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How to win the war against corona virus

In any war if we have to win we need to have proper strategy

Read the history and take a leaf out of the tactics employed by the most successful warriors

1. When an enemy attacks you unawares, you do not know anything about the strength of
the enemy and you are unprepared to face the enemy and devoid of any weapons what is
the best strategy? Hide from the enemy in a safe place so as to save your life. Later you
can gather enough strength and plan counter attack.

At present our knowledge about Corona virus is limited. Our strategy should be to
prevent ourselves getting exposed to the virus. Follow the advice to stay indoors, avoid
gatherings, avoid travelling unless absolutely essential.

2. What will you do during this hiding period? Closely observe the movements of the
enemy. Collect all the information regarding the strength, weakness and properly plan a
counter attack. Reach out for your friends who can give a helping hand. This should be
done before the enemy catches and attacks you. Prepare for the war to strike the enemy
unawers before he strikes you.

So during this period of hiding from the corona virus which may be one to three months,
scientists will try level best to find ways to treat, minimize the deaths. Our central
government has already started dialogue with neighboring countries to strategize the
collective long-term plan to prevent spread of the disease. Our duty during this period is
not to panic, but to follow the instructions of the state. Keep ourselves indoors, healthy
and active

3. When everyone is instructed to hide, some may still be caught by the enemy. What will
you do? Yes in every army there are people who are specialized in rescuing the ones
captured by the enemy. They will try their level best to rescue the captured by entering
the enemy bastion. They are the specially trained war veterans who have no fear. So the
captured ones need not worry.

Those who have struck with the virus need not worry. There is supportive health care
team to bail you out. Stay calm and composed. Report to the nearest designated heath
care system for a remedy in case of any history of travel to the affected country, contact
with anyone who had disease or any respiratory symptoms like cough, breathlessness and
4. If you are almost caught by your enemy what will you do? Seek shelter at the nearest
place. If you start running away when you are almost caught it is easier for the enemy to
catch and finish you. In the process of chasing you, many others also may be caught and

If you are having symptoms of the Corona virus infection or directly exposed to the virus
but yet to develop symptoms do not roam around in the community. Report to the nearest
government health care center where you will be taken care. Please remember if you run
around you will spread the disease to everyone. Be a responsible citizen.

5. How was the demon killed from whose blood many thousand replicas used to be born?
By not allowing the blood to touch the ground.

Same for corona virus. It may not survive too long outside the human body. So take care.
Those who are infected do not be in contact with others, wear protective mask to prevent
spread of secretions. If we can break the chain of transmission, we can overcome and
eliminate this virus

6. What are most important during the time of crisis?

Our strength lies in unity. So be united

Praise the people who are in forefront of the war. It will increase their strength, valor,
vigor, dedication and eagerness to fight thousand times better so that victory is sure. So it
is time to praise our health care system and caregivers. *If you criticize people who help
you during the time of distress you prove yourself to be the most unworthy person and
next time nobody may be willing to help you.

Never ever criticize during the time of crisis. This will have negative effect. You will
end up losing the war.

If you think you have a point to make, inform the policy makers, do not discuss in public.

Everyone should not try to be a hero. Do the work assigned to you.

Do not be in grief. Find ways to engage yourself with a positive attitude.

Be courageous. Never bother about your enemy beyond a limit but believe in your
strength. So do not over investigate yourself. Be content to know whatever is essential to
keep you safe. Keep yourself healthy and physically fit
7. How long can you hide from your enemy? Not too long because he may find your hiding
place and attack. Before that you should be ready for counter attack.

Any viral disease will play havoc in the initial few weeks. With time the virulance might
come down, many will develop immunity due to subclinical infection. So afetr an initail
peak, cases are expected to reduce and reach a lower level in three months time. By this
time the management strategy will be more accurate and complications are expected to
come down. Hence take all preventive measures as advised by the officailsa as
complications may be more in the first three months.

8. Will the corons virus behave the same way in all places across the globe?

May or may not be. The population charecteristics, innate genetic response, climate,
geography and many other factors may influence the virulence of the virus. So weed need
to observe the cases, collect our data and analyse to have our longterm policy against the
corona virus

9. Is this corona virus infection is deadly in all those who are infected?

No. Initial cases from India indicate it may not be very severe in otherwise
healthy people. Those with other co existing diseases it may more severe. But everyone
need to be vigilant as we are yet to know the details of outcome in those who are

10. Is there a cure for Corona virus infection?

Viaral infections are selflimiting in the majority. Our immune system will eliminate the
infection. There is no specific drug to cure the infection as of now. Those who are
infected should stay calm and cool, take rest, good nutritious food, avoid contact with
others, seek medical help if there is fever, cough, breathing problem. People above 60
years, those with diabetes, other chronic diseases need to be more careful as
complications are more in them.

Dr Vishnu sharma.M, Professor and Head

Dept of respiratory medicine, A J Institute of medical sciences and Research center
Mangalore, Karnataka

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