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Hello my name is Erin, this video will give you an information

about the effective of some kind of tea for our health.

Tea may just be the ultimate cure-all for a sore throat. This is
because most types of tea contain antioxidants. Antioxidants can have
an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces pain and discomfort.
Drinking warm liquids, such as tea may also soothe inflamed
throat tissues by increasing blood flow to the area.
Staying hydrated helps prevent many conditions that cause a
sore throat. Hydration encourages swallowing, mucus clearance, and
helps keep throat tissues moist.
People can also add other ingredients to tea to help relieve a sore
throat or prevent it from getting worse. Try adding honey to tea for a
further antioxidant boost and to sweeten the flavor.
A review looked at the effects of honey on symptoms of cough,
such as a sore throat, in children aged 2–5 years. Honey contains
antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds and may reduce
The review concluded that honey could be as effective or more
effective than cold medications such as dextromethorphan and
Best types of tea
Drinking almost any kind of tea may help relieve a sore throat.
Some of the plant compounds found in teas contain higher
concentrations of throat-soothing compounds than others.
Various traditional medicine systems use herbs and spices to
relieve sore throats. However, there is little scientific evidence
available to support the effectiveness of many of these herbs.
There are some of the most popular and accessible types of tea to
ease a sore throat, namely chamomile tea, Marshmallow root tea,
Turmeric tea, green tea, peppermint tea, fenugreek tea and
licorice root tea.

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