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What line of work are you in?

What hobbies and interest do you do in

your spare time?
Are you an only child?
What part of Juniata County are you from?
What school do you go to?
What are you majoring in at college?
What do you think of the weather we’ve
had lately?
How about those Steelers?

What do you like most about attending East

What bugs you most about your family?
What are your feelings about President
What are your religious beliefs?

I noticed you have a beautiful smile. You

should show it more often
That sweater really brings out the blue in
your eyes.
Your laugh is contagious. I find myself
wanting to hear more of your stories.
You have a way with stories. I find myself
hanging on every word.
You are so flirty. I see I’m going to have to
watch my heart with you.
Love your new look! It really brings out
your best features.

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