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Tables of Contents The Orthodox Words 1 – 107

Volume 1 (1965)
ISSUE #1 Jan.-Feb. 1965, Vol. 1, No. 1: San Francisco Cathedral3 Father
Herman, Alaska’s Saint by F. A. Golder 17 The Orthodox Word by the
Editors 21 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: “The Joy of All
Who Sorrow” by Eugene Rose 32 A New Orthodox Saint—St. John of
Kronstadt by Eugene Rose 35 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World:
Persecution of Religion in the Soviet Union, Church of the Apostles Peter
and Paul Blown Up in Moscow, First French Orthodox Bishop [translated
and compiled by Eugene Rose] 37 New Books: Bishop Innocent by
Procius Yasuo Ushimaru, reviewed by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #2, Mar.-Apr. 1965, Vol. 1, No. 2: Christ is Risen 43 Saint John of
Kronstadt and the Spiritual Crisis of Russia by I. M. Kontzevitch,
translated by Eugene Rose 58 Father Herman’s Easter Visitation by Gleb
Podmoshensky 62 The Icons of the Great Feasts: The Annunciation of the
Most Holy Mother of God by Eugene Rose 66 Christians! You Must Know
Christ! by Ignatius Brianchaninov, [transl. by Eugene Rose] 73 Orthodoxy
in the Contemporary World: Canonization and New Miracles of Fr. John of
Kronstadt: The Service of Canonization by Archimandrite Cyprian
(Pyzhov); A Miraculous Healing by Fr. John Karas from Orthodox Russia.
75 New Books: Orthodoxy 1964. A Pan-Orthodox
Symposium, reviewed by Eugene Rose
ISSUE #3, May-June 1965, Vol. 1 No. 3: St. Job and Pochaev Yesterday and
Today 77 In Defense of Holy Orthodoxy by the Editors 79 Saint Job,
Abbot of Pochaev by Archpriest A. T. Hoinatzky, translated by Eugene
Rose 93 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: The Pochaev Mother
of God by E. Poselyanin, translated by Eugene Rose 100 Great Orthodox
Hierarchs of the 19th and 20th Centuries: Archbishop Vitaly by Abbot
Laurus 105 An Appeal from Pochaev Today, translated and introduced by
Eugene Rose 115 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: On Purity of Heart and Soul
by Paissy Velichkovsky 117 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World: Death
of Metropolitan Anastassy, First Statement of Metropolitan Philaret on the
American Metropolia, Easter Services in the USSR, 1965, The
Convocation of Religion for World Peace by Eugene Rose 121 New
Books: Eusebius: The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine,
reviewed by Eugene Rose
ISSUE #4, July-Aug. 1965, Vol. 1, No. 4: Sinai, Mount of God 121 “God is
the Lord, and Has Revealed Himself to Us” by Archimandrite Sebastian
Dabovich from “Sermon for Holy Communion” 123 Sinai, the Mount of
God by Eugene Rose 130 The Holy Fathers Slain at Sinai and Raithu
compiled by Gleb Podmoshensky 131 Martyrology of the Communist
Yoke: The New Martyrs of Sinai and Raithu by Gleb Podmoshensky 133
St. Anastassy, Abbot of Mount Sinai by St. Dimitry of Rostov, translated
by Eugene Rose 135 Great Hierarchs of the 19th and 20th Centuries:
Metropolitan Anastassy 1873-1965 by Archbishop John Maximovitch,
translated by Eugene Rose 141 The Icons of the Great Feasts: The
Transfiguration of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Eugene Rose 145
The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Transfiguration of Our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ in the Hearts of Men by Gleb Podmoshensky 155 Prelest: The
Teaching of the Holy Fathers on Spiritual Self-Deception According to
Bishop Ignaty Brianchaninov by I. M. Kontzevitch, translated by Eugene
Rose from The Acquisition of the Holy Spirit in Ancient Russia 159
Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World: Underground Life in the USSR: 1.
The Brotherhood of Orthodox Youth, 2. Printers and Distributors of
Prayerbooks and Icons Arrested, compiled by the Editors from Rossiya and
Il Tempo 160 In Memoriam: Prof. I. M. Kontzevitch by Gleb Podmoshensky
161 Notice for The Orthodox Word
ISSUE #5, Sept.-Oct. 1965, Vol. 1, No. 5: Mount Athos, St. Nicodemos, The
Philokalia 163 St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain by John Mavros 169
The Philokalia, compiled by Fr. Herman? 171 Saint John of Kronstadt and
the Spiritual Crisis of Russia by I. M. Kontzevitch, translated& abridged
by Eugene Rose? 179 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: The Sixty
Priest-Martyrs, transl. by Eugene Rose from Russia’s New Martyrs by
Archpriest Michael Polsky 181 Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich and the
Orthodox Mission to America by Eugene Rose 182 The True Church of
Christ by Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich, reprinted from Lectures and
Sermons of a Priest of the Holy Orthodox Church, S.F., 1899. 188
Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World: Pope Paul VI
in New York by Eugene Rose. Miraculous Apparition of an Image in
Greece by Sergy Vyazemsky, translated by Eugene Rose 192 New Books:
The Spiritual Face of St. John of Kronstadt by Archimandrite Konstantin,
reviewed by Gleb Podmoshensky 193 Notice for Icon prints of The Joy of
all Who Sorrow
ISSUE #6, Nov.-Dec. 1965, Vol. 1, No. 6 1965: Orthodox Heaven Over
America 195 St. Innocent—Patron to Orthodox America by Bishop Nestor
207 The Character and Path of the Orthodox Mission by Eugene Rose 210
The Orthodox Holy Places of America: Orthodox Heaven of America by
Gleb Podmoshensky 215 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: the
Weeping Icons by Eugene Rose 226 A Revelation of Saint Nicholas Today,
translated & abridged by Eugene Rose from Orthodox Russia
Volume Two (1966)
ISSUE #7, Jan.-Feb., 1966, Vol. 2, No. 1: Sitka, Alaska 2 The Orthodox
Word, the Second Year by the Editors 3 St. Mark the Anchorite from the
Great Collection (in Greek) of the Lives of the Saints, translated by monks
from Holy Transfiguration Monastery? 14 The Orthodox Spiritual Life:
Pray Without Ceasing, from the Life of St. Gregory Palamas from the
Philokalia 20 The Sunday of Orthodoxy by Archimandrite Sebastian
Dabovich, introd. by Eugene Rose 24 The Resurrection of Christ by? 27 An
Appeal to His Holiness Athenagoras by Metropolitan Philaret, translated
from Russian Life by Eugene Rose 31 The Ecumenical Patriarchate by
Theoklitos, Monk of
Dionysiou, translated from the Greek newspaper Typos 37 Orthodoxy in
the Contemporary World: The Latest Step Toward “Union”; First Dutch
Orthodox Bishop by Eugene Rose 39 New Books: Palladius: The Lausiac
History by Robert T. Meyer, reviewed by Eugene Rose 40 Orthodox Holy
Places of America, Introduction by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #8, Apr.-May 1966, Vol. 2, No. 2: Holy Trinity Monastery,
Jordanville 42 In Memoriam: Archbishop John Maximovitch by the Editors
43 The Life of St. Nectarios Kephalas by Archimandrite Joachim
Spetsieris, translated by Constantine Cavarnos 56 Some Miracles of St.
Nectarios by D. Panagopoulos, translated by Constantine Cavarnos 59 On
the Writings of St. Nectarios by John Mavros 63 The Catacomb Church,
Epistle of Metropolitan Philaret, translated from Orthodox Russia by
Eugene Rose 70 Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: The Korsun
Mother of God, translated and compiled by Eugene Rose from E.
Poselyanin, The Mother of God. 72 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World:
Easter in the USSR, 1966, New Soviet Decree on Religion, reported by
Eugene Rose 74 New Books: The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim
Continues His Way, transl. by R.M. French, reviewed by Gleb
Podmoshensky 75 Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America:
Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #9, July-Aug, 1966, Vol. 2, No. 3: St. Tikhon’s Monastery 81 The
Spiritual Treasure by the Editors
83 St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and His Spiritual Legacy by Gleb Podmoshensky
90 Bishop Theophan, the Recluse of Vysha by E. Sumarokov, Lectures on
the History of the Russian Church, translated by Eugene Rose 97 The
Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Path to Salvation by Bishop Theophan the
Recluse, translated by Eugene Rose 100 Orthodoxy and Modern Thought:
The Self-Liquidation of Christianity by Eugene Rose 102 Icons of the
Great Feasts: The Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God by S. V.
Bulgakov from Manual for Orthodox Priests, translated by Eugene Rose
106 The New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke: St. John, the New Martyr 108
Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World: Death of a Saint by Eugene Rose
113 Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: St. Tikhon’s
Monastery, Pennsylvania by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE # 10, Sept.-Oct. 1966, Vol. 2, No. 4: St. Seraphim’s New Diveyevo
117 Introduction by the Editors 119 The Holy Great Martyr of Christ, St.
Demetrios of Thessalonica 126 Contemporary Miracles in Russia by
Archimandrite Haralambos Basilopoulos 129 Joyful Light by
Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich 133 Fotis Kontoglou by Constantine
Cavarnos 141 An Open Letter to the Ecumenical Patriarch by
Archimandrite Epiphanios Theodoropoulos 145 Orthodoxy in the
Contemporary World: Open Letters of Two Moscow Priests Attract World-
Wide Attention, compiled by Eugene Rose 149 Orthodox Spiritual Life:
The Teaching of St. Seraphim of Sarov on the Acquisition of the Holy
Spirit from the
Diveyevo Convent Chronicles, compiled by Archimandrite Seraphim,
translated by Eugene Rose 151 Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of
America: Novo-Diveyevo Convent, Spring Valley, New York by Gleb
ISSUE #11, Nov.-Dec. 1966, Vol. 2, No. 5: Archbishop John Maximovitch
157 Dedication to Archbishop John Maximovitch by the Editors 159 St.
John Maximovitch of Tobolsk 166 Great Orthodox Hierarchs of the 19th
and 20th Centuries: Archbishop John Maximovitch by Eugene Rose 175
The Last Judgment by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by
Eugene Rose from Pravoslavnaya Zhizn. 191 The Miracles of Father
Herman of Alaska: A Rescue at Sea by Metropolitan Innocent Veniaminov
193 Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: New Kursk Icon
Hermitage, Lake Mahopac, New York by Gleb Podmoshensky
Volume Three (1967)
ISSUE #12, Jan.-Feb. 1967, Vol. 3, No. 1: The Miraculous Tinos Icon 1
Champion of Orthodox, quotes by St. Mark of Ephesus 2 St. Mark of
Ephesus and the False Union of Florence by Archimandrite Amvrossy
Pogodin, edited by Eugene Rose 15 Miraculous Icons of the Mother of
God: The Tinos Mother of God 26 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Name
of Jesus Christ by Blessed Simeon of Thessalonica 28 The Miracles of Fr.
Herman of Alaska: Healing from Tuberculosis by Alice Krueger 30 New
Books: The Desert a City by Derwas Chitty, reviewed by Eugene Rose 31
Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America:
Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston Massachusetts, by Gleb
ISSUE #13, Mar.-Apr. 1967, Vol. 3, No. 2: The Kiev-Caves Monastery of
Sts. Anthony & Theodosius 37 Christ Has Conquered the World by the
Editors 38 The Kiev-Caves Lavra of Sts. Anthony and Theodosius 53
Encyclical Letter of St. Mark of Ephesus from the Russian translation of
Archimandrite Amvrossy Pogodin in St. Mark of Ephesus and the Union of
Florence. 60 Icons of the Great Feasts: The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus
Christ by S. V. Bulgakov, from Manual for Orthodox Priests. 65 The
Miracles of Fr. Herman of Alaska: Healing of an Injured Shoulder by
Archimandrite Gerasim Schmaltz, 66 New Books: The Art of Prayer,
compiled by Igumen Chariton of Valamo, reviewed by Gleb Podmoshensky
67 Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: Tikhvin Icon of the
Mother of God in OCA Cathedral, Chicago, by Gleb Podmoshensky 68
Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: The Tikhvin Mother of God by
Vadim Wright
ISSUE # 14, June-July 1967, Vol. 3, No. 3: Fort Ross Pilgrimage 73 The
Life of St. John the Russian by Photios Kontoglou 87 The Miracles of Fr.
Herman of Alaska: Healing of a Cataract of the Eye by Archpriest
Alexander Popov 89 St. Mark of Ephesus and the False Union of Florence
by Archimandrite Amvrossy Pogodin, translated by Eugene Rose? 103
Address of St. Mark of Ephesus on the Day of His Death, intr. & trans. by
Eugene Rose 107 A Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Place of America:
Fort Ross, Northern California, by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #15, Aug.-Sept. 1967, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1967: Convent
of the Vladimir Mother of God 113 St. Menas, Great Martyr and
Wonderworker of Egypt, Introduction by Eugene Rose 117 The Life of
Great Martyr Menas, derived from the Greek Life by St. Simeon the
Translator and Egyptian Sources 129 Orthodox ISSUEs of the Day: The
Question of the Orthodox Calendar by Fr. Basil Sakkas, from La Foi
Transmise. 138 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: The
Theotokos “Of the Akathist” and the Zographou Monastery Martyrs,
adapted from the account in Zographou Monastery, Mt. Athos 143 A
Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: Convent of the
Vladimir Mother of God, San Francisco, by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #16-17, Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1967, Vol. 3, Nos. 5-6: A Pilgrimage to
Canadian Sketes 149 The Icons of the Great Feasts: The Nativity of Christ
by S. V. Bulgakov, translated by Eugene Rose from Manual for Orthodox
Priests. 155 Saint Philaret the Almsgiver, translated from Greek by the
monks of Holy Transfiguration Monastery 167 The Miraculous Icons of
the Mother of God: The Kazan Mother of God by Vadim Wright 173 The
Miracles of Fr. Herman of Alaska: Healing of Paralysis by Archpriest
Alexander Popov; Help in Child-Birth by Archimandrite Gerasim Schmaltz
177 The Spiritual Instructions to Laymen and Monks by St. Seraphim of
Sarov, introduced and translated by Eugene Rose from L. Denisov’s Life,
1904 182 Orthodox ISSUEs of the Day: Should the Church be “In Step with
the Times?” by Archbishop Averky, introduced and translated by Eugene
Rose from Orthodox Russia. 189 Great Orthodox Hierarchs of the 19th and
Centuries: Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow by Elena Kontzevitch 197 The
New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke: Sts. Stamatios and John 203 A
Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: Holy Protection
Skete, Bluffton, Alberta
Volume Four (1968)
ISSUE #18, Jan.-Feb. 1968, Vol. 4, No. 1: Holy Dormition Monastery,
Alberta, Canada 1 What Do We Mean by the Word Orthodox? by
Archbishop John Maximovitch 3 The Life of St. Helena Equal-to-the-
Apostles by Helena Kontzevitch, translated by? 8 The New Martyrs of the
Turkish Yoke: St. Ahmet the Calligrapher 11 Orthodox ISSUEs of the Day:
A Desperate Appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarch by Archimandrite
Philotheos Zervakos 21 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Spiritual
Instructions to Laymen and Monks by St. Seraphim of Sarov, translated by
Eugene Rose 25 The Orthodox Mission Today 28 The Orthodox Mission
Today: A Greek Mission in Montreal by Jon Gregerson 37 Orthodoxy in the
Contemporary World: A Voice of Conscience in the Greek Archdiocese by
Fr. Neketas Palassis, introduced by the Editors 41 A Pilgrimage to the
Orthodox Holy Places of America: Holy Dormition Monastery, Northville,
Alberta, by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #19, Mar. Apr. 1968, Vol. 4, No. 2: Grad Kitezh: St. Seraphim
Skete, Alberta, Canada 45 Christ is Risen! by Archbishop John
Maximovitch 47 The Life of the Priest-Martyr St. Cosmas of Aitolia by
Sapheiros Christodoulos of Grammos, translated from Greek 60 From the
Teachings of Saint Cosmas 62 From the Prophecies of Saint Cosmas 64
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: The New Martyr Lydia, translated
and adapted by Eugene Rose from Russia’s New Martyrs by Archpriest
Michael Polsky. 67 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Spiritual Instructions
to Laymen and Monks by St. Seraphim of Sarov, translated by Eugene
Rose 72 The Orthodox Mission Today: The Netherlands Orthodox Church
by Hierodeacon David of The Hague 80 Editor’s note on Western Saints by
Eugene Rose 81 Some Personal Memories of Archbishop John
Maximovitch by Hegoumen Adrian of Netherlands Orthodox Church 85 A
Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: Grad Kitezh, St.
Seraphim Skete on Whitefish Lake, Alberta by Gleb Podmoshensky 88
Great Orthodox Hierarchs of the 19th and 20th Centuries: Archbishop
Ioasaph, Enlightener of Canada, by Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #20, May-June 1968, Vol. 4, No. 3: Serbian Holy Places 93 The
Holy Trinity by Archbishop John Maximovitch 95 The Life of St. Sergius
of Radonezh from the Life of His Disciple Epiphanius the Wise 109 The
Significance of St. Sergius in Orthodox Monasticism by Helena
Kontzevitch 112 The Miracles of Fr. Herman of Alaska: “Father Herman
Can Heal the Sick” by Sister Maria Chiarotino 113 The Orthodox Spiritual
Life: The Spiritual Instructions of St. Seraphim of Sarov, translated by
Eugene Rose 117 Serbian Holy Places by Jon Gregerson 134 An Orthodox
View of Heart Transplant by
Metropolitan Philaret, translated by Eugene Rose from Orthodox Russia.
ISSUE #21, July-Aug., 1968, Vol. 4, No. 4: Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II
137 Tsar-Martyr Nichols II by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by
Eugene Rose 139 The Life of Saint Nilus the Myrrh-Gusher of Mt. Athos,
from the Greek Synaxaristes, with additions from a Russian translation of
the Life 143 Saint Nilus’ Posthumous Discourses, from the Forward by
Archimandrite Alexander, editor of the Russian translation. 150
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Tsar Martyr Nicholas II by Eugene
Rose 156 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World: Death of Archbishop
Chrysostomos, Monks of Mt. Athos Being Forced to Commemorate
Patriarch Athenagoras, translated and compiled by Eugene Rose 159 The
Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Spiritual Instructions to Laymen and Monks
by St. Seraphim of Sarov, translated by Eugene Rose 163 The Orthodox
Mission Today: The African Greek Orthodox Church by Eugene Rose 181
A Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: Sitka, Alaska by
Gleb Podmoshensky
ISSUE #22, Sept.-Oct. 1968, Vol. 4, No. 5: San Francisco Sepulchre of
Archbishop John Maximovitch 185 The Cross of Christ by Archbishop
John Maximovitch 187 The Life of Saint Niphon, Patriarch of
Constantinople by St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain 207 The Orthodox
Spiritual Life: The Spiritual Instructions to Laymen and Monks by St.
Seraphim of Sarov, translated by Eugene Rose 211 The American Mission
Today: The American
Orthodox Mission: The Church of Sts. Theodore in Buffalo, N. Y. by
Eugene Rose 220 Great Orthodox Hierarchs of the 19th and 20th
Centuries: The Righteous Melety, Archbishop of Kharkov by Archbishop
John Maximovitch, translated by Daniel Olsen 225 The Righteous Melety,
extracts from E. Poselyanin’s Lives of Ascetics of the 18th and 19th
Centuries and Bishop Nikodim’s Lives of Ascetic of the 18th and 19th
Centuries, translated and compiled by Eugene Rose 227 A Pilgrimage to
Orthodox Holy Places of America: Sepulchre of Archbishop John
Maximovitch, San Francisco, California by Gleb Podmoshensky Back
Cover: Notice for The Orthodox Word subscriptions and Orthodox Life
ISSUE #23, Nov. - Dec. 1968, Vol. 4, No. 6: Blessed Father Herman’s
Spruce Island 223 The Nativity of Christ by Archbishop John Maximovitch
235 The Life of St. Gerasimos the New Ascetic, translated by the monks of
Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston 255 The Orthodox Spiritual Life:
The Spiritual Instructions to Laymen and Monks by St. Seraphim of Sarov,
translated by Eugene Rose 259 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World:
The “Great Synod” of Patriarch Athenagoras: The Response of Genuine
Orthodoxy by Metropolitan Philaret, translated by Eugene Rose 262
Missionary Correspondence: The African Greek Orthodox Church, from
Archimandrite Chrysostomos of Kenya; from Fr. Theodorous Nankyama of
Uganda; The Netherlands Orthodox Church from Hieromonach David of
The Hague 267 Witness of Orthodoxy: Schema-Hieromonk Panteleimon of
Boston, by Eugene Rose
273 A Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: Spruce Island,
Alaska, by Gleb Podmoshensky
Volume Five (1969)
ISSUE #24, Jan. -Feb. 1969, Vol. 5, No. 1: Desert of Sketic, Northern
Egypt 1 Open to Me the Door of Repentance, O Giver of Life! by
Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by Eugene Rose 3 The
Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: A New Weeping Icon: Kazan
Mother of God in Athens by Eugene Rose 9 The Fathers of Orthodox
Monasticism: The Life of St. Macarius the Great by Prof. I. M.
Kontzevitch 17 The Monastic Deserts of Northern Egypt by Eugene Rose
20 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Spiritual Instructions to Laymen and
Monks by St. Seraphim of Sarov, translated by Eugene Rose 30 Orthodox
ISSUEs of the Day: Ecumenism and Communism by an Orthodox Christian
Living Behind the Iron Curtain 37 Icons of the Great Feasts: The Meeting
of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, by S. V. Bulgakov, translated
from Manual for Orthodox Priests.
ISSUE # 25, Mar. - Apr., 1969, Vol. 5, No. 2: St. John Cassian & Western
Orthodox Monasticism 41 Christ is Risen! by Archbishop John
Maximovitch, translated by Eugene Rose 43 The Miraculous Icons of the
Mother of God: The Holy Diasozousa Mother of God by Hieromonk
Jeremiah Vastas, translated from Greek by Fr. James J. Laliberte 51 The
Fathers of Orthodox Monasticism: The Life of St. John Cassian the Roman
by Prof. I. M. Kontzevitch, translated by Eugene Rose
57 St. John Cassian and the Foundation of Orthodox Monasticism in the
West by Eugene Rose (map by Eugene Rose) 59 The Orthodox Spiritual
Life: The Spiritual Instructions to Laymen and Monks by St. Seraphim of
Sarov, translated by Eugene Rose 72 An Open Letter to His Eminence
Iakovos, Greek Archbishop, by Metropolitan Philaret, translated from
Orthodox Russia and introduced by Eugene Rose 77 A Strange Miracle of
The Holy Great Martyr George, by the monks of Holy Transfiguration
Monastery, Boston?
ISSUE #26, May-June, 1969, Vol. 5, No. 3: A Century of Veneration of
Father Herman 81 The Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women by Archbishop John
Maximovitch, translated by Eugene Rose 83 The Miraculous Icons of the
Mother of God: The Zhirovitskaya Mother of God by E. Poselyanin,
annotated and translated by Eugene Rose from The Mother of God. 87 The
Fathers of Orthodox Monasticism: The Life of St. Abba Dorotheus,
translated by Eugene Rose from the Optina edition. 93 The Life of
Dositheus, the Disciple of Abba Dorotheus, by an anonymous Russian
Author, translated by Eugene Rose 99 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The
Spiritual Instructions to Laymen and Monks by St. Seraphim of Sarov,
translated by Eugene Rose 105 Missionary Correspondence: A Missionary
Tours to Fort-Portal, Uganda by Father Theodorous Nankyama 109 A
Correction of ISSUE #25 regarding Metropolitan Philip of the Syrian
Archdiocese 115 A Century of Veneration of Father Herman by Gleb
ISSUE #27, July-Aug. 1969, Vol. 5, No. 4: The Ladder of Divine Ascent
121 The Canonization of Father Herman of Alaska, Ukase of Metropolitan
Philaret and Bishop Laurus 123 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of
God: The Surety of Sinners, translated by Eugene Rose from the Shanghai
Cathedral bulletin, edited by Archbishop John Maximovitch 128 The
Appearance of the Most Holy Mother of God at Zeytoon, Egypt by Fayek
M. Ishak 135 The Fathers of Orthodox Monasticism: The Life of St. John
Climacus and the Ladder of Divine Ascent by Prof. I. M. Kontzevitch 145
Ecumenism by Archbishop Vitaly of Montreal and Canada, from Orthodox
ISSUE #28, Sept.-Oct. 1969, Vol. 5, No. 5: The American Orthodox
Mission: Seattle 161 The Canonization of the Saints of God by Archbishop
John Maximovitch 162 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: The
Weeping Icon “Umileniye” of Novgorod by E. Poselyanin, translated by
Eugene Rose from The Mother of God 165 The Fathers of Orthodox
Monasticism: The Life of St. Gregory the Sinaite 180 St. Gregory the
Sinaite and the Spread of Hesychasm to the Slavs by Prof. I. M.
Kontzevitch 183 The Orthodox Mission Today: The American Orthodox
Mission: St. Nectarios American Orthodox Church in Seattle by Father
Neketas Palassis 191 Great Orthodox Hierarchs of the 19th & 20th
Centuries: Archbishop Theophan of Poltava 197 Orthodoxy in the
Contemporary World: A Defense of Orthodoxy in Western Europe
ISSUE #29, Nov.-Dec. 1969, Vol. 5, No. 6: St. Herman of Alaska Icon by
Fr. Herman 201 Dedication to St. Herman before his canonization, by the
202 The First Icon of Father Herman 204 The Fathers of Orthodox
Monasticism: The Life of St. Isaac the Syrian by Prof. I. M. Kontzevitch,
translated by Eugene Rose from St. Isaac’s Works and from Kontzevitch’s
article. 213 In Memoriam: Guardian of Father Herman— Archimandrite
Gerasim of Spruce Island in Alaska 219 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: A
Treasury of Father Herman’s Spirituality 226 Orthodoxy in the
Contemporary World: A Clarification Concerning the Question of an
Autocephalous American Orthodox Church, June 6/19, 1969, translated
from Orthodox Russia; The Impending “Autocephaly” of the Russian
Metropolia in America, by Eugene Rose; Two More Priests Leave Greek
Archdiocese for Russian Synod, by Eugene Rose; Farewell Sermon of Fr.
Peter Carras 237 Missionary Correspondence: Consecration of the Church
of Sts. Theodore in Buffalo, N. Y., translated from Orthodox Russia
Volume Six (1970)
ISSUE # 30, Jan.-Feb. 1970, Vol. 6, No. 1: Valaam Monastery 3
Metropolitan Philaret on Blessed Father Herman to the Orthodox
Christians of Australia, translated from Word of the Church 4 The Fathers
of Orthodox Monasticism: The Life of Sts. Sergius and Herman of Valaam
12 The Life of St. Dionysios of Zakynthos, translated from the Greek by
the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Boston 26 The Orthodox Spiritual
Life: A Treasury of Father Herman’s Spirituality, V-IX 37 Great Orthodox
Hierarchs of the 19th and 20th Centuries: Archbishop Apollinary,
Confessor of Orthodoxy
in America, compiled and translated by Eugene Rose from The Russian
Orthodox Church in North America 51 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary
World: Strong Protests Greet the Metropolia’s “Autocephaly” by Eugene
ISSUE #31, Mar.-Apr. 1970, Vol. 6, No. 2: San Francisco Cathedral—
Canonization of Father Herman 59 The Canonization of Father Herman of
Alaska: Ukase of Archbishop Nikon and Bishop Laurus; Ukase of
Archbishop Anthony of San Francisco announcing canonization on June
28, 1970 60 The Life of St. Sophronius of Irkutsk 69 On the Eve of Father
Herman’s Canonization 71 Service to our Holy and God-bearing Father,
Saint Herman, Wonderworker of Alaska, translated by Gleb Podmoshensky
and Eugene Rose 102 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World:
“Autocephaly” Accomplished by Eugene Rose 107 The Canonization of
Father Herman, Afterward by Eugene Rose
ISSUE #32, May-June 1970, Vol. 6, No. 3: Our Father Among the Saints St.
Herman of Alaska 111 On the Canonization of our Holy and God-bearing
Father Saint Herman of Alaska, Epistle of Metropolitan Philaret 116
Before St. Herman’s Canonization by Archpriest Alexander Popov trans.
by Eugene Rose, and Archimandrite Gerasim Schmaltz translated by Fr.
Herman 120 The Life of St. David of Thessalonica, translated from Greek
by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Boston 128 Orthodox ISSUEs of
the Day: The “Sorrowful Epistle” of Metropolitan Philaret—A Rejoinder to
Fr. Alexander Schmemann by Fr. Michael Azkoul, introduced by Eugene
Rose 144 Documents of the Catacomb Church: The Catacomb Church by
Prof. I. M. Andreev; two page Introduction by Editors; text from Orthodox
Russia translated by Eugene Rose? 150 Martyrology of the Communist
Yoke: Bishop Maxim of Serpukhov by Prof. I. M. Andreev, translated by
Eugene Rose from Orthodox Path.
ISSUE #33-34, July-Oct. 1970, Vol. 6, Nos. 4 & 5: A Second Pascha in the
Midst of Summer 167 Canonization of St. Herman... by Gleb
Podmoshensky 168 A Second “Pascha in the Midst of Summer”: The
Services for the Canonization of St. Herman in San Francisco by Eugene
Rose and Gleb Podmoshensky 185 Saint Herman, Guardian Angel of the
Russian Church Abroad, by Rev. Valery Lukianov, Abbess Tamara of
Mount of Olives, Archpriest Alexey Ionov, Nun Maria Stakhovich,
Hieromonk Nikander of Valaam, Fr. Igor Dougov of Cannes, France, Jean
Besse of Bordeaux, France, Jose Guillermo Oncins Hevia of Madrid,
Abbess Elizabeth of London, M. Hoerschelmann of Argentina, Mother
Iuliana of Chile, M. V. Ioasafov of South America, Fr. Victor Bulakhov of
Australia, Abbess Elena of New Shamordino Convent, England, Antonina
A. Vajin of Australia, Bishop Savva of Edmonton, “Testament of
Metropolitan Anastassy,” 196 Saint Herman in America Today by Ted
Khoury, retold by Eugene Rose 201 A Treasury of Saint Herman’s
Spirituality, X-XII 205 Whither, Metropolia? by Eugene Rose 213 A Final
Appeal; of Metropolitan Philaret to the Sobor of Bishops, Clergy and
Laymen of the American Metropolia 217 The Response of the Metropolia,
reported by Eugene Rose
218 Letter of St. Seraphim Parish to Metropolitan Ireney by Archpriest
Alexander Kiselev, translated from Rossiya and reported by Eugene Rose
ISSUE #35, Nov.-Dec. 1970, Vol. 6, No. 6: Desert Dweller of Russia’s
Northern Thebaid Mailed out Mar. 13/26, 1971 A Bimonthly Periodical of
the Brotherhood of Saint Herman of Alaska 243 The Feast Day of St.
Herman of Alaska: Ukase of Metropolitan Philaret and Bishop Laurus,
decreed December 12 O.S. as feast of St. Herman 244 The Report of
Bishop Alexy of Alaska, 1939 248 The Life of Blessed Nazarius, Abbot of
Valaam 260 “Renovated Orthodoxy”: The Liturgical Theology of Fr.
Alexander Schmemann by Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky,
introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim 265 The Orthodox Spiritual life:
The Counsels of Elder Nazarius (I), introduced and translated by Fr.
Seraphim from Ascetics of Sarov Monastery, Valaam Edition. 281
Documents of the Catacomb Church: The Sergianist Schism of 1927 (1, 2),
introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim from St. Vladimir Russian
National Calendar 1964: 1. The Separation of Hierotheus, Bishop of
Nikolsk, 2. The Separation of Archpriest Valentin Sventitsky 286
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Bishop Hierotheus and His Friend,
Schema-hieromonk Seraphim, translated by Fr. Seraphim? 289 The
Orthodox Word 1970 Index
Volume Seven (1971)
ISSUE # 36, Jan.-Feb. 1971, Vol. 7, No. 1: The Beginning of the Catacomb
Church 3 A New Age of Martyrs and Catacombs by Archbishop John
Maximovitch, translated by Fr. Seraphim? 4 The Life of Saint Afstathios
the Great Martyr, translated
from Greek by the monks of Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston 8
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Metropolitan Joseph of Petrograd
and the Beginning of the Catacomb Church 23 The Orthodox Spiritual
Life: The Counsels of the Elder Nazarius (II), translated by Fr. Seraphim
from Ascetics of Sarov Monastery, Valaam Edition. 26 Documents of the
Catacomb Church: The Epistles of Metropolitan Joseph of Petrograd,
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Russia’s New Martyrs by Protopresbyter
Michael Polsky, etc. 31 Boris Talantov: Orthodox Confessor in an Atheist
Society, compiled by Fr. Seraphim from Religion in Communist Dominated
Areas, Patriarch and Prophets by Rev. Michael Bordeaux, Messenger of the
Russian Student Christian Movement, and other sources.
ISSUE #37, Mar.-Apr. 1971, Vol. 7, No. 2: Blessed John Maximovitch 51
Blessed John Maximovitch by Fr. Seraphim 53 Archbishop John: Man of
God, by Dr. A. F. Baranov, G Larin, and the Editors 56 Archbishop John:
Apostle to the West by Fr. Seraphim 60 Archbishop John: Fearless
Champion of True Orthodoxy by Fr. Seraphim 62 The Russian Orthodox
Church Outside of Russia by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by
Fr. Seraphim from Orthodox Action 71 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The
Counsels of the Elder Nazarius (III), translated by Fr. Seraphim from
Ascetics of Sarov Monastery, Valaam Edition.) 84 Documents of the
Catacomb Church: An Interview with Metropolitan Sergius, recorded by I.
M. Andreev, translated by Fr. Seraphim; The Separation of Bishop Dimitry
of Gdov translated by Fr. Seraphim from St. Vladimir National Calendar
91 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Archbishop Dimitry and His
Priest, Nicholas Prozorov, translated and compiled by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #38, May-June 1971, Vol. 7, No. 3: Blessed Xenia of Petersburg A
Bimonthly Periodical of the Brotherhood of Saint Herman of Alaska 99
Holy Water by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by Fr. Seraphim
100 The Life of Great Martyr Saint Mamas, translated from Greek by the
Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Boston 112 Martyrology of the
Communist Yoke: Bishop Victor of Glazov, translated by Fr. Seraphim
from Polsky’s Russia’s New Martyrs. 113 Documents of the Catacomb
Church: The Epistles of Bishop Victor, translated by Fr. Seraphim 119 The
Orthodox Spiritual life: The Counsels of the Elder Nazarius (IV, V),
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Ascetics of Sarov Monastery, Valaam
Edition. 126 Blessed Xenia of Petersburg and Her Contemporary Miracles
133 Orthodoxy and the Contemporary World: The “Local Council” of the
Moscow Patriachate: New Steps in an International Offensive 137
Orthodox ISSUEs of the Day: A “Dialogue” with Non-Christian Religions?
(I) by Fr. Seraphim 140 Do We Have the Same God That Non-Christians
Have? by Fr. Basile Sakkas, translated from La Foi Transmise by Fr.
ISSUE #39, July-Aug. 1971, Vol. 7, No. 4: Starets Anatole the Younger of
Optina 147 Life After Death by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated
by Fr. Seraphim 148 The Martyrdom of St. Anastasios of Epirus,
translated by Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Boston? 154 Orthodox
ISSUEs of the Day: A “Dialogue” with Non-Christian Religions? (II) by Fr.
Seraphim 167 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Counsels of the Elder
Nazarius (VI, VII), translated by Fr. Seraphim from Ascetics of Sarov
Monastery, Valaam Edition. 180 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke:
Starets Anatole the Younger and the Destruction of Optina Monastery by I.
M. Kontzevitch, from Optina Monastery and Its Era, translated by Fr.
ISSUE #40, Sept.-Oct. 1971, Vol. 7, No. 5: Saint Herman Orthodox
Calendar 1972 194 Notes on the Calendar by Fr. Seraphim 195 Saint
Herman Orthodox Calendar by Fr. Herman 197 January Calendar begins;
December ends on Back Cover
ISSUE # 41, Nov.-Dec. 1971, Vol. 7, No. 6: Boris Talantov: Sergianism 267
The True Orthodox Church and the Russian Church Abroad, Resolution of
the Sobor of Bishops of ROCOR, Sept. 1971, translated by Fr. Seraphim
268 The Martyrdom of the Holy New-Martyr Zlata, translated by Holy
Transfiguration Monastery in Boston? 273 Sergianism, the Leaven of
Herod by Boris Talantov, translated by Fr. Seraphim 294 Orthodoxy in the
Contemporary World: Important Decrees of the Sobor of Bishops of
ROCOR, translated and compiled by Fr. Seraphim 301 Notice for Now
available books from Eastern Orthodox Books, Willits, CA 302 The
Orthodox Word 1971 Index
Volume Eight (1972) ISSUE #42, Jan.- Feb, 1972, Vol. 8, No. 1: Russia’s
Catacomb Saints, Pskov Caves Monastery 3 Russia’s Catacomb Saints by
Fr. Herman? 4 The Life of St. Macarius the Roman, Wonderworker of
Novgorod by Animpodist Korolkov, translated and revised by Fr. Herman
from Russki Palomnik 14 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Schema-
Bishop Macarius, introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim from Memoirs
of Nun Veronica (Kotliarevskaya), Archpriest Gerasim Shoretz in Russian
Life, and Protopresbyter Michael Polsky’s Russia’s New Martyrs 17 The
Orthodox Spiritual life: The Counsels of the Elder Nazarius (VIII),
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Ascetics of Sarov Monastery, Valaam
Edition. 25 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World: Archbishop, Priest,
Parish Leave Metropolia Because of “Modernism,” “Renovationism,”
“Heresy,” Declaration of Archbishop Amvrosy, introduced and translated by
Fr. Seraphim from Orthodox Russia 31 Orthodox ISSUEs of the Day: Can
the Orthodox Church Enter a “Dialogue” with Non-Christian Religions?:
III. A Fakir’s “Miracle” and the Prayer of Jesus by Archimandrite Nicholas
Drobyazgin, translated by Fr. Seraphim from Orthodox Life; Conclusion:
The Goal of the “Dialogue with Non-Christian Religions” by Fr. Seraphim
[written after Mar. 11/24, 1972]
ISSUE #43, Mar.-Apr. 1972, Vol. 8, No. 2: Bishop Andrew of Ufa 41 The
Second Sorrowful Epistle of Metropolitan Philaret by Fr. Seraphim 42 The
Life of St. Paul of Obnora in the Komel Forests of Vologda, translated and
condensed by Fr. Seraphim from Historical Account of the Lives of
Vologda Saints 48 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Bishop Andrew of
Ufa, translated and compiled by Fr. Seraphim from Theological
Encyclopedia, Orthodox Russia, Orthodox Life, Russia’s New Martyrs and
unpublished letters of
priests and nuns. 52 Can the Orthodox Church Enter a “Dialogue with
Non-Christian Religions?—Part V (Conclusion): The “Charismatic
Revival” as a Sign of the Times by Fr. Seraphim 67 The Orthodox Spiritual
Life: The Counsels of the Elder Nazarius (IX, X), translated by Fr.
Seraphim from Ascetics of Sarov Monastery, Valaam Edition. 97 Orthodox
Bibliography: The New Martyrs of Russia by Protopresbyter Michael
Polsky, The True Vine, and other publications of The Monastery Press,
Montreal, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim.
ISSUE #44, May-June 1972, Vol. 8, No. 3: Russia and the Church Today:
White Lake Monastery 103 The Miracles of Archbishop John Maximovitch
by Valentina Harvey 104 The Life of Saint Cyril of White Lake from The
Russian Thebaid of the North by Andrew Moraviev, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 114 Documents of the Catacomb Church: Russia and the Church
Today, and Church and Authority: Two Catacomb Documents of the
Catacomb Church in the USSR, translated by Possev by Fr. Seraphim 123
The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Counsels of the Elder Nazarius (XI, XII,
Conclusion), translated by Fr. Seraphim from Ascetics of Sarov Monastery,
Valaam Edition. 135 Announcement for Nikodemos 147 Orthodox
Bibliography: A History of the Church Abroad, ed. by Holy Transfiguration
Monastery, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #45, July-Aug. 1972, Vol. 8, No. 4: Solovki Martyrologion 151 Our
Living Inheritance from Solovki Monastery 152 The Life of Saint
Sabbatius of Solovki, translated by
Fr. Seraphim 160 Solovki Patericon by Fr. Seraphim 163 Solovki
Martyrologion, translated by Fr. Seraphim 166 The Decline of the
Patriarchate of Constantinople, Report to All-Diaspora Sobor 1938 by
Archbishop John Maximovitch, introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim
169 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Counsels of the Elder Nazarius
(End), translated by Fr. Seraphim from Ascetics of Sarov Monastery,
Valaam Edition. 176 The Miracles of Archbishop John Maximovitch by
Bishop Savva of Edmonton in Orthodox Life, translated by Fr. Seraphim
178 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Father Nicholas Zagorosky by I.
M. Kontzevitch from Optina Monastery and Its Era, compiled by Helena
Kontzevitch and introduced by Fr. Herman 189 Orthodox Bibliography:
Staretz Amvrosy by John B. Dunlop, and Letters of Staretz Macarius of
Optina, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE # 46, Sept.-Oct. 1972, Vol. 8, No. 5: St. Nilus of Sora and His Skete
Tradition 195 Saint Herman, Zealot of Orthodoxy 196 The Life of St. Nilus
of Sora, and His Skete Tradition, from Patericon of St. Sergius’ Holy
Trinity Monastery and The Russian Thebaid of the North by A. Muraviev,
introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim 212 A Treasury of Saint
Herman’s Spirituality (XIII-XV), translated by Fr. Seraphim from Wrangell
manuscripts 219 The Zealots of Mount Athos: Leaven of True Orthodoxy
Today 225 The “Zealot” Movement and the Service to Orthodox Faith on
Mt. Athos, by Theodoritos, Monk of St. Anne’s Skete 229 The Miracles of
Archbishop John Maximovitch (III), translated by Fr. Seraphim from
Blessed John Maximovitch, Platina 1971.
230 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Fathers Ismael and Michael
Rozhdestvensky, the Catacomb Brother-Priests, translated by Fr. Seraphim
from papers of A. Makushinsky 235 Orthodox Bibliography: Father
Herman, Alaska’s Saint by F. A. Golder, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #47, Nov. -Dec. 1972, Vol. 8, No. 6: Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky
239 Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky, 1722-1972 by Fr. Seraphim (ideas from
Fr. Herman) 244 The Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius, Part One
(1722-1746), by Schema-monk Metrophanes of Niamets Monastery,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 253 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Scroll,
containing Six Chapters on Mental Prayer by Elder Paisius Velichkovsky,
translated by Fr. Seraphim. 269 In Memoriam; Bishop Savva of Edmonton
and the Glorification of Archbishop John Maximovitch: 1. Necrology by
Archbishop Athanasius of Argentina in Nasha Strana, translated by Fr.
Seraphim; 2. Bishop Savva, Zealot of Spiritual Renewal by Fr. Seraphim;
3. Sermon of Bishop Savva from Orthodox Russia, translated by Fr.
Volume Nine (1973)
ISSUE #48, Jan.-Feb. 1973, Vol. 9, No. 1: St. Seraphim of Sarov 3 St.
Seraphim of Sarov 1833 - 1903 - 1973 by the Editors 5 Martyrology of the
Communist Yoke: St. Seraphim in Bonds, translated and compiled by Fr.
Seraphim 13 Materials on the Life and Miracles of Archbishop John
Maximovitch: A Case of Exorcism of an Evil Spirit in Our Own Days by
Bishop Savva of Edmonton 17 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Scroll,
Six chapters
on Mental Prayer (Chapter Two) by Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, translated
by Fr. Seraphim 23 The Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius
Velichkovsky, Part Two (1743-1763), by Schema-monk Metrophanes of
Niamets Monastery, translated by Fr. Seraphim. 38 Orthodox Bibliography:
Saint Macarios of Corinth by Constantine Cavarnos, reviewed by Fr.
ISSUE #49, Mar. - Apr. 1973, Vol. 9, No. 2:Cave of St. Alexander of Svir 43
In Preparation for the Canonization of Blessed Xenia, request for accounts
of miracles 44 The Life of St. Alexander of Svir by Abbot Herodion,
translated and abridged by Fr. Seraphim 58 Materials on the Life and
Miracles of Archbishop John Maximovitch: “What a Man of Prayer We
Had” by Bishop Savva of Edmonton in Orthodox Russia, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 59 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Scroll, Six Chapters on
Mental Prayer (Chapter Two, concluded) by Elder Paisius Velichkovsky,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 67 The Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius
Velichkovsky: Part Three: In Quest of the Patristic Sources, by Schema-
monk Metrophanes of Niamets Monastery, translated by Fr. Seraphim. 78
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Metropolitan Cyril of Kazan,
translated and compiled by Fr. Seraphim from Russia’s New Martyrs by Fr.
Michael Polsky, A Pastoral Wreath to Fr. John of Kronstadt, Bishops-
Confessors, The Russian Orthodox Church Underground, etc. 83 Orthodox
Bibliography: Optina Monastery and Its Epoch by I. M. Kontzevitch,
reviewed by Fr. Herman
ISSUE #50, May - June 1973, Vol. 9, No. 3: Saint Herman of Alaska and the
Future of Holy Russia
89 The 50th ISSUE of The Orthodox Word by Fr. Seraphim 91 The
Meaning of the Russian Diaspora by Archbishop John Maximovitch,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 95 Is Holy Russia Alive Today? (An Open
Letter to Nikita Struve of the Vestnik of the Russian Student Christian
Movement by Gennady Shimanov), introduced by Fr. Herman, translated
by Fr. Seraphim from Nasha Strana 103 The Fall and Resurrection of
Russia: The Words of Nine Prophets of Holy Russia on the Destiny of
Russia: 1. St. Seraphim of Sarov (From Notes of Motovilov), 2. Schema-
Archimandrite Heliodorus of Glinsky Hermitage, 3. St. John of Kronstadt,
4. Hiero-Schema-Monk Aristocleus, 5. Hiero-Schema-Monk Alexius of
Zosima Hermitage, 6. Hieromonk Anatole the Younger of Optina, 7. Elder
Nectarius of Optina, 8. Hieromonk Barnabas of the Gethsemane Skete, 9.
Archbishop Theophanes of Poltava 105 A Treasury of St. Herman’s
Spirituality (XVI-XVIII), translated by Fr. Herman 118 Will These Human
Bones Come to Life? by Archbishop John Maximovitch, a Sermon of
1948, translated by Fr. Seraphim 123 The Great Mystery of Diveyevo from
“Conversation of St. Seraphim with Motovilov,” introduced and translated
by Fr. Seraphim 127 Conclusion
ISSUE #51, July-Aug. 1973, Vol. 9, No. 4: Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky at
Dragomirna A Bimonthly Periodical of the Brotherhood of Saint Herman
of Alaska 131 Metropolitan Anastassy 1873-1973 by Archbishop Averky,
translated and summarized by Fr. Seraphim from Orthodox Russia. 132
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: The Young Father Vladimir by N. V.
Urusova from Orthodox Russia, translated by Fr. Seraphim
137 The Life of St. Alexander of Svir (Conclusion) by Abbot Herodion,
translated and abridged by Fr. Seraphim. 145 A Treasury of St. Herman’s
Spirituality (XIX-XX), from Schema-Monk Sergius Yanovsky, translated
by Fr. Seraphim 147 The Scroll: Six Chapters on Mental Prayer (Chapter
Three) by Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, translated by Fr. Seraphim 149 The
Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky: Part Four: The
Monastery of Dragomirna, by Schema-monk Metrophanes of Niamets
Monastery, translated by Fr. Seraphim. 159 Saint Alexander’s Disciples,
compiled by the Editors 161 Materials on the Life and Miracles of
Archbishop John Maximovitch: Two Recent Communications Concerning
Grace-Given Help by the Prayers of Archbishop John by Tamara Hirt and
Emile Moine 163 Orthodox Bibliography: The Russian Orthodox Church
Underground by William C. Fletcher, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #52, Sept. - Oct. 1973, Vol. 9, No. 5: Saint Anthony of Siya’s
Hermitage 167 St. Anthony of Siya by Ivan M. Kontzevitch from The
Acquisition of the Holy Spirit in Ancient Russia, translated by Fr. Seraphim
168 The Life of St. Anthony of Siya, from Russian Lives of Saints and
Russky Palomnik, condensed and translated by Fr. Seraphim 185 The
Scroll: Six Chapters on Mental Prayer (Chapter Four) by Elder Paisius
Velichkovsky, translated by Fr. Seraphim 187 The Life and Ascetic Labor of
Elder Paisius Velichkovsky: Part Five: His Labors in the Translation of the
Patristic Writings (Dragomirna), from Letter of Elder Paisius to Elder
Theodosius, translated by Fr. Seraphim.
196 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Bishop Arcadius, from materials
of Irene Mashin and Russia’s New Martyrs by Fr. Michael Polsky,
compiled and translated by Fr. Seraphim 204 Orthodox Bibliography:
European and Muscovite: Ivan Kireevsky and the Origin of Slavophilism
by Abbot Gleason, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #53, Nov. - Dec. 1973, Vol. 9, No. 6: Synod Icon of St. Herman of
Alaska 211 Lord, What Shall I Do? (From the words of St. Herman of
Alaska, translated by Fr. Seraphim 217 Orthodoxy in Action by Archbishop
John Maximovitch, Sermon at the Opening of “Orthodox Action” Society,
introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim 220 The St. Herman Pilgrimage
to Holy Trinity Monastery by Fr. Herman 223 The Typicon of the Orthodox
Church’s Divine Services by Fr. Seraphim 224 The Scroll: Six Chapters on
Mental Prayer (Chapter Five) by Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, translated by
Fr. Seraphim 230 The Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius
Velichkovsky, Part Six: Further Labors in the Monastery of Dragomirna,
by Schema-monk Metrophanes of Niamets Monastery, translated by Fr.
Seraphim. 238 Orthodox Bibliography: The Persecutor by Sergei
Kourdakov, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim 246 The Call of St. Herman to
Young Orthodox Zealots by Fr. Herman 247 The Orthodox Word 1973 Index
Volume Ten (1974)
ISSUE #54, Jan.-Feb. 1974, Vol. 10, No. 1: Hieromartyr John of Latvia
3 A Reaction to The Call of St. Herman by Archpriest Sergei Shchukin 4
Saint Bogolep, Righteous Child Schema-monk of Cherny Yar, from Russky
Palomnik, introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim 10 Martyrology of the
Communist Yoke: Archbishop John of Latvia by Ludmilla Koehler,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 19 The Scroll: Six Chapters on Mental Prayer
(Chapter Six) by Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, translated by Fr. Seraphim 24
The Typicon of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services: Chapter One: the
Orthodox Christian and the Church Situation Today by Fr. Seraphim 36
The Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Seven: The
Letters of Elder Paisius from Dragomirna, by Schema-monk Metrophanes
of Niamets Monastery, Optina edition, translated by Fr. Seraphim. 39
Orthodox Bibliography: The Acquisition of the Holy Spirit in Ancient
Russia by I. M. Kontzevitch, 3-line announcement.
ISSUE #55, Mar. - Apr. 1974, Vol. 10, No. 2: Youth and Sanctity 41
Contemporary Youth and Orthodox Sanctity by Fr. Herman 44 Young
Saints: St. Artemius of Verkola, translated by Fr. Seraphim from Lives of
Saints 52 The Holy Childhood of Archbishop John Maximovitch 59 The
Life of St. Herman of Alaska 62 The Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder
Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Eight: The Letters of Elder Paisius from
Dragomirna, by Schema-monk Metrophanes of Niamets Monastery, Optina
edition and Chetverikov, translated by Fr. Seraphim 66 Blessed Xenia’s
Recent Miracle by Abbess Elena, translated by Fr. Seraphim
68 The Typicon of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services, Chapter Two:
The Psalms of David by Fr. Seraphim 73 Orthodoxy and Death: New
Persecutions of the Zealot Monks of Mount Athos by Theodoritos, Monk
of St. Anne’s Skete, introduction and afterward by the Fr. Seraphim 79
Orthodox Bibliography: The Holy Mountain by Constantine Cavarnos,
reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #56, May-June, 1974, Vol. 10, No. 3: Saint Euphrosynus of Blue Jay
Lake 85 A Response from Soviet Russia, translated by Fr. Seraphim 86 The
Mission to Soviet Russia: The work of the Brotherhood “Orthodox Action”
by Kozma Skvartsov, translated by Fr. Seraphim 88 The Eighth
Anniversary of the Repose of Archbishop John by Frs. Herman and
Seraphim 90 The Life of St. Euphrosynus, Martyr-Confessor of Blue Jay
Lake, from Lives of Saints and Russky Palomnik, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 106 The Typicon of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services,
Chapter Three: The Russian Tradition of Orthodox Chant by Fr. Seraphim
110 Young Saints: The Righteous Girls Vera and Lyubov by Bishop
Nikodim of Belgorod, Lives of the Ascetics of the 18th and 19th Centuries,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 116 Orthodox Bibliography: The Gulag
Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #57, July-Aug. 1974, Vol. 10, No. 4: Russia’s Catacomb Saints:
Abbess Sophia of Kiev 125 Childhood in Christ 126 Young Saints: The
Early Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh, condensed by Fr. Seraphim from the
Life of the Saint’s Disciple, Epiphanius the Wise 132 The Holy Fathers of
Orthodox Spirituality: The
Teaching of St. Macarius the Great by I. M. Kontzevitch, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 141 A Note on “Pseudo-Macarius” and the “Messalian Origin”
of the Spiritual Homilies, by Fr. Seraphim 144 The Typicon of the
Orthodox Church’s Divine Services by Fr. Seraphim 148 The Life and
Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Nine: The Letters of
Elder Paisius from Dragomirna, by Schema-monk Metrophanes of Niamets
Monastery, from Life of Elder Paisius, Optina edition, translated by Fr.
Seraphim. 160 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Abbess Sophia of
Kiev by Helene Kontzevitch 169 Orthodox Bibliography: Monasteries and
Churches of Holy Russia, Russian Orthodox Youth Committee of the
Russian Church Outside of Russia, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #58, Sept. Oct, 1974, Vol. 10, No. 5: The Northern Thebaid 173 The
Guardian Angel, Icon and Troparion 174 The Life of Diodorus of George-
Hill, translated and compiled by Fr. Seraphim from Lives of Saints and
Solovki Patericon 188 The Holy Fathers of Orthodox Spirituality:
Introduction (I) by Fr. Seraphim 196 The Typicon of the Orthodox
Church’s Divine Services, Chapter Five; Feast Days and “Ordinary” Days
by Fr. Seraphim 201 Materials for the Life of Archbishop John
Maximovitch: “The Archbishop’s Nina” reported by T. Blinova, translated
by Fr. Seraphim 202 The Life and Ascetic Labor of Elder Paisius
Velichkovsky, Part Ten: The Monastery of Sekoul, by Schema-monk
Metrophanes of Niamets Monastery, from Life of Elder Paisius, Optina
edition, from Chetverikov, and from Monk Parthenius, Travels in Russia,
Turkey and the Holy Land, compiled and translated by Fr. Seraphim. 217
Orthodox Bibliography: Fifty Spiritual Homilies of St. Macarius the Great,
trans. A.J. Mason, reviewed by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #59, Nov.-Dec. 1974, Vol. 10, No. 6: The Cry of the New Martyrs
221 A Decade of the Blessing of Archbishop John by Fr. Seraphim 224 The
Cry of the New Martyrs by Fr. Herman 227 Child Proto-Martyr Crown
Prince Alexis 228 Priest Proto-Martyr Vladimir Troepolsky 229
Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev 230 Bishop Barnabas of Tobolsk 231
Bishop Isidore of Balakhnin 232 Archpriest Alexis Stavrovsky 233 Bishop
Simon of Ufa 234 Holy Patriarch Tikhon 235 The Catacomb Tikhonite
Church 1974 by Fr. Seraphim 247 Bishop Hierotheus of Nikolsk 248
Metropolitan Agathangelus 249 Archbishop Barlaam of Perm
250Archbishop Theodore of Volokolamsk 251 Metropolitan Cyril of Kazan
252 Bishop Onuphrius, the Saint 253 Father Nicholas Zagorovsky 254
Bishop Andrew of Ufa 255 The Orthodox Word: Ten-Year Index of
Volume Eleven (1975)
ISSUE #60, Jan.-Feb. 1975, Vol. 11, No. 1: St. Dorothy, Schema-Nun of
Kashin 3 In Defense of Orthodoxy: Epistle of Metr. Philaret to Metr.
Ireney, introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim
6 The Life of St. Dorothy, Schema-nun of Kashin, abbreviated and
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Russky Palomnik and Russian Ascetics of
the 18th and 19th Centuries by Bishop Nikodim. 12 The Typicon of the
Orthodox Church’s Divine Services, Chapter Six: Orthodox Feast-day
Hymnody, I: Blessed is the Man, by Fr. Seraphim 16 Orthodoxy and the
Religion of the Future: Three Excerpts from the New Book by Fr. Seraphim
23 Field Flowers, or Lilies of the Field (Introduction, Chapter One) by
Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky, translated by Fr. Seraphim; Introduction by
Elder Theodosius of Karoulia 35 The Holy Fathers of Orthodox
Spirituality: Introduction, II. How to Read the Holy Fathers by Fr.Seraphim
42 The Life and Ascetic Labors of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Eleven:
The Transfer to the Monastery of Niamets, by Schema-monk Metrophanes
of Niamets Monastery, from Life of Elder Paisius, Optina edition,
translated by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #61, Mar. -Apr. 1975, Vol. 11, No. 2 51 Holy Women of the
Northern Thebaid by Fr. Herman? 61 The Northern Thebaid: Preface to the
New Book by Fr. Seraphim 64 In Memoriam: I. M. Kontzevitch, True
Orthodox Patristic Scholar by Fr. Seraphim 66 The Northern Thebaid:
Introduction to the New Book, by Prof. I. M. Kontzevitch, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 69 Field Flowers, or Lilies of the Field (Chapters Two and
Three) by Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky, translated by Fr. Seraphim [later
chapters translated by Olga Oleinikov] 84 The Life and Ascetic Labors of
Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Twelve: The Monastery of Niamets, by
Schema-monk Metrophanes of Niamets Monastery, from Life of Elder
Paisius, Optina edition, and from
Chetverikov, translated by Fr. Seraphim. 91 New Books: The Psalter of
Holy Transfiguration Monastery, The Life of St. Macrina by St. Gregory of
Nyssa, St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite by Constantine Cavarnos, Nicholas II,
The Last Tsar, by Marvin Lyons
ISSUE #62, May-June 1975, Vol. 11, No. 3: Archbishop Averky of
Jordanville 95 Our Living Links with the Holy Fathers: Archbishop Averky
of Jordanville by Fr. Seraphim 96 Holy Zeal by Archbishop Averky of
Jordanville, translated by Fr. Seraphim from St. Elias Publ. “Faith and
Life” 100 Holy Women, II: Anastasia of Padan 106 The Life of St.
Nicodemos of Kozha Lake, translated by Fr. Seraphim from Russky
Palomnik, Pravoslavny Sobesednik, and Lives of Saints. 120 The Life and
Ascetic Labors of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Thirteen: The
Monastery of Niamets, by Schema-monk Metrophanes of Niamets
Monastery, from Life of Elder Paisius, Optina edition, translated by Fr.
Seraphim. 131 Books by Archbishop Averky
ISSUE #63, July-August 1975, Vol. 11, No. 4: A Living Link with Optina
135 Our Living Links with the Holy Fathers: Archbishop Andrew of New-
Diveyevo by Fr. Seraphim 138 The Restoration of the Orthodox Way of
Life by Archbishop Andrew of New-Diveyevo, translated by Fr. Seraphim
from Orthodox Russia 144 Holy Women of the Northern Thebaid (Part 3):
Anastasia of Padan 150 18th Century Monasticism: The Unbroken
Continuity of the Orthodox Monastic Tradition by Fr. Seraphim 160 The
Typicon of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services, Chapter Seven: The
Polyeleos by Fr. Seraphim
163 The Life and Ascetic Labors of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part
Fourteen: The Monastery of Niamets, from Life of Elder Paisius of
Chetverikov, translated by Fr. Seraphim.
ISSUE # 64, Sept.-Oct. 1975, Vol. 11, No. 5: St. Gregory the Dialogist 174
A Prologue of the Orthodox Saints of the West by Fr. Seraphim 184 The
Life of St. Dalmatius of Siberia and the Monastic Exodus into the Siberian
Taiga, compiled and translated by Fr. Seraphim from Russky Palomnik,
The Mother of God by E. Poselyanin, Russian Monk, Orthodox Way,
Strannik, Historical Description of Kirensk Monastery, Russian Ascetics of
the 18th and 19th Centuries by Bishop Nikodim 188 St. Hermogenes of
Lena 190 St. Dalmatus, or Dalmat 200 The Life and Ascetic Labors of
Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Fifteen: The Letters of Elder Paisius from
Niamets, from Life of Elder Paisius of Chetverikov, translated by Fr.
ISSUE #65, Nov.-Dec. 1975, Vol. 11, No. 6: The Life of the Fathers by St.
Gregory of Tours 215 The Life of the Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours,
translated by Paul Bartlett 218 The Life of St. Gregory of Tours by Abbot
Odo, translated by Paul Bartlett 226 A Sign for Today: The Iviron Icon 228
The Holy Fathers of Orthodox Spirituality: Introduction, III. How Not to
Read the Holy Fathers, by Fr. Seraphim 240 The Life and Ascetic Labors
of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Fifteen: The Letters of Elder Paisius
from Niamets, from Life of Elder Paisius, Optina Edition, and from
Chetverikov, translated by Fr. Seraphim.
250 The Orthodox Word 1975 Index Volume Twelve (1976) ISSUE #66,
Jan.-Feb. 1976, Vol. 12, No. 1: Metropolitan
Philaret of New York 3 Our Living Links with the Holy Fathers:
Metropolitan Philaret of New York by Fr. Seraphim 6 “The Thyateira
Confession” by Metropolitan Philaret, translated by Fr. Seraphim from
Orthodox Russia 12 The Life and Ascetic Labors of Elder Paisius
Velichkovsky, Part Seventeen: The Last Years of the Great Elder, from Life
of Elder Paisius, Optina Edition, translated by Fr. Seraphim. 17 The Life of
St. Gregory of Tours by Abbot Odo (Continued), translated by Paul Bartlett
and Fr. Seraphim 20 Archimandrite Constantine 1887 - 1975: Fearless
Accuser of Pseudo-Orthodoxy by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #67, Mar.-Apr. 1976, Vol. 12, No. 2: Archbishop John Maximovitch
35 The 10th Anniversary of the Repose of Archbishop John by Fr.
Seraphim 38 Ukase No. 2-76 of His Eminence Anthony, Archbishop of
Western America and San Francisco, translated by Fr. Seraphim 40 The
“Discovery” of Metropolitan Anthony (Chapter Two of the Life of
Archbishop John Maximovitch), translated by Fr. Seraphim from Orthodox
Way 45 The Chronicle of Bishop Savva of Edmonton, by Fr. Seraphim 47
The Orthodox Theology of Archbishop John Maximovitch by Fr. Seraphim
54 The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by Archbishop John
Maximovitch, translated by Fr. Seraphim 58 The Righteous Live Forever,
from The Chronicle of Bishop Savva, translated by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #68, May-June 1976, Vol. 12, No. 3: Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky 67
The Life and Ascetic Labors of Elder Paisius Velichkovsky, Part Eighteen:
The Death of Blessed Paisius, from Life of Elder Paisius, Optina Edition,
and Russian Ascetics of the 18th and 19th Centuries, translated by Fr.
Seraphim. 78 Orthodox and the Religion of the Future: Epilogue to the
Third Printing by Fr. Seraphim 81 The Life of St. Gregory of Tours by
Abbot Odo (Continued), translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 86
The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by Archbishop John
Maximovitch (Chapters III, IV), translated by Fr. Seraphim 92 The
Typicon of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services: Chapter Eight: The
Magnification by Fr. Seraphim 95 Notice for Publications of the St.
Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, includes The Northern Thebaid $8.00.
ISSUE #69, July-Aug. 1976, Vol. 12, No. 4: Archpriest Nicholas Deputatov
99 Our Living Links with the Holy Fathers: Archpriest Nicholas Deputatov
by Fr. Seraphim 104 Awareness of God by Archpriest Nicholas Deputatov,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 114 The Life of St. Gregory of Tours by Abbot
Odo (Continued) translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 121 The
Typicon of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services, Chapter Eight: The
Magnification (Continued) by Fr. Seraphim 126 The Orthodox Veneration
of the Mother of God by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by Fr.
ISSUE #70, Sept. -Oct. 1976, Vol. 12, No. 5: Christianity vs. Sorcery: St.
Cyprian 135 Christianity vs. Sorcery by Fr. Seraphim
136 The Life of Sts. Cyprian and Justina, translated from Lives of Saints
by Fr. Seraphim 143 The Royal Path: True Orthodoxy in an Age of
Apostasy by Fr. Seraphim 150 The Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina
by Archimandrite Cyprian of Fili, Attica 160 Epistles of the Council of
Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, September,
1976, translated by Fr. Seraphim from Orthodox Russia 173 Some
Miracles of Sts. Cyprian and Justina
ISSUE #71, Nov. -Dec. 1976, Vol. 12, No. 6: Saint John of Kronstadt 179
St. John of Kronstadt, Touchstone of True Orthodoxy by Archbishop
Averky of Jordanville, translated by Fr. Seraphim 181 St. John of
Kronstadt: Archbishop John Maximovitch and the Canonization of Saint
John of Kronstadt, by Fr. Seraphim 184 Towards the “Eighth Ecumenical
Council” by Fr. Seraphim 196 The Life of St. Gregory of Tours by Abbot
Odo (Conclusion), translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 201 The
Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by Archbishop John
Maximovitch (Chapter Five), translated by Fr. Seraphim 204 The Typicon
of the Orthodox Church’s Divine Services, Chapter Eight: The
Magnification (Concluded)by Fr. Seraphim 210 The Orthodox Word 1976
Volume Thirteen (1977)
ISSUE #72, Jan.-Feb. 1977, Vol. 13, No. 1: Church of San Vitale in
Ravenna 1 Fifty Years of the Catacomb Church by Fr. Seraphim 8
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Archbishop
Pachomius of Chernigov, translated and compiled by Fr. Seraphim from
Russia’s New Martyrs by Fr. Michael Polsky, History of the Russian
Church from the Revolution to our Days by Andreyev, The Canonical
Situation of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop-Confessors, etc. 14
Orthodoxy in 6th-century Gaul by Fr. Seraphim 40 Documents of the
Catacomb Church: The Epistles of the Brother-Bishops, translated by Fr.
ISSUE #73, Mar.-Apr. 1977, Vol. 13, No. 2: Catacomb Theology of I. M.
Andreyev 55 I. M. Andreyev: True Orthodox Convert from the Russian
Intelligentsia by Fr. Seraphim 68 The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother
of God (VII) by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by Fr. Seraphim
74 Orthodox Monasticism in 5th and 6th Century Gaul by Fr. Seraphim 94
Two New Miracles of Archbishop John Maximovitch by Sofia Kukulis and
Nina Pashchenko
ISSUE #74, May-June 1977, Vol. 13, No. 3: The Alps of Eastern France
107 Saints Romanus and Lupicinus, The Desert-dwellers of the Jura by Fr.
Seraphim 123 A Pilgrimage to the Jura Mountains by Daniel Olsen 141
Orthodox Monasticism Today in the Light of Orthodox Monastic Gaul by
Fr. Seraphim 148 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Matushka Maria of
Gatchina by I. M. Andreyev, translated by Fr. Seraphim 151 Publications of
the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood: New: The Restoration of the
Orthodox Way of Life by Archbishop Andrew of New-Diveyevo, The Life
and Works of Archbishop Averky by Fr. Demetrios Serfes
ISSUE # 75, July- Aug. 1977, Vol. 13, No. 4: New Solovki Saints 155
Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Alexander
Jacobson, Orthodox Jew Confessor by I. M. Andreyev, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 161 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: The Nuns of
Shamordino by I. M. Andreyev, translated by Fr. Seraphim 169 The
Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by Archbishop John
Maximovitch, translated by Fr. Seraphim 175 Documents of the Catacomb
Church: The Epistles of Metropolitan Cyril of Kazan, compiled and
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Bishop-Confessors by E. Lopeshanskaya,
and The Tragedy of the Russian Church by Lev Regelson Back Cover:
Notice for St. Anthony the Great by St. Athanasius the Great and Sts.
Hilarion the Great and Paul of Thebes by Blessed Jerome, publ. Eastern
Orthodox Books.
ISSUE #76, Sept. - Oct. 1977, Vol. 13, No. 5: St. Symeon the New
Theologian 195 The Life of the Fathers: The Prologue of Saint Gregory,
translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 197 The Life of the Fathers:
Saint Salvius, Seer of Heavenly Mysteries by Saint Gregory of Tours,
translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim from History of the Franks
201 Life After Death: Contemporary “After-Death” Experiences in the
Light of the Orthodox Doctrine of the Afterlife by Fr. Seraphim 205 The
Teaching of St. Symeon the New Theologian by Fr. Seraphim 209 Adam
and the First-Created world (Homily 45) by Saint Symeon the New
Theologian, translated by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #77, Nov. -Dec. 1977, Vol. 13, No. 6: Countess Anna Orlova-
Chesmenskaya 235 The Life of Countess Anna Orlova-Chesmenskaya by
N. Elagin, from The Life of Countess Anna Alekseyevna Orlovna-
Chesmenskaya, The Russian Monk, and Russkaya Starina 261 The Soul
After Death: Contemporary “After-death” Experiences in the Light of the
Orthodox Doctrine of the Afterlife (ch. 3) by Fr. Seraphim 272 The
Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by Archbishop John
Maximovitch (Conclusion), translated by Fr. Seraphim 277 The Orthodox
Word 1977 Index
Volume Fourteen (1978)
ISSUE #78, Jan. -Feb. 1978, Vol. 14, No. 1: Metropolitan Gabriel of
Petersburg and Novgorod 2 Letters 5 Our Spiritual Heroes: Metr. Gabriel of
Petersburg, Metr. Philotheus of Tobolsk, Bl. Paisius Velichkovsky, Bl.
Abbot Nazarius of Valaam, Archbishop George Konissky of Belo-Russia,
Bishop Innocent of Penza, Abbot Paul of Mt. Athos, Schema-monk John
the Fingerless, Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow, Schema-Monk Ignatius
of Olonets, Abbot Anthony of Optina, Elder Leonid of Optina, Bl. Priest
Peter of Uglich, Archimandrite Paisius the New of Mt. Athos, Bl. Abbot
Nilus of Sora, Bl. Monk John of Sora —by the Editors 14 Remember Your
Instructors by Fr. Seraphim 16 Vita Patrum by St. Gregory of Tours,
Chapter One: The Life of Sts. Romanus and Lupicinus, translated by Paul
Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 23 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Bishop
Alexis Bui of Voronezh, trans. by Fr. Seraphim from Polsky’s Russia’s New
Martyrs and The Russian Orthodox Church Underground by Fletcher 30
The Catacomb Church in Russia, 1976, translated and compiled by Fr.
Seraphim from Nasha Strana and Religion and Atheism in the USSR
33 The Life and Ascetic Labors of Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky (Part
Nineteen), translated by Fr. Seraphim from the Life of Elder Paisius,
Optina edition. 38 The Soul After Death (ch. 3, concluded) by Fr. Seraphim
47 Notice for The Orthodox Word 51 Letters: Ed. Comment on “Prayer of
the Optina Elders”
ISSUE #79, Mar.-Apr. 1978, Vol. 14, No. 2: Icon of St. Mark of Ephesus 54
Letters 57 The Soul After Death — Appendix: The Orthodox Teaching of
St. Mark of Ephesus on the State of Souls after Death, by Fr. Seraphim 59
The First Homily of St. Mark of Ephesus: Refutation of the Latin Chapters
Concerning Purgatorial Fire, translated by Fr. Seraphim from the Russian
translation by Fr. Amvrossy Pogodin of St. Mark of Ephesus and the Union
of Florence 67 The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church by
Fr. Seraphim 92 The Paschal Epistle (1978) of Archbishop Anthony of San
Francisco, translated by Fr. Seraphim 94 Two Recent Miracles of
Archbishop John Maximovitch, by Nonna Katzenstein and Peter A.
Terasowich 99 Letters: Ed. comment on Orthodoxy and the Religion of the
ISSUE #80, May-June 1978, Vol. 14, No. 3: St. Seraphim of Sarov 102
Letters 104 St. Seraphim of Sarov: Introduction to a Forthcoming Book
110 The Blessed State (Homily 2) by St. Symeon the New Theologian,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 114 Charitable Funds of the Russian Orthodox
Outside of Russia 115 Documents of the Catacomb Church: The Epistle of
Bishop Alexis Bui of Voronezh, translated by Fr. Seraphim 117 The
Chronicle of Archbishop John’s Veneration: The Spiritual Closeness of
Saints by Maria Mostiko, translated by Fr. Seraphim from The Chronicle of
the Veneration of Archbishop John Maximovitch 119 The Soul After
Death: 4. The Vision of “Heaven” by Fr. Seraphim 126 The Place of
Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church (Conclusion) by Fr. Seraphim
142 Notice for In the Beginning, publ. by St. Nicholas Educational Society,
Roslindale, MA 143 Letters; Ed. comment on “TM” and Spiritual
Counterfeits Project.
ISSUE #81, July- Aug 1978, Vol. 14, No. 4: The Glorification of Saint
Xenia Blessed in Christ 148 Epistle of Metropolitan Philaret 1978,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 153 The Life of Saint Xenia, translated and
condensed by Fr. Seraphim from Blessed Xenia of Petersburg and The
Slave of God Blessed Xenia. 154 Service to Saint Xenia of Petersburg,
introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #82, Sept.-Oct. 1978, Vol. 14, No. 5: Voronet Monastery in
Rumania 202 Letters 205 The Life of the Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours,
Chapter Two: Saint Illidius the Bishop, Wonderworker of Clermont,
translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 211 The Soul After Death
(Continued): The Aerial Realm of Spirits by Fr. Seraphim 213 The Life and
Ascetic Labors of Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky (chapters 80, 81, 82),
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Bishop Nikodim’s Russian Ascetics of the
18th and 19th Centuries, from Solovki Patericon, and Optina Elder Leonid
in Schema Leo by Clement Sederholm, etc.
ISSUE #83, Nov. - Dec. 1978, Vol. 14, No. 6: 16th-Century Icon of Fate of
Soul After Death 242 Letters 245 The Soul After Death (Continued): The
Aerial Toll-houses by Fr. Seraphim 264 The Teaching of St. Simeon the
New Theologian (continued): Homily 1: The Transgression of Adam and
our Redemption by Jesus Christ, and Homily 10: Adam’s Sin and Our
Salvation, translated by Fr. Seraphim 273 The Life and Ascetic Labors of
Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky (chapter 83), from the Greek periodical
Hagioreitike Bibliotheke 277 The Life of the Fathers by St. Gregory of
Tours, Chapter Three: Saint Abraham the Abbot, translated by Paul Bartlett
and Fr. Seraphim 282 The Orthodox Word 1978 Index
Volume Fifteen (1979)
ISSUE #84, Jan.-Feb. 1979, Vol. 15, No. 1: Church of St. Herman of Alaska
Monastery 2 Letters 4 Saint Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1978, by Fr.
Seraphim and Reader Alexey Young 12 The Life of St. Symeon the New
Theologian by Nicetas Stethatos (Condensed by Bishop Theophan the
Recluse, translated by Fr. Seraphim 29 The Soul After Death. Appendix:
Some Recent Orthodox Responses to the Current Discussion on Life After
Death, by Fr. Ambrose Fontrier, Photios Kontoglou, Archimandrite Cyprian
of Fili, Greece, translated and concluded by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #85, Mar.-Apr. 1979, Vol. 15, No. 2: Saint Innocent of Alaska 50
Letters 52 Saint Innocent of Alaska, 1879-1979 by Fr. Herman 55 The Life
of the Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours, Chapter Four, Saint Quintianus the
Bishop, translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 62 The Life and
Ascetic Labors of Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky (Chapters 85 and 86),
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Soul-Profiting Reading by Bishop Arsenius
of Pskov, and from Russky Palomnik 71 The Soul After Death
(Continued): “Out-of-Body” Experiences in Occult Literature by Fr.
Seraphim 85 Announcement of St. Herman Summer Pilgrimage for Aug.
8-19, 1979 86 The Teaching of Saint Symeon the New Theologian
(Continued): Homily 37: The Ancestral Sin and Our Regeneration,
translated by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #86, May-June 1979, Vol. 15, No. 3: New Martyr Archbishop
Seraphim of Uglich 98 Letters 101 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke:
Archbishop Seraphim of Uglich by S. Grotov from Polsky’s Russia’s New
Martyrs, Andreyev, Regelson, etc., translated by Fr. Seraphim 106
Documents of the Catacomb Church: The Epistle of Archbishop Seraphim
of Uglich, introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim from Polsky’s
Russia’s New Martyrs. 111 The Life of Saint Andrew, Fool for Christ of
Constantinople, from the Lives of Saints by St. Demetrios of Rostov,
translated and condensed by Fr. Seraphim from the Russian Life by the
Saint’s disciple Nicephorus. 130 The Soul After Death: “Out-of-Body”
Experience in Occult Literature (Continued), by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #87, July-Aug. 1979, Vol. 15, No. 4: Archbishop John
Maximovitch, Abbess Ariadna 146 Letters 149 Martyrology of the
Communist Yoke: Eldress Agatha of Belo-Russia by Tychon and Thekla T.,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 164 Miracles of Archbishop John Maximovitch:
Deliverance from Certain Death by Valentina Harvey 167 The Shorter
Theological Writings of Archbishop John Maximovitch: A Hymn to God,
translated and introduced by Fr. Seraphim 174 The Life of the Fathers by
St. Gregory of Tours, Chapter Five: Saint Portianus the Abbot, translated
by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 178 The Teaching of St. Simeon the New
Theologian: Homily 66: The Banishment and Repentance of Adam and
Every Christian, translated by Fr. Seraphim 186 The Soul After Death
(Continued): A Note on “Reincarnation” by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #88, Sept.-Oct. 1979, Vol. 15, No. 5: St. Zosima’ Siberian Skete 194
Letters 197 The Catacomb Church 1979, an Interview with Alexander
Andreevich Chernov, introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim from
Possev. 201 The Life of the Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours: Chapter Six:
Saint Gallus the Bishop, translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 211
The Soul after Death (Continued): True Christian Experiences by Fr.
Seraphim 231 A New Miracle by the Prayers of the Ever-Memorable
Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by Fr. Seraphim from Orthodox
Russia 232 Announcement of fire at Eastern Orthodox Books, appeal for
donations by Archbishop Anthony of San Francisco
235 A New Book: Elder Zosima reviewed by Fr. Herman, Preface by Fr.
ISSUE #89, Nov.-Dec. 1979, Vol. 15, No. 6: Father Dimitry Dudko: Letter
from Exile 242 Letters 244 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Blessed
Theoktista Michaelovna of Voronezh 251 The Life of the Fathers by St.
Gregory of Tours, Chapter Seven: Saint Gregory the Bishop, translated by
Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 256 The Soul After Death (Continued): The
Meaning of Today’s “After-Death Experiences by Fr. Seraphim 263 The
Shorter Theological Writings of Archbishop John Maximovitch: The Cross,
Preserver of the Universe, translated by Fr. Seraphim 279 The Teaching of
Saint Symeon the New Theologian (Continued): Homily 38: The Fall of
Adam and the Decrees of God, translated by Fr. Seraphim 284 The
Orthodox Word 1979 Index
Volume Sixteen (1980)
ISSUE #90, Jan.-Feb. 1980, Vol. 16, No. 1: Reliquary of St. Callinicus in
Cernica Monastery 2 Letters [including from Fr. Dimitry Dudko, translated
by Fr. Seraphim] 4 The Life of Saint Callinicus of Cernica in Rumania,
translated from Romanian by? from The Life and Service of the Holy
Hierarch Callinicus of Cernica 14 The Soul After Death: Chapter Ten:
Summary of the Orthodox Doctrine on the Fate of the Soul After Death
[including The Toll-Houses] by Fr. Seraphim 23 The Shorter Theological
Writings of Archbishop John Maximovitch: Three Feasts of the Gospel: (1)
The Nativity of John the Baptist by Archbishop John Maximovitch,
introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #91, Mar.-Apr. 1980. Vol. 16, No. 2: St. Tikhon of Kaluga 1
Dedication to Archimandrite Gerasim of Spruce Island, ten years reposed
52 Saint Herman Summer Pilgrimage, 1979, compiled by Fr. Seraphim 55
New Martyr Nikon of Optina by Bishop Nektary of Seattle, translated by
Fr. Seraphim 57 St. Innocent of Alaska and His Message for Us by Fr.
Alexey Young 60 Orthodox Christians Facing the 1980’s by Fr. Seraphim
64 Mount Athos Today by Fr. Herman 67 The Life of St. Tikhon of Kaluga,
condensed by Fr. Seraphim from the Life by I. A. Morozov, The Russian
Monk, Herald of Orthodox Action 71 Three Feasts of the Gospel: 2. The
Beheading of St. John, the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord by
Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by Fr. Seraphim 75 The New
Martyrs of Kaluga by Archimandrite Gerasim, translated by Fr. Seraphim
84 Letter from a New Martyr: Hierarch Nikon of Optina, introduced and
translated by Fr. Seraphim 89 Father Gerasim of Spruce Island by Fr.
ISSUE #92, May-June 1980, Vol. 16, No. 3: Valaam Monastery built by
Elder Nazarius Editors: Hieromonk Herman, Hieromonk Seraphim. All
unsigned articles are the responsibility of the editors. 98 Letters 101 Little
Russian Philokalia, Volume II by Fr. Seraphim 102 The Life of St. Niphon
of Cyprus, introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim from St. Dimitry of
Rostov’s Lives of Saints. 113 The Church in Russia (From the Official
Epistles of the Sobor of Bishops, Russian Orthodox Church Outside
of Russia) [from OW #70] 115 In Defense of Fr. Dimitry Dudko by Fr.
Seraphim 123 Three Feasts of the Gospel: 3. The Feast of the Holy
Apostles Peter and Paul by Archbishop John Maximovitch, translated by
Fr. Seraphim 148 The Teaching of St. Niphon of Cyprus, translated by Fr.
Seraphim from Russian translation in Sts. Barsanuphius and John,
Guidance in Spiritual Life, 1855. 151 Notice for St. Herman Calendar
1981; Letters: Ed. note by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #93, July-Aug. 1980, Vol. 16, No. 4: Elder Nazarius 154 Letters:
Drug-Induced Confession? [of Fr. Dimitry Dudko] from Religion in
Communist Dominated Areas, 2 letters from Uganda 156 Elder Hilarion of
Sarov and Valaam, translated by Fr. Seraphim 160 Homily Spoken at the
Grave of Elder Hilarion of Sarov 162 A Short Spiritual Ladder, The
Instructions to Beginners of Elder Hilarion of Sarov, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 164 Concerning “Super-correctness” by Bishop Cyprian of
Propos and Fili 179 The New Martyrs of Russia, a Talk by Archpriest
Roman Lukianov delivered at St. Herman Summer Pilgrimage 1980 187 In
Memoriam: Archimandrite Philotheos Zervakos 198 Notice for St. Herman
Calendar 1981
ISSUE #94, Sept.-Oct. 1980, Vol. 16, No. 5: St. Herman of Alaska 202
Letters: 2 clergy on Life After Death 204 Vita Patrum: The Life of the
Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours. Ch. 8: St. Nicetius the Bishop, translated
by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 210 The St. Herman Winter Pilgrimage,
1979, Jordanville,
by Fr. Seraphim 211 Orthodoxy in The USA: Its Historical Past and
Present by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose at Jordanville 237 A Tragedy of
Orthodox Theology. In Memoriam: Fr. Georges V. Florovsky (1893-1979)
by Archimandrite Chrysostomos and Hieromonk Auxentios of St. Gregory
Palamas Monastery in Hayesville, OH, introduced by Fr. Seraphim 250
Help from Archbishop John by Marina McCormack, Ed. note by Fr.
Seraphim 251 Letters: Ed. note by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #95, Nov.-Dec. 1980, Vol. 16, No. 6: St. Sergius of Radonezh and
the Birds 254 Letters from Uganda, Netherlands and West Germany; Ed.
notes by Fr. Seraphim 256 “The Northern Thebaid” in Greek, Forward by
Archimandrite George of the Monastery of St. Gregory, Mt. Athos, and Fr.
Seraphim The Suffering of the Holy Martyr Zosimas, the Desert-Dweller,
translated by Fr. Seraphim from Lives of Saints by St. Demetrios of Rostov
265 Vita Patrum (The Life of the Fathers by St. Gregory of Tours, Ch. 9:
Saint Patroclus the Abba, Desert-Dweller of Bourges, translated by Paul
Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 273 Our Links with the Holy Fathers: The
Definition of Eldership. In Memoriam: Ivan M. Kontzevitch by Fr. Herman
293 List of books and articles by I. M. Kontzevitch 294 Index for 1980
Volume Seventeen (1981)
ISSUE #96, Jan. - Feb. 1981, Vol. 17, No. 1: Abbot Damascene of Valaam 2
Letters: St. Xenia’s Orthodox Church, Living Orthodoxy, and about The
Soul After Death
4 Abbot Damascene of Valaam, Builder of Orthodox Sanctity by Fr.
Herman 11 Archimandrite Tavrion, Last Elder of Glinsk Hermitage, Letter
from Metropolitan Philaret about Archimandrite Tavrion, introduced and
translated by Fr. Seraphim 21 What Does the Catacomb Church Think? by
Fr. Seraphim 24 A Catacomb Epistle of 1962, translated by Fr. Seraphim 41
The Death of Elder Tavrion by Fr. Dimitry Dudko from In the Light of the
Transfiguration, translated by Fr. Seraphim 42 Sermons of Elder Tavrion,
introduced and translated by Fr. Seraphim from Nadezhda 48 Miraculous
Help by the Prayers of Archbishop John Maximovitch by Olga Makarova,
translated by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #97, Mar.-Apr. 1981, Vol. 17, No. 2: Icon of New Martyrs of Russia
54 Letters: Ed. note on Vita Patrum by Fr. Seraphim 56 The Glorification
of the New Martyrs of Russia by Archbishop Anthony of Geneva,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 70 Orthodox Dogmatic Theology: Table of
Contents 71 New Persecutions at Pochaev Monastery in the West of
Russia, translated by Fr. Seraphim from Keston News Service 72 Orthodox
Dogmatic Theology: Author’s Preface to the English Translation by
Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky, translated by Fr. Seraphim 76 Our
Links with the Holy Fathers: Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky,
Theology in the Ancient Tradition by Fr. Seraphim 82 Is There an Invisible
Church? by Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 88 Vita Patrum (The Life of the Fathers). Chapter 10:
Saint Friardus the Recluse by St. Gregory of Tours, translated by Paul
Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 95 Letters: Ed. note on Uganda by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE #98, May-June 1981, Vol. 17, No. 3: Bishop Onouphry 98 Letters:
Orthodox Revival in Serbia, Letter from Fr. Gleb Yakunin, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 100 Bishop Onouphry, A Saint of Kolyma and Magadan by Fr.
Herman 120 Monk-Martyr Vincent of Optina 123 The Response to Elder
Tavrion by Fr. Seraphim 133 The Decision of the Synod of Bishops,
translated by Fr. Seraphim 139 Vita Patrum (The Life of the Fathers),
Chapter XI: St. Caluppan the Recluse, Cliff-Dweller of the Auvergne
ISSUE #99, July-Aug. 1981, Vol. 17, No. 4: Archbishop Leonty of Chile
148 Archbishop Leonty of Chile, Confessor of Heartfelt Orthodoxy by Fr.
Herman 154 Notice for Prayer Ropes from St. Xenia Skete, Wildwood 155
St. Gregory the Wonderworker by? 176 A Miraculous Intercession of
Archbishop John Maximovitch by Alexei Kochneff-Kennedy 178 New
Martyr Abbess Antonina by Natalia V. Urusova, translated by Fr. Herman
185 Holy Desert-Dweller Macarius by Fr. Seraphim from Polsky’s Russia’s
New Martyrs
ISSUE #100-101, Sept.-Dec. 1981, Vol. 17, No. 5-6: Apocalypse fresco of
Dionysiou Monastery, Mt. Athos 193 The Hundredth ISSUE of The
Orthodox Word by Fr. Seraphim 196 Notice for Russia’s Catacomb Saints,
$18.00. 199 The Saint Herman Pilgrimages by Fr. Seraphim
205 The Future of Russia and the End of the World, a lecture by
Hieromonk Seraphim given at the Youth Conference of the Russian Church
Outside of Russia 219 Archbishop Averky: His Significance for the
Ecumenical Orthodox Church 227 Translator’s Introduction to Archbishop
Averky’s Commentary on the Apocalypse by Fr. Seraphim 237 The
Apocalypse of St. John: An Orthodox Commentary, Introduction by
Archbishop Averky, translated by Fr. Seraphim 251 The Apocalypse:
Chapter One by Archbishop Averky, translated by Fr. Seraphim
Volume Eighteen (1982)
ISSUE #102, Jan.-Feb. 1982, Vol. 18, No. 1: Romanian and Greek Bishops
in Romania 2 Metropolitan Glicherie of the Old-Calendar Romanian
Orthodox Church (photo) 5 The True Orthodox Christian of Romania by
Bishop Cyprian of Oropos and Fili, compiled and translated by
Archimandrite Chrysostomos 16 The Lenten Sermons of Father George
Calciu, Introduction by Fr. Seraphim 20 Christ is Calling You! Seven
Lenten Meditations by Father George Calciu, translated by Keston College
News Service 35 Vita Patrum: St. Aemilianus the Hermit and St. Bracchio
the Abbot, translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 40 The Apocalypse
of St. John: Chapter Two by Archbishop Averky of Jordanville, translated
by Fr. Seraphim
ISSUE # 103, Mar.-Apr., 1982, Vol. 18, No. 2: Well of Siberian skete of
Elders Zosima and Basiliscus 57 Righteous Youth Peter Michurin by
Elders Zosima and
Basiliscus 69 Vita Patrum: St. Lupicinus, Lay Recluse of the Auvergne,
and St. Martius the Abbot, translated by Paul Bartlett and Fr. Seraphim 78
Christ is Calling You! Seven Lenten Meditations by Fr. George Calciu,
translated by Keston College News Service 90 The Apocalypse of St. John:
Chapter Three by Archbishop Averky of Jordanville, translated by Fr.
ISSUE #104, May-June 1982, Vol. 18, No. 3: Icon of St. Paisius
Velichkovsky by Fr. T. Jurewicz 106 Hieromonk Seraphim Rose (photo)
108 The Literary Inheritance of Father Seraphim Rose by Damascene
Christensen 115 The Church Service in Honor of St. Paisius Velichkovsky
by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose 124 Christ is Calling You! Seven Lenten
Meditations by Fr. George Calciu-Dumitreasa, translated by Keston News
Service 138 The Apocalypse of St. John: Chapter Four by Archbishop
Averky of Jordanville, translated by Fr. Seraphim 145 The Place of Blessed
Augustine in the Orthodox Church, Introduction by Fr. Alexis Young 148 A
Brief Life of Blessed Augustine of Hippo
ISSUE #105, July-Aug. 1982, Vol. 18, No. 4: Fr. Seraphim in front of church
which burned down in December, 1982 [OW #119 says the fire was in
1983]. 156 The Saint Herman of Alaska Summer Pilgrimage, 1982 by
Monk Nazarius 160 Living an Orthodox World View by Hieromonk
Seraphim Rose 177 The Apocalypse of St. John: Chapter Five by
Archbishop Averky of Jordanville, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 182 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Archbishop Barlaam by Fr. Herman,
compiled from The Russian Monk and Le Messager
ISSUE #106, Sept.-Oct. 1982, Vol. 18, No. 5: Elder Mark of Sarov, painting by Fr. Herman
200 Subhumanity: The Philosophy of the Absurd by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose 218 The
Apocalypse of St. John: Chapter Six by Archbishop Averky of Jordanville, translated by Fr.
Seraphim 219 Abbot Nazarius and His Spiritual Army: Introduction to The Little Russian
Philokalia, Vol. II by Fr. Herman 222 Blessed Abbot Nazarius, stichera composed by Fr.
Seraphim 228 Martyrology of the Communist Yoke: Archbishop Barlaam, Part II, compiled by
Fr. Herman from Polsky’s Russia’s New Martyrs, etc.
ISSUE #107, Nov.-Dec. 1982, Vol. 18, No. 6: Glinsk Monastery Hermitage 248 Hieromonk
Seraphim: In Memoriam by Peter Botsis in Orthodox Typos, Athens 252 The Soul After
Death: Book Review to the Second Edition by Archpriest Roman Lukianov 256 Abbot
Philaret and the Glinsk Patericon by Monk Theodosius Clare 278 The Apocalypse of St. John:
Chapter Seven by Archbishop Averky of Jordanville, translated by Fr. Seraphim 283 Letters
286 Index to Volume 18

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