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Tugas Bahasa Inggris (03-04-2020)

Stephanie Hawa

XI. FK 4

1. What will you do if you can't get to sleep tonight?

If i can't get to sleep tonight, i will...

Jawaban : I will not take a nap later.

2. What will you do if you get up late?

If i get up late, i will...

Jawaban : I will be late for school.

3. What will you do if a burglar breaks into your house while you are sleeping?

If a burglar breaks into my house while i am sleeping, i will...

Jawaban : I will hit him using the closest tool that can be used.

4. What will you do if a stranger offers you food?

If a strangers me food, i will...

Jawaban : I will reject it or I can accept it.

5. What will you do if your close friend doesn't check on you?

If my close friend doesn't check on me, i will...

Jawaban : I will remain silent.

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