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04/08/2020 04/06/2020 04/01/2020 03/30/2020 03/23-25/2020 DATE

Count Von Zinzendorf and C.T. Studd God is the Great Sender William Carey George Whitefield and John Wesley The Missionary Movement TOPIC

TOPIC 2: George Whitefield and John Wesley


Much more missionary work was done in the 18th century. Two great gospel
preachers who lived during this time were George Whitefield and John Wesley. Both
of these men lived in England.

A. Wrong view of preaching the gospel

In those days most people thought that a preacher should only preach in a church.
They thought that if people wanted to hear the gospel they should come in to a church.
George Whitefield knew that it was important to GO where the people are (compare
Mark 16:15).

B. Right view of preaching the gospel

In 1739 Whitefield preached in the open fields to miners and he invited John
Wesley to do the same. From this time forth Whitefield and Wesley spent their lives
doing "open air" preaching. Did the Lord Jesus do "open air" preaching? _______
George Whitefield came to America 7 times to preach up and down the colonies. He was
always ready to preach anywhere. Benjamin Franklin was just one of the thousands of
people that heard his message. Sometimes he spoke to as many as 20,000 people. He
must have had quite a powerful voice in the days when there were no loud speaker
systems. Whitefield and Wesley took the Lord seriously when He said, "GO...and
PREACH" (Mark 16:15).


Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. Do you agree to preach the gospel only inside the church? Why or why not?
2. What motivated Whitefield to preach the gospel outside?
3. Are you willing to do this also? Why or why not?


Look for a video of the gospel preachers who preach outside listen to them and make
a personal reflection on it.

Note: Please compile your outputs this prefinal in a short folder.

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