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There is no youth or career guidance service in Mauritius. The education system is too academic
and does not take the needs of the society into consideration. If this problem worsens, it may lead
to a social explosion -a chaotic situation in society with rampant crimes and social unrest.
1. In the general elections of 1982, the opposition party won a landslide victory,
unprecedented with all seats of the parliament won (60-0). The ruling party (labour)
suffered a complete defeat. The greatest reason was the high rate of unemployment
preceding the election.
2. The Arab Spring began in December 2010 when Tunisian street vendor Mohammed
Bouazizi set himself on fire to protest the arbitrary seizing of his vegetable stand by police
over failure to obtain a permit. As a young graduate he could not get a job. He started
selling fruits and vegetables. When a police constable slapped him, he felt humiliated.
Therefore, it can be said that unemployment featured among the reasons why he decided
to commit suicide.
So, how can this situation be remedied?
Essay titles
1. Youth unemployment is by far the greatest social problem in Mauritius with all its dire
consequences. Discuss.
2. Youth often exaggerates. Their unemployment problem too is an exaggeration. Do you
3. What, if anything, can be done to curb unemployment problems in your country?
4. Young people are themselves responsible for being unemployed. Do you agree?
5. Discuss some of the causes of unemployment in Mauritius.
6. Unemployment can be curbed if the curriculum of the country is geared towards the
needs of the society. Do you agree?
1. Poor economic performance of the country. In the context of a global economic crisis, it is
difficult to create jobs.
2. Young people do not know what they should prepare for -what skills they should acquire.
They have no experience and training.
3. Many young workers are unstable. Even when they do get a job, they resign after a certain
time to explore different job opportunities -that is, they are not career-oriented.
4. Managers of firms and industries find it easier to hire and fire due to high degree of
competition that prevails. Managers look for efficiency and commitment.
5. Lack of access to business networks -need for expertise and capital if they want to have
their own enterprise. World of work is cold and heartless.
6. Rising youth population and unplanned university courses -too many degrees being offered
even to candidates with mediocre certificate.
7. Poor employment protection -legislation laws favour the capital owners. Why?
8. Mismatch between demand and supply of skills possessed by youth.


1. A long-term period may lead to unproductive and inefficient workers. E.g. Graduates will
forget what they have learned.
2. The level of skills may become obsolete and the level of motivation may be reduced -feel
social outcast.
3. Employers/entrepreneurs, and the whole economy suffer as individuals lose their
4. It may lead to loss of generation to a country. These young people might remain idle for
half a decade or more, and start building their career and personal life late -marriage,
children etc.
5. Countries can suffer from brain-drain (e.g. many Mauritian intellectuals are migrating to
other countries).
6. It can lead to frustration (in extreme cases, suicide). Can lead to high level of social
problems in the country.
7. It causes poor living conditions -reduce in purchasing power, which eventually leads to
social exclusion.

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