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Where did English come from?

English is an international language, as a result it has united people from

different cultures around the world. With an evolution that lasts for a period of
many years, lots of changes occurred, helping the formation of the language.
English is derived from the lexical family of Proto-Germanic languages
along with Germany, Swedish and more others, the bonds created between this
languages resulted in similarities from a vocabulary point of view. Considering the
lack of written evidence, we are limited in our deeper knowledge of this
family. But investigating the predecessor of these languages, we come to another
family of languages, namely the Indo-European languages. It includes most of the
languages spoken across Europe, but also regions in the south and east of Asia. 
As a Latin language speaker, I can observe a variety of influences coming
from Latin. With the Norman Invasion, French had an essential impact defining
English from nowadays, which is called Old English or English of Beuwolf, by
adding a massive amount of French vocabulary.
Another factor that contributed to the formation of the language were the
Vikings who added more borrowings from Old Norse.
In conclusion, even we spoke different languages,

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