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Original Article

Augmented Reality Technology Using Microsoft HoloLens

in Anatomic Pathology
Matthew G. Hanna, MD; Ishtiaque Ahmed, BS; Jeffrey Nine, MD; Shyam Prajapati, DO; Liron Pantanowitz, MD

 Context.—Augmented reality (AR) devices such as the permitted radiographs to be coregistered on gross speci-
Microsoft HoloLens have not been well used in the medical mens and thereby enhanced locating important pathologic
field. findings. The HoloLens also allowed easy viewing and
Objective.—To test the HoloLens for clinical and navigation of whole slide images, using an AR workstation,
nonclinical applications in pathology. including multiple coregistered tissue sections facilitating
Design.—A Microsoft HoloLens was tested for virtual volumetric pathology evaluation.
annotation during autopsy, viewing 3D gross and micro- Conclusions.—The HoloLens is a novel AR tool with
scopic pathology specimens, navigating whole slide imag- multiple clinical and nonclinical applications in pathology.
es, telepathology, as well as real-time pathology-radiology
The device was comfortable to wear, easy to use, provided
sufficient computing power, and supported high-resolution
Results.—Pathology residents performing an autopsy
wearing the HoloLens were remotely instructed with imaging. It was useful for autopsy, gross and microscopic
real-time diagrams, annotations, and voice instruction. examination, and ideally suited for digital pathology.
3D-scanned gross pathology specimens could be viewed as Unique applications include remote supervision and
holograms and easily manipulated. Telepathology was annotation, 3D image viewing and manipulation, tele-
supported during gross examination and at the time of pathology in a mixed-reality environment, and real-time
intraoperative consultation, allowing users to remotely pathology-radiology correlation.
access a pathologist for guidance and to virtually annotate (Arch Pathol Lab Med. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2017-0189-
areas of interest on specimens in real-time. The HoloLens OA)

T echnology that offers an augmented reality (AR)

experience (eg, Google Glass [Mountain View, Cal-
ifornia], Microsoft HoloLens [Redmond, Washington])
AR technology has the potential to radically redefine how
humans interact with their environment. AR solutions have
been investigated for various applications including their
overlays a virtual world on top of a user’s existing (‘‘real’’) feasibility in education, engineering, chemistry, environ-
surroundings. AR technology differs from devices for virtual mental sciences, and tourism.2,3 AR devices such as the
reality (VR) that completely immerse a user within a virtual HoloLens have been sparsely used in the medical field, and
to the best of our knowledge hitherto not in pathology.
experience (eg, Oculus Rift [Menlo Park, California], HTC
Potential uses for AR in the medical field include education,
Vive [Taoyuan, Taiwan]).1 Most AR and VR devices include
simulation, and clinical care such as telemedicine. To date,
a head-mounted display, where an ergonomically assem- AR devices have been tested with image-guided and
bled headset provides a viewable display for human- minimally invasive surgical procedures.4–6 Case Western
computer interaction. The Microsoft HoloLens is a wearable Reserve University School of Medicine (Cleveland, Ohio)
headset that projects a visible image in the user’s point of with Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio) started a pilot
view. It superimposes an image (eg, hologram) on the user’s program with the Microsoft HoloLens to improve courses in
surrounding real-life environment to create a mixed-reality medical school, such as 3D holographic content to teach
experience. human anatomy.7 The aim of this study was to test the
HoloLens in a variety of clinical and nonclinical applications
in pathology.
Accepted for publication August 15, 2018.
From the Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh METHODS
Medical Center (UPMC), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Drs Hanna, Nine,
and Pantanowitz and Mr Ahmed); Icahn School of Medicine at Internet Connectivity
Mount Sinai, The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, New York (Dr
Prajapati). A Microsoft HoloLens (Development Edition) was connected to
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or the Internet via our institution’s (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) secure
companies described in this article. wireless network. The HoloLens contains an 802.11ac, 232 wireless
Corresponding author: Liron Pantanowitz, MD, Department of fidelity (WiFi) radio, which means it can only connect to a network
Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Shadyside supporting the 5-GHz band. Connecting the device to a WiFi
Hospital, Suite 201, 5150 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15232 (email: network was similar to connecting a laptop or mobile device to a WiFi network. The institution’s secure wireless network required
Arch Pathol Lab Med Augmented Reality in Anatomic Pathology—Hanna et al 1
specifications such as Encrypted and authenticated Transport Layer users were able to access and work with various applications (eg,
Security (ETLS) or Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol Microsoft Outlook, laboratory information system, electronic
(PEAP). The secure network provided a 5-Mbps minimum medical record, whole slide image [WSI] viewer).
bandwidth connection. To gain access to this network, we required
a service account in the institution’s Identity Management System; Pathology Use Cases
once approved, the mobile device could access the secure network Autopsy.—After establishing secure Internet connectivity in the
through a designated username and password. autopsy suite, Skype (version, Microsoft) was installed
on the Surface Pro with a Skype for HoloLens plug-in, and Skype
Hardware Beta was installed on the HoloLens device. These applications
The HoloLens device is a lightweight (579 g), wearable allowed for simultaneous live streaming and bidirectional virtual
holographic computer, enabling human-computer interaction in a annotation between both devices. By annotating in real-time, users
mixed-reality environment. Holographic computer images can be could virtually point an arrow or freehand draw on their
viewed within a user’s point of view of native surroundings. It surrounding environment. By using these applications, remote
consists of a widescreen stereoscopic head-mounted display communication was initiated for users to contact and interact with
(resolution 1268 3 720 pixels per eye, 16:9 aspect ratio, and 60- one another. Our director of autopsy was selected as an expert
Hz refresh rate) containing tinted holographic lenses, a depth pathologist user to virtually guide pathology trainees through their
camera (1208 3 1208), and 4 additional cameras with built-in autopsy procedure.
sensors for environment sensing and detecting ambient light. The 3D Holographic Gross Pathology Specimens.—A Shining 3D
sensors receive user input through inertial measurement units that Einscan-S 3D scanner (Hangzhou, China) with Einscan 3D
include an accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. It also software (version 1.7.3) was used to capture 3D images of gross
has integrated speakers and 4 microphones for 2-way communi- specimens. Detailed methods of specimen scanning and software
cation. The device’s Holographic Processing Unit can handle 1 enhancement to produce a 3608 3D virtual image have been
trillion calculations per second, and has 2 gigabyte (GB) of random previously reported.9 Digital files of scanned 3D specimens were
access memory (RAM). Further specifications include 64 GB of saved in object file format (.OBJ) and imported into open-source
internal flash storage and support for wireless connectivity with Blender software (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) to be scaled,
WiFi (IEEE 802.11ac) and Bluetooth (4.1 Low Energy). Battery life edited, and oriented for viewing. The final 3D specimen image was
carries up to 3 hours of active use or a standby time of 2 weeks. The then exported from Blender in Filmbox (.FBX) file format. The
HoloLens has a clicker accessory, connected via Bluetooth, Filmbox format was the only readable 3D holographic file format
allowing users to make physical commands instead of using gaze, that could be natively imported into the Microsoft HoloLens 3D
voice commands, and/or hand gestures. Viewer Beta application. 3D viewer Beta application was used to
AR sessions during testing were captured with a Microsoft view 3D model holograms of our scanned specimens. The 3D
Surface Pro 3 computer (weighing 1.76 lb). This is a 12’’ high- viewer allowed users to interact with holographic images (eg,
definition (2160 3 1440) touchscreen tablet computer (64-bit) with resize, rotate, flip plane axes, mirror).
64 GB of storage and 4-GB RAM. The tablet was powered by a Telepathology.—Similar to the autopsy setup, the HoloLens
fourth-generation Intel Core i5 processor (Santa Clara, California) and Surface Pro devices with Skype Beta for HoloLens were used
and used the Windows 10 operating system. for live streaming and bidirectional virtual annotation to support
gross specimen telepathology. Pathologists’ assistants and trainees
Software wearing the HoloLens received instructions (eg, selection of
The HoloLens used a Windows Holographic platform under the representative areas from a specimen to obtain tissue sections)
native Windows 10 operating system. The platform included a from a remote pathologist using audio, visual communication, and
Microsoft application repository. Applications specific to the virtual annotations.
HoloLens were directly downloaded and installed on the device Specimen Radiograph Coregistration.—Conventional and AR
via the Windows store. The device’s interface used gaze input (head workflows were compared. Pathologists’ assistants wearing the
tracking), gesture (bloom, air tap, press and hold), and voice HoloLens device at the grossing workbench were asked to
commands.8 Three gestures were used to interact with the AR manipulate (eg, move, scale) virtual radiographs (eg, mammogram)
environment: and overlay them atop corresponding gross specimens. Findings in
the radiograph (eg, calcification, biopsy marker clip) were used to
1. Bloom: upward facing palm, starting with fingertips together, locate corresponding tissue areas within the gross specimen (eg,
then spreading fingers outward; for application start-up and mastectomy, breast lumpectomy excision). Patient specimens
closure. included 12 total mastectomies and 12 excisional breast resections
2. Air tap (tap and release): with the dorsal aspect of the user’s (ie, lumpectomies, excisional breast biopsies); 9 patients underwent
hand facing them, raising and flexing the index finger (ie, up, neoadjuvant chemotherapy with or without radiation divided
down, and up again) in a pinchlike fashion (press and release); among both workflow methods. Pathology diagnoses included
for selecting an operation. invasive ductal carcinoma (n ¼ 20), invasive lobular carcinoma (n ¼
3. Tap and hold: raising and flexing the index finger to the thumb 1), atypical ductal hyperplasia (n ¼ 1), and papilloma (n ¼ 2).
and motioning the pressed fingers together (press and hold); in Specimen radiographs from the picture archiving and communi-
the user’s 3D space (ie, up then down)—for manipulation of cation system (PACS) were de-identified and imported to the
selected objects. Microsoft HoloLens as JPEG image files through the device’s
OneDrive cloud storage account. Conventional workflow included
A Bluetooth Clicker was also provided with the device that can manual detection during specimen dissection and pathologists’
mimic hand gestures. Voice commands were interchangeably used assistants having the specimen radiograph display on the monitor if
(eg, ‘‘select’’ instead of the air-tap gesture, or ‘‘take a picture’’ to retrieved from the PACS.
capture a live point-of-view mixed-reality screen-capture). Internet Whole Slide Image Viewing.—Microsoft Edge Web browser
connectivity was established via the secure hospital network, which was used on the HoloLens to access the Internet. The remote
caused no problems. No patient health information data were desktop application Remote Desktop Preview App was download-
recorded. Photos and videos were captured with the HoloLens and ed and investigated for remote navigation of digital slides stored on
backed up on our institution’s Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage. an institutional server. Several Web-based WSI viewers were tested
Voice command instructions using Microsoft’s software intelligent with the HoloLens (Table). All viewers were freely accessible.
personal assistant, Cortana, were used to capture photos and video. Supported gestures for image navigation included scroll, pan, and
With a remote desktop agent the HoloLens was used to create a zoom. Compatibility and usability of each WSI viewer was
dynamic virtual workstation. By means of this virtual ‘‘cockpit’’ documented. Features of interest include loading of WSI Viewer
2 Arch Pathol Lab Med Augmented Reality in Anatomic Pathology—Hanna et al
List of Whole Slide Image Viewers Tested With the this study, the bloom, air tap, and tap and hold were used as
HoloLensa well as associated interchangeable voice commands or
calling on Cortana for expedited command operation. The
Compatible View Only Incompatible device facilitated remote, real-time, bidirectional audio, and
DigitalScope AJAX DBViewer mixed-reality annotation. Image resolution was sufficient to
ImageZoomer Google Maps API Webscope support digital pathology including telecommunication
OpenSeadragon OpenLayers Zoomify during autopsy, telepathology during grossing, viewing
View-only whole slide image viewers were not compatible with native and manipulating 3D pathology specimens, and WSI.
navigation gestures. Captured photos, using the HoloLens, averaged 300 KB in
DigitalScope (Aptia Systems, Houston, Texas), ImageZoomer (Thiet- size, with a resolution of 1408 3 792, and 72 dots per inch.
kewebDrupal, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam), OpenSeadragon (open The creation of a virtual workstation successfully allowed
source), AJAX (MSTechnology, Charlotte, North Carolina), Google
Maps API (Google, Mountainview, California), OpenLayers (open multiple virtual windows to be displayed by the HoloLens in
source), DBViewer (Hanover, Germany), Webscope (Aperio, Buffalo the user’s visual field. Interacting with these windows
Grove, Illinois), Zoomify (Zoomify, Aptos, California). allowed users to resize and reposition them. Setting up a
virtual desktop permitted a variety of secure clinical
Web page, rendering of WSI, and gesture functionality (ie, scroll,
applications (eg, laboratory information system, electronic
pan, and zoom navigation of WSI). health record, PACS) to be remotely accessed from any
Volumetric Pathology.—Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded location (eg, at the gross workbench) (Figure 1).
blocks of human and animal tissue samples were processed by Autopsy Findings
3Scan (San Francisco, California) with their knife-edge scanning
microscopy technology. This process generates images from A pathologist was able to successfully establish remote
thousands of regular, serial tissue sections with fiber optic communication by using Skype with pathology housestaff
microscopy. The images are subsequently reconstructed in 3D wearing the HoloLens device through Skype for HoloLens
(OBJ image files) to study cellular and subcellular structures.10 The application during an autopsy in the autopsy suite located in
HoloLens was used to view these images with the 3D Viewer Beta the basement of the hospital. The Microsoft Surface Pro
application. tablet was used by the attending pathologist, whereas the
HoloLens was donned by housestaff. Face shields were
RESULTS worn in such a fashion as to not obstruct the HoloLens
Overall, the Microsoft HoloLens device was light and sensors. Audio quality and visual resolution were sufficient
comfortable to wear, easy to use, and provided sufficient for both users. For example, the attending pathologist was
computing power. Gesture input, although limited to only 3 able to easily determine that there was no pulmonary
gestures, did provide adequate interaction for all pathology embolism in one case while remotely directing the trainee
use cases to be performed successfully. For all use cases in during dissection of the pulmonary vasculature. The

Figure 1. Augmented reality using Microsoft HoloLens (Redmond, Washington) allows remote access of multiple applications, as demonstrated at
this gross pathology workbench where the user has opened (clockwise from top left) a Web-based procedure manual, microscopic image from an
online reference Web site, radiology image from the Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS), and laboratory information system (LIS).
Arch Pathol Lab Med Augmented Reality in Anatomic Pathology—Hanna et al 3
Figure 2. A hologram of a scanned human
brain that was removed during autopsy is
being manipulated while wearing the Holo-
Lens device (Microsoft HoloLens, Redmond,

pathologist and trainees both used the air tap and the tap Specimen Radiograph Coregistration Feasibility
and hold to create virtual arrows and freehand drawings Both methodologies for coregistration of breast resec-
during AR sessions. Using the HoloLens by means of tion specimen radiographs and gross specimens for
interactive gestures, trainees performing an autopsy suc- biopsy clip detection and correlation were performed
cessfully recorded organ weights, pathology notes, and by using conventional workflow and the head-mounted
voice-commanded image acquisition of gross findings AR device. The HoloLens, worn by pathologists’ assis-
including screen-captures with annotations. For attending tants during gross examination of breast excision
pathologists, advantageous uses of Skype included remote specimens, was effectively used to retrieve corresponding
portability, remote supervision, quick access to other specimen radiographs from the PACS. There was
pathologists if needed, a more timely response to trainee sufficient resolution in these virtually displayed radiology
inquiries that avoided going to the morgue, and the ability images to clearly identify breast lesions and metallic
to record or document the interaction. Educational autopsy biopsy clips. The imported radiographs were easily
live video streaming or recordings could be used for future manipulated with gestures in order for them to be
teaching and education.11 accurately coregistered over gross specimens in real-time
3D Holographic Gross Pathology Specimen Experience (Figure 3, A through D). This process was used to
rapidly identify the precise location of a biopsy clip or
Multiple gross pathology specimens (eg, whole brain lesion such as calcifications in the breast resection
including subsequent coronal slices, prostate, amputated specimen. Pathologists’ assistants were successfully able
digit, kidney with tumor) were scanned with the Einscan 3D to manually coregister the radiograph and gross speci-
scanner. A 3608 3D rendition of these scanned gross men by using hand gestures and voice commands to
specimens were generated. Specimens with a coarse surface scale and position the radiograph atop the gross
texture, as opposed to those with a shiny reflective surface, specimen. Identification of the metallic biopsy clip
were most successfully visualized. Gray and white matter averaged 10.6 minutes when using conventional work-
tracks of coronal brain slices were also less clear. Imported flow applications and 1.5 minutes when using the
3D gross specimens were successfully viewed with the Microsoft HoloLens. One hundred percent of users rated
HoloLens (Figure 2). Using hand gestures, these virtual the Microsoft HoloLens 4 or greater on a 5-point scale
specimens could be scaled and manipulated (eg, rolled in being a useful and usable technology for radiograph-
around the x-, y-, and z-axes). Live streaming allowed 3D specimen coregistration.
gross specimens in the AR field to be shared for educational
purposes. Whole Slide Image Viewing Outcome
Whole slide image viewing in 2 dimensions within the
Telepathology Results
HoloLens AR environment was possible. A range of
Virtual images remotely transmitted for review by a gestures permitted users to navigate digital slides and zoom
pathologist demonstrated adequate resolution for a variety in on selected fields of view. Drag mode allowed users to
of gross specimens (eg, nephrectomy, prostatectomy). pan around the WSI by directing their fingers toward the
Telepathology was performed, without difficulty, by pathol- intended direction of the digital slide. Zooming in was
ogy residents and pathologists’ assistants wearing the performed by directing the end-users’ fingers upward and
HoloLens. Bidirectional annotation via hand gestures was zooming out, by directing their fingers downward. Of the 9
used to successfully guide gross specimen examination. For WSI viewers tested (Table), 3 were not compatible owing to
example, a pathologist was able to remotely specify tissue Flash plug-in encoding built into the viewer (DBViewer
areas to be sectioned during intraoperative consultations [Hanover, Germany], Webscope [Aperio, Buffalo Grove,
and remote gross dissections. Illinois], Zoomify [Zoomify, Aptos, California]). These
4 Arch Pathol Lab Med Augmented Reality in Anatomic Pathology—Hanna et al
Figure 3. Real-time radiology-pathology correlation using the Microsoft HoloLens (Redmond, Washington). A, A breast specimen radiograph is
shown with a clip (inset) in the lower quadrant. B, The same radiograph is now shown imported into the HoloLens and coregistered with the
corresponding gross pathology specimen at the gross workstation. C, A pathology assistant wearing the Microsoft HoloLens is shown working at the
gross bench. D, The clip in this specimen was identified in the precise location indicated by the overlying specimen radiograph.

viewer Web pages did not load in the HoloLens device Edge technique.10 3D image file data sets were converted from
browser, or render the WSI for navigation. Three WSI .OBJ files to .FBX files to be imported into the Microsoft
viewers (AJAX [MSTechnology, Charlotte, North Carolina], HoloLens (Figure 4, A and B). Image file sizes ranged from
Google Maps API [Google, Mountainview, California], and 17 MB to 1 GB. Large files (.50 MB) were not compatible
OpenLayers) permitted viewing, but the gestures in all with HoloLens 3D viewer applications. Performance load
navigation modes did not function as intended. For capabilities were also limited to 150 000 vertices or more
instance, while attempting to use the tap and hold gesture than 400 meshes. While optimization of image files allowed
in the zoom navigation mode, the WSI would continuously them to be imported into the HoloLens, they could not be
pan in one direction and not zoom in. The remaining manipulated.
compatible 3 WSI viewers (DigitalScope [Aptia Systems,
Houston, Texas], ImageZoomer [ThietkewebDrupal, Hai Ba DISCUSSION
Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam], and OpenSeadragon) permitted While the capability to deliver AR experiences began
viewing, and all gestures worked as intended in all decades ago, only recently has this technology become
navigation modes. A Bluetooth-connected keyboard and easily accessible, affordable, and transportable. Compared
mouse were also successfully used for navigation input. to AR, VR solutions are more widely developed and
Whole slide images can successfully be viewed on the used, even for use in pathology.1,12–17 To the best of our
HoloLens device through Web-enabled viewers. knowledge, we are not aware of any other studies
demonstrating AR-specific applications using the Hol-
Volumetric Pathology oLens in pathology.
Tissue from mouse gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and blood AR is ‘‘active’’ technology, whereby users can interact
vessels was successfully serially sectioned, imaged, and with virtual objects relative to real life. One of the
reconstructed by using the knife-edge scanning microscopy drawbacks of using Google Glass for telepathology was
Arch Pathol Lab Med Augmented Reality in Anatomic Pathology—Hanna et al 5
connecting these wearable devices to the Internet is security.
Usually, for a mobile device to have access on our
institution’s network, a passcode for the device is necessary.
However, the HoloLens does not have login entry
password-protected capability. This makes it hard to lock
down. Also, for mobile devices (eg, smartphones) our
institution uses MobileIron (Mountain View, California)
software to secure content on these devices. The MobileIron
app, unfortunately, was not yet available or compatible with
the HoloLens. Hence, with repeated use of this ‘‘open
device’’ on our network, hospital information technology
security officers may not recognize the HoloLens and hence
remove it from the network. Fortunately, we did have any of
these problems. The other problem with relying on WiFi
connectivity was the geographic limitation of using the
device only within our network.
Our experience shows that wearing the HoloLens is
feasible and permits pathologists, pathologists’ assistants,
and trainees to easily manipulate their surrounding mixed-
reality environment for a variety of clinical and nonclinical
use cases. This includes supervising prosectors and pathol-
ogy residents during an autopsy or while grossing surgical
pathology specimens, evaluating 3D gross specimens as
holograms, remotely interacting with WSIs, reconstructed
microscopic images (volumetric pathology), facilitating
telepathology, and aiding in real-time pathology-radiology
correlation. Not all WSI viewers are yet configured for use in
Figure 4. Demonstration of volumetric pathology image sets using 3D- such a mixed-reality environment. Future directions should
reconstructed histologic sections. A, Murine gastrointestinal segment. B, include developing WSI viewers for easy navigation with AR
Vascular network of blood vessels.
and/or VR devices. Remote telepathology applications for
the HoloLens has tremendous potential. Volumetric pa-
poor image resolution.18 Similarly, low image resolution thology represents the study of pathology in 3 dimensions,
of the Oculus Rift device was a major limitation for where 3D visualization of hundreds or thousands of
viewing WSIs.1 This study showed that image quality coregistered histopathology WSIs is possible. Coregistration
with the HoloLens was sufficient for viewing gross and of radiology images (eg, computed tomography, magnetic
microscopic (eg, WSI) pathology images. The resolution resonance imaging) and digitized slides from postmortem
of the HoloLens of 2536 3 1440 (1268 3 720 per eye) human brain specimens has been successfully mapped with
surpasses that of earlier VR/AR devices. For example, the an accuracy of 0.56 6 0.39 to 0.87 6 0.42 mm.25 It remains
Oculus Rift (Development Kit 1) by comparison only has to be seen if this can be improved with the HoloLens. The
an image resolution of 1280 3 800 (640 3 800 per eye). HoloLens also supports a wide variety of hands-free tasks
AR also has other advantages over VR devices. For (eg, voice commands, documentation, annotation, video
instance, it was reported that users were able to recording) and digital imaging applications (eg, whole slide
complete tasks related to 3D object manipulation up to imaging). A limitation of using both AR and VR head-
22.5% faster in an AR environment than with VR.19 mounted devices is a type of visually induced motion
The Microsoft HoloLens is a novel AR tool with potential sickness, better known as simulator sickness. Simulator
for clinical and educational applications in health care. sickness has been described in VR more than AR devices,
Medical education is transforming by using safer simulation possibly due to native surrounding visualization in AR. This
technologies.20 A recent study21 reported higher achieve- discomfort is characterized by nausea, disorientation, eye
ments and lower cognitive burden from medical students strain, or other oculomotor symptoms, and can negatively
learning neuroanatomy with AR than with traditional impact the user’s experience, acceptance, performance, and
textbook methods. Educational content specific to the safety. We did not find this in our testing, perhaps because
Microsoft HoloLens today is mostly devoted to anatomy the HoloLens was not used for prolonged periods of time.
(eg, HoloAnatomy, HoloHeart [Made in Point GmbH, Individual consecutive user times ranged from a few
Erlangen, Germany]). There is still a gap regarding minutes (eg, during WSI navigation, rad-path correlation,
educational content for pathology. AR also has novel clinical 3D gross specimen manipulation) up to 1 hour (eg, during
applications such as 3D volumetric reconstruction to an autopsy). Users did not report episodes or symptoms of
coregister radiology, gross anatomy, and histopathology to simulator sickness. Indeed, some evidence shows that
support radiation treatment planning in patients with shorter footage duration viewed on a head-mounted display
cancer.22 AR using 3D-integrated intraoperative imaging may be better tolerated in VR.26
has proved to be reliable in performing minimally invasive In summary, we found that using AR in pathology for
procedures in a variety of neurosurgical diseases, showing clinical and nonclinical reasons is promising. The
superior accuracy of hardware placement as compared to HoloLens introduces many novel opportunities that
free-hand techniques.23,24 could enrich the practice of pathology, such as creating
Security for health care–related AR or VR head-mounted virtual workstations and exploiting dynamic ways to
devices is critical. Indeed, the main vulnerability when manipulate spatial digital data. However, further testing
6 Arch Pathol Lab Med Augmented Reality in Anatomic Pathology—Hanna et al
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