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In this chapter, the researchers will present its results that was gathered through survey

questionnaire that aims to answer the research questions. The results will be divided into two

which are the study patterns and the study habits of the respondents.

The first part is about the student’s study pattern. In connection with the study pattern,

the researchers asked how often do the respondents study, there are 60% answered 1 to 4 days a

week, there are also some who answered 5 to 7 days a week with a percentage of 37.1% and

22.9% that answered never. The researchers also take consideration of how many hours does the

respondents study in a day, the results are there were 48.6% who study 2 to 4 hours a day while

some respondents study for 5 to 7 hours a day garnering 34.3%, and there were a tie of 8.6% of

the respondents that answered 8 hours or more and 1 hour or less. In the question, how many

hours do you use your phone or other devices with internet within the day, 45.7% of the

respondents answered 8 hours or more, while 5 to 7 hours were answered by 37.1% of the

respondents and 17.1% use their phone for 2 to 4 hours a day.

"Are your study hours directly proportionate to the hours in usage of internet?" for this

question, 62.9% of the respondents said yes while 37. 1% says otherwise. In correlation with the

question "Is your study hours directly proportionate to the hours in usage of internet?" the

researchers followed it with a question "If not, what activities do you work on in order to make

up free time?" mostly answered things that are related to academic purpose, while some are for

entertainment. The researchers asked the respondents of what mostly influenced their study

pattern, based on the results it shows that there are 68.6% of the total respondents that answered

environmental influence as a primary influence study pattern such as the school, community and
etc., second of the most influence study pattern is the cultural influence in example their family

with a percentage of 17.1%, while 14.3% answered societal influence such as trends, norms and

etc. In accordance with the study pattern, the researchers then afterwards ask if how effective are

these study patterns in accordance with their academic performance, 18 of the respondents

answered 4, 10 of them answered 3, 6 of them answered 5 and 1 of them answered 1.

Based on the observation done by the researchers, most of the college students in Mapua

University Makati students have enough hours allotted for their studies and enough for their

entertainment, which most of it were influenced by their surroundings. Yet most the respondents

considered it as not fully effective.

The second part is in accordance to the student’s study habit. For the question "where do

you often study", the respondents are required to answer all applicable answers. 34 of them

answered at home, 27 answered at school (such as library, canteen, etc.), 10 of them answered at

the restaurant (e.g. cafe) and 8 of the respondents answered at public and private transport.

For the question "how do you study", the respondents are required to answer all

applicable answers. 32 of the respondents answered through reading, 26 of them answered

through listening to lectures in classroom, 31 answered through reviewing, 24 answered through

memorizing texts, 19 of them answered through watching educational videos, 12 of them

answered through researching topics and 25 answered through preparing study materials such as

reviewers and others. For the question “Do you study while using your devices with internet",

the respondents are required to answer “yes or no” and if no, the answer in the next question

should be “not applicable”. Out of 35 respondents, 85.7 % of them answered “YES” and 14.3%

answered “NO”. For the question "On what purpose does the device has to your study habit", the

respondents are required to answer all applicable answers. 28 of the respondents answered
Academic purpose, 23 of them answered social purposes, 22 answered entertainment purposes

and 5 of them answered not applicable.

For the question "What influenced your study habit", the respondents are required to

answer one only among the choices. Out of 35 respondents, 71.4% of them answered

environmental influence (e.g. school, community), 22.9% answered cultural influence such as

family and 5.7% of the respondents answered social influence (e.g. trends, norms, etc.). For the

question "How effective is your study habit (based on influences) in accordance to your

academic performance", the respondents can only choose one answer from 1 to 5 rating. Out of

35 respondents, 57.1% of them answered 4, 22.9% answered 3, 17.1% answered 5 and 2.9% of

them answered 2.

Based on the observations of the researchers, most of the study habits of the said college

students were very similar to each other, and yet this is because of the influence of their

surroundings such as in school, in their community and others. With that said, the respondents

still were not fully satisfied with the effectiveness of their study habits.

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