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Where did English come from?

English is an international language, as a result it has united people from

different cultures around the world. With a continuous evolution, lots of changes
occurred, helping the formation of the language.
The video presents historical and development events that English went
through in order to reach the English spoken nowadays.
Due to The Norman Invasion, a massive amount of French and Latin
vocabulary was introduced, creating with Old English or Beowulf the English
language. In this journey of investigating the roots of modern English, there was
discovered a bond to Indo-European languages. This lexical family includes most
of the languages spoken across Europe, but also regions in the south and west of
Along with German and Swedish, English derived from Proto Germanic
and, as a result, many similarities can be remarked, such as different words or
pronunciation. Another factor that contributes to the formation of English language
are the Vikings by adding more borrowings.
To conclude, trying to resolve the mystery of modern languages ancestors,
you will be surprised that we often use the same words, but in other variations,
being modified by people’s evolution. Even though we are limited in
communication with the others and in some cases speaking one universal language
would make things easier, languages remain part of one culture’s tradition and by
its uniqueness has an essential impact in a society.

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