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COMUNICACION PARA EL Xl CONGRESO IMM. ZARAGOZA, JUNIO DE 2002 TASAS DE MORTALIDAD POR ACCIDENTES DE TRABAJO EN LA CONSTRUCCION DE TUNELES FATALITY RATES IN TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION: CIENCIA _Y TECNICA DE LA INGENIERIA CIVIL MANUEL ROMANA RUIZ. Dr Ingeniaro de Cominos, Conales y Puertos Catedrdtico de Ingenieria del Tereno. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, RESUMEN: Ese orticlo fue enviado, como comunicacién, ol reciente IX Congreso Mundial de Minera, celebrado en Zoragore en Junio de 2002 la comunicacén repasa los dats histércos de mortalided por occidente de robojo durante la constrccién de nal e un proceso que puede y debe sr rocionalizodo ent dos sus aspectos (empezando por los ergonémicos de seguri dod y comodidad de los operarios que lo realizan], lo que conduce simultineomente «lo consecucén de dos cbjetvos aque ton concomitanies y no pueden aleanzore por seporodo: la prolecién y delensa de la vide humana y lo abencién de beneficios econémicos © pair de una ejcucin ordenada y en plazo, Exo doble facta humana y econémico- de la soguided 10s na eri, sno un hecho avalodo por la experience potole de adninistocionescuidadosas como por emo los grandes empresoshidroeléckcas- y de muchas de los empre- $s constr pues, 1.2. Evolueién de las tasas de accidentalidad Un estudio serio y iguroso de la evolucién de ls toss de ‘occidentaided require el uso de universos estadisicos de ‘gran tomafo, para evita seigor. Los parémetrosrelevanes - Fon lo indices de hecvencia y de grovedad 'No hey restos de estos indices haste épocas muy recion- tes y ademés se puede argumentor (como se hizo en el Reino Unido durante la constuccién del Tinel bajo el Canal de la ‘Mancha) que los indices “histéicos” extn falseados por la cortimbre de no declorr todos lot accidents realmente sui dos, omtiendo los accidents ligeros que pueden solucionorse con medidas polatvas y no originan une boja laboral opre- cable, Enel marco de ese ariclo rataremos de obvior estos pro. blamas uilizando las totas de mortaldad. Enel caso del indi: ce de fecuencio de occidentes e! denominador de compar ién es el nimero de horas trabojads. Es dificil sober si son ‘comparables los indices correspondientes « tineles antiguos, con mucho personaly un escaso grado de mecanizacién, con los correspondientes @ tneles modernos, mucho més mecani- ‘20dce, Suee esimoree que lo mecanizocién fiend o reduci lo ‘ccidentalded y hay casos (como el dela diferencia de occi dons ene el lado inglés y el Francés del Tonel de lo Mancha) que parecen confimarl. Pero puede arguise que en un tine! poco meconizado hay mucho personal en labores cuxilares, 8 REVISTA DE OBRAS PUBLICAS/JULIO-AGOSTO 2002/N* 3.423 1. INTRODUCTION. 1.1. The acceptance of risks in Tunnels Tunnels were traditionally considered os hazardous by rroture and thot it was inevitable that fatal accidents would ‘occur during its construction. While many fatol accidents have indeed occured during tunnel constuction, wha! may start out at an acceptance of a quosistatisical fact can well develop ino. fotalisic tolerance of tunnel hazards. This is on unacceptable otitude. Tunnel construction is a process which can ond should be rationalized in all aspects of the same [strting from sofety ergonomics and worker comfort, in order to meet two concomitant objectives which ‘re not mutually exclusive: the protection and defence of ‘human life and the goining of financial profit on the basis of ‘orderly werk within established time limits This twin safely focet ~human and economic- is not merely a theory but iso fact backed by Spanish experience of caring owners, as is the cose of the large hydroelectric companies ond many of he leading construction companies. 1.2, Development of accident rates A serious ond rigorous sy ofthe evolution of accident ‘oles requires the use of large seal statistic dota in order fo preven! bias. The mos! relevant parameters would be the Frequency ond gravity indexes of these cccidonts 'No records of these accident indexes have been kept ni comparatively recently ond it may also be argued as ‘wos the case inthe Greo! Brion during the consrucin of the Chomel Tunnel) tht “historic” rates were fase due fo the general failure fo record all the occidens tha! realy occurred and fo omit slight accidents which could be solved by stopgap meosures and which did not lead fo lengthy layof This poper shall temp! o offs! these problems by using the foraltyrotes. The number of work hours is token os the comparative denominator in term of the accident frequency indo. is dificult know wheter its possible to compare the indexes of eld tunnal, bul by huge workforces and with 2 very imied degree of mechonizaton, wit tha! ofthe for tore mechonized moder tunnels. Is normaly considered that mechanization fends to reduce the accident rote and there ore cases (os may be seen inthe diference between the Engh and French sides ofthe Channel Tunnel) which 420m fo confirm this, However, i may also be argued tha in @ Wnnel with linle mechanization, @ large part of the workforce are engoged in auxiliary work and are no! exposed fo reo! hazords. Ths then diminishes the sttisicol volve of the indexes which should reflect the degree of dongor of the werkforce direcly involved in the constuction and, therefore, it woud be necessary fo ignore the auxiliary TASAS DE MORTALIDAD POR ACCIDENTES DE TRAGAJO RN LA CONSTRUCCION BE TONELIS/FATALITY RATES IN TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION no expuesto a un peligro rel, y all disminuye el vo lor estadisico de los indies que deberion refejr e! grado de peligro del personal dicectomente implco- do en la consiuecién, lo que exigica prescindir del personel auxliar, e incluso del personal ancilar, ‘bvndonte en ls tineles condrvidos antes del tercer tercio del siglo XX Puesto que carezco de dots estodlsicos de los tineles antiguos y tampoco estoy seguro de que, 81 cxisiesen, serion dfs pore anclizar lo evolucién de lo eccidentaidad, voy alimitorme © comporar varios tineles otendiendo ol nimero de mueres por kléme- tro do tine, que denominarétosos de mortalided. Se oblendrén asi cihas esimativas, no etadisicas, que pueden ser dies para estdior Ia evolucién durante los timos 150 of, 1.3. Las catistrofes Segin el Diccionoro de la Reol Academia una cotdsofe 5 un “sueesoinfouste, que olera gravemente el orden de los cosos" (1° ecopein}, pero lambién puede ser “cosa dela mo- lo colided © que resulta mal, produce mola impresién, en mal hecho .." (28 acepcién). De manera que uno cotésrote 5.0 la ver un suceso desgrociado y/o olgo mel rgonizade. En os tineles se hon producido catistofes con pérdida de v- ds humanas. Algunas se resefon, como ejemplo, @ continuc- ‘A mediados del siglo XX, en una fecha que no he podido precsor, murieron 63 rabojadores durante lo excavacin de! tinel de HAVERSTEIM en Suiza, por sofococi, No se habio prevslo que la temperatura cumenta de forma progresiva con la profundided y que, « partir de certs limites, es preciso uf lizor medios especiicos ventlacién, aspersién de agoo, ref gerocién..} porarebojara. A partir del desose del tnel de HAVENSTEIM el hecho se vo en cuenlo, prviniéndo y en- friando orificicimente el cre de! tnel. l record de temperoh- ro regisrodo fue de 55*C en el I= Kine dl SIMPLON (1898 1906) « 2.200 m de profundided. Lo legislacionae- tual sviza ha estblecido en 30? C el limite de tem perature paro cualquier rabojo en un Kine en cons trucién 0 en explotacién £1 24 de Febrero de 1908 un al de nieve en la zona de GOPPENSTEIN orrosé una residencio de cobra del tinel do LOTSCHBERG. El edficio fue “le- veanlodo en vil y ansportodoladera abajo". Muro. ron 12 de las 13 personas que estaban comiendo coro a la moniaia (so se sols uno de ello geniere Syive} mientras que ls 17 que estban sen- todos mirando hacia el vlle no perecieron. 1 olud podria habe sido previ. Ls lugorefes habion he- cho notar que la zona donde se constuyé la reside ia era devasade heeventemente por oles Un estudio serio y riguroso de la evolucién de las tasas de accident requiere el uso de universos estadisticos de gran tamaiio, para evitar sesgos. Los pardmetros relevantes serian los indices de frecuencia y de gravedad A serious and rigorous study of the evolution of accident rates requires the use of large scale statistic data in order to prevent bias. The most relevant parameters would be the frequency and ravity indexes of these accidents lidad ‘ond support personnel which were s0 obundont in tunnels built prior tothe last third of he 20* century. As I lack the statistical dato regarding old tunnels and even in the case that these were ‘vailable | doubt whether they would be of use to ‘onalyze the development of accidents, I shall limit this study to comporing various tunnels in cccordance wih the number of fotaliies per km of tunnel and which I shal refer to os the foal rote This will then provide approximate rather than stotstical figures which may be of some use in the study of his development over the last 150 years. 1.3. Catastrophes The Spanish dictionary (Diccionario de la Real Academia} defines 0 catastrophe os an “unfortunate event producing a subversion ofthe order of things” but also goes fon fo provide a further acceptance, rather similar to the English definition of “disaster*, when referring to its hyperbolic usage to define “a thing of poor qually or one which appears poor, produces @ poor impression or is badly made". According to the Spanish definition of the term, 0 catastrophe can then be considered as an unfortunate event ‘and/or something which has been poorly organized. CCotastrophes have occured in tunnels with serious loss of ‘human life. Some of these incidents are detailed below by way of example, Inthe mid-1* cantury 63 workers died by suffocation during the construction of the Hauerstein tunnel in Switzerland. No account had bean made for the progressive ‘increase in temperature with depth, which afer certain levels has to be reduced by means of special aids (ventilation, sprinklers, cooling, etc). Ths Factor was subsequently token into account after the Hauerstein tunnel disoster, by ‘employing preventative measures ond artificially cooling the tunnel cir. The highest fomperoture ever recorded in a tunnel was that of 55* C oto dapth of 2,200 m in the first Simplon tunnel (1898-1906). Current Swiss legislation has established a 30°C temperature limit for ony tunnel under construction or in operation. (On 24 February 1908 on snow avelonche in the Goppenttein orea swopt away o site residence during the lotsehberg tunnel construction. The building wos “raised off the ground and swept downhill”. 12 of the 13 people who were eating facing the mountain side were killed (only one of them, the engineer Syvo, survived) while none of the other 17 who were sot facing the valley were Killed. This evolanche could have been predicled os the locals had reported tha! the area where the site hut had been built was frequently subject to ovalonches. REVISTA DE OBRAS PUBLICAS/JULIO-AGOSTO 2002/N° 3.423 9 £1.23 de julio de 1908 se levaban excovades 2650 m en 1 Kinel de LOTSCHBERG y se crvzaba al valle de GASTEREN 2172 m de profundded bojo el lecho del io KANDER. A las 3.2m. del dia 24 de julio se produjo una violent irypcién en

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