - Capricon gives
Dwadamsha Lagna - Cancer, Hora Lagna - Scorpio gives
We get a majority of Poornaayu. The life span block is 72 to 108
years. Jupiter is assodated with Hora lagna in 03 only. It has both
malefic and benefic influence in 012 and 09. The death will be in 8'h to
12'h dasha of NSO. The third span Is Madhyaayu and as such the life
span should be Madhya of Poornaayu.
Scorpio is stronger than Tauras. The NSO will start from Scorpio.
The dasha sequence is,
Table- NSD
NSD From To
Scorpio 31 Aug 1919 31 Aug 1928
Sagittarius 31 Aug 1928 31 Aug 1937
Capricon 31 Aug 1937 31 Aug 1946
Aquarius 31 Aug 1946 31 Aug 1955
Pisces 31 Aug 1955 31 Aug 1964
Aries 31 Aug 1964 31 Aug 1973
Tauras 31 Aug 1973 31 Aug 1982
Gemini 31 Aug 1982 31 Aug 1991
Cancer 31 Aug 1991 31 Aug 2000 9th dasa
Leo 31 Aug 2000 31 Aug 2009 1Oth dasa
Sub periods in leo Major period

Leo Mahadasa/Sub periods

Sub periods From To
Leo 31 Aug 2000 31 May 2001
Virgo 31 May 2001 31 Feb 2002
Libra 31 Feb 2002 31 Nov 2002
Scorpio 31 Nov 2002 31 Aug 2003
Sagittarius 31 Aug 2003 31 May 2004
Capri con 31 May 2004 31 Feb 2005
Aquarius 31 Feb 2005 31 Nov 2005

At the time of death leo mahadasha and Aquarius antardasha

was operative.

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Poornaayu span of life needs the examination of 9'h dasha
onwards. Cancer is the 9'h dasha. In Trishamsha cancer is aspected by
Saturn. Jupiter and Venus also aspect cancer giving protection. In
ayuamsha Saturn is in B'h from cancer. Additional malefic aspect of
mars can bring problems for life. The longevity span indicated is
poorna/ Madhya. In birth chart cancer have exalted Jupiter in it. So
this period can cause health problems. The next period is of Leo. In
ayuamsha, Leo is aspected by Saturn. In Trishamsha Saturn is in 6'h and
Rahu Ketu are in S'h from Leo. Leo contains Saturn in birth chart. The
sub period of Aquarius have Saturn in it. The marakas are Ketu, Venus
and Jupiter. Venus is in 6'h or S'h or 12'h from MD/AD In D1, D30 and
D 108. Jupiter aspects MD in ayuamsha.


Birth details
DOB 15 April 1929; POB Atlanta; TOB 11.29.00; Date of death 4
April 1968. Lived for 38 years 11 months 19 days.

Rah Jup MD Mar

Ven Mer Moan
Sun Rd

Birth Chart
11:29 am

Sat(R) Kef

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

9"4953" 2"23'5" 21°3'40" 22"52'14" 0°13'18" 23°36'3"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
9°49'19" 7°37'24" 28°39'32" Sun Mars

Jup Mer MD SunRd

Mars Lag
Moon AD
Ven Rah


Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Lag Mer MD
Ven Jup

Mar Sat
CaseS Moon

Sun Rd Rah

Date of birth- 15 April 1929
Time of birth- 11.29.00 Hrs.
Place of birth - Atlanta
Time of sunset On 15 Apr. 1929- 18 H - 08 M- 15 S
Time of sunrise on 15 Apr. 1929- 5 H - 09 M- 12 5
Longitude of sun at birth - 0 S- 2 D- 23 M- 5 S
Step 1; the birth is in daytime so we will calculate the duration of
Step 2; the duration of day is time of sunset- time of sunrise
= 18 H- 8 M- 15 S (-) OS H- 09 M- 12 S
= 12 H - 59 M- 3 S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 1 H- 04 M- 55.25 S (this is H.
The duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunrise to birth time is
= 11 H - 29 M- 00 S (-) OS H - 09 M- 12 S
Step 5; Number ofhora passed

1 H- 04 M- 55.25 S
= 5.8502
Step 6; Sixth hora after sunrise is running. The degrees crossed in
6'h hora are 0.8502 x 30 = 25 D- 30 M - 22 S. The hora passed till
birth is 5 S- 25 D- 30 M- 22 S
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 0 S- 2 D- 23 M- OS S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get SS - 27 D- 53 M- 2 7 S. This is the hora lagna at birth

Graha Bala
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Mooltrikona 60 22.5 7.5 15 22.5 15 15
Karaka 7.5 30 45 3.75 60 22.5 15
Kendriya 60 15 15 60 60 60 15
Kartari 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Adhipati 60 00 60 60 60 60 60
Total 187.5 67.5 127.5
138.75 202.5 157.5 105

Rashi Bala
Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 60,22.5 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00
7.5,3.75 30
Sthana 120 00 75 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 §=
Aspect 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 iil
Jupiter ~
Mercury 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 <Q

Own lord 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ~
Strength of 127.5 157.5 138.75 67.5 187.5 138.75 157.5 127.5 202.5 105 105 202.5 .,.::::
lord Sl.
Total 476.25 187.5 348.75 82.5 397.5 198.75 232.5 277.5 277.5 120 255 262.5 0

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Dreshkana Lagna- Cancer, Hora Lagna- Tauras gives Madhyaayu
Navamsha Lagna- Virgo, Hora lagna- Virgo gives Madhyaayu
Dwadamsha Lagna- Libra, Hora Lagna- Leo gives Madhyaayu
We get all three as Madhyaayu span and is therefore the
confirmed span of longevity. In all three divisional charts hora lagna is
not associated with any benefic. The life span block is 36 to 72 years.
The death will be in 5'h to 8'h dasha of NSD.
Capricon is stronger than Cancer. The NSD will start from
Capricon. The dasha sequence is,
Table- NSD
NSD From To
Capricon 15 April 1929 15 Apri11938
Aquarius 15 April 1938 15 Apri11947
Pisces 15 April1947 15 Apri11956
Aries 15 April1956 15 Apri11965
Tauras 15 April 1965 15 April1974

Sub periods in Tauras Major period

Tauras Mahadasa/Sub periods

Sub periods From To
Tauras 15 Apr 1965 15 Jan 1966
Gemini 15 Jan 1966 15 Oct 1966
Cancer 15 Oct 1966 15 Jul1967
Leo 15 Jul1967 15 Apr 1968
At the time of death Tauras mahadasha and Leo antardasha was

Dasha NSD
Madhyaayu span is confirmed. The dasha, which falls in this
block of life, are S'hto 8'h dasha ofNSD. Fifth dasha belongs to tauras.
In ayuamsha tauras is not afflicted. In Trishamsha tauras is aspected
by Saturn and mars. The sub period of Leo have Rahu Ketu and
aspected by Saturn and mars. Indeed a very alarming situation.
Death giving dasha afflicted in Trishamsha is not good news. It gives
violent and sudden end of life. There is no saving grace by any
benefic. It was a violent end.


Birth details
DOB 27 November I 907; POB Allahabad: TOB 05.24.54: Date of
death I 8 january 2003. Lived for 95 years I month 2 I days.


Mar Moon
Sat Case9 Jup
AD Birth Chart
27 Nov 1907
05:24:54 MD

Ket Sun Lag

Ven Mer

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

26°34'47" 11°1'6" 28°1'21" 5°56'12" 21°51'22" 21°1'2"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
29°32'56" 28°7'14" 22°27'22" Ven Mer

Ven Lag

Moon Jup
AD Case9
Mer Sat


Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study


Ven Sun
AD Case9 Jup
Ayuamsha MD
Mar Moon

Rah Mer Sat


Date of birth- 27 November 1907
Time of birth- 05.24.54 Hrs.
Place of birth - Allahabad
Time of sunset On 26 Nov. 1907-17 H- 11 M- 13 S
Time of sunrise on 27 Nov. 1907-6 H- 27M- 52 S
Longitude of sun at birth -7 S- 11 D- 1 M- 6 S
Step 1; the birth is in nighttime so we will calculate the duration
of night.
Step 2; the duration of night is time of sunrise- time of sunset
= 06 H- 27M- 52 S (-) 17 H- 11 M- 13 S
= 13H-16M-39S
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 1 H- 06 M- 23.25 S (this is H.
The duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunset to birth time is
= 05 H - 24 M- 54 S (-) 17 H - 11 M- 13 S
= 12H-13M-41 S
Step 5; Number of hora passed

1 H - 06 M- 23.25 S
= 11.05153
Step 6; Twelfth hora after sunset is running. The degrees crossed
in 12th hora are 0.05153 x 30 = 1 D- 32M- 45 S. The hora passed till
birth is 11 S- 1 D- 32 M- 45 S
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 7 S- 11 D- 1 M- 06 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth time since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get 6S- 12 D- 33 M- 51 S. This is the hora lagna at birth

Graha Bala
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn !Q
Mooltrikona 22.5 30 15 22.5 60 15 30
Karaka 7.5 30 3.75 22.5 15 60 45
Kendriya 60 15 60 15 15 60 60
Kartari 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Adhipati 00 00 60 60 60 60 60
Total 90.0 75 138.75 120 150 195 195

Rashi Bala

Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 00 00 30 00 00 22.5 7.5 00 00 3.75 00
15 60 45
Sthana 00 00 60 75 00 00 60 75 60 00 75 00
Aspect 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 OJ
Jupiter i[
Mercury 00 60 00 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 ~
Own lord 60 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 ;p
Strength of 138.75 195 120 75 90 120 195 138.75 150 195 195 150 ~
Total 213.75 345 240 330 _18Q - 180 _352.5 371.75 270 210 528.75 210 "'
Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Oreshkana Lagna -Gemini, Hora Lagna - Aquarius gives
Navamsha Lagna - Tauras, Hora lagna - Capricon gives
Owadamsha Lagna- Leo, Hora Lagna- Pisces gives Poornaayu
We get Poornaayu in 012 and 03, which are most important
divisional charts for longevity considerations. The Poornaayu is
therefore the confirmed span of longevity. In 012 and 09 Jupiter is in
hora lagna. The life span block is 72 to I 08 years. The death will be in
9th to 12'h dasha of NSO.
Libra is stronger than Aries. The NSO will start from Libra. The
dasha sequence is,
Table- NSD
NSD From To
Libra 27 Nov 1907 27 Nov 1916
Scorpio 27 Nov 1916 27 Nov 1925
Sagittarius 27 Nov 1925 27 Nov 1934
Capricon 27 Nov 1934 27 Nov 1943
Aquarius 27 Nov 1943 27 Nov 1952
Pisces 27 Nov 1952 27 Nov 1961
Aries 27 Nov 1961 27 Nov 1970
Tauras 27 Nov 1970 27 Nov 1979
Gemini 27 Nov 1979 27 Nov 1988 9th dasa
Cancer 27 Nov 1988 27 Nov 1997 10th dasa
Leo 27 Nov 1997 27 Nov 2006 11th dasa
Sub periods in Leo Major period
Leo Mahadasa/Sub periods
Sub periods From To
Leo 27 Nov 1997 27 Aug 1998
Virgo 27 Aug 1998 27 May 1999
Libra 27 Aug 1999 27 Feb 2000
Scorpio 27 Feb 2000 27 Nov 2000
Sagittarius 27 Nov 2000 27 Aug 2001
Capricon 27 Aug 2001 27 May 2002
Aquarius 27 May 2002 27 Feb 2003

Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

At the time of death Leo mahadasha and Aquarius antardasha

was operative.

In full span of life the death giving dasha are 9'h to 12'h In the NSO
dasha scheme. The ninth dasha is of Gemini. In Trishamsha Gemini is
not afflicted by Saturn. In ayuamsha Gemini Is aspected by Saturn and
have no other malefic influence. Cancer dasha is with exalted Jupiter in
both 030 and 0 108. Leo mahadasha is in malefic relation with Saturn
In 030. The sub period Aquarius has Rahu Ketu along with Saturn
aspect. Leo dasha confirms end of life in Trlshamsha and should give
painful end only as It is not related to other malefic like mars. It gave
long illness.

Case 10

Birth details
DOB 11 December 1931; POB Gadarwara; TOB 17.13.00; Date
of death 19 January 1990. Lived for 58 years 1 month 8 days.

Rah Lag

Case 10 Jup(R)
Birth Chart Rd
11 Dec 1931

SalVen Sun AD Ket
Mer Mar

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

22"16'9" 25°34'8" 22°19'58" 8°7'19" 13°28'59" 29°43'33"
Venus Saturn Rahu Rudra Mahesh
19°15'36' 28°33'18' 9°4'50" Jup Sat

Jup Rd Mer

Moon Rah
Case 10

Mar Ven AD

Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Mer MD

Case 10

Sat Mar

Date of birth- 11 December 193 1
Time of birth- 17.13.00 Hrs.
Place of birth- Gadarwara
Time of sunset On 1 1 Dec. 193 1- 17 H - 30 M - 04 S
Time of sunrise on 1 1 Dec. 193 1 - 6 H - 45 M- 03 S
Longitude of sun at birth - 7 S- 25 D- 34 M- 8 S
Step 1; the birth is in daytime so we will calculate the duration of
Step 2; the duration of clay is time of sunset- time of sunrise.
= 17 H- 30 M-04S (-) 6 H-45 M-03 S
= 10 H-45 M-OtS
Step 3; Divide this by 12. We get 0 H- 53 M- 45.08 S (this is H.
The duration of one hora)
Step 4; the time elapsed from sunrise to birth time is
= 17 H - 13 M- 00 S (-) 6 H - 45 M- 03 S
= tOH-27 M-57S
Step 5; Number of hora passed

0 H - 53 M- 45.08 S
= 11.68249
Step 6; Twelfth hora after sunset is running. The degrees crossed
in 12th hora are 0.68249 x 30 = 20 D- 29M- 14 S. The hora passed
till birth is 1 1 S- 20 D- 29M- 14 S
Step 7; Longitude of sun at birth was 7 S- 25 D- 34M- 08 S.
Adding hora passed up to birth tlme since sunset to the longitude of
sun we get 7S- 16 D- 3 M- 22 S. This Is the hora lagna at birth

Graha Bala ~
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Mooltrikona 22.5 15 22.5 15 60 15 15
Kartari 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Adhipati 00 00 60 60 00 60 60 ~S.
Total 82.5 52.5 101.25 97.5 180 105 135 ~

Rashi Bala
......... Permanent 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60
Karaka 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 30 45,15 00 00 00
Sthana 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 60 120 00 00 60
Aspect 00 60 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00
Mercury 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 60
Own lord 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 00 00
- 60 00
Strength of 101.25 105 97.5 52.5 82.5 97.5 105 101.25 180 135 135 180 ~
lord ~

Total 116.25 195 277.5 247.5 112.5 337.5 120 281.25 513.75 150 285 360 E"
Case Study Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Dreshkana Lagna- Capricon, Hora Lagna- Pisces gives Alpayu
Navarnsha Lagna- Cancer, Hora lagna- Scorpio gives Madhyaayu
Dwadarnsha Lagna - Capricon, Hora Lagna - Taurus gives
We get Madhyaayu in two divisional charts. In D3 and D9 jupiter
is in hora lagna in its own sign, Pisces. In addition hora lagna is with
Rahu Ketu In both of these charts. The life span block Is 36 to 72 years.
The death will be in 5th to 8th dasha of NSD.
Scorpio is stronger than Taurus. The NSD will start from Scorpio.
The dasha sequence Is,

Table- NSD
NSD From To
Scorpio 11 Dec 1931 11 Dec 1940
Sagittarius 11 Dec 1940 11 Dec 1949
Capricon 11 Dec 1949 11 Dec 1958
Aquarius 11 Dec 1958 11 Dec 1967
Pisces 11 Dec 1967 11 Dec 1976 5th dasa
Aries 11 Dec 1976 11 Dec 1985 6th dasa
Tauras 11 Dec 1985 11 Dec 1994 7th dasa
Sub periods in Taurus Major period

Tauras Mahadasa/Sub periods

Sub periods From To
Tauras 11 Dec 1985 11 Sep 1986
Gemini 11 Sep 1986 11 Jun 1987
Cancer 11 Jun 1987 11 Mar 1988
Leo 11 Mar 1988 11 Dec 1988
Virgo 11 Dec 1988 11 Sep 1989
Libra 11 Sep 1989 11 Jun 1990

At the time of death Tauras mahadasha and Libra antardasha

was operative.

Dasha NSD
The Fifth dasha is of Pisces. In Trisharnsha and Ayuarnsha, Pisces
is with Jupiter. It has Saturn in 6'h and 12'h from it in 030 and 0108
respectively. Next dasha Is of Aries. In 030 Aries is in subh Kartari
and have no aspect. In D108 Aries is aspected by own lord mars. We
can rule out these two mahadasha. Tauras Is aspected by Saturn in

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Case Study

Trishamsha. Its lord Venus also aspects lt. Venus is Brahma of this
chart. The sub period Libra is again aspected by Saturn. Since the
affliction Is In 030, it is a painful end. it has no aspect of Jupiter.

The block of longevity is of great importance in fixing the age of
an individual.
In cases of twins, the time of birth vary by 3 minutes or more.
The birth chart is almost same except for longitude of Lagna. We
come across Instances where one of twins dies shortly after birth and
other twins to a ripe age.
We discuss two examples of twins. The data have been provided
by our faculty member by Mr. N.N. Sharma.

Example- I
Elder- DOB- 1/7/2007; TOB- 22:47; POB- Delhi
Yonger- DOB- 1/7/2007; TOB- 22:51; POB- Delhi
Younger child died within 48 hours of birth.
The chart remain same for younger child except for longitude of
some planets. The longitudes are

Mar Mer(R)

Lag Sat
Rah Ven
Example I

Moon Jup(R)

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
16°02'55" 15°32'22" 29°22'11" 10°57'19" 11°03'05" 17°54'03"
Venus Saturn Rahu
28°29'44" 28°25'46" 14°40'07"

Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity Twins

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
17"26'13" 15°32'31" 29°24'23" 10°57'26" 11°02'59" 17°54'02"
Venus Saturn Rahu
28°29'51" 28°25'47" 14°40'06"
The third house, third lord and karaka Mars are afflicted by

Elder Child - The Sun set is 19h22m21' and since next day Is
Sh27m21 •. The mathematical hora lagna Is 6•17°18'39". We apply the
modified PAM and get.
Dreshkana : Lagna - Gemini; Hora Lagna - Aquarius gives
Poorna Ayu.
Dwadamsha : Lagna - Aquarius; Horoa Lagna - Pisces gives
Dwadamsha : Lagna - Leo; Hora Lagna - Aries gives Madhya
Poorna Ayu appear twice and is taken.

Younger Child
The mathematical hora iagna is 6'1 ~41 '38". Applying modified
PAM we get.
Dreshkana : Lagna Gemini, Hora Lagna Aquarius gives Poorna
Navamsha : Lagna Pisces; Hora Lagna Pisces gives - Madhya
Dwadamsha : Lagna Leo; Hora Lagna Taurus gies- Alpa Ayu.
The child have alpayu. The NSD of Aquarius was operative and
has Rahu/Ketu in its axis.

Example· 2
Elder- DOB- 21/7/1976; TOB- 12:45; POB- Ghaziabad.
Yonger- DOB- 21/7/1976; TOB- 12:48; POB- Ghaziabad.
The Younger child died within one week of birth.

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
07°24'22" 05°06'43" 27°14'35" 15°11'20" 11°36'11" 02°14'17"
Venus Saturn Rahu
14°14'28" 11°57'09" 15°40'04"

Twins Unravelling Puzzle of Longevity

Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
os•o3'20" o5•06'51" 27°16'04" 15°11'25" 11-36'26" 02°14'18"
Venus Saturn Rahu
14°14'37" 11°57'10" 15°40'03"

Ket Jup

Sal Mer


The time of Sun rise is Q5h-35m-31' and for Sun set is 19h-16m-32'

The hora Lagna is 9'-13°-25'56". Modified PAM is applied.
Dreshkana : Lagna Libra; Hora Lagna Taurus - gives Madhya
Navamsha: Lagna Sagittarius; Hora Lagna Taurus - gives
Poorna Ayu.
Dwadamsha: Lagna Sagittarius; Hora Lagna Gemini gives
Madhya Ayu. Madhyayu span is taken.

The hora Lagna is 9'-14°-44'-59". Modified PAM is applied.
Dreshkana : Lagna Libra; Hora Lagna Taurus- gives Madhya
Navamsha: Lagna Sagittarius; Hora Lagna Taurus - gives
Poorna Ayu.
Dwadamsha: Lagna Capricorn; Hora Lagna Gemini gives Alpa
In first example the birth Navamsha is changing and In 2nd
example the Dwadamsha is changing.


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