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The most distinctive feature of the Mexican health system is its division into several subsystems.

Each of them duplicates the set of fundamental activities of the health system for its affiliated
population, that is, the collection of income, purchase and provision of services.1

There are concerns about the efficiency and transparency of public spending. An increase in the
efficiency of health spending would allow the results to be further improved and contribute to
generating the savings that Mexico will need to meet the growing demand for health services. As
the population ages, spending on public health will increase by percentage points between 2010
and 2030, from 2.5% to 4.6% of the gross domestic product, according to the projections of the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). .2

In ISSSTE clinic "Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez Cota ", located in San Jose del Cabo, BCS, the area of
preventive medicine aims to protect, promote and maintain health and well-being, while
preventing disease, disability and death, so they are carried There are several prevention
programs, which are developed both intra- and inter-institutionally, for this reason, sufficient
human and material resources are needed, unfortunately, at present, the financial resources
allocated to these programs have decreased, which has made it impossible to cover the Preventive
health needs of all the affiliated and unaffiliated population and consequently, the goals
established in health are not met.

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