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Male Dimorphisms in Beetles and Earwigs and the Question of Developmental Constraints

Author(s): William G. Eberhard and Edgar E. Gutierrez

Source: Evolution, Vol. 45, No. 1 (Feb., 1991), pp. 18-28
Published by: Society for the Study of Evolution
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Evolution, 45(1), 1991, pp. 18-28




Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica,

Ciudad Universitaria, COSTA RICA



Escuela de Estadistica, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria, COSTA RICA

Abstract. -Analysis of 17 species from six families indicates that male dimorphisms in weapon

design may be common, at least in homed beetles. This flexibility in developmental programs

constitutes evidence against the idea that the forms of these animals' weapons are the result of

developmental constraints.

Received November 14, 1989. Accepted April 14, 1990.

Behavioral dimorphisms in males, in- species were originally analyzed numerical-

cluding satellite or non-fighting tactics, have ly (Bateson and Brindley, 1892), the criteria

been documented in many animals (e.g., in the analysis were inappropriate (below),

Thornhill and Alcock, 1983). In some spe- and the earwig data were subsequently

cies of insects, where an individual adult's grouped (Huxley, 1927) in a misleading way.

size is relatively fixed, there are also mor- No other species of earwig has been ana-

phological dimorphisms among males. lyzed since, and several later beetle studies

Some body parts show alternative forms that have failed to find clear dimorphisms (Otte

are not simply extremes of a continuuin of and Stayman, 1979 and Clark, 1977 on lu-

variation, but instead represent distinct body canids; Brown and Bartalon, 1986 on a te-

plans that presumably result from the ex- nebrionid; Eberhard, 1983 on a weevil).

pression of different developmental pro- Some of these studies were based on rela-

grams (Eberhard, 1980). A classic case of tively short series of museum specimens

such intrasexual morphological dimor- collected at a variety of times and sites, with

phism is provided by the major and minor possible collector bias for certain sizes, as

morphs of certain homed beetles and ear- well as possible geographic variation (Ar-

wigs: small males have reduced weapons row, 1951; Otte and Stayman, 1979). Only

(horns or cerci) or lack them altogether, three recent studies (Goldsmith, 1985 on

whereas large males have oversized weap- the cerambycid Dendrobias mandibularis;

ons that show a positive allometric relation Cook, 1987 on the scarabeine Onthophagus

to overall body size (a > 1 in the equation binodis; and Eberhard, 1987 on the dynas-

y = bxa where x = body size, y = weapon tine Ageopsis nigricollis) have included sta-

size, and b is a constant) (Huxley, 1932). tistical tests for the existence of male di-

The question of whether such dimorphisms morphisms, and the first and last of these

are common is of general importance, be- used ANCOVA analyses that assumed, pos-

cause it bears on larger issues in evolution- sibly incorrectly, that values in both sub-

ary biology such as the importance of de- samples were normally distributed.

velopmental constraints on morphology The present study aims to estimate the

(e.g., Cheverud, 1984; Gould, 1984, 1989), frequency of structural dimorphisms in male

and the role of phenotypic polyphenisms in earwigs and beetles by analyzing newly col-

evolution (West-Eberhard, 1986, 1989). lected data from large samples of each of

As with some other classic stories in bi- eight additional species. In addition, data

ology, however, the data that document male previously collected on nine other species

dimorphisms in horns and cerci are not es- are reanalyzed.

pecially convincing when viewed at close Data on behavior are important in un-

range. Only a single earwig and a single beetle derstanding the significance of patterns in


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13o 13oj13

~~ I

x? X

FIG. 1. Models used in statistical analyses of x (a linear measure of body size) and y (horn or cercus length).

Model 2 was used to test for discontinuity at the "switch point" (xO). Model 3 was used to test for change in

slope at the switch point.

morphology. In nine of the beetle species Costa Rica, April 1985, and 62 from San

examined here behavioral observations Ramon de Tres Rios, San Jose Province,

Costa Rica, May and June 1984 (at lights).

confirm that the structures analyzed are used

as weapons in intraspecific conflicts: Ageop- The following earwigs were also measured:

sis (Eberhard, 1987); Bolitotherus (Pace, 224 Paralabella dorsalis from San Antonio

1967 and pers. comm.; Brown and Barta- de Escazu, several dates in wet and dry sea-

lon, 1986); Copris (M. Peinador, un- sons (in rotting plantain trunks in a coffee

field) (135 collected in the field, 89 raised in

publ.);Centinaspis (Eberhard, unpubl.);

Megasoma (Beebe, 1944); Dynastes (Beebe, captivity); 188 Doru taeniatus from near Al-

1947); Lucanus (Darwin, 1871); Podischnus ajuela, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica (on

(Eberhard, 1979); and Rhinostomus (Eber- corn plants); and 40 Metrasura ruficeps from

hard, 1983). In the earwigs Doru (Bricefio San Antonio de Escazu, October 1984-Feb-

ruary 1985 (mostly under rotting leaves). In

and Schuch, 1988), and Metrasura and

Paralabella (Bricefio and Eberhard, in prep.), all cases, we attempted to collect every spec-

imen seen in the field to avoid size biases.

the cerci are used both as weapons in fights

Two museum collections were also used: 54

between males and during courtship, and

Megasoma elephas from a variety of sites

also in defense against predators. In the five

in Costa Rica (collection of the Universidad

other genera horn and cercus functions re-

de Costa Rica); and 116 Bolitotherus cor-

main to be documented.

nutus from a variety of sites (collection of

University of Michigan-data kindly pro-


vided by A. E. Pace).


The former custom of publishing raw data

Data on previously unstudied beetle spe- allowed us to analyze data on seven addi-

cies came from measurements on a series tional species in which appropriate statis-

of males collected at the following sites: 233 tical procedures to test for dimorphisms

Copris lugubris B. from Santa Ana, San Jose have not been previc-sly performed: 177

Province, Costa Rica, April and May 1981 Cyclommatus tarandus from various sites

(in and under cow dung); 188 Onthophagus and dates (Dudich, 1923); 150 Lucanus cer-

incensus Say from the same site, dates, and vus from one site (Clarke, 1977, pers.

habitat; 129 Centinaspis sp. from San An- comm.); 412 Dynastes centaurus from one

tonio de Escazu, San Jose Province, Costa site and season (Bowden, 1959) (no linear

Rica, October-November 1985 (on corn measurement of body size was given in this

plants); 183 Xylorectes lobicollis, 121 from species, and the cube root of wet weight was

Santa Maria de Dota, San Jose Province, used instead); 314 Xylotrupes gideon from

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10 -

?L02 0 ?m ID-*



0 *3

X~~~~~~~~~~ * .-

* ~~~* 0:.0 .: :0



FIG. 2. Relation between maximum prothorax width and prothoracic horn length (measured from base of

horn to its tip) (bar beside drawing at right) in 129 male Centrinaspis sp. (Curculionidae). The arrows mark the

animals in the drawings.

a variety of sites (Bateson and Brindley, inated) by collector bias or geographic vari-

1892); and 443 Forficula auricularia from ation. Only if horn sizes are clearly bimodal

Djakanov, 1918 in Huxley, 1927). Also in- and body sizes are clearly unimodal and

cluded were data on 177 Podischnus agenor normal are these sources of misinterpreta-

from a single season and site (Eberhard, tion eliminated. Since statistical discrimi-

1982) and 46 Rhinostomus barbirostris from nation of bimodality and unimodality is dif-

a single season and site (Eberhard, 1983). ficult, this line of analysis was not used,

The portions of horns and cerci that were although distributions are shown in the fig-

measured are shown in Figures 2-9. All ures.

measurements were straight-line distances Data were analyzed using a combination

of techniques. First a partial F-test (Draper

between two clear reference points; dimen-

sions larger than 1 cm were measured with and Smith, 1966)- was performed by at-

calipers, while others were measured with tempting to fit

an ocular micrometer in a dissecting micro-

Y* = ao + alX* + a2X*2 +,E (1)

scope after carefully positioning the speci-

men so its longitudinal and dorso-ventral in which Y* is the log to base e of horn or

axes were perpendicular to the visual axis cercus length; X* is the log to base e of a

of the ocular. measure of body size, such as prothorax

width; ai is the regression coefficients; and


E is the random component with assumed

Some authors (e.g., Bateson and Brindley, normal distribution, mean zero, and com-

1892; Huxley, 1932) have emphasized the mon variance.

importance of bimodal versus unimodal If coefficient a2 was not significantly dif-

distributions of horn or cercus size when ferent from zero, we concluded that further

discussing male dimorphisms. Bimodality analysis was not justified and that the spe-

could result, however, from such simple and cies showed no significant deviation from

extraneous causes as different larval rearing linearity.

substrates, and could be produced (or elim- For species with significant values of a2,

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0' .* . :L;h0 iX


2 4 3 4 * .e

FIG. 3. Relation between maximum prothorax width and head horn length (measured from the tip of the

hor to the dorsal surface of the head immediately posterior to the horn) (bar beside upper drawing) in 233

male Copris lugubris (Scarabeidae, Scarabeinae). The arrows to points mark the animals in the drawings.

O~~ ~ *. :

~~~~~ 0







FIG. 4.Relatio betwee maximu prothoax widt 0n 0edhmlnt maurdfo neirms

projectio 0fteha otetpo h o)(a nfgr trgt n5 aeMgsm lpa Saaede

FyasiG.e4. Rhelationewee maxkteaimums protho raxwidt ndgedhrsegt.maue roneirms

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10 *

5 10 10

= 10- HORN PROTHORAX *.l.14/..

Q ~~~~~~~~~~* 03.0. .*:-

5 -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~*

8~~~~ 0 0


FIG. 5. Relation between maximum prothorax width and head horn length (measured from the upper margin

of the eye to the tip of the horn) (bar beside figure at right) in 188 male Onthophagus incensus (Scarabeidae,

Scarabeinae). The arrows to points mark the animals in the drawings.

a hypothesis regarding possible switching changes at some "switch point" in the range

mechanisms was then tested. This hypoth- of measured body sizes; and 2) the change

esis had two components: 1) the linear slope in y at the switch point is discontinuous

of horn or cercus (Y) versus body size (X) rather than continuous. To test the discon-

.8 10 10 0

0.4 HON 0.8 1.24 1.48 * @


z ~~~~~~~~~~~* .~. 01.

1.2 1.4


FIG. 6. Relation between maximum prothorax width and head horn length (measured from the anterior-

most projection of the head to the tip of the horn) (bar beside figure at right) in 183 male Xylorectes lobicollis

(Scarabeidae, Dynastinae). The arrows mark the animals in the drawings.

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4 6 2 2.5 0


6- ** OggO 0.. 41%


FIG. 7. Relation between elytrum length and cercus length (measured from the lateral articulation with the

abdomen to the tip of the cercus) (bar beside figure at right) in I88 male Doru taeniatus (Forficulidae). The

arrows to points mark the animals in the drawings.



6 8 1.8 2.0






FIG. 8. Relation between maximum pronotum width and cercus length (measured from the lateral articulation

with the abdomen to the tip of the cercus) (bar beside drawing at right) in 40 male Metrasura ruficeps (Forficulidae).

The arrows mark the individuals in the drawings.

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I1 1 10

4 6 4.0 4.4 0


4.0 4.5


FIG. 9. Relation between maximum head width across the eyes and cercus length (measured from the lateral

articulation with the abdomen to the tip of the cercus) (bar beside drawing at right) in 224 male Paralabella

dorsalis (Labiidae). The arrows mark the individuals in the drawings.

tinuity hypothesis, the following model To test the change of linear slope of horn

(Model 2 in Fig. 1) was used: or cercus versus body size at the switch point,

the following model (Model 3 in Fig. 1) was

Y=f0 + fIX+ :2(X- XO)D+ f3D +e



Y=f0 + flX+ A2(X-X0)D + (3)

in which Yand Xare in actual measurement

units; X0 is the proposed switch point; D is in which the different terms are as defined

0 if X < X0, D = 1 otherwise; f,B is the above. Significance in the f2 term indicates

regression coefficients; E is the random com- that a "switch point" occurs.

ponent with assumed normal distribution, We performed only linear tests of switch

mean zero, and common variance. models. These represent conservative tests,

To determine which switch point gave the since the fits of some models could un-

best fit, 5-10 different values of XO (different doubtedly be increased by adding higher or-

possible switch points) were substituted in der terms. The basic assumptions of linear

(2), and an adjusted R2 was calculated for regression analyses (randomness, homosce-

each. The adjusted R2 values were then plot- dasticity, and normality of errors) were

ted against the possible switch points, and checked in all tests using tests on the resid-

fitted to a fifth degree polynomial (Quasi- uals. Runs tests were used for randomness,

cubic spline); the XO value (switch point) residual and normality plots for homosce-

giving the maximum of value of adjusted dasticity, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests

R2 was determined visually. for normality.

Using this best switch value in Model 2,


a hypothesis test was conducted for f3. If

the evidence did not justify rejection of the Figures 2-9 show the body size versus

null hypothesis, we concluded that if a di- horn or cercus length relationships and dis-

morphism existed, it was not discontinuous tributions for the eight previously unstudied

at the switch point. species, and Table 1 gives the results of par-

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TABLE 1. Levels of significance for coefficient a2 in Model 1 (Dynastes data were calculated using the cube

root of wet weight).

Species Coefficient t-value P-value



Ageopsis nigricollis -5.88 -6.00 <0.000

Copris lugubris -25.45 -10.13 <0.000

Cyclommatus tarandus -2.06 -8.94 <0.000

Dynastes centaurus -3.30 -3.28 0.001

Megasoma elephas -3.97 -5.94 <0.000

Onthophagus incensus -6.36 -2.94 0.004

Podischnus agenor -6.66 -4.91 <0.000

Xylorectes lobicollis 0.63 1.12 0.262 NS

Xylotrupes gideon -2.26 -2.19 0.030


Lucanus cervus 1.48 4.45 <0.000


Bolitotherus cornutus -14.27 -5.43 <0.000


Centinaspis sp. 6.89 1.77 0.079 NS

Rhinostomus barbirostris -0.19 -1.78 0.080 NS



Doru teniatus 0.29 0.56 0.577 NS

Forficula auricularia -1.29 -1.41 0.159 NS

Metrasura ruficeps -2.99 -0.42 0.077 NS


Paralabella dorsalis -0.91 -0.34 0.730 NS

tial F-tests on the transformed data for all matus, Podischnus, Lucanus, and Xyto-

17 species. Ten of the thirteen beetle species trupes, and weaker evidence for dimor-

and none of the four earwigs showed sig- phisms in Bolitotherus, Dynastes, and

nificant values of a2 in Model 1. Ageopsis). In Cyclommatus and Podischnus

Of the ten beetle species that were ana- the coefficient for slope change was not sig-

lyzed further, five showed highly significant nificant, suggesting that the two morphs have

discontinuities (reject #3 = 0 in Model 2), similar but displaced relationships (parallel

three showed weakly significant disconti- lines) between horn and body size.

nuities, and two (Megasoma and Copris) Model 3 was fit to data from the species

showed no significant discontinuity (Table with weakly significant and non-significant

2). This test gave strong statistical evidence /3 coefficients in Model 2. The change in

for dimorphism in Onthophagus, Cyclom- slope was significant in all cases (Table 3),

suggesting that two different patterns of al-

location to weapons exist, but that the

TABLE 2. Test of significance for Ho: /3 = 0 from

changes were gradual rather than discontin-

Model 2. Rejection of Ho implies discontinuity.


Species P-value

TABLE 3. Test of significance for Ho: /2 = 0 from

Onthophagus <0.001

Model 3. Rejection of Ho implies non-discontinuous

Cyclommatus <0.001

change in body-horn relationships.

Podischnus <0.001

Lucanus 0.003

Species P-value

Xylotrupes <0.001

Copris <0.001
Dynastes 0.027

Dynastes <0.001
Ageopsis 0.035

Ageopsis <0.000
Bolitotherus 0.014

Bolitotherus <0.000
Megasoma 0.943 NS

Megasoma 0.003
Copris 0.853 NS

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0.6 - - ___

1.0 1.2


FIG. 10. Relation between body length and cercus length in 443 male Forficula auricularia (Forficulidae)

(data from Huxley, 1932). The length of each bar is proportional to the number of individuals with each

combination of values.

frequency of male dimorphisms is 12 of 15


species. The two species with the smallest

Male dimorphism was less common in samples (Rhinostomus and Megasoma)

earwigs (zero of four species) than in beetles failed to show highly significant dimor-

(10 of 13 species). In the earwigs Parala- phisms. Sample size dependence could ex-

bella, Metrasura, and Doru, the male cerci plain why some other studies using rela-

are used in courtship and defense against tively small samples have failed to document

predators as well as in battles, and thus may dimorphisms (Otte and Stayman, 1979-

be under more complex selective regimes in these authors did not employ statistical tests

which it is not necessarily advantageous for however).

smaller individuals to reduce relative cercus These results do not support the assump-

length (males of the dimorphic beetle Lu- tion that allometric growth patterns are rel-

canus cervus also use their mandibles during atively inflexible. They resemble similar

interactions with females in a way which patterns of flexibility noted in reviews of

suggests courtship-W. D. Hamilton, pers. vertebrate growth patterns and body pro-

comm.). The other earwig that failed to show portions: "Usually ... the growth coeffi-

significant values in the partial F-test, For- cient and the constant [b] do not remain the

ficula, may have two morphs that overlap same in ontogeny and phylogeny .. ." (p.

each other so broadly in body size (Fig. 10) 141 Rensch, 1960); "evolutionary k [a] is

that they failed to give significant inflection generally not equal to ontogenetic k" (Cock,

values with the models used here, which did 1966) (for recent examples see Zelditch and

not take into consideration the possibility Carmichael, 1989; Cooper and Vitt, 1989).

of extensive overlap. Thus the evidence for "allometric con-

On adding the present results on beetles straints" (sensu Gould, 1989) is not con-

to published statistical analyses of other vincing.

beetle species with horns or elongate man- In the context of the current debate about

dibles (Goldsmith, 1985; Cook, 1987), the the relative importance of developmental

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