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First A. Author, Second B. Author, Jr., Third C. Author (Arial, 10 pt, Bold Italic)

Sekolah Menengah Puchong Perdana


This project, ALERT WRISTBAND FOR THE DEAF functions as a dual purpose
product to help DEAF people to be alerted if there a visitor to their house and also
has a house alarm if their house is broken into. It functions similarly to a doorbell and
a house alarm system but specifically design for the deaf people. The "Alarming
sound” of a doorbell or a home alarm will be replaced by a “Vibrating wristband”
which is wearable by the deaf user on their hand. If a visitor presses the doorbell or
any intruder forcefully open the gate, the wristband will vibrate and alert the deaf
person.  As an example, if a thief enters their house at night while their asleep, the
WRISTBAND will vibrate to wake them up. This will make them to realize that there
somebody at their house or somebody had intruded into their house. The difference
between a doorbell being pressed or an intruder opened a gate will be decided by a
different vibration pattern. As almost all home doorbell and home alarm system is
designed for the normal people, the deaf people society also required a product
similar to a doorbell to alert them of a visitor and also make their home to be safe.
This product will ensure that the deaf people won’t miss any visitor who come to
their house and also ensure their safety at their home.

© 2018. Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM Selangor), Malaysia. All rights reserved

Keywords: wristband,vibrations,alarm,deaf

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