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Wildha Riza Rahmadani (2017) “The Benefits of giving Asthma Gymnastics To Improve the Muscle
Power of Breathing And Lung Functions In Patients of Asthma In Petungwulung the subdistrict of
Petungasri , Pasuruan Districts”. Scientific Writer Works of Case Studies, The ministry of health
Republic of Indonesia, The Health Polytechnic of Malang,The Diploma III study program of Nursing.
Guiding: Budiono, S.Kp, M.Kes. Tester: Dra. Mustayah. M.Kes

Asthma sufferers will become bronchospasm and this bronchocontrication can cause breathing
muscles to decrease pulmonary function. The study aims to identify the influence of asthma
gymnastics on increased breathing muscle and pulmonary function in Petungwulung.from October
28 to November 10, 2019. The subject of the study used 2 subjects with asthma sufferers. This type
of research uses observation.

The results of this study showed an increase in respiratory muscle strength and pulmonary function
signaling increased respiratory muscle strength and pulmonary function of the subject. Inferable
asthma gymnastics can be made one of the efforts to increase strength.

As a nurse who plays the educator, is about to provide knowledge and application to asthmatics who
suffer from asthma so that it will help increase the strength of the breathing muscle and pulmonary
function of asthma sufferers well.

Keywords : Asthma sufferers, Respiratory muscle strength, Pulmonary Function, Asthma Gymnastics

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