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Learning activity 2


A. Future perfect progressive

1. Basic form:

Subject + will have been + verb (past participle form).

Next month I will have been living here for five years.

2. Use:

The future perfect progressive is used to denote actions that will continue
happening in the future. This tense is used to express situations that will extend to
a precise time at an exact moment or event in the future. It is important for you to
remember that there is a possibility for the action to continue happening. When you
use present future progressive, you need to include duration.

For how long will you have been jogging by the end of this year?

By the end of this year I will have been jogging for 6 months.

This statement means that the jogging activity the person started at some moment
will last at least until the end of this year. So, the situation presented (jogging) will
extend until an exact moment (the end of the year). Besides, the statement shows
duration of time. The person said that by the end of the year he or she will have
been jogging for 6 months.

For how long will you have been studying by the end of the week?

By the day of the end of the week, I will have been studying for 3 days, so I will
do well on the exam.

The exam is a future situation. The person will study for 3 days during the week.
But, the exam is after the end of the week--the future perfect progressive lets us
know this given that it indicates the person will continue studying after the end of
the week arrives.
It is important for you to notice that the action can start at any time in the past,
present of future, but will ALWAYS ends in the future.

3. What verbs can I use?

The future perfect progressive is used with active, dynamic verbs (not stative
verbs) because these have a progressive form. Since the future perfect
progressive stands for continuity in the future, it must be used with verbs that
represent progressive forms.

Also, it is important for you to recognize these verbs, so that you don’t make
mistakes when using this tense. In this section, there are some examples of what
constitutes an active verb, why it is so important to use in this tense, and some
commonly used ones.

Here are the verbs that are usually used in the progressive forms. These are verbs
that express activities, processes, momentary actions or physical conditions.

Examples of Action verbs: These CAN be used in progressive.

 Listen  I was listening, I am listening, I will be listening, I have been listening, I

will have been listening.
 Work  I was working, I am working, I will be working, I have been working, I
will have been working.
 Sing  I was singing, I am singing, I will be singing, I have been singing, I will
have been singing.

In opposition, there are the stative verbs that express states or conditions like static
like perceptions, cognition, senses, emotions and states of being.

Examples of Static verbs: These can NOT be used in progressive.

 Doubt  I doubt. I doubted. I would doubt.

 Wish  I wish. I wished. I will wish.
 Need  I need. I needed. I will need.

Take a look at the following chart. There, you will find information regarding the
action verbs. This information will help you identify them better. All the possible
verbs do not appear here. These are just some examples.
Verbs classification Explanation Example
Activity verbs:
I was playing yesterday.
Beg, run, study, sing, Verbs use to
call, drink, eat, listen, represent an activity
She will not have been eating
play, work, whisper, call, done by someone.
meat for 5 years next month.
drink, eat, help, read,
learn, talk.
In a few minutes, traffic will have
Process verbs: been slowing down. It is that
Verbs use to
time of day.
express some
Change, grow, mature,
activity developed
widen, expand, By next month, the flower will
within a process.
deteriorate, slow. have been growing for quite a
In 5 minutes, he will have been
Momentary verbs: Verbs that indicate jumping for 15 minutes.
short events and
Hit, jump, kick, knock, usually implies In the competition, I will have
nod, tap. repetition. been biking for three weeks by
noon tomorrow.

B. Differences between future perfect progressive and future perfect

The main thing you should take into account when using these two tenses is the
continuity or not of the action. If it is a continuous action, you use future perfect
progressive and you use the active verbs, for they can be used in progressive. If it
is an action that will definitely be finished in a specific time of the future, you must
use future perfect and it is possible to use states verbs, for you do not need a

Take into account their structures:

Future perfect: there is no continuity

Subject + will have+ verb in past participle.

Future perfect progressive: there is continuity

Subject + will have been + verb in progressive. (ing)

C. Vocabulary related to politics and political systems

As humans, we group in different organizations called societies. If you see, it is

difficult for a person to live out of the organization already established. Depending
on the place you are born, you are limited by certain conditions and ways of been.
And, unless you go and live in a deserted place, you will always be around people.
Hence, its logical that this group needs organization, some system that regulates
what is going on with people.

Fuente: SENA

This organizing system is what we called political systems. Throughout history, our
civilization has experienced different kinds like monarchy, republic, democracy,
dictatorship, aristocracy and communism. The difference between them is the
focus of the power. For example, in the monarchy, the person who possesses all
power and control is the king or queen while in the democracy it belongs to the
Fuente: SENA

Currently, the system accepted and used in our western world is democracy. In
Colombia, for instance, the theory of democracy says that we, as citizens, are the
ones who can make decisions regarding the government and the direction to be
taken by the country. In order to do that, we can alter the constitution, choose the
legislators and governors such as mayors and presidents. Depending on our
interests, we choose those who will act for our benefit. The judicial system is used
to enforce the governors promises, and in general, we, the people, are holders of
many political rights that allow us to interact in the government.

Fuente: SENA

Because this is an important issue we all need to take into account, in this section
you will find activities that will help you learn vocabulary related to the topic, so that
you can talk about it any time you want.

A. Look at the following sentences. For each one, choose the future perfect tense
or the future perfect progressive tense.


Next year, I will have been teaching English for 8 years. (to teach)
I will have learned that before the final exam. (to learn)

1. The president said before the end of his term, he will have __________ public
high education of quality. (to give)

2. By 2021, the Colombian constitution will have ____________ Colombian law

for 20 years. (to determine)

3. In 2018, Juan Manuel Santos will have ________ his second presidential
term. (to finish)

4. In 2017 Juan Manuel Santos will have ____________ the Republic of

Colombia for 7 years. (to govern)

5. Before your sister is born, I will have __________ the writ of protection we
started last year. (to finish)

6. The supreme court will have _____________ on your process for 5 months in
two days. (to work)

7. The current government promised that before 2018 Colombia will have
________ peace. (to achieve)

8. Do you think by 2015 the party named Centro Democrático will have
___________ more candidates than the Partido conservador? (to have)

9. In 3 years I will have __________ political sciences for 4 years. (to study)

B. Read the following sentences and decided if the verb in the sentence is in the
correct tense.

1. I will have been playing soccer by the end of this year.

2. She will have been wanting that toy for 3 years next Christmas when she
gets it.

3. By the time he changes agents, he will have been acting with the theater
guild for a year and a half.

4. By the time I leave this office, she will have been waiting for three hours now
and I still don’t know when that will be.

5. Because I will have not been working on Monday, I can watch the movie that
is going to premiere that day.

6. Next month my father will have been turning 60 years old.

7. By the end of this year, she will have been working in the taxi for 6 years.

8. Next week, you will have been working here for a year!
9. In the afternoon, I will have been singing.

10. By December, my grandfather will have been doubting himself for 6 years.

C. Read the following letter written by a political science student to his family. Fill in
the blanks with the vocabulary learned in this learning activity that appears in the
box below.

campaigns censoring debating vote parties

opposition government reactionaries terms communists

Why is all about promises?

Dear mom and dad,

I have always thought about the way we all behave. Here in Colombia, we are
always waiting for something to happen. We are rarely proactive. In school,
people do not do their homework without being asked. Many people wait to pay
the bills until they are overdue and someone is forcing them to. In the state, the
government is always making promises about what they will be doing during
their (1)__________, yet the actions don’t follow. With each new campaign, the
discourse is always about how much the previous administration will have been
working on a project by the time the next term comes around.
And there is no difference between ideologies or (2) ________. I have seen the
right and the left wing presenting several proposals during their (3)
___________, and doing nothing while they govern. We as citizens with the right
to (4) _______, also say we are going to do something, nevertheless, many
people don’t vote. We are so used to living in an contradictory world where
things are more about discourses than facts. People know there are spin doctors
everywhere, hiding and (5) _______ information to controlling our minds and
they just don’t care. Not even the (6) ________ do real things; they just
complain about everything that shows up, yet they don’t propose solutions.

I am telling you all this because I decided to do something. Waiting is tiring and I
just don’t want to do it anymore. I met this group of (7) ________ who are (8)
________ about our rights and they presented me a new model of (9) ________
that I think is so much better than the one we have now. I do not want you to get
worried about what I am doing, or to become afraid of the people I am hanging
out with now. I just want you to know I will be working hard for the future of my
country. I stopped just talking the talk. Now I am also walking the talk.
I know that as my parents, you may be concerned because there is a right wing
coalition that makes us look like the worst (10) ________ to democracy and the
interests of the people. I won’t only tell you this is not correct, I am going to show
you this with what I will do.

Your beloved son,


D. Choose two words from the box that best describe each situation. Imagine those
are the key words that describe the topic of the paragraph. You don’t have to
use all the words.

Constitution Right wing Left wing

Liberal Democracy Conservative
Demagogy Censorship Debate
To run Term

1. For the last 12 years, Bogotá has had mayors with ideologies that oppose
traditional ones. These new mayors’ governing plans have as their focus the
social development of the city. Even though they have won the elections,
there are many people who truly believe those new parties are only making
false promises that are popular but difficult to enforce. They think that they
just say anything to convince the people.
a b

2. During the twentieth century, Colombia lived a season of bipartisan violence

that ended in the death of thousands of citizens. This situation was some kind
of civil war, for people of each party fought and died for their ideologies and
hated those who believed otherwise. These two parties have been the
strongest ones in Colombia since then. Nowadays, they are really famous;
nevertheless, people are not as fanatical as they were years ago. Indeed,
those parties now have lost voters since there is more variety to choose.

a b

3. Colombia today has a diverse political system because the government

believes it is necessary to achieve a real participation of the people in the
politics. This occurs due to the principles of the country which are based on
the fact that each citizen has the right to vote because every single person´s
voice is important. These principles are explicitly presented in a document
that also contains the regulation of the country.

a b

4. In June 2010, Colombians choose their president. It occurred during a

process in which the candidates did campaigns, debates and criticized their
opponents. Many people supported one candidate while others supported
others. After the first vote, the pool was narrowed to two candidates. It was
easy to see people campaigning for their favorite, or sometimes, the lesser of
two evils, via internet. The social networks became an amazing tool to
sponsor their candidates. This generated several discussions in society and a
complete separation of the people who supported different candidates.
Everybody was discussing who the best was.

a b

A. Write a composition about the things you do now and expect to continue doing
next year. Remember to use the future perfect progressive, and therefore, to
include the duration of the activities you will be doing in the future.

B. Write an opinion paper about any topic you are interested regarding the political
situation Colombia. Describe the situation first, in 3 lines, and then write 4 more
lines giving your opinion. Support your opinions with specific reasons, evidence,
and examples.

Extra activity

Complete the following crossword. Remember not to use capital letters.

Fuente: SENA
Down Across

1. Activity done by the politicians in

5. A person who is against advances.
order to get votes.
2. A political right that allows people 6. Form of government in which
to choose their representatives. power is in the hands of a small,
privileged, ruling class.
3. The system of fundamental
principles according to which a 8. Intervention done in the content of
nation is governed. any document by moral or politic
4. Association of individuals join
around a specific political
7. Is the period of government.
Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert Dirección de
Asesor English formación
Author Mauricio Aldana Dot Works - profesional.
Programa de Dirección
bilingüismo General

Paola Andrea Copy editor - Centro

Bobadilla Línea de Agroindustrial.
Gutiérrez producción Regional Quindío
Copy editor - Centro
Rachman Bustillo December
Línea de Agroindustrial.
Martínez 2015
producción Regional Quindío

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