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Evidencia 6: Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

GAES # 7

Dina Andrea Muñoz Noguera CC. 1216975910

Magali Vargas Cañas CC. 37863771

Julian Esteban Quiza Tenjo CC. 1000134700

Sergio Andrés Espinosa Alford CC. 1140870928

FICHA: 1966035

Tecnología en Negociación Internacional

Centro de Servicios Financieros

SENA - Regional Distrito Capital

1. Resuelva en inglés las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:

 Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?

We usually buy our cleaning products at the supermarket, when we need something

special or urgent and we don’t have at home, we often buy those things at the groceries

store in our neighbourhood.

 Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?

Yes, We consider ourselft as a tidy and clean people. Our parents have always teached

us that the order and the cleaning are an important part in our lifes. That's why we like to

organaze our homes and the places we work, moreless because if we have a clean

enviroment, it makes us feel healthy mental and physically.

 Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?

We feel satisfied with the cleaning products, because most of them fulfill what they

promise in their advertising campaigns.

 What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?

We would like to improve shampoo for women and shaving procuts for men. We think

shampoo doesn't have durability in the aroma and sometimes they change hair color. Men

think shaving products ofen makes their skin look irritated and in some cases they cause

redness and itching.

 Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones

Gillette, Dove, Nivea, Johnson&Johnson, P&G

 Which are the most important aspects to be taken into account to choose a

cleaning product brand?

We think the most important aspects are the products's effectiveness and fulfill what

they promise, they have to protect the body parts where they are going to be used and also

they adapt to our economic budget.

 Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines the

reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.

Buying Colombian organic coffee, you support more than 33,000 families who strive

every day to produce an incomparable organic coffee, it provides antioxidants, vitamins and

many more benefits, this coffee is free of chemicals and fertilizers and this makes it more

fresh and delicious coffee. Shaded coffee contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas

emissions, harmful to the planet's health, leading to climate change.

In addition to the above, you help conserve the environment. Coffee crops allow to

conserve ecosystems and biodiversity.

And the last and most important reason is, that sometimes all we need to complement

our happiness having a cup of good coffee to go on with life and smile. The place, the

company or the way of drinking it will be our choice, but undoubtedly a coffee does not

hurt anyone.

2. Describa en inglés el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el producto o

Servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.

The chosen market is the German one, in previous studies this was the country that

obtained the most of the points in the market selection weighting. The market segment we

are going to target is the population between 25 and 60 years old who love good coffee.
3. En base a la población descrita con anterioridad elabore una encuesta en inglés para

ser aplicada a esta población.

1. What kind of drink do you prefer to start the day?

a) Water

b) Coffee

c) Soda

2. How many cups of coffee do you consume per day?

a) 4

b) 2

c) 0

3. Do you know which country the coffee you usually consume comes from?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Does not know / Does not respond

4. Do you prefer coffee that comes from:

a) Vietnam

b) Brazil

c) Colombia

5. Which coffee do you prefer for flavor and texture

a) Sustainable Coffee ( produced by communities committed to the environment and


b) Organic coffee (grown without the use of agrochemicals)

c) Traditional coffee (that come from specific regions and that make a traditional

productive exploitation of coffee)

6. What do you consider to be more important when consuming a cup of coffee?

a) The quality

b) Mode of production

c) Origin

7. How do you rate the flavor and aroma of Colombian coffee?

a) I don't like it, I prefer others (Low)

b) It is good, but combined with others it would be better (Medium)

c) It is the best I have tried, I do not change it (High)

8. Would you rather consume a coffee of unknown origin than pay a little more for a cup of

Colombian coffee?

a) Obviously, I would pay for the quality

b) I prefer to consume any coffee

c) Maybe I will

9. How difficult is it to acquire a cup of Colombian coffee?

a) Very difficult

b) In any corner

c) Depends on the place

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