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Paola Martínez, 36

I am a Technologist in Accounting and Systems, an I am a

International Business Administration student who is in the
tenth semester. I work at the Manizales Renault dealer as a
Warranty Analyst for 9 years, but my plan is to practice my
profession in the nearest future.

By 2050, in my perspective, based on the speed the world is

changing today. The Earth will have an overpopulation that
will exceed 9500 million people; Based on this, the rapid
growth of world trade will set the pace for the economy and
business, leading to mass consumption worldwide.

Extensive freight and passenger transport networks will supply more and more goods to the
world, vehicles will be more sustainable and much faster, as diesel and gasoline will almost
completely disappear depending almost solely on solar energy.

The technological advances and the famous artificial intelligence will make the way of life
simpler and more personalized, but this will lead us to an irremediable dehumanization,
because the human being will be able to transfer his thoughts and feelings to the machines in
order to avoid their disappearance.

On the other hand, the fight for the use of natural resources and the high rates of pollution
caused by humans are damaging our ecosystem, causing faster climate change, having very
worrying consequences for flora and fauna and exposing it to danger. imminent, like the
extinction of many species.

However, at that time there will be many Medical advances, diseases such as cancer can be
cured, also the human genome that prevents diseases and even 3D printing of the organs that
need to be replaced, would lead to greater longevity in humans.

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