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CD3 Peralta Bedregal Jefrey Manuel


Society suddenly changed in a matter of days, a virus appeared in the East, and only
knew about it through news. We went on a military course in Arequipa without thinking
that it was beginning our isolation, we gradually learned through the news how this
virus was spreading, the place that received us gave us small recommendations on how
to avoid contagion, but we did not give it much importance since we considered it as a
disease that was only from China and that would only stay in China , but any change
when this virus started to appear in different parts of the world, we were already
concluding the course, when the first infected arrived in Peru, we did not know what
would happen, and day after day the number of infected was increasing, the next
weekend we would leave but the news came that we all knew would come but that no
one expected to hear it , the general appeared through the door of the hall of directors
and made us form in front of him, the news came: The battalion of cadets was entering
quarantine period, we were already preparing and the civilians did not yet know it, the
general statement was issued to all FAP staff and approached as soon as possible, the
quarantine period for the country would begin , a whole week of preparations for the
president to declare at the national level that the country would enter a quarantine period
thus avoiding the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the idea was great and should bring
about that change that the country needed but as always, we cannot count on the support
of society, recklessness and lack of discipline in civilians caused the number of infected
people in the country to increase exponentially. We tried to do everything we can, but if
we didn't work together, we couldn't get anywhere, we still waited here for the cure and
back to the routine we were safe in before and we didn't know it

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