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Shattuck 1

Lijuan Shattuck
Ann Fillmore
English 2030
29 April 2020

Final Course Reflection

English 2030 is a class to learn Language and Linguistics diversity in the US. It

introduced to students that there is variation in American English by its geography. English in

the USA, can be divided into two forms; standard and non-standard. These forms help us

communicate better. America is a large immigration country, according to the ACS, there are

approximately 325 languages, other than English, spoken in the USA. As a Chinese immigrant, I

study standard English and use it at work , and I use non- standard English in much of my daily


As I completed my final discourse analysis project, I now better understand the

concept that the English 2030 course introduced to students. In the final discourse analysis

project, I have chosen to observe and analyze the CDC’s webpage and Facebook social media

page. CDC is an abrivation for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, established by the

USA government. It serves the USA public. In the CDC’s social media, it states that the CDC is an

information provider. I have found that the CDC provides at least 13 languages to serve the

USA public and it has standard and non-standard written forms, videos, and photos to inform

different communities.

In this course, I have learned the variations in American English. I now feel more

comfortable with my English accent as part of my identity. I also gained some analysis

techniques that will help me improve. America is a multilingualism, there is language attitudes
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such as discrimination. I hope one day there will be less discrimination based on the ability

speak standard English only. The American educational system might help to maintain and

circulate the power of the language.

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