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The History of Urban Sprawl and the same year. (1) These acts distributed rural
land to prospective builders and created
Effects on the Environment
settlements across the United States, thus
opening the untamed frontier. Despite
Danielle Gunnoe
government encouragement, the majority
The phenomenon of urban sprawl began over of United States population remained living
a hundred years ago and continues to take in urban centers until the 1950’s when the
over land in the United States. Urban sprawl suburban movement began. The suburban
adversely affects the environment in many movement fueled more widespread
ways. development by introducing the standard
of driveways and backyards for every home.

IN the United States progress is often Growth and expansion were incessant
forces throughout the twentieth century
measured by growth and development, but and continue to plague the United States.
as the quality of the environment The effects of mass development are
diminishes with the destruction of natural extreme and are encouraging the United
land, the question of progress must be States to re-examine the definition of
readdressed. The conquering and progress.
development of natural land has, in the
past, been identified as a mark of human The widespread development and
civilization. People tend to equate demolishment of natural land is often deemed
development with success of a society. This urban sprawl. Just like it sounds, urban sprawl
is apparent in the settling of America in the describes cities that have grown to gargantuan
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and proportions and stretch over vast areas of
the pursuit of the American dream of land. Some of the most visible cases of urban
Manifest Destiny. sprawl in the United States are the greater Los
Angeles area, the stretch of metropolis
Manifest Destiny, first proposed by John L. between Boston-Washington D.C. and the
O’Sullivan in 1839, was the idea that Dallas area. (2) These giant cities have
America was divinely destined to spread overtaken neighboring towns to create
across the continent, from the Atlantic to seemingly endless urban regions. Urban
the Pacific. Manifest Destiny stirred a rush sprawl is apparent in most major cities in the
to settle the frontier and spread human United States. The plague of mass
development throughout the country. In development poses many threats to the
order to stimulate this westward environment.
movement, the government offered
incentives such as the Homestead Act of Urban sprawl is encroaching on America’s
1862 and the Morrill Land-Grant Act of the natural and agricultural land, destroying the

landscape and consuming the resources of the Notes:
given area. In effect farmland, forests, 1 The Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862,
rangeland, wetlands, and desert are lost. also known as, “The College Act,” was
Suburban and exurban growth also threaten proposed by a Vermont Congressman, Justin
wildlife and native plants because of the upset Morrill, and passed by President Abraham
to their natural habitats. This is visible Lincoln. The act granted 30,000 acres of public
throughout the United States. The U.S. Fish land for each congressman in each state in
and Wildlife Service have identified Southern order to build colleges. The act favored
California as “one of the most depleted habitat populous states and it is often seen as a
types in the United States.” The state has counter to the Homestead Act of the same
become inhospitable to many native plants year. (John Y. Simon, “The Politics of the
and animals of the area, including varieties of Morrill Act,” Agricultural History, Vol. 37, No.
Sage plants, which at one time grew rampantly 2 (Apr., 1963), pp. 103-111,
throughout California. (3) The changed land of
California is in large part due to the
phenomenon of urban sprawl. 2 The urban area between Boston,
Massachusetts and Washington D.C. is often
known by the name “BosWash” in reference
Agricultural land in the United States has
to the two cities seamless connection due to
decreased significantly as well. In 50 years,
urban spraw.
1950-2000, The United States lost 22% of
farmland to development. (4) The loss of
3 Jutka Terris, “Unwelcome (human)
natural land is a pressing issue in today’s
Neighbors: The Impact of Sprawl on Wildlife,”
world, yet urban sprawl is relentless. National Resources Defense
Council (1999),

4 Warren E. Johnston and Alex F.

McCalla, “Whither California
Agriculture: Up, Down or Out?

5 Some Thoughts about the Future,”

Giannini Foundation Special Report
04-1, (2004): Sect III,

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