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Beginner Workout Program

Day.1-Lower body:

 Barbell Squat or Dumbbell Goblet Squat 2 x 12-15

 Barbell/Dumbbell/Resistance-band Sumo Deadlift 2 x 12-15
 Barbell/Dumbbell Floor Glute Bridge 2 x 12-15
 Barbell/Dumbbell Standing Forward Lunges (each leg) 2 x 8
 Dumbbell Calf Raise 2 x 15

1-1.5 Minute Rest after each Set

Day.2-Cardio and Abs:

 20-30 Minutes of light jogging or treadmill or cycling

 Crunches 3 x 12-15
 Flutter Kicks 3 x 12-15
 Planks or Modified Planks 2 x 30-45 seconds hold

1-1.5 Minute Rest after each Set

Day.3-Upper body:

 Barbell/Dumbbell Chest Bench or Floor Press 3 x 15

 Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Side Press 3 x 15
 Barbell/Dumbbell Bent-Over Row 3 x 15
 Dumbbell Shrugs 2 x 15
 Dumbbell Seated Alternate Bicep Curl (each arm) 2 x 10
 Dumbbell Triceps Kickback (each arm) 2 x 10

1-1.5 Minute Rest after each Set

Day.4-Cardio and Abs:

 20-30 Minutes light jogging or treadmill or cycling.

 Crunches 3 x 12-15
 Flutter Kicks 3 x 12-15
 Planks or Modified Planks 2 x 30-45 seconds hold

1-1.5 Minute Rest after each Set

Day.5-Full Body:

 Dumbbell Squat to Shoulder Press 3 x 15

 Dumbbell Single-leg Deadlifts (each leg) 3 x 10
 Dumbbell Incline Bench or Floor Chest Flyes 3 x 15
 Dumbbell Seated Rear Deltoid Raises 3 x 10
 Floor or Modified or Wall Pushups 2 x 10
 Barbell/Dumbbell/Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extension 2 x 10
 Barbell/Dumbbell/Resistance Band Bicep Curl 2 x 10

1-1.5 Minute Rest after each Set

Day.6-Cardio only: 30-45 minutes brisk walk

Day.7-Full Rest

Important Points:
 *The number on the left means “Set” and the right one means “Repetition” also called Rep. So
for example, next to an exercise if it is mentioned “2 x 10”, that means you have perform that
exercise 2 times for 10 repetitions each, so on and so forth.
 For each Weight Exercise, try to increase Weights slightly every week if possible, or else every
two weeks, to increase intensity.
 Drink water as and when required during each workout.
 Try to Complete All Workouts within 1 Hour.
 Always focus on good form with slow negatives. Full contraction and full relaxation in every rep.
 Full Range of Motion in Each and every single set.
 Be Active throughout the day, take as many steps as you can (Remember, increasing NEAT i.e.
Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is very IMPORTANT!).
 If you cannot understand any exercise, recheck the form video provided, try to check it online or
ask someone. Do not attempt it based on your own thinking, one wrong move can cause injury.

Pre-workout Dynamic Warm-up Routine:
This warm-up routine has to be done before each and every workout. Pre-workout warm-up is
extremely crucial as it not only raises the body’s temperature to get the body ready for further exertion,
it also gives the muscles and joints movement and flexibility which reduces the risk of injury. Do not
neglect it!

Post-workout Static Stretching Routine:
Post workout stretching is as important as pre-workout warm-ups. It loosens knots and relaxes the
muscle fibers which have tightened up due to exercising. This helps the body in supplying fresh blood to
the target areas.
Exercise Form Video Links:
Dumbbell Goblet Squat:

Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift:

Dumbbell Floor Glute Bridge:

Dumbbell Standing Forward Lunges:

Dumbbell Calf Raise:

Dumbbell Chest Flat Bench Press:

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Side Press:

Dumbbell Bent Over Row:

Dumbbell Shrugs:

Dumbbell Seated Alternate Bicep Curl:

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback:

Dumbbell Squat to Shoulder Press:

Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift:

Dumbbell Incline Bench Chest Flyes:

Dumbbell Bent-Over Rear Delt Raises:

Wall Pushups:

Modified Push-ups and Push-ups:

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension:


Flutter Kicks:


Modified Planks:

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