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POCABULARIO KUAUHTEPETL: Cerro del Aguila. (Kuauhtli-Tepeti). TEOKALI: Casa de Energia Creadora. TLALOK: Bebida de Ia Tierra. (Tlali-Oktli). La lluvia, el trueno y el rayo. Fuerza regente de la veintena ATLAKAUALO, en la que recibia ofrendas especiales por el gran trabajo que tenia por delante: Lograr buenas cosechas. CANTO EN NAHUATL: “Oh, autor de la vida, éD6nde estan tus flores, tu riqueza, tu ramillete? De donde vino el canto hermoso de alld lo busco yo ahora. Y sufro: {Ojala no cante en vano! Vea al menos tus flores, oh Dador de la vida. Yo sufro: jOjald no cante en vano! (Letra: Juan Mora C.) ATLAKAUALO: Lo que dejan las aguas. (La tierra de los rios y de Ia orilla de las lagunas, lista para ser utilizada como fertilizante de los campos a sembrar en esta veintena). Nombre de la veintena dedicada a Tialok. También se miko? como: ATL KAUALO Y ATLAKA- Hill CHALCHIUHTLIKUE: Su faldade piedra preciosa. (Jade, Turquesa). De: Chalchiuitl-i- kueitl. El agua recogida por la Tierra: Mares, rios, lagos, lagunas. OMETEOTL: Dualidad Creadora. (Ome- Dos, Teotl-Fuerza 6 Energia Creadora). Contiene el principio masculino: OMETEKUHTLI (SENOR DOS), cuya funcién es generadora. Y el principio femenino: OMEZIUATL (SENORA DOS), cuya funcién es concebir. OMETEOTL es el principio que genera y concibe simulta- neamente todas las dualidades que existen y que hacen posible el movimiento universal: Vida-muerte, hombre-mujer, frio-calor, dfa- noche, etc. Y cuyos “Desdoblamientos”, son nombrados de acuerdo a la funcién que desempejfian, por ejemplo: TLALOK (Desdoblamiento de OMETEKUHTLI. Aspecto masculino del agua, cuya funcién es fecundar y energetizar la tierra con la lluvia y el fuego celeste) YCHALCHIUHTLIKUE (Desdoblamiento de OMEZIUATL. Aspecto femenino del agua, cuya funcién es recoger el! agua producto de Ias Iluvias y los deshielos y conservarla en los huecos naturales para el sustento general). MAZEUALTIN: Plural de MAZEUALI: EI que fué merecido, es decir, lo que las Fuerzas Creadoras por su gran esfuerzo, merecieron a cambio: El ser humano. A su vez, el mazeuali merecera .los dones de la vida, a través de su constante trabajo y disciplina. KUAUITLEUA: KUAUITL EUA. “Se alza el arbol”. Nombre dado también a la veintena dedicadaa TLALOK. Los arboles simbolizan el aliento de vida. Se levantaban postes adornados con amate goteado de uli, figurando el nuevo follaje, con que pronto se cubririan los arboles. AMATE: Espafolizacién de: AMATL. Papel elaborado a partir del arbol del mismo nombre. | ULI: Resina cruda del arbol del mismo nombre. ATLMOTZAKUAYA: ATL MOTZAKUAYA. “Atajar el agua”. “Cuando el agua se encierra” (Atl Tzakua). Alude ala construccién de canales y obras hidraulicas en general. PANTITLAN: Lugar de abundancia de banderas, Sumidero donde eran arrojadas ofrendas en honor a CHALCHIUHTLIKUE. © NAUI OLIN: Cuatro movimiento. Cuatro puntos cardinales se mueven arménicamente en torno a un eje. TONANTZIN: Nuestra Madrecita. (To- Nanizin. La Tierra) POPOKATEPETL: Cerro que humea. IPALNEMOANI: Aquello por lo que se vive. Se refiere ala acci6én vivificadora de OMETEOTL. XILOMANIZTLI: Ofrendar jilotes. Una vez sembrados los campos, se ofrendaban ala Madre Tierra, sus primeros frutos de maiz (Xilotl). XILONEN: Simbolo del maiz tierno. (Xilotl- Neneti). TEZKATLIPOKA: Tezkatl -i- poka. “Del espejo su humear”. nuestra MEMORIA. La conciencia césmica siempre presente en todo. Nuestro ser interno. El espejo que refleja lo que somos en la profundidad de nuestro ser. KETZALKOATL: “Serpiente Preciosa” Simbolo dela ENERGIA INTELIGENTE UNIVERSAL, del inteligir del ser humano y la sabiduria que se adquiere con ayuda de la luz solar. UITZILOPOCHTLI: “ Colibri ala izquierda’” LA VOLUNTAD. La guerra interna del ser humano, librada en el corazon, es decir, a nuestra izquierda. XOCHITL KIAUITL TEKPA FE eRATE, SAE Our Compietion OurTearcrops | Ourlongu: ourSAbbleugs | oufirectn tne Wind | Off Frat Meine Gitous of Troughs r-3/9/95 CO 3] was 20 19|18 KHETZEAGEL | the nomortomi nave ben desorbed by he Friars and ater hispanic is-storyane [ou pri a as the “Bad luck days", saying that our people were afraid to come out for fear the world would end. It has also been said that these days had no symbols or numbers. However.our tradicidn teaches us that these last five days may very well be the most important of the year as they were Used to balance a year just past and prepare for the new one. The symbols and numbers on these five days belong to a separate 38 count that adds up five days at a time, per year, giving us 260 daysin 52 years, at F-3/10/95 41 which time they begin another cycle. : The majority of the legacy of our ancestors KOATL ‘was either destroyed or stolen by the invaders and we've had to dependonthem =" KO7K, puri SPAT rcuct| to give us a perspective of our history, that, in 500 years, they stil have not been KE able to accurately decipher. Our tradicidn foretold of the days when our beloved | |Our Dark and respectable mother earth, TOTLAZOTLALNANTZIN ANAUAK.would * regain her greatness and {tulfll her destiny. This dayis_ now!,and, asthe , legitimate heirs of Anauak we have the obligation to make this marking of time, this calendar, known ‘to our people. This calendar we offer as a mere introduction to the TONALAMATL, for we know we must continue studying, listening and leaming. . S:3/11/95 5| Special thanks to: TezkatXochitl; KalpulliToltekayotl; UeUle Temachtikatzintzin [18 WIKIZTEL (ancianos sabios) Federico Padilla Gutierrez and Arturo Meza Gutierrez. [Kyat ourSlence the All Learning the name of the day and year you were born : you find and fulfill yourself and your destiny | Mexika Tiaui Sones 6 AZTEKAYOLOKALLI XINAXTLI 6: (THE SEED THAT GERMINATES IN THE HOUSE OF THE AZTEK HEART) |—O7 5). ouMAZAT A ct | interviews, Studies, Projects for Leaming Our langauge, philosophy & tradition, QzRt * directing the energy of youth towards the cultivation of Education, Culture & the Planting of Com, Beans & Squash ‘ G. Casas Acosta, Mazatl Zenteotl-Venado Energia de Maiz 511 N. Fulton, Fresno, Califaztlan 93728 (209)251-8338 | Fax_(209)266-2232 La Mexicanidad Nuestra Tradicidn~Our Tradition |14 on ASHE ron our cinAthe wate] oT AHINTEL,| QEQMATL! | oMGriNAlkt.| SE Ar LANRAVUALL What is left behind by the Waters A New Sun shines on us now, Somethi ing New is Happening, a New Order has fasd 3/13/94 2 | 3n294 KUETZPALLI Our Maternal Wor March 12, 1994, was the first The Azteka year is18 periods of 20 4 MIKIZTLI ‘Our Silence, the All Be 3794 6 Learning the name of ti Meni (THE SEED THAT GERMINATES Interviews, Studies, Projects for Le: directing the energy of youth tows MAZATL ur Agility, Instinct ag 3/18/94 a G. Casas Acosta, Mazatl TOCHTLI ‘Our Taste Perception °o ATL ‘Our Growth.the Water | Our Loyalty ‘Sm sees 8 fer ZEMPOALLI The first 20 days Compiled from the works of maestras Arturo Meza Gutierrez & Federico Padila Gutierrez Chikoei Tochtli8-Rabbit, on, the Kuauxikalli, the Aztek Calendar. Nemontemi, (what has been lived) which are set apart for balance, reflection and adjustment of our lives, for a total of 965 1/4 days. The 20 days are read counter- &TEKPATL-lint, and the year count, also, goes up to 13 and then begins again. will help you find and fulfill yourself and your destiny AZTEKAYOLOKALLI XINAXTLI La Mexicanidad Nuestra Tradi ITZKUINTLI O KALLE" EKATLOOO |ZIPAKTLI OO} xocHiTL KIAUITL TEKP. OurHome, a Refuge | Our Breath, the Wind |” Our First Medicine ‘Our Completion Our Teardrops ‘Our Tong ‘place of knowledge dl OLL days each, & one period of 5 1/4 days, called 3/28/9- KOATL clockwise beginning with Zipaktli, and each has its own symbol and number 1-13. | KOZK lourKnowiedge/ Touch] The Nemontemi have symbols & numbers but are notin the same sequence as | KAY the 360 days, as they form their own 260 day count ofS days during each 52 years. | oan 8 The 1/4 day (6 hours), is added at the beginning of each new year, making the days of that year start 6 hours later than the previous year. For example: March 11, 1994, ee was the last day of the year, Chikome Kalli 7-House, and those days began at 12 = ‘am., but his year, Chikoei Tochtll, the days begin at sunrise (approx. 6 am.) 3/1694 5 | The symbolstorthe years are KALLLnouse TOCHTLIabbitAKATL-reed | 3/27/9« KUAU" he day and year you were born ‘Our Visi ka Tiaui 8 8 = 3/26/94 IN THE HOUSE OF THE AZTEK HEART) ‘aming Our langauge, philosophy & tradition, fards the cultivation of Education, Cutture & os the Planting of Com, Beans & Squash 511 N. Fulton, Fresno, Calitaztlan 93728 ‘ (209)251-8338 Fax _(209)266-2232 jon~Our Tradition | 3/25/04 OZOMATLI MALINALLI ling} Our Grasping Our Umbilical Cora Our 12) 3/24/04 ou ALM eruce @ Houte of Thoughis BB. Is-a/2v94 oufticeminetiing | oF MAMSEGhe |S RSrbcasa ota 8 | 18 KUETZPALLI Ourmaretnal Wome oh M-8/22/94 4 ur kofSag ToueH a T-8/29/94 5 TL IKIZ ‘OurSilence - tne All i@! w-8/24/94 5| oul ARA oct i Sei oL Jour tips: °4 ¢ T-8/25/94 7 La Mexicanidad Nuestra Tradicidn~Our Tradition 14 ou SHI Eon] our crowhike water OM BAYINTEL.| QZOMATED - | MALINALEL| Bi 7] sl me) AR ie uN ee dle Odler Coches Balen ako gl T-4/28/94 8 way 0 sow Bua F-4/29/94 9] sao4 10/8-5/1/94 14] M-5/2/96 12 XOGHITL Uin KP, ou rALL hetuge AQSHITE, | SSAUHE, | TAKE! Bowe orthousis 8 @ s ls-a2s04 3 mses 19/18 OLL CRERZEALE! YEI POALLI The 3rd 20 day count 8 ores lourtipent Find your Tonalli, energy of the corn, a piece of the sun himself, by learning the names of the day and year that you descended. Yankuik Xiutl...The New Fire Aree Yankuik tluitl..The New Year - 12 or 13 of March. |” Ue Yankuik Xiutl Iluitl-The Great Fire every 52 years. ATL : = KOZK;) burkimedgecrouct ‘Azteka anzaonan ou ote 6 TEKPATL 1940 4 TEKPATL 1964 2 + TEKPATL 1988 eee 7 KAN tee) 3 KAU fees 3 KALLI a8 2 Toor i426 TocHn! © te66 © «“TOCHTLI 180 3 ARATL. 19437 AKAM. Teer AKATL 1999 fo TEKPATL 19448 TEKPATL © 1oea «6 TEKPATL 1992 MoKA tos 3 KAU toss 7 KALI G03 mansrs 5| 12 ‘TocHTuiede © tovocim: © ovo. TOCHTL i808 Jag 13 ARAL. 1047 TTAKATL. © Tort, AKATL” Taos WAIZTL,,| 1 Texranios texan fore So texan tees | KYAL OurSilence- the All 2 KALLI 1949 13 KALLD 1973 11 « 15, AKATL-Reed ~- Lung Cavity cane |_:(14 OZELOTL-Jaguar - Speed, Left Foot |. SaMAZATERS| 15. KUAUTLI-Eagle - Right Hand. Grabbing \OzELi ouAgity-insinct | 16, KOSKAKUAUTLI-Condor - Blackness of hair ee 8 17. OLLIN-Movement- Lip, Speech, Form Language & ae ; 18, TEKPATL-Flintstone - Tongue, the word 19, KIAUITL-Rain of fire - Tears S-7/18/94 7| 20. HOCHITL-Flower ~ The Maternal Breast 14 s STO SHEL valour Grove wared OM WINTER | QZQMATEH | QMMALINAREIA| BUM z ge? ae fect feslli eri adil) 2 aces sleenneme ol ernome Q sdwirrenea COrs] trim Bralss Lam, 10.—Vista en perspectiva de la gran ciudad de eotihuacén.—(Reconstruccién y dibujo de Feliciano Peiia.—Mus

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