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Tamera Davis
Northern Oklahoma College
615 North Monroe St, Room 310
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076

April 29, 2020

Dear Mrs. Davis,

The four pieces of writing that I have chosen all demonstrate my thoughts and abilities very well.
Each piece of writing all show a different part of me and the way I express my thoughts and
beliefs into my writing. The first piece is from composition 1 which is a piece I am extremely
proud of. The other three pieces of writing are all from composition 2 where I have grown as a
writer and you can truly see that in these pieces. Mrs. Davis, you have truly been so much help to
me and the way you teach is marvelous. I hope these pieces of writing can help show how much
I have learned from you.

My first piece of writing is called “Economic Class” which tells a story of the way I was raised
by my amazing parents. This piece holds a special place in my heart because every word speaks
its truth in it. I believe this essay is very well taught out and worded wisely. Being able to tell my
parents story was something I was grateful for and still am which it shows in my writing. I
personally believe that this is one of my best pieces of writing which is another reason I selected
it. My best pieces of writing came when I get to speak over topics that make me think and let me
tell a story.

The second piece of writing helps demonstrate how I express my thoughts over topics I am
passionate about. The piece that I choose as one of my four writings is called “Conversation is
Key”. I chose this piece because it illustrates my writing at the beginning of the year which will
help some my growth when the next two are read. I used this essay to try and show the audience
the power of conversation and what it could do. I feel like I did a good job at explaining to my
readers why conversations are important. Mrs. Davis, you are the type of teacher who gives
students the abilities to write of things that matter to the world and I am grateful for that

I chose my third piece of writing which is called “Gender pay gap” because it is a letter about the
pay gap between men and women. The letter was addressed to President Trump because I
believe it is an extremely important topic that needs to be talked about. I remember struggling
while trying to picking a topic when you told us we had to write about a social issue that was
important to us. Mrs. Davis, you took extra time to come sit by me and helped me really think
about things that affect my life. I believe this is one of my best pieces because it allowed me to
help speak out on a social issue that is so real and unfair. Being able to write something to the
president felt powerful because it helped shed light on the subject matter. I want to thank you for
allowing me the opportunity to be able to think outside my comfort zone and making me think.
These are only a couple of things I have learned while being in your class. I feel confident that
this letter is well done and important.
My fourth piece of writing is about something extremely powerful to me. This essay is called
“The Power of Self-love” which shows what I truly believe in. This piece allowed me to express
what I wake up and believe every single day into words to share it with my readers. It was an
essay that helped me pour my feelings into my writing which really showed in it. The power of
self-love is a something that I hold dear to my heart. I loved having the ability to put all my
thoughts into words. Mrs. Davis, you helped me grow into a better writer throughout the year
and I hope my writing has made you proud. I have loved being able to write about these topics
that you have gave me this semester.

I have learned so much as a writer throughout this semester and with you as my teacher. One of
many things that I have learned is the ability to express my thoughts better. You have showed me
how to use different words to make my writing look and sound better. That alone has helped
make me a better writer. Another important thing I have learned is how to put myself into my
writing. You have showed me that it is okay to pour my heart into every assignment and make it
my own. I believe those are two of the most important things that I could have learned. Now do
not get me wrong, you have taught me way more than that such as citing, importance of using
my time wisely, etc. Although all of those things have helped me grow into the writer I am now,
I will always remember to express myself and pour myself into my writing. My writing process
is fairly simple actually. I usually just think on what I am going to write about and then start
writing. Planning ahead is harder for me than just starting it and finishing it at the same time.
When I am writing it usually just comes to me which is quite helpful. If I had a writing toolbox it
would include “Citation Machine” because that is one of the most helpful websites ever. As long
as my writing toolbox had citation machine and word in it, I would be able to write a good paper.

My strengths and weaknesses have always been around the same thing every time I write. My
biggest strengths when I am writing a paper is, I am fairly good at wording things which is quite
helpful to me. Being able to word sentences good helps my papers sound 10 times better. My
biggest weakness when writing is my ability to think of a thesis statement. I have always
struggled with being able to make a strong powerful thesis statement. Although Mrs. Davis, you
have helped me become way better at that this year which I am grateful for. I will continue to
work on my weaknesses and turn them into more strengths.

In conclusion, I want to thank you for all the knowledge and help you have provided me with
this semester. You taught the class with such grace and made the class so easy to learn new
things. My writing skills have transformed a lot during the past months because of that. I will be
finishing my last two semesters of NOC in may 2021. After I am done at NOC, I will be
applying for a radiology program. I will take everything I have learned this semester to help get
into my school and use it to thrive at radiology school. I feel very confident in my skills moving
on from this class and semester as a whole. I see myself using all the writing skills I have learned
to help me succeed in my future. I will be prepared to write letters to companies, or write essays
for teachers I have in the future.


Lexi Rich

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