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19th level character

15th level tetori flowing monk

2nd level strangler brawler
1st level roof runner rogue
1st level assassin

race: trox

racial feat: improved grapple

tetori bonus feats: improved grapple, stunning pin, greater grapple, pinning
knockout, chokehold, improved unarmed strike
brawler bonus feats: rapid grappler

number of normal feats: 10

sneak attack dice: 3d6, 5d6 when grappling

ki pool: 7 + wisdom mod

mythic archetype: champion

champion strike: fleet charge

mythic path abilities: meat shield, swimming master, titans rage

mythic feats: titan strike, imrpoved unarmed strike

feats: vital strike, improved vital strike, final embrace, final embrace horror,
final embrace master, pinning rend, grabbing style, grabbing drag, grabbing master,
accomplished sneak attacker

unarmed strike damage: monks robes(4d8), +titan strike(6d8), +titans rage size

damage while grappling: 8d8 + strength + mythic tier + 5d6 sneak attack. per
grapple check

monk abilities-

1st level: graceful grappler, stunning fist, bonus feat, unarmed strike, AC bonus

2nd level: evasion, bonus feat

3rd level: fast movement, maneuver training, still mind,

4th level: counter grapple, ki pool(magic)

5th level: purity of body, break free

6th level: bonus feat

7th level: ki strike (cold iron/silver), wholeness of body

8th level:

9th level: inescapable grasp

10th level: bonus feat, ki pool(lawful)

11th level: diamond body

12th level:

13th level: form lock

14th level:

15th level: quivering palm

brawlers abilities -

1st level: brawlers cunning, strangle, martial flexibility, martial training,


2nd level: practiced strangler

rogue abilities -

1st level: sneak attack +1d6, Roof Running

assassin abilities -

1st level: sneak attack +1d6, poison use, death attack

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