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Understand the problem

Collect VOC
Classify VOC - Affinity Diagram
Prioritize VOC - Kano Model + ISO 13053:2

VOC to CTQ drill down tree

At this stage the project CTQ is decided…
Upon consultation with the management, sponsor, the process owner etc… depe
Team is selected….

Defining the problem Understanding the process

Project Charter SIPOC

Triple Constraints --- The reasons why projects fail


Work Package…. Task level activity

*** Post approval during the toll gate review…. We start the measure phase

*******************************Measure Phase*********************
Y is already known….. Y = X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
1. Find out what are the possible causes?

Fishbone Diagram / Ishikawa Diagram / Cause & Effect Diagram

Stat>Quality Tools>Cause and Effect
Man MachineMethodMeasuremeMaterial Mother Nature

Sample Size Calculation Sampling Methodology

3 Data Collection Plan & Collect Reliable Data

***************Basic Statistics****************

Data Types

Continuous (Variable) Measurement Unit

Best quality data…..

Discrete (Attribute)
Binary Male/Female, Y/N, T/F
Ordinal Ranking / Rating….
Nominal Reebok, Puma, Nike, A

Data Analysis

Central Tendency of The Data

Average (Mean) Normal Data

2 35
5 5
7 Average 7

N + 1 /2

Normal - Mean
Non Normal - Median P value is < 0.05 --- N
P value is = > 0.05 ----

Stat>Basic Statistics>N
Stat>Basic Statistics>G

Mode 2 5 7 9 12 18 No Mode
2527902 2 is mode
2527508 2,5 Mode

Variation / Spread / Distribution

Range Max - Min

Variance Squared average distance of each data point from mean

Standard Deviation Average distance of each data point from mean

Distance from mean

2 7 -5 25
5 7 -2 4
7 7 0 0
9 7 2 4
12 7 5 25

7 0 58
Stat Sample n-1 14.5


Quartiles Median based graphical plots

Box Plot - Box & Whiskers Plot

38 16.25 Quartile 1
16 26.5 Quartile 2
21 26.5 Median
47 34.75 Quartile 3
48 10 Minimum
15 48 Maximum
12 18.5 IQR
35 62.5 Upper Limit Outlier
34 -11.5 Lower Limit Outlier
Sampling Methodology
Sample Size Calculation

50 Runs --- 5 overs ----- Run Rate 10

20 Overs
Infrential Statistics Population


Confidence Interval

Central Limit Theorem

30 Data points….. Population data
50 Data points to be on a safer …..

15 Min
Sample Av

`+/- 5 250 64
`+/- 4 345 99
`+/- 3 580 174
`+/- 2 790 387
`+/- 1 1500 1540

Measurement System Analysis

Observed Value

NO equipment in the world can give you exactly accurate reading al

No person who will always consistently give accurate measurements

Measurement System = Equipment + Operator

When you wish to analyze the variation (error) caused by measurement sys

How much is it…. ?

Decide whether it is okay with you or not?
96.471 Equipment Error ---- Repeatability (Test Retest Method)
97.278 Use same equipment, same part and same operator… multiple readings …
95.836 Operator Error --- Reproducability
99.6 Use same equipment, same part but different operators…. Multiple reading
Continuous ----- Gage R & R ANOVA
Gage Repeatability & Repoducability Analysis of Variance
Min of 30 data points for this analysis
Repeatability…. Need min 2 repetition
Reproducability…. Need min 2 operator

Total Gage R & R % Study Variation -----

< 10 % Excellent measurement system
10 - 30% Management Decision
>30% Reject
Attribute -- Attribute Agreement Analysis (AAA)
Min 60 data points are required.

Analyze 99.70%
12 Min 14 Min 16 Min 18 Min 20 Min 22 Min 24 Min
`-3s `-2s `-1s Average 1s 2s 3s

Target 5 cm
LSL 4.5 cm Lower Specification Limit
USL 5.5 cm Upper Specification Limit

Mean 5.1 cm
Standard 0.2 cm

Yield 1 - Total Defect (DT)

Total DefecDL + DU Limitation of CP

1. You need both side limits for
DL 0.0013499 2. Only if your process is perfe
It will give you correct informa
DU 0.0227501

DT 0.0241 2.410003 24.5-25-25.5-26-26.5-27-27.5

Yield 0.9759 97.589997 Average 26

STd dev

Cpk --- Process Capability Index Cp Process Capability

USL Cp USL USL - Mean / 3 st dev

Mean Cp LSL Mean - LSL / 3 st dev
st dev
Cpk Min of the Cp USL / Cp LSL
Process Capability Index (CPK)
Z Bench / Z LT / Long Term Sigma
Z ST / Current Sigma
6 Sigma = 4.5 Sigma Long Term = 3.4 / 10^6
Stat>Quality Tools>Capability Analysis>Normal

12 19
14 13
10 14
22 18
15 12
16 22
15 21
20 20

Hypothesis ---- Assumption

Null Ho
Default Definition
Current kNowledge
Existing Truth… and hence need not be proven
***Two variables are independent of each other…… X has no relation w

Weight of the chocolate = 100 gm

There is Eifel Tower in Paris
Model is giving 50km/l mileage
500 gm…..Product

Alternative Ha
Weight of the chocolate # 500
< 500

If Null is proven wrong…..

We reject Ho and accept Ha..
We have enough evidence to reject Ho and ac

If you fail to reject Null…..

Null was proven right….. Xxx

We fail to reject Ho….

We do not have enough evidence to reject Ho
P value Probability of making an incorrect judgement

Null 95% C 5% R Risk is known Alpha Risk

Alt 96% C 4% R Null Alt

3% R 0.05 0.02
2% R 0.05 0.24
1% R P (Alt) < 0.05 ------ Alt
0% R P (Alt) = > 0.05 ---- Null
P is low … Null must go….P is high then Nu
p<0.05 --- Alt
p=>0.05 --- Null

Null---- Data is normal 0.05

Alt --- Data is non normal 0.14

Run Chart
If data is free from patterns…. Random
If data has even a single pattern…… Non Random

Cluster Mixture Oscillation & Trend

Type I
1000 900
Innocent Punished Situation

Type II
Ho Apples are good
Ha Apples are bad

We reject Ho and accept Ha…
Gender has significant impact on IT ticket closure time..
Female are doing a better job than Male.

Comparing Average
2 Groups 2+ Groups
2 Sample T 1 Way ANOVA

Relation between Numerical Y and Numer

Correlation Pearson's Correlation c
Stats>Regression>Regression>Fit Regression Model

Simple Multiple
x P value Multiple x with Y
x One x with Y P values for xs
R2 Square R2 adjusted
x Linear Equation Linear Equation

r2 explains the degree of variability x causes in Y

Interview Score 52.98% Correlation
Experience 83.26%
Gender 10.06%

Salary = 53.22 + 2.105 Interview Score + 1.754 Years of exp

53.22 2.105 4.5 1.754 5

9.4725 8.77


Sales = 50000 + 250 Adv Cost + 300 Salary + 500 Bonus - 800 Overtime

Improve Phase
Identifying possible solutions for the root causes identified
Subject Matter Expert
Analyze test results r value….
Prioritization of action plans
Cost Time Matrix (Nominal Grouping Technique)
Efforts Benefit Matrix
X & Y relationship Matrix
Risk Management Framework: FMEA
Pilot Testing
Validation of Project Success: Pilot
1 Sample T Stat>Basic Stats>1 Sa
Before & After Analysis
x Paired T Test Stat>Basic Stats>Pair
x Graphical Validation: Box Plot --- Before & After
x Before & After Control Charts
x Before & After Sigma Levels
Full Scale implementation approval…..
Control Phase
Control Plan
Last revised action plan
Last revised FMEA
Choice of control chart….who…responsibility….freque
Control Charts
Lessons learnt Documents


I-MR Sub Group =1

Individual & Moving Range Chart
Centering & Variation

X Bar R Sub Group 2-8

Mean & Range Chart
Centering & Variation

X Bar S Sub Group >8

Mean & Standard Deviation
Centering & Variation

Value Added Activity

1. Will the customer be willing to pay for this activity? I

Yes…. Value Added Activity

If I remove this activity, will change the outcome of the
Yes…… Value Added Activity
Essential Non value Added A
Non Value Added Activity
T Transportation Material/Things
I Inventory
M Motion People
W Waiting
O Over Production
O Over Processing
D Defect
S Skills (Unutilized)
ity Diagram
o Model + ISO 13053:2011
Weighted CTQ Prioritization Metrix
Viability Model
Cost Time Matrix

ocess owner etc… depending upon the type of project

tanding the process Defining the process

Process Map
As - Is Process (Current)
***Microsoft Visio***
**Gemba Walk**

t the measure phase


ng Methodology Measurement System Analysis

ement Unit Weight Kg, gm , g

Height M, cm,
Speed Km/Hr
ality data….. 70 70.12
70 70.12
angeable…. 1 hour = 60 min = 3600 sec

Male/Female, Y/N, T/F, 1/0

Ranking / Rating…. 12345 Excellent, Good, Average, Bad
Reebok, Puma, Nike, Addidas

70.12% Out of 100

Non Normal Data

2 2
5 5
7 7 54.6
9 9 Never use Average
250 12
250 Median `Position
N + 1 /2 7

P value is < 0.05 --- Non Normal - Median

P value is = > 0.05 ---- Normal --- Mean (Average)

Stat>Basic Statistics>Normality Test

Stat>Basic Statistics>Graphical Summary


h data point from mean

oint from mean

e from mean
Variance 3.8078866 Standard Deviation


Graph>Boxplot>With Groups
Add Y in First & Categorical X in Second box --- Scale>Reference Line>Add Targ

Limit Outlier Q3 + (1.5 X IQR)

Limit Outlier Q1 - (1.5 X IQR)



Descriptive Statistics Analysis Historical

18 Count
11 Average
16 Variance
18 Stdev
16 Quartiles
13 IQR
20 Median
20 Range

---------------230 90%
------------------------235 95%
---------------------------240 99%

Confidence Level

`+/- 3 Margin of Error €

`+/- 2 Margin of Error €
`+/- 1 Margin of Error €

Stat>Power and Sample Size>Sample Size For Estimation>Mean

Stat>Power and Sample Size>Sample Size For Estimation>Proportion(Bino

95 2.5
Actual Temp Measurement Error
100 -2.5
tly accurate reading all the time
ccurate measurements

d by measurement system… MSA

Equipment - Thermometer
Part -- Patient
Operator --- Doc
… multiple readings …

ors…. Multiple readings

nalysis of Variance

Stat>Quality Tools>Gage Study>GageR&R Crossed

nt system
Stat>Quality Tools>Attribute Agreement Analysis

26 Min 28 Min 30 Min 3.4 Pizza / 10^6
4s 5s 6s


ion of CP
need both side limits for CP
if your process is perfectly centered between the limits
give you correct information about your sigma level

-27-27.5 28 30 32

Average 26 Cp 4 1.3333
0.5 3


USL - Mean / 3 st dev 0.4 0.6 0.6667

Mean - LSL / 3 st dev 0.6 0.6 1

the Cp USL / Cp LSL 0.6667

dex (CPK) Within STd
g Term Sigma Cpk x 3 2
ZLT + 1.5 3.5

13 24 20 25 5.4191
16 19 10 19 3.5449
12 24 13 10 5.2313
15 16 24 18 3.4881
13 24 12 25 6.047
25 20 10 23 5.5015
19 10 25 16 5.2026
18 19 14 10 4.0208

Overall 4.8655687093338 4.8069

Within ST Dev
…… X has no relation with Y… X has no impact on Y*****

"Status Quo" =

Research Hypothesis

ence to reject Ho and accept Ha..

as proven right….. Xxx Never mention this

gh evidence to reject Ho…


known Alpha Risk 99% C 1%R Alpha Risk 1%

P value

< 0.05 ------ Alt

= > 0.05 ---- Null
go….P is high then Null must fly
p<0.01 --- Alt
p=>0.01 --- Null
P value
0.05 p = > 0.05 ---- Null --- Normal
0.004 p<0.05 --- Alt --- Non Normal

Stat>Quality Tools>Run Chart

n Random

p < 0.05 ----- Non Random… Alt

p = > 0.05 === Null --- Data is random


10 2 Ho
1000 200 Ha
Manufacturer's Risk
990 54
1000 56

Consumer Paid… Consumer Risk

Ha… >>>Ho Guilty Released


Stats>Basic Stats>2 Sample T

Stats>ANOVA>One Way

umerical Y and Numerical X Stats>Basic Stats>Correlation

Pearson's Correlation coefficient r

0 - 0.3 No relation
0.31 - 0.75 Weak Relation
e x with Y x > 0.75 Strong


uses in Y

Correlation r r2
0.728 0.529984


s - 800 Overtime


r value…. 2 Sample T ANOVA

uping Technique)

Low S1 S2
Efforts High S4 S3
Low High
Stat>Basic Stats>1 Sample T

Stat>Basic Stats>Paired T Test

t --- Before & After Graph>Box Plot>Multiple Y
Assistant>Before & After Control Charts
Assistant> Before & After Capability Analysis



Fixed/Constant Variable
Defect C Chart U Chart
Defective Np Chart P Chart

Marker 1 Marker 2 Marker

Cap Y Y Y
Leakage Y Y N
Printing Y Y N

15 Days

o pay for this activity? Is this imp for the customer?

nge the outcome of the process?

(Transforming the product/service)

al Non value Added Activity

alue Added Activity Pure Waste

Kai zen
Kai Change
Zen For Good
Additonal Tools
Communication Plan
Failure Mode & Effect Analysis
Reference Line>Add Target Value



R&R Crossed
Pp Process Performance



Process Performance Index
Over stdev

Within ST Dev

Alpha Risk 1%
Shoes are good
Shoes are bad


`+/- represents nature of relation

BCP Business Continuity Plan
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan

Counting error/Defects

Marker 4 Marker 5

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