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Listening: 6/10 60%

Grammar: 61 /90 68%

Writing: 70%
1. 9/10
2. 7/10


7. 4/10

8. 10/10

Describing my brother
Of all my brothers, my second brother is who it at had has helped my me since when I was a little
baby until today. He studied his preschool, hight school and university in Colombia. There he
studied systems Engineer at ‘Universidad de Pamplona’, (start new sentence) when he finished
her career he moved to Venezuela for 5 years and after he has moved to Australia. He is sharing
an apartment with his family, mom and younger brother.

His passions are: work, he work hard every day on your computer making program; wars, he
always watches a lot of movies and plays videos games; cars, he (always) like watches different
shows about cars and people destroying expensive cars; motorcycle, he likes motorcycles like
racing bikes, in fact, he has a bike of 1500 cc and he likes ride it all the time. In addition it is
fantastic for him because he loves speed.

He is (a) bad-tempered, serious person and very stressed but I think he is awesome because he
is always keeping on eye on all his family, if someone is ill he always call asking ‘how are you?’ or
he help us buying medicine, etc, so that he loves us and we love that little Grinch.
Physically, he is as tall as me but he is more weight (obviously I am the thinnest in the family), my
brother has got short straight dark hair with some gray hair and (a) full beard in his face. He
makes some expressions, for example, sometimes with his face he frowns when he does not like
some (space) things, with his eyes expresses kindness and with his mouth expresses controlled
anger. Other of his characteristics is that his head and eyes shape are round but he has short lips.
On the other hand, he is of has brown skin and eyes brown. Finally, I could say that He wears
casual clothes mostly of the jeans or shorts, often he wear elegant clothes when we go to parties
or social meeting.

Grammar 2.5
Vocab 4

Cohesion 2.5
Task 5
14/20 70%

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